Into the temporary teacher, Ding Yu did not pay too much attention to the following students! Put the document on the front desk!

In terms of their age, many of them are even older than themselves, but the one who reaches the top is the first. Besides, Ding Yu is not "teacher Ding. Is this also related to age?"

"Yes! The birth of an ancient baby is a struggle with heaven! Because we have to face infection! The lack of medical treatment and other aspects, even if the emperor's children, also dare not say that 100% can grow up, even a simple cold, may also kill, let alone mention cholera! Scarlet fever or tuberculosis and so on! In the ancient living environment, everything is not as beautiful as imagined, so return to the previous topic, long life, this is an extravagant hope! It is not to say that there are no such people, there are extremely few such cases, but there are really very few of them! "

"When it comes to cancer, why are there so few references to cancer? Because no one can live to that age. At the age when you are not suffering from this disease, it may be that other diseases have left the world, but in modern times, the situation is quite different! "

Then Ding Yu hit the table with his hand again!

"You have different positions, but you can do physical examination twice a year. Those who are more concerned about this aspect will have their own private doctors, and even after they have reached a certain position, there will be health doctors and so on! In this, I would like to raise a question for your reference. It has nothing to do with others. The question is, what impact does modern diet have on our body? "

People looked at each other, and then someone raised their hands. After obtaining the consent of Ding Yu, they began to speak!

"Mr. Ding, there are more and more diseases of wealth and honor in modern times. In ancient times, these belonged to high-ranking officials and nobles, because they were a special class. But the modern living conditions and standards are really great! Therefore, the problem of common people getting rich and noble diseases is becoming more and more serious. They do not pay attention to adjust their own dietary standards, or lack of appropriate guidance! "

"The so-called living conditions are good! It refers to the things after entering the new century. After the founding of our country, we have been working hard all the time. Only when we have eliminated the problem of hunger which has plagued our whole nation for thousands of years, only new China can really do it! If there is no country! No party! Without the people, it's impossible! In ancient feudal dynasties, did they have a wise and holy emperor? yes , we have! But they can't do it! There are limitations of the times, of course, there are other reasons, but this problem, in our new China, no longer exists! "

After seeing someone raise their hands, Ding Yu nodded and agreed!

The comrades in the jacket said solemnly! "After we have basically eliminated the problem of hunger, our living standards have improved! Chicken, duck and fish! Fruits and vegetables and so on, greatly enriched our table, the common people have never eaten so well, and have never eaten so well, so they can't control themselves a little bit! "

"Zhengjie, I can't control myself! For a better life, we all yearn for, but enough is enough. On this issue, I hope to attract everyone's attention. Is the big fish and meat delicious? yummy! I'm sure you've all tasted, or even more advanced, diets that I've tried with you, but by health standards, a meal like this can shorten your life span by hours or days! "

"Director, why is this happening?" Someone is very eager to ask!

"Are those things nutritious? There is nutrition, but nutrition is too much, your body can't digest, someone said, can't digest, then store it! But the question is this storage? You didn't make good use of it. Because of the work and other reasons, you didn't keep very good exercise. Even if it was exercise, you were not up to the standard, and even over exercise would occur! "

"Is there anyone who questions what I eat every day?"

After saying this, the public was also in an uproar, and even the situation of laughter appeared!

"There's nothing unexpected, nothing shady. What I eat? It's very common. I believe you've all eaten a special food here. It's fork. I like it better. It's a special food here. It's made of coarse grain and some seafood. But if you don't have a good appetite, I don't recommend it! "

Then Ding Yu simply mentioned his own diet!

"In this, I need to make it clear that my eating habits do not apply to you, because I can control myself, but on this point, you can't do it, even in this world, most people can't do it!"

At the same time, there are some exclamations!

"Eat more roughage and vegetables! Fruits, eating some sea fish and so on, are quite good for you. Rice and rice are not bad, but we should adjust measures to local conditions. The human body is a system. Once there is a problem in one aspect, it needs to be solved in time. If it can not be solved, it will cause big problems and even lead to death! "Staring at everyone's expression, Ding Yu then said!

"So we have the next question, what are the similarities between our countries and people?"

As soon as this question comes out, everyone's spirit will be shocked! It is obvious that the previous words are extension, now these are where dry goods are, so everyone's spirit first came up!

"All of our Chinese people make up this country. It's like a person. Countless cells make up a person. What's wrong with a person? It may be headache, headache, and miscellaneous diseases! Maybe a simple problem will kill a person. What about a country? If there is a problem in a certain link, what kind of impact will it have on the whole country? And you? They are part of the country, and even in the future, they will become an important part! Have you ever thought about this problem? Let's talk about it! Speak freely

"Miss Ding!" After seeing Ding Yu nodding, this one also slowly opened his mouth, "my personal idea is communication, not taboo! Do not taboo, also maintain a healthy state of mind

"It's easy to say, but there are few people who can let go of their mentality when they really do it!"

Ding Yu is merciless! "Many people are not seriously ill during the treatment? To some extent, they were scared to death by themselves! The mental burden is very heavy! Of course, there are quite a number of people who feel that there is no problem with their body, it is just a small problem, just resist a resistance can! I don't care too much! "

"On the other hand, we should deal with the whole country. We think the country is so big. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, it's a bit cheap! If something goes wrong, it's not a big deal. If I have a problem alone, can we still make the whole country have problems? "

"The so-called small disease treatment, serious disease treatment, but a lot of serious disease, are the framework of small disease, I believe many people understand this truth, but why repeated prohibition?"

"Mr. Ding, my personal feeling is that I don't have a correct understanding, and there is a fluke psychology at the same time!"

"What about personal feedback? What kind of psychology will everyone have after getting sick? Is it also a fluke? When there is no result, pray for the blessing of the God and Buddha, but what happens after something happens? It's very important for you to solve these problems when you don't have a good time to solve them

"Of course, if someone has different opinions, whether oral or in the form of a paper, we can discuss with each other and express their own opinions. We all hope that the country can be strong! Can be strong, but this is not the credit of one person and two people, but the efforts of all people! "

Ding Yu soon ended the first topic! It doesn't mean to go too deep! I just take a look at the reaction of these students. After getting what they want, there is no need to continue to study it!

"Next, let's talk about the second question, about the farm. We have also inspected the farm for a period of time. We should have a certain understanding of the farm, what we have seen, and don't say anything false and empty. It's meaningless to listen to it!"

People looked at each other, and soon someone raised their hands. Now is the best time to show their ability. If we don't leave a deep impression on the director at this time, when should we perform?

"Director, what I pay attention to is the application of modern network in the farm! They all say that agricultural modernization, but to what extent, we do not have too much impression, what machinery! Greenhouse, or soilless cultivation, or drip irrigation and so on, for these, we do not have any intuitive impression! There is very little contact! "

Slightly relieved, this continued to say! "But on the farm side, we can query these things intuitively through the Internet, and everything is put in front of us, from the choice of seeds! Planting seedlings! Cultivation, to the next planting, and so on. If anyone doubts this, then everything will be directly displayed in front of you. I even saw remote planting and breeding! "

"Let me explain to you that remote control farming is a new development of the farm! It's also an attempt! It is mainly aimed at a new commercial breeding mode that can't be cultivated in big cities. It can select seeds, plant plants, and raise animals, etc! The farm is responsible for farming. Of course, it will charge quite a fee. As for how to deal with it after planting and breeding is completed, it is completely up to you to respect your personal opinions. You can send it to the farm, take it by yourself, or even sell it to the farm and so on. "

After hearing this, they were also very curious!

"What's your choice?"

"As far as I know, quite a number of people come to collect it by themselves, and quite a few people send it to the farm. In the eyes of many people, this is also their" labor achievement ". In fact, it is more suitable than the sales in the market."People's hearts are also a burst of surprise, there is such a way, really eye opening! They're all playing tricks!

Ding Yu is lecturing here, but the capital is not as quiet as you can imagine!

Because Ding Yu died in person! His personal end is not to say that he did not have any methods and means, but to say that he started a considerable action, a class, maybe Ding Yu will eliminate more people, only suitable for himself, is the best, not suitable for himself, to leave them there, there is not much significance!

But how many people are suitable for Ding Yu? It's really not good to say, and from everyone's understanding of Ding Yu, this guy is really different, and everyone can't grasp his context!

If placed on other people's body, I am afraid it has already been studied thoroughly! But the problem is that Ding Yu didn't! So many people study him, from home to abroad, countless, but really understand Ding Yu? It's not at all, OK? Otherwise, how could they still have no way to take Ding Yu!

These domestic bigwigs are also hysterical about Ding Yu's research. They start from the aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation. However, they are of no use. At least the rules applied to ordinary people do not play a very important role in Ding Yu's body!

It is also because of this reason, so we in the selection of materials, we do not know what kind of way to take! In everyone's opinion, they are quite talented people, and Ding Yu also recognized this, but in this way, there is no initiative at all. All the things are controlled in Ding Yu's hands!

Placed on any side of the body, there are so some can not bear!

But after we think about it, we can only spread out our hands! Because this really doesn't mean that you can solve it if you want to! it's too hard!

What's more important is the problem in front of you. Ding Yu chooses to give you a lesson, that is to say, the real elimination begins! There will be a considerable number of people can not receive Ding Yu's education and training! This is a big problem!

It is true that we are not satisfied with Ding Yu, and even hate it. However, no one can say why, especially about the cultivation of children, such as winter camp and summer camp. Who has no children? Who doesn't want to send their children over!

It doesn't matter how much money you spend, but it's worth it! And it's a real heart!

Different from other summer and winter camps, Ding Yu's is not aimed at the social aspect, even the very small group. It is not that Ding Yu dislikes the poor and loves the rich. It has nothing to do with it. It is mainly too much trouble and is not liked by Ding Yu at all. Therefore, to a certain extent, it restricts quite a number of people!

But the more so, the more people want to get in! For your kids, right? Even if it is to pay a little something, but what is the result? The effect is not as big as you think. Who can argue with? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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