Get off the high-speed rail, everything from simple, straight to the airport side, without any pause! The process is very fast, but there is no panic! Orderly! The quality of security at home is reflected incisively and vividly at this moment!

After getting on the plane, Ding Yu was leaning on his seat, and he didn't know what he was thinking? Qu he and Yang Chen two people, you look at me, I see, they do not know what Ding Yu is actually operating! I don't understand!

"Anything else, sir?" Qu he didn't know why, so when he sat down beside Ding Yu, he asked in a low voice! I am very confused now!

Ding Yu's reaction is a little slow, for a long time before shaking his head, "do you have peanuts? Bring a bottle of jade ice and burn it

Qu he is a bit silly, but most of the people who can stay here are senior sergeants or officers. All of their things can't be exposed, so they can only stay here. It can be said that they have drained their blood for the sake of the country!

Ding Yu stopped the car at a long distance, sorted out the things, and then walked forward. The team members who followed him did not have any hesitation. Comparatively speaking, they had a lot less things!

But they pay attention to Ding Yu, a gentle man in front of them. If the things on his body add up, it will be more than a hundred pounds, but this one is not shaking and panting. This physical strength is not everyone can have! They can do this because they insist on long-term exercise, but what about the one in front of them?

Look at his appearance, like a teacher or scholar, refined! Temperament extraordinary, really a little confused, but the captain came over, has already told them, nothing to say, just need to do it!

When walking, Ding Yu didn't mean to look at him. He didn't come here many times, but every time he came here, his heart was very heavy. Qingshan was lucky to bury his loyal bone!

The comrades buried here are basically in their prime years, and even many of them are tombs. There are only some commemorations. There is no way for them. For the sake of national security, they can only pay silently behind their backs! Even if they die, sometimes there are no bones left! It can only be a tomb of clothes!

When he came to the main gate, Ding Yu straightened his waist, put down the things on his body and watched for a long time!

"I've come to see you!" Ding Yu murmured to himself, the voice is very low! Although the two soldiers who followed heard something, they did not say anything! They are not the first time to come here. Naturally they know where it is! If possible, they also hope to be buried here in the future!

With the two soldiers in Ding Yu's hand, it seems that they are primary school students! After Ding Yu Garden, it was not a good place to put things in the cemetery! And then began to clean up, in fact, the cemetery here is still very clean, do not see too much debris! There are many more tombstones than I used to be!

No matter what you know or don't know, Ding Yu will not have any deviation. Two bottles of wine, two boxes of cigarettes, and some other sacrifices. On this point, Ding Yu is particularly particular about!

But the silence was soon broken! A group of people orderly into the cemetery, saw Ding Yu and others, obviously there are some accidents, did not expect to see outsiders here! Because there is no obvious sign on Ding Yu's body! However, some people know the two soldiers behind him!

"What's the situation?" The leader of the team has a fierce eye. On such a day today, how could someone come here? My heart was not smooth, and now there are people in front of their own face? What's the matter? Do you want to try your best?

"Report, I was informed by the military brigade that someone came to worship! Let's be careful! Don't disturb me

"I'll take care of him. They and I will not invade the river. What's the matter? Today, my team member was buried. He gave me this? "

The big man has so many annoyances, more is the emotion above catharsis! The voice was very loud. The two people who followed Ding Yu heard it! Ding Yu must have heard it! But Ding Yu did not pay any attention to it! Is still repeating the previous action!

He came earlier, but because there were more tombstones, Ding Yu took some measures and didn't pull them down!

Han also noticed! In front of each tombstone, there are other things to worship, but the jade ice burning really aroused their own considerable interest! The Maotai beside me didn't mean to be put in the eyes by myself!

Yubingshao is not so popular in other places, that is, local talents will know some! What's more, they put yubingshao and Maotai together! Isn't it so abrupt!

Ding Yu, who stood up, looked back and looked up at the sky, "bury it! It's getting late! Let's go early! It's good to rest early! "

In a very simple sentence, the big man is looking at Ding Yu. He has never seen Ding Yu. He can guarantee this. But he stands in front of himself and does not have any unusual performance. The look in his eyes is just like looking at the green trees and grass beside him. It is too calm!Han really didn't encounter such a person, but he quickly reacted and took a deep look at Ding Yu. He didn't worry about other things. His team member's burial could not be delayed!

Ding Yu looked at the whole process, and at the end of the day, he also sent something. As long as they could be buried here, they were loyal to the country. Unfortunately, their contributions were never known to outsiders! Spent a lifetime in obscurity!

"Who are you? I haven't seen you before!" The Han immediately found Ding Yu and said, "there are basically no relatives here to offer sacrifices, so if you say so, I won't believe it!"

Ding Yu looks at the sign on the big man's arm and frowns slightly! "New comer?"

Big man can't help but be stunned, new comer? what do you mean? Think of yourself as a recruit? But Ding Yu's attack came one after another, "newly established?" Nodding, Ding Yu has no other attention, the worship is almost over! I don't want to stay too long!

However, some things still need to be collected. It's not to say that when the worship is over, you throw the things away and everything will be fine? What's wrong? It's too much to do things without beginning and ending!

Han has been looking at Ding Yu. He is a new comer from NIMA, and is still a new one. Who is this? So gasping? What's the matter? I don't think I can give him anything, can I?

However, he did not wait to start. Looking at the people coming from afar, the big man sorted out his clothes and said, "report! We are honoring our comrades in arms

"Well!" When someone came to give him a gift, he immediately put his eyes on Ding Yu's body. When he saw Ding Yu packing things there, he didn't mean to go forward. He just watched Ding Yu clean up everything!

When Ding Yu was about to leave, he came forward, "director Ding!"

Ding Yu looked at the visitor and nodded, "Hello! It's a little abrupt! It's a memorial ceremony for our comrades in arms! No other meaning Then Ding Yu also took a look at his wrist watch! The meaning is obvious! All the things that should be done have been done. There is no other thing. I want to leave!

The leader showed bitterness and could not help it. Every time director Ding came here, he basically did not have any contact with the senior officers of the military area command here. As for the reason why? Is there a problem? We are more or less clear!

After all, what did director Ding leave for at the beginning? Do you really don't know at all, and now we want to save it? It's not so simple to say, and director Ding's personality is quite well understood by the military region! It's really not good to do too much evaluation! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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