Don't you know how much medical resources Ding Yu holds in his hand? Even if it is another two people also do not have any problem, even if we are eating up, it is only a drop in the bucket!

But this profession is more exaggerated than official career! The competition is more intense!

Young people want to be valued by Ding Yu, the mentality is one aspect, and there is life in the hand! This is the basic condition!

But these people come out of the school, five years to start, and this is the most basic, walking in the hospital for five or six years, we can see some signs! Either they will be honed into elites, or they will be honed to be veteran!

It's easy for Ding Yu to take things there!

It's true that there are some family origins, but the practice of teaching doctors by example is quite different from that of official families. Therefore, talents are rare in this profession!

Of course, there is no way to compare Wang An and Tong Tong at home!

Who are they? That is Ding Yu's heart and soul. Even their future has been robbed by some big dog owners! Already had the quite contamination, also really is not who can go to infect! I can't even think about it!

Even before there is any action on this side, even if it is just to show a meaning, those big dog owners will directly come up to kill them and eradicate their roots! The one that doesn't leave any future trouble can move other people, but if you move Wang An and Tong Tong, what do you want? Think we're bullies, don't you?

Other things are easy to discuss, but only this matter, there is no room for discussion!

Wang Changlin looked at the time, then took out the phone, called his eldest son in the past! Things must be communicated with him. If we don't communicate with him, who should we go to? It's no use looking for anyone! No one dares to take over this stubble!

Taking a look at his mobile phone, Ding Yu stood up, nodded with Wang Jianguo, and then shook hands with others! "I'm sorry, I have some other things on my side, so I won't entertain you! When we have time, we will have a new feast! Excuse me Then Ding Yu turned around and left!

There is no domineering, there is not too much bias, but polite scene words! But for everyone, it's easy to hear! After all, the identity of director Ding Yuding is there!

After coming out from the small living room, Ding Yu went back to his office, and then called back again!

"Dad! I was a little busy just now! " Ding Yu's tone of voice, people can not hear a trace of warmth!

"Guess! Earlier, Chen Tong and Mr. Chen called me and said something about MuQing and sun Shicheng! " Maybe he knew that this would make his son misunderstand, so Wang Jianguo also explained and said, "I didn't agree, so I asked for him. He seems a little anxious now. He may invite other people to this matter, but his face can't be refused!"

"Well! I know about it! Mu Qing and sun Shicheng are barely able to do so! "

The eldest son is a bit perfunctory, it is obvious that he did not want to put Mu Qing and sun Shicheng in their hearts! So the two of them? Ability may be a little bit, but not by the eldest son to see in the eye! I don't know if there are other reasons!

You can ask yourself about this, but it is also about squeezing toothpaste. If you ask and say it, you will never tell all the truth. It is certain that it is difficult to do so!

But Wang Changlin is also really out of the way, if he to hard, the boss may not directly to the phone to buckle! But never too happy! The relationship with the family has been so subtle, and then because of such things, the relationship between each other is more embarrassing. I am the head of the family, but I really have no face!

"Mr. Chen is very interested in this matter. I just want to ask you a few questions. However, according to Mr. Chen's meaning, I should follow up. I discussed this matter with your mother earlier. You can handle it yourself! There will be no interference at home! "

"Well! I got it! You and my mother should pay more attention to rest! "

Obviously, Ding Yu didn't mean to talk about this matter, or didn't want to let the family know too much! I have my own ideas and my family's consideration! Between each other? There are always some subtleties!

There are quite a number of reasons, but also because of Wang Pu's incident, Ding Yu was hurt a lot. Even now, he still hasn't been able to respond to it. That is to say, it is not so easy to untie the knot in his heart!

After all, to Ding Yu's current position, not everyone can get close to, let alone he is a cold man! I always don't like other people to get close to me. I hide everything in my heart! In this case, no one will take the initiative to solve this knot! So the situation is as noisy as it is today!

"Well! You too. Pay more attention to rest and don't have to work too hard! " Do you know Wang Changlin and Su Yuan? Of course they know, but it's no use knowing! Because this knot is not something that they can untie, and they themselves feel an extraordinary debt to the eldest son. If something like this happens, they won't say anything!"No, you and my mother can rest assured! In another week, they should leave! "

As for the last sentence, it's not intentional leakage, it doesn't exist! It doesn't matter whether you tell me or not! As for whether it will cause external vibration? Now I think the outside world is very noisy! Not at all!

Put down the phone Wang Changlin and Su Yuan two people look at each other, but fortunately the eldest son has always been such a character, it is not angry, but the boss mentioned, at most a week time! This is a very interesting thing!

"In a week's time, it seems that the elder brother has already had a considerable goal in mind."

Su Yuan said quietly, and I don't know what he was feeling! But born in such a family, some things really do not have any way, not to say that at the beginning there was no opportunity, now mentioned, it is always a bit uncomfortable!

And there's no place to argue about this! Who are you going to argue with? Father in law? Or the eldest son, relatively speaking, he is more biased with his eldest son, but this is absolutely not enough to say, otherwise, what will happen to the husband? Where is he? It's hard for him to be in this position! Don't make it harder for yourself!

Wang Changlin is also ah!

"Yes! A week's time shows that the boss must have a certain goal in his heart! Even if we don't know who will fall on the head or how many candidates will be selected, it is obvious that we are not the first to know the news, but let's call back to Mr. Chen! "

This human relationship can still be bought. It is better to know some news early than to know the news later, especially now!

When Chen Tong received the call from Wang Changlin, he was not so surprised. He did not have much expectation for Wang Changlin, because he also knew that with his two empty words, Wang Changlin could be completely invested. It was also impossible and unrealistic at all!

"Changlin, it's a trouble for you!" Through the phone, Chen Tong is still very polite!

"Mr. Chen, it's a little funny!" Wang Changlin said with a smile, "but I know another thing here. What about these students? Not more than a week at most, their investigation may be over! I don't know if this is serious or hearsay! "

After hearing this, Chen Tong was also surprised, "Changlin, thank you! I know about it! "

The conversation time between the two people is not long. For Chen Tong, although he may know the news after a while, he will make better arrangements if he knows this one minute earlier! Who took the lead, but a very important thing! It must not be too much fun!

Wang Changlin can tell himself this news, it is obvious that he bought a great favor!

As for MuQing and sun Shicheng, although Wang Changlin did not say it clearly, it is clear that Wang Changlin has no way to deal with this matter. He does not want to and will not exert any pressure on his own son. He can't make it! So if you want to promote this thing, you need to think about it! And we have to hold on to it!

But when returning to the villa, looking at the children waiting here, Ding Yu felt a little silly! What is this? It's not Friday. They don't have a holiday! And they all have houses in the city, now suddenly run to their side, they really feel a bit confused!

"What's the matter? Is the sun coming out in the West today Ding Yu looked out of the window and said, "it's not right. It's the moon now."

Dad! Ding Yun runs directly to her father. Looking at her excited appearance, Ding Yu knows that it is not a big deal, otherwise it will never be so! So it is also grasp her head, ravaged some, anyway, his father and mother are not in, do not need to have any worry!

However, when xiaosiyan saw this scene, he stood up again and looked at Ding Yu with a fierce eye. His eyes were also swinging back and forth at Ding Yu's wrist. Look at this meaning, if Ding Yu dares to continue to attack, maybe he will bite his wrist next time! This is not a joke!

It's true that small four eyes are raised at home, but every year, it needs to receive quite strict training and maintain a certain wild nature. Otherwise, how can it become the patron saint of two children?

"Say it! You got together so well today? What do you want? "

"Dad, two little things?" Ding Yun stretched out his little thumb and pinched the lost skin. It was almost to the fingernail! Ding Yu took a look at his apprentice and son! They do everything, but they don't mean to look at themselves. Obviously, this thing will not be too small! Ding Yu's previous estimation is a bit wrong!

"All right! Tell me something! Anyway, I don't have anything to do. You all come here in such a fierce way! What else can I do? " Although Ding Yu says that he is strict with his children, it doesn't mean that Ding Yu is a strict father. He has given children space in quite a few things! Let them grow freely!"Dad, I want to borrow your big plane!" Ding Chang was kicked by Ding Yun and scratched his head helplessly. "We are going to have a look at the giant panda, just as the students are more interested in it. We have not seen our adopted giant panda for a long time! And the little panda has already had children

Ding Yu's mouth twitches a little! However, there is no intention of refusing, "can you guarantee that your students will follow the instructions and arrangements? To know that you travel together, safety issues need to be paid more attention to! This is not a small matter. If something goes wrong, you need to take on considerable responsibility. "

"Dad, my elder martial brother and little girl will go first, and then Ding Chang! Tong Tong and Xiao Gang, their second batch! We have made considerable preparations for the safety issues. We will carry out them in batches, which may reduce the scale and arouse the enthusiasm of all of us at the same time. "

Ding Yu snorted, "you've got flowers! But what's the second little thing? " When talking about small things, Ding Yu accentuated his pronunciation. What little thing is this? I don't know what the big event will be in their mind? I really feel that there are so many "scared" of!

We have heard that the foundation has nothing to do with the establishment of the education foundation! My grandfather and grandma are also among them. Uncle Zhao told me that if you have time, you are welcome to work in my office! "

Ding Chang raised his shoulder for a moment, "Dad, this matter has nothing to do with me. I am a messenger, mainly because you are busy with your work during this period of time. We all know it! So I'm just pushing the boat with the current! "

"I know about this, but I really don't have much leisure time. There are a lot of things on the farm, especially for a new group of students. They still need about a week. What's more, I'm not willing to attend such a venue!"

"Uncle Zhao, I'm so worried about this, so I want you to give me some guidance?"

Ding Yu looked at Ding Yun suspiciously, "why didn't uncle Zhao call me about this! I told you about it. Needless to say, you must have been bribed! "

"No!" Ding Yun raised her little nose, and then she was pressed down by her father!

"All right! I know about it! I'll call you uncle Zhao tomorrow But Ding Yu didn't immediately get up, "is there anything else? Let's talk about it all together. Anyway, my heart is still good. I should be able to withstand quite a lot of stimulation! " After saying that, Ding Yu also pretended to clap twice!

"Dad, there's no big deal now! I'll tell you when something big happens

Ding Yu got up, as if to coax chickens and ducklings, and directly coaxed these children away! It's already this time! They should be a little stable for a while, and then rest. Ding Yu doesn't mean to relax every day, because he has a good understanding of his body, but these can't be applied to children!

Now is extremely inappropriate, is also extremely inappropriate, they are still in the process of growth, sleep is the most important one, and Ding Yu is also very concerned about this, their nanny is the same!

If sleep is not enough, it will definitely affect their growth. Who knows what other problems will arise! However, adequate sleep does not mean sleeping in. This is a matter of two natures!

Fortunately, these children at home really don't have such a habit, especially Ding Yun and Ding Chang. Their energy is really so abundant. Originally, there were other people who could take them with them. But now, except Ding Yu, other people with them are just a kind of torture!

Originally, what Wang Changlin and Zhao Shuying liked most was to take children with them, but now let them have a try with them. They can play all morning, but in the afternoon, they will never go out again! Can't afford it!

Ding Yu came back to his study. It was not suitable for him to have a rest so early. He didn't have so much physical needs. So he took advantage of his time to deal with some things!

This group of students, on the whole, have already made quite a decision! What's more, there are only a few left now! Can't say that they all show in front of themselves, but they also have a considerable understanding of them!

I have already made quite a judgment in my heart, but how to eliminate the same people and when to eliminate them are very important. I don't mean to say what I want? What can we do!

They are more wanton, this point does not have any problem! But do things need to pay attention to! What's more, they can't be grasped by others. Otherwise, there will be too many follow-up problems!

This is what Ding Yu does not want to accept! And I can't stand it!

The important thing is that this matter can not be discussed with the relevant parties, and Ding Yu needs to make this decision himself! All Ding Yu needs to weigh, some things can't just look at the surface!On the surface, Ding Yu doesn't give anyone face, but when it comes to reality, everyone will understand this kind of thing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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