Wang Jianguo is also sitting in the classroom, looking at Ding Yu. He is also a little surprised. He never knew that Ding Yu had such attainments. He had been getting along with him for many years. He never had too many impressions in this respect. Now, do you remember meeting in Beijing? He seems to be learning.

He is not in the list of learning, so there will not be any elimination situation!

This is the envy of all other people, and there is no place to redress the injustice?

Wang Jianguo didn't bring many people, but one of them was the envy of all. It's true that these heavenly kings had no contact with Ding Yu, but who didn't know that the relationship between Wang Jianguo and Ding Yu was about to wear a pair of pants, right? How can you hide from these "human spirits"?

But even if it is, no one will mention half a word. Director Ding has such a right. People can be willful, but others will try this way? Director Ding will let you know what is full face peach blossom!

Wang Jianguo sat next to a comrade, the heart of the record, do not dare to have any pause and relaxation!

Are you kidding? What are the identities of these comrades? They have basically inquired about them these two days! good heavens! This time, it really hit the luck, that is, thanks to Secretary Wang, otherwise, how could there be such a chance!

Fortunately, this thing is going on quietly, but even so, there are already some fried pots in the province and the city! Who could have thought that the new secretary Wang should have such a face? It is true that many people have already known that he seems to have a considerable relationship with Ding Yu, but who can say something clearly, right?

But this time all the people who come here are really eye openers! Although the visitors try to keep a low profile, but Ding Yu is in this land, even if they don't want to attract any so-called attention, but this is a small county, OK?

In the province and the city, try to appease the people brought by Secretary Wang! Keep them low profile! Pragmatic! It is absolutely impossible to hold up one's own tail. If anyone has the idea of this aspect, he will be killed and dragged away by a stick. I don't know how many people are waiting outside! Don't really feel like you're crazy! There are people who want to replace them!

Look at the time on the watch! Ding Yu hit the table with his hand, interrupting everyone's thinking! "Take a rest of 20 minutes and let's have a free time!"

When Wang Jianguo came back from washing his hands, he looked at Ding Yu standing outside. Ding Yu took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, handed one to Wang Jianguo, and took one for himself. As for the rest, he gave it to other people in the smoking room!

There are a little more people in the smoking room! However, we are still quite interested in Ding Yuding's cigarettes!

"The management of the farm is a little strict. Except for smoking rooms and dormitories, there are really few smoking places! Our old guns are suffocated Wang Jianguo talks with Ding Yu in a low voice. It seems that there is a considerable distance between other people and Ding Yu. But on this issue, Wang Jianguo has no obstacles!

"I'm limited, OK?" Ding Yu is very dissatisfied with a glance back, "I am also in this acre of land above, naturally also need to be under the jurisdiction, otherwise the farm here will not be able to work, will be disorderly!"

"But when I came here, I still felt a lot!"

"No kidding, will you?" Ding Yu's tone was still a little blunt, "Hai Hai Hai called me yesterday to take care of you. He said he had been waiting for such a chance for a long time! But there has never been any chance! "

"Hi! When you go back, you must clean him up! It's a little too arrogant! "

These are two people's more private relations of a kind of embodiment! Other people want to talk to Ding Yu like this, but they can't do it. One is because Ding Yu won't give such a chance. Is there another reason? Director Ding Yuding is still in the state of assessment and hastily approaches the past. Who knows what will happen?

"Provincial and municipal leaders are very concerned about this training!"

Ding Yu said, "but when I deal with the province, it's not so much." Before finishing speaking, Ding Yu's mobile phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu's eyebrows picked up slightly! Then he put out the cigarette in his hand! Wang Jianguo slightly nodded his head! Then out of the smoking room!

Wang Jianguo does not have any dissatisfaction with this, can call Ding Yu at this time, by no means common! Don't disturb yourself! Two people chat these a few words, already let some people's eyes have so some red!

If we want to stimulate again, who knows whether they will be hot blooded?

"Secretary Wang?" Next to the people to take advantage of the opportunity to stand over, Wang Jianguo has a considerable distance! I still have half a pack of cigarettes in my hand. I have a cigarette in the smoking room. I have a little surplus!

Looking at his appearance, Wang Jianguo laughed, "how do you feel? It's my first time to listen to director Ding's class, and I'm quite shocked. No matter whether I've verified some materials or not, I don't think everyone has this knowledge! ""My heart is filled with emotion and knowledge! Knowledge is the only way to have knowledge and insight. Compared with director Ding, I feel like I'm going to lose my dignity! " It's a little flattering to Ding Yu, but it's not taboo to say such a thing to Wang Jianguo. It's even possible to win over the relationship between them!

I'm from the capital city. I've heard of Wang Jianguo's name, but I don't have much friendship with Wang Jianguo. The main reason is that there are some cross belt situations between them. However, we can still talk about some relationships!

"Good performance, there is always a good chance!"

Wang Jianguo doesn't mind saying a few more words. Besides, Ding Yu has just been with him. Can't the attitude shown in it explain everything? There is no need to have too many words between two people! Everything is in tacit understanding! So Wang Jianguo has a certain attitude towards the one who is close to us!

"Secretary Wang, we all have our own research topics, but not so many can be approved! Therefore, there are still some little worries and nervousness in my heart

"Can understand!" Wang Jianguo looked at the cigarette that was about to burn out, and pressed it in the ashtray. He shook his head for the cigarette that was handed over again. A cigarette was already OK! Don't be too greedy!

"Director Ding is more serious about some things. In fact, he is very good at speaking! Work hard? It's not that director Ding can see it, but in himself? It's very important to learn something. What's more, it's to find out whether there's something suitable for you! "

When he said the last sentence, Wang Jianguo couldn't help laughing. Quite a few people came close to him, and he didn't mind that they all listened to it! "Find what suits you, this time it's not in vain!"

In Wang Jianguo's opinion, some of them want to steal chickens and forget their real purpose!

I hope they can wake up. After all, those who are still left are definitely intelligent people, and they are still among the elite. If they deviate, they will be so sorry! In the case of what I can do, I can help or help more! It's a friendship to stay!

I have raised them, but I don't know whether they can work or not!

Come out from the smoking room, we go back to the classroom, Ding Yu is a new start to tell!

The time of the two classes was almost the same, but before the end of the class, Ding Yu called two people's names!

"Mu Qing, sun Shicheng, you two comrades, stay here! Other comrades are over! "

When the crowd looked at them, their eyes were more or less complicated. Director Ding left the two of them, but they didn't know what it meant to be expelled? Or is it? Everyone's imagination is in full swing!

However, when the crowd left, Ding Yu nodded to Wang Jianguo! Sign him to stay!

"I have read the reports written by the two of you. The research on economic aspects is more profound and has your own unique opinions." Ding Yu's words are clear and clear without any cover up!

The two people did not look happy, but from their movements, we can still see how excited they are. Wang Jianguo stood beside him and saw it clearly! But I don't need to mention it myself!

"Director, it's your..."

Ding Yu waved his hand, "there are not so many statements. I have read your report! There are not too many questions about the general direction, but the details are not so clear. I have invited two experts. I hope you can seize this opportunity in three days

"Yes! Director At the beginning, two people still have some concealment, but now the excited expression is beyond words!

"Well! Yes, it's something to be happy about. Do you have a future and hope? Such a thing is not happy, but also sad, not very good! But here I need to tell you in advance, do economic and financial work, need is bold and careful, can not have any careless! At the same time, there can be no fluke

Without waiting for them to speak, Ding Yu waved, then gathered his things and left with Wang Jianguo!

"You've got a crush on both of them?" After a considerable distance, Wang Jianguo said aloud!

His voice was very low, because he was not sure whether anyone would hear any other news, and he was a little uncertain. What did Ding Yu mean by leaving himself behind!

"They have a very keen eye. They should do some financial and economic work. I'm afraid someone will call you later!" After that, he laughed at Wang Jianguo! "I don't know if the two of them can stick to it. It's too easy to be contaminated by other aspects in economic and financial work! It's easy to make mistakes! "

"Are you worried about that?""After all, they are still young. Since they come here, they still need some training. But this kind of training is a long-term work. It does not mean that I can solve the problem by giving two classes! You know that, too

"And you're using me as a raft, aren't you?" When he spoke, Wang Jianguo's hand had been put on Ding Yu's neck. It was obvious that he was ready to give Ding Yu some good looks. He even dared to treat himself like this!

Ding Yu didn't mean to beg for mercy at all. "When you came here, there was no movement at all. It's not appropriate. I've seen the people who came here! It is relatively stable, but in terms of comprehensive quality, we can still see some gap with those from the capital! There is no way to deny that! "

Said very frankly, also did not have what conceals the meaning! Of course, Wang Jianguo knows that Ding Yu doesn't mean to avoid himself, which also shows that he is more interested in this matter. If he doesn't care about it, he doesn't need to say such words to himself at all. Just perfunctorily pass it on!

"Wait a minute, I'll make two phone calls! But what do you say about supper? I'm really hungry! "

"Let your men come with you! Anyway, they are not the same with those who come to Beijing. I even treat them differently! They won't talk about it! "

The so-called will not have any mention, another layer of meaning? Wang Jianguo can understand the words even if they don't dare to mention it! So the arm is deliberately forced! Why did Ding Yu do this? Do you need to explain too much? This is to help him stand firm!

With Ding Yu and the farm behind, it's easy to start one's own work in the province, and there will be no other constraints. This friendship is definitely not clear in a word or two!

Ding Yu went back to his office, and Wang Jianguo called out the person he had brought!

"Xiao Gao, go and buy something. I'll go to director Ding's office later. I don't want any drinks!"

What Gao Zhenmin couldn't help but was shocked. He didn't even go to pick up Wang Jianguo's money, so he ran away directly. Thanks to Secretary Wang's being able to come here, Secretary Wang has brought them in close contact with director Ding Yuding. My God, under such circumstances, will Secretary Wang give money? Is your head really in the water?

Wang Jianguo looks at Gao Zhenmin running away, no way out! I haven't finished my words yet? Can only be oneself to call to inform other people! They all went back! Although not too far away, but back and forth running, there are still some problems!

When the phone rings, Wang Jianguo looks at the caller ID, and his mouth is slightly cocked up. The speed is fast enough. It seems that the big men behind MuQing and sun Shicheng can't sit still! At this time, they called to inquire about their own situation, after all, they had been around before! And the relationship between himself and Ding Yu is the best!

Fortunately, he had already communicated with Ding Yu, so he didn't worry about other aspects!

If there was no such communication, he would guess that Ding Yu would not be angry, but he would always leave a bad impression. Why? Right? There's no need!

"Xiao Wang, I heard you were with director Ding?" In such a straightforward opening, Wang Jianguo was "flattered" because the person who called was really not an ordinary big man!

"Uncle Chen, Ding Yu and I are just fooling around, but his lectures are really good. I'm very touched by them!"

"I've just heard Mu Qing say something, but his expression is not so rigorous. I don't understand the situation there. It's not easy for director Ding to make this call rashly. How about Jiang? I've already contacted! His work is more busy, I am more anxious, so I call here rashly! "

"Uncle Chen, you are very kind! Director Ding Yu felt that the two of them had certain opinions on economy and finance, so he found two teachers for them. What's the specific situation? I don't know that well, but I believe director Ding Yu will never shoot at a target at random! " What should be said, what should not be said, or forget it!

What's more, this word can't be said by myself! It is true that the person who called me had an unusual identity, but as far as I know, the relationship between this one and Wang family, Su family and even Zheng family is very general!

Is the so-called very general? There's a big way in here! It's just that there are too many mentions about such things!

After all, the relationship between himself and Ding Yu is the same. Even if the faction behind him stands out, he needs to consider one or two, let alone such an outsider!

Of course, of course, this is not what I want to say. After all, everyone has to face? Right? What's more, this person still has an extraordinary identity. Of course, he needs to give face, but how to do things is another thing, which can't be confused!

Chen Tong on the other side of the phone doesn't have many opinions and ideas about Wang Jianguo. He is also a clever person who can deal with Ding Yu. What's more, how can he be unable to perform so well after so many years of relationship?He said these words, seemingly perfunctory, but in fact also revealed a considerable amount of information with himself!

It depends on how to understand this matter! As for the next question? In terms of how to connect with Ding Yu, Wang Jianguo is a link of contact, which will not embarrass him with director Ding Yuding!

Because it seems too stiff to contact director Ding rashly, but with Wang Jianguo, the situation is different! Really, if there is any situation in the conversation between each other, Wang Jianguo can also be taken out to get considerable relief! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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