"Sir, do you want to continue teaching them?" Qu he asked casually!

After hearing this, Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "they have been taught a lesson, which is enough! I don't have so much time, but I can ask someone to give them a lesson, a lecture on history, and two professors from universities. I remember that there are many professors on the farm. Please tell them about it! The topic does not do any restriction, is good at will! They are not bricks or beasts, but they are very high-quality! "

The treatment on the farm side is absolutely beyond imagination, but similarly, it does not mean that everyone can enter the farm. You have the so-called certificate, which only proves that you have read well. The question is whether you can apply what you have learned?

It's also because of this, so the farm has gathered quite ability! There are also experts and scholars with inside information, and more and more people are looking at the meaning now! In the view of these experts and scholars, how good are the farmers treated? It doesn't matter. If there is a need, just mention it to the farm. The farm will basically be satisfied!

They came to the farm, mainly from the farm. They mentioned to them the considerable environment and resources, so that they could not be constrained to study and experiment, which is the most critical!

"Yes, sir. I'll arrange it now." Qu he has no hesitation!

"Let them talk for two more days and invite more professors! It's like adjusting your life! "

Ding Yu added that he did not have so much time and leisure to stand on the platform! What's more, the investigation does not mean that if you are closer, you must see clearly. If you are closer, you can see clearly. But it is also easy to get black under the light. As for the distance? May not be so clear, but more intuitive!

This is the time! What else do you want to see? I'm afraid only Ding Yu can explain this problem clearly! Other people simply do not understand, they can only guess in confusion!

And the capital side can be said to be particularly nervous about this, have arrived at this time, some people have been about to sit down! Originally, we were able to calm down, that is because their children's performance is good, very calm, but now? Who does Ding Yu like in his mind? It's almost time!

Now is the time when we need it most. But no one can be sure of Ding Yu's temper. It's true that there are people in the capital who can control Ding Yu. There are definitely some. But who will waste human feelings for such a thing?

The so-called pinch Ding Yu, this word can also be changed to say! That is to say, only those who are really recognized by Ding Yu can live in Ding Yu. If he is not recognized by Ding Yu, he will pay attention to who you are? Get out of my way!

At lunch, Ding Yu seemed to suddenly think of something!

He knocked on the table with his hand. When Qu he looked up, he said in a low voice, "in the evening, remind me that I may have to go out."

Qu he is stunned. What's the situation? I didn't seem to hear the news in this respect, so I also looked at it suspiciously! But that is to take a look, there is no problem, if the gentleman said to himself, no problem, but he had better not have any questions!

"Yes! Do I need any other preparation, sir? "

"No more!" Ding Yu looks a little disappointed! I don't know why? Qu he and Yang Chen took a look at each other. Both of them did not know why!

Outside the school, a few children are sitting around, they are not sad, but it is obvious that the interest is not so high! "It's a bit bad this time!" Ding Yun scratched his head, Zhao Hongyang, uncle Zhao has already delivered the message to himself! "Dad shouldn't judge us before this, but he won't let us off lightly when he comes back!"

"It's you, not us!" Ding Chang answered! It's a little intentional!

"I'm a senior brother. I'm responsible for this matter!" Wang an obviously wants to take over this responsibility!

Ding Yun stares at Ding Chang, a little fierce in his eyes! Then he sighed at the elder brother. Wei Lai, a little fat man beside him, said, "elder sister, do you want to think about this matter again?"

"No, the matter has been settled, and everyone shows great interest. We have to say no more! It will hurt everyone's enthusiasm. This is an opportunity for everyone Ding Yun shakes his head, his heart is very clear and understand, why his father will be angry!

I didn't ask for instructions from my father in advance. If it's their own, even if it's not asking for instructions, there's no problem! For these people, my father has always been a free range, but also very at ease!

But this time with so many students, there may be no safety problems, but what will the parents of other students think of this matter? Will there be any dissatisfaction in their hearts? These problems on their own side did not have any consideration, or even did not make a considerable response, this is the reason why Daddy is angry!"I'm a little wayward! Some of them take it for granted! No comprehensive consideration! It is true that the students are very assured of us, but we are all children after all, some things have not been explained clearly with parents! These are all our problems. Dad won't criticize us before we come back, so we need to make up for it

Next to Wei Lai is to turn his eyes, the family for this matter does not have too much objection, the father side did not say, but the mother side seems to have so many worries! Now after Ding Yun said this, he also found that he had taken it for granted!

"Elder sister, if that's the case, we really need to make a good remedy. At least let our classmates explain it carefully with the family. It's not too late to mend the prison after the sheep are lost!"

"Ding Chang, what do you say?" For Wei Lai's words, Ding Yun agrees, but he needs to listen to Ding Chang's opinion. After all, this guy is full of bad water, and he is relatively considerate about things! Let him come up with ideas, there should be no problem!

"Find two or three people to accompany us, or consultants. They are not necessarily parents, but they must be elderly people, so that our parents can rest assured, and at the same time, we can get considerable guidance. I think Wei Lai can use it well, but Uncle Wei can't move, but I believe uncle Wei will arrange suitable people for us! Elder martial brother, we need you to coordinate the farm! "

"I will go to Uncle Qu and coordinate with the farm to see if I can get some help!"

Although it was just a few children, they soon concluded the discussion. As for lunch, we solved the problem by dividing two by three! And then began to do quite a supplement and outline, previously they were on the spur of the moment, but now they are serious about this thing, to ensure that everything is safe!

Wei Lai is the first to handle it! "I called my father and he was very interested! I'm even a little happy. The staff of the Municipal Bureau are not very convenient. After all, this is not a business. But there is an old comrade who has just retired, and a new comrade who has not joined the post. My father wants the old comrade to take the new comrade! Familiar with the process, at the same time to do a safety training for us! Let us know what kind of danger there are in the process! What kind of arrangement and response do we need to make! In general, that's it

After all, it is an unusual family background, in this respect can not be said to be right, but its own consideration!

Seeing the thumbs of the people, Wei Lai knew that there was no problem with his side of things! Wang an also responded and nodded, "I contacted uncle Qu, and I need to take some things back from there. Uncle Ma Tianyu prepared some tea and some things need to be handed over. It's just on the way!"

Children are constantly sketching on paper, there are quite a number of staff arrangements and changes, these are to fall on the paper, not casually said, Ding Yun in the middle, Ding Chang added! Do your own logistics work, as for senior brother? He's the leader, everyone's involved!

Several children had a new discussion. Before school in the afternoon, they had already made some arrangements, and then they gathered the students together! We are also very enthusiastic about this!

Soon, Ding Yun and his colleagues made a considerable explanation. Previously, they called everyone together to see the panda. Although the intention has been reached, considerable attention should be paid to it. There is no problem in school communication, but communication at home is also very important! The route, as well as the safety of the students and so on, have made a considerable explanation!

Because there are still two days left, Ding Chang also welcomes you to make some supplements to see if there are any other omissions in the plan. At the same time, students need to go back to discuss with their parents to see if they have other considerations.

Not to mention, the parents were really worried about this before. After all, this is not to go to the farm, but to other provinces and cities far away. It is their children who are not familiar with the place of life. Although the parents did not mention it, I'm afraid only they themselves are most clear about what they think!

But now when the children come back, they have mentioned quite a lot of things, which also makes parents have a good understanding of this matter. It is not to say that these children just go out to play without any idea. They are really not!

They have made detailed plans and arrangements, and even quite a number of staff have followed. After the absolute guarantee of safety, parents are not so worried! It's a good thing to let the children go out to see the world!

Always in the small circle of small county, contact are the same people, there are indeed network and other aspects, but there is no personal experience, there is a considerable gap, this time they can take a good look at the world!

As for the cost, there is not much, each student less than 300 yuan of spending, the above has been written very clearly! It's mainly about the cost of going to the zoo. It has nothing to do with other things! Under such circumstances, it is really out of time for the family to oppose it again!Wei Lai is sitting in a dangerous seat talking to his parents! Wei Chun has a look at his wife!

"I heard you talk about it at noon. Now I think you have done a good job in dealing with it step by step. Why didn't you mention these considerations at the beginning? If you had made these comprehensive considerations in the beginning, parents might not have been so worried about it! "

Wei Lai knocked on his head, "I didn't expect that things would change so fast. I only had this consideration before, but I realized that there are some problems. If I don't communicate with my family, my family may agree, but my heart will be extremely uncomfortable, and there will be other influences and problems in the future."

"Did you think of it yourself?" Although the expression on Wei Lai's face was serious, his heart was about to blossom! My God! Worthy of his own son, worthy of his own seed!

"At noon, we sat together and discussed. The elder sister, Ding Yun, realized quite a problem! We have been revised and mended together, and we know a lot of problems! It's still a little dogmatic! For quite a problem, is too much self! Now that we have realized the problems and mistakes, we need to correct them, instead of throwing things aside directly! Other problems arise! "

Wei Chun didn't treat his wife as a matter of fact when he elbowed himself! My wife is obviously happy in my heart! Not for any other reason, my son is promising!

At the beginning, he sent his son to Ding Yun and Ding Chang. It was definitely the most brilliant thing he had done in his life! No one! Oh, my God, the pie's gone! I got it! What about your life? Although there is considerable progress, but relatively speaking, I want to see the progress of my son!

Even if I went to university in those years, did he look like my son now? It should not be! It's not about how much you see, but how to think about it! Such a thought, such a way, are far beyond their own!

With Ding Yun and Ding Chang together, although the time is not so long, but this progress is really too big! Let oneself have so some overjoyed feeling!

Is the only thing I feel a little pity now? It's that director Ding is a little far away. I want to do what I can, but it's a bit unreliable! Wei Chun is very sure that many parents, now I am afraid they are thinking like this!

However, we are very sure that the children in the family can be together with the children of director Ding's family, both in terms of learning and personal ability, have greatly improved! Now the only thing that makes people feel so upset is how long can these children of the Ding family stay?

The new semester has begun! This little half a year, what kind of progress children have, only these parents are most clear and understand, even parents do not need to have any worry!

But if the Ding family's children left! What kind of situation will it be? Need to do this aspect consideration! And the education foundation in the city! Basically everyone has heard about it! If you look at what others have done and what you have done, you will be able to recognize some problems!

Ding Yu knows quite a lot of news here, but he doesn't pay much attention to it. Let the children do it! If they don't realize the problem, they need to learn from it!

Worried about this? Worried about that? If children are not allowed to do anything, how can they experience the wind and rain! If you can't even experience this storm, you don't need to think about other things in the future. Just stay at home!

"Sir, would you like me to remind you?" Qu he stood beside Ding Yu and said in a low voice! I have told my husband about the children at home! Mr. Qu didn't have any opinions. He was even happy that such a thing happened. There was no problem. Now Qu he didn't understand what he was going to do?

Ding Yu is a little bit lost in his mind! "Come with me and move something in the house!"

Qu he and Yang Chen are both unknown! There are some special things in the villa, such as cigarettes and water! What is this for? There's even something wrapped around it! It makes people look silly. They are not contraband. Qu he and Yang Chen have a clear understanding of this!

"Let's go!" Can see, director Ding's expression slightly has so some desolation!

There are some restrictions on high-speed rail, but if it is allocated to everyone, there will be no problem!

Sitting on the high-speed rail, Qu he and Yang Chen are both looking at each other. They are very inexplicable. What is the situation? The director took them to the high-speed rail, and to see what it means, it should be the kind of plane, but where on earth do you want to go? This is a problem! At least they didn't get any hint before!

And pay attention to Ding Yu, for this matter is also very surprised, even feel very strange!What does Ding Yu want to do? With drinks and cigarettes, not so much! There are some other things, which are not shady things. When I checked them, they all checked them, and the news was quickly fed back!

"What does he want? This big night, how come it doesn't mean to stop at all? "

Su Quan felt his head and felt a little headache. He didn't know what his nephew wanted? Now I am not only responsible for the affairs of the European Department, but also a considerable part of the internal affairs of the Department!

I really don't want to pay attention to his nephew's things, see his nephew's file! Their nerves are so nervous! I don't know what he wants to do this time? But what do you mean? With these things, I really have feelings in my heart! Maybe other people don't understand, but as a soldier, I understand more or less!

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