After breakfast in the morning, Ding Yu made a phone call to Zhao Hongyang, but it was not yet noon! Zhao Hongyang followed Qu he to Ding Yu's office! Ding Yu stood up and nodded to Zhao Hongyang. He said hello, but he didn't mean to speak!

With Zhao Hongyang between the relationship is very familiar! So you don't need to be too polite, and Ding Yu is really busy! After Zhao Hongyang nodded with Ding Yu, he went to the small reception hall next to him for the first time. He was very clean! You're welcome at all!

"So anxious?" After Ding Yu is busy, this just came to say hello, and then handed Zhao Hongyang a cigarette, and then ordered one by himself! The two people took their seats separately. "The work of these two days is a little busy!"

"Yes! So I didn't disturb her all the time. I had to come here yesterday. When I met Yun Yun on the road, she said it would be good for her to tell her about it! " Zhao Hongyang opens his hands helplessly to Ding Yu!

"I said? I came back from the previous time to cover up! " Ding Yu shook his head. "When she comes back, let her apologize to you." Ding Yu said very seriously! No fake color!

"Yu Ge'er, the child is deliberately joking. If you do it like this, I can't be a man any more!" Zhao Hongyang is also so anxious. This matter has nothing to do with Ding Yun! I just came here to take a chance, that is to say a few words with Ding Yun. There is no other meaning!

"Two questions of nature!" Ding Yu shook his head, "it has nothing to do with you, she! It's a little puffy! You really need to knock, don't you know? Borrowed the plane from me, I want to go to see the panda with my classmates

Zhao Hongyang's eyes almost fell from the orbit! "Playing so much? Other things are easy to say, but we must pay attention to safety! After all, the child is still a little small! Once something happens, it's not easy to do! "

For such things, the little guy at such an age to make a decision in a hurry, is also quite inappropriate!

He is also a father, the boss will not say! I have become a grandfather now! The second barely managed, at least within the allowable range! But compared with Ding Yun, it is really. Zhao Hongyang for a while, also don't know how to describe! Although there are differences in age, but the gap between each other is not a little bit!

"It doesn't mean that things should or should not be done, which has nothing to do with it. But at such a young age, they rashly make quite a decision. In their opinion, they have already considered it well! But in fact? It's too hasty. There are even so many people who don't know what to do. If you don't criticize, I'm afraid it will go to heaven! "

"Come on, brother Yu, I have some problems with this matter." Zhao Hongyang touched his head! "No, it's too prudent for me to pay for it this time."

"Spare me! I'm here to educate children. You'd better do it behind your back! " Ding Yu sighed helplessly, "what happened to the education foundation over there? Is there a problem? " Ding Yu directly changed the topic!

It's not appropriate to talk about your own children's affairs, but it's not appropriate to say that they are big or small, but if outsiders are involved in it!

"There's no problem, but if you don't sit in the town, you'll always feel that there's something wrong in your heart!" Zhao Hongyang indicated the reason why he came here. "We didn't stand on the stage for the establishment of the foundation. We didn't donate a lot of money for the sake of being famous. Moreover, we were all our own wishes. We didn't need to be fat. There was no need to do that. But when we sat together, we felt very proud and did a meaningful thing."

"I hear it's already running?"

Yeah! Zhao Hongyang heavily nodded his head, "it's already running! The donation fund is more, or the farm side proposed the plan, everybody also agreed! We can't just do it once this year, and there won't be any in the next year. We still hope that it can be handed down in the future and improve the quality of our children. This is a long-term thing! "

Ding Yu compared his thumb and said, "my brother's thought has improved a lot."

"Money can't be earned. I thought money was a good thing in the past, but now I'm an old man who has enough in his life! As for the kids? If they don't make progress, what can they do even if they give him Gold Mountain and silver sea? It's an absolute disaster. If we say that the children are advancing, we have paved the steps. Is it difficult to support them all the time? Impossible thing! They don't get any growth at all. They still need to look at themselves in the future! "

"I haven't seen your eldest daughter very much! I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it! "

Ding Yu is a little curious! Of course, it can also be regarded as gossip!

"Hi! How to say it's good? My big girl! That is to say, ordinary people are more honest. They arranged a job earlier in the year, and her family didn't lack anything for her. Anyway, the second one had, she basically had all of them. I can basically treat them equally, but there is no difference at all. This is not realistic. I admit that! But who let her read bad books? It's just a piece of wood! I'm convinced, tooZhao Hongyang is full of helplessness, really not pretend to come out!

"Can't you?" Ding Yu laughed and said, "elder brother, you are a little bit modest."

"It's really not. I studied very well in primary school. As a result, I went to junior high school! My God! I was in a daze at that time! I thought there was something wrong with the child! Let the following people to verify a circle, and then to find the teacher, just understand, is not to learn English! There's no way for God to come! Later, she had a good life, but she was not a steady person! It's a good hand in this respect! "

"Children and grandchildren have their own happiness, which can not be forced to come!"

"Everyone hopes his son Jackie Chan and his daughter Cheng Feng, but such a thing is always impossible. Everyone's qualifications are different, so everyone's development is also different. Some people lead a life of agitation, some people lead a dull life, but it's hard to say who envies whom."

Zhao Hongyang felt deeply, "yes! However, I am quite envious of a dull life. I was thinking of giving the family affairs to two children! But the boss is not the handle at all. As for the second, you know, it's not likely to come back in the future! With or I bear everything! Damn it

It's not to say that it's intentional swearing, but when things get to this point, Zhao Hongyang doesn't know what to say. The eldest son-in-law can't take over at all. She can't do it. Her son-in-law has a public office and is developing well, so she can't come back to take over the job. As for her son-in-law? Don't mention it! Not to mention the future, but also a little bit of luck!

What can I do? You can imagine the future prospects of the company if you bring your daughter here. If your son comes back, it seems that it is not appropriate to nest here. You are a little bit agitated!

You should know that you are a little weighing in your pocket, but you can't compare with the people in big cities, but... Hey, don't say it! Said is also lets the human very helpless matter!

"Not this week, people coming to me! You may also know some information from other channels. I need to make some arrangements for them. I really can't be careless! I know about the foundation, but I really don't have much time. Now that it's running, I'll be more serious. I can't say that we'll be famous in history. But there should be a note in the county annals. We're not good people. We've made quite a mistake. I'm like this, brother. But the prodigal son doesn't change his money and passes the star Let's find a time to sit down together

"Come on, with your words, my heart will be solid at once!"

Zhao Hongyang looks happy. The foundation doesn't need Ding Yu to show up, but he doesn't speak. People always feel that there is something uneasy in their hearts. It is true that Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are among them, and even the farm has joined in. However, when we don't see Ding Yu, we always have a kind of unspeakable worry!

But today Zhao Hongyang finally heard the letter, this thought is also a sudden solution! So the expression on the face naturally has some changes! And it's changed a lot!

"Brother Yu, let go of other things. Your work is quite busy. I still need to ask for love for things over there. There are also some problems with me! How about

Ding Yu took a look at the past! "Other things can be discussed. We have been with each other for many years. There is no problem in this respect. However, it is absolutely impossible for us to be right but not wrong about children's education."

"OK, this time they go out to sketch, if I don't know, I'll forget it! Now that you know it! You can't go home empty handed! Right? I don't use it properly. You're more tolerant. Anyway, if you beat and scold, I'll admit it. I have a thick skin and don't care! "

Ding Yu didn't know what to say for a while! "OK, just prepare some snacks! They need to make airplanes! We have no airport here. We need to send them to the airport. First we must take the high speed rail, so we can't let them idle too much. It's easy to get into trouble when you're idle, so find something to distract them! "

"I am good at this aspect. At the beginning, Ding Ding was a good hand!"

"If she hears it now! She must look good to you. She is already a mother of two children! Now tell her what happened, and she'll turn over! " For his sister, Ding Yu is also some headache!

"There will be no food left at noon! It's not about the canteen? I have something to deal with here. Let your brother go to the canteen alone. People who don't know think something has happened

Get it! Zhao Hongyang is not picky, and there is no difference between them. They have had dinner at the corner of the street. They don't feel that there is anything wrong with them. They have also sat in luxurious restaurants. There is no difference between them! If you really have a heart, you can do everything there. If you want to say something without heart, even if you are sitting in the palace, what can you do?"Sir, the performance of those students today is so excited. MuQing and sun Shicheng didn't have much rest time last night. Because of the difference in time difference between them, they were a little weak in spirit."

Yang Chen was right next to him. During this period of time with director Ding, he saw clearly and clearly. Director Ding treated these students not with apparent indifference, but with great care. He understood their character and moral character, and reviewed their work and did it quite well The judgment and evaluation of!

The materials written can be described as heaps. They have seen them with their own eyes, which is not to say that they are screened according to director Ding's preference. This is not the case at all. As for the evaluation of the outside world, this matter can not be taken seriously!

What the outsiders see are just appearances. What's more, director Ding doesn't have any meaning to explain for the same thing! Yang Chen also felt confused about this. If he had explained one or two things, it would not have been like this. But why did the director never mean to pay attention to it?

Does it really matter? Or are there other reasons?

Taking advantage of his leisure time, Yang Chen also asked Qu he next to him in a low voice!

Qu he thought for a period of time, "I don't know much about this aspect, so the understanding is not so profound! But really, I think it's probably because there's no need for it? "

"No need?" Yang Chen wrinkled up his brow, slightly puzzled!

"I think you are really stupid!" Qu he shook his head helplessly, "I don't know what you think. I was young and vigorous at the beginning. When I was just out of the lake, though I was not wantonly publicized, I was very cruel. I couldn't beat me anyway, and then I felt tired of it! Even some of them can't hide. Why? They are all a bunch of showy people. It's not shameful to fight with them! "

Yang Chen seems to understand something!

"Yang Chen, do you think martial arts are flashy? Let me tell you, the martial arts routine advocated by our country now is ostentatious, but it doesn't mean that if it is frivolous, it can also kill. For example, if you practice boxing for two years, you know where to hit pain, where to hit is easy to kill people! Even the routine is the same, looking beautiful, but also need to work hard, know where to fight, also know not to where to greet

"And me? It's not a routine, it's boxing. It's not the kind of boxing that opens a martial arts school. Now, there are two hands in many hands of those who open a martial arts school. There are not many problems in strengthening one's health. If you really go to the ring, it's better than boxing! Who dares to let go? If you let go of the fight, you will easily get killed. It is already a modern society! "

"You don't need to see them!" Yang Chen tentatively said a word!

"There are certain reasons for this. It's not that we become porcelain. They are just rubble. They don't want to do this. Even if they don't want to work with this one, even if they don't die, they are half dead. But if they beat you, they may not lose a hair. It's not shameful to fight with them! I don't know if you've heard of a more vulgar saying. The common people say that biting dogs don't bark

Yang Chen licked his lips and laughed, "assistant Qu, this is a bit too much!"

"I didn't have any knowledge, and I couldn't be as tall as I said. If two people fight, I'll beat you down! Some people will say that I deceive the small with the big, but what about you? Even if it is stained with a hair of my hair, it can also be said that although the defeat is still glorious, you say for a long time, what will be the situation! In fact, they all have the same reason! "

At this time, Yang Chen really understood! This truth is very simple, even in their ordinary time is often encountered! Sometimes, it's not a question of whether to win or not. To win is to win, but in other people's eyes, it's hard to win. If this goes on for a long time, many people's words will be ugly!

Just like director Ding now! I don't care what you say outside, how you say that is your own business!

Don't make it on my hands, on my hands, just kill them and you'll be done! As for your usual gossip, I didn't hear it, and I didn't want to hear it! Otherwise, if you come to me and mention two words, I would like to hear it! If you have the courage, of course, it doesn't matter, but the problem is that not many people have the courage to stand in front of director Ding!

I think there are still so many! In other words, their own consideration is not so comprehensive!

There are a lot of information on the desktop, but some people have been selected. Yang Chen naturally knows who it is!

But until now, Yang Chen does not have any leak wind meaning! What did you do when you came here? I still know it! What kind of behavior is it if you say something is missing? while helping others secretly?

Director Ding provides an environment for himself, and even gives him considerable space for development. Then he betrays director Ding behind his back. This is what people do?! Don't say whether director Ding can accommodate himself or not, and how the military will look at himself!Of course, if it is a violation of national law, violation of discipline, there are not too many problems!

But it's obvious that director Ding's work has nothing to do with those things. So it's not impossible for people outside to inquire about information. But don't try to find out any information from my mouth. No one can do it!

It's your ability to get information from other people, but it's my incompetence to get information from me! It's a matter of high sentencing.

Yang Chen has a very clear understanding of this! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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