Others may not be afraid, but Sun Liang is really afraid!

He didn't dare to leave the teahouse. He just called in the bathroom, "I'm Sun Liang. I came to talk. If possible, would you like to come?" When talking, Sun Liang accompanied him carefully! Or there is any wanton! Attitude is also very humble! i couldn 't help it! Who let this second master be his own food and clothing parents!

"What's the situation?" The person who answered the phone was slightly stunned and even sat up straight. "What do I want you to do? What tricks do you give me? Master Sun, do you remember that you want my martial arts school? I don't seem to treat you badly, do I

"Second master, if it's convenient for you, you'd better come here. This Mr. Ding Yuding is not sure. Why don't you call Xiang home from the other side of Hong Kong City? That Mr. Ding said that two young masters had been sent back. As far as I know, the situation may not be good! "

"To home?" At this time, the second master loosened his tie on his neck. "What does this matter have to do with them?"

"Second master, I don't think it's a joke. If it's a joke, it's not as long as sitting there waiting!" Sun Liang carefully organized his own words, "now things are not big, two young masters? Maybe I'm young and energetic, and I didn't take this as a thing, so I didn't care too much about it! "

Er ye, er ye, has already understood Sun Liang's meaning! Sun Liang himself, even failed to solve this matter, it seems that it is really a hard stubble! I have some interest in it! Dare to be arrogant on his own territory, is it true that I don't know the second master's temper?

In those days, there was such a man. Now it seems that he is still mowing grass and feeding his horse!

After waiting for no more than 20 minutes, the second master's car appeared outside the teahouse! Sun Liang is a slip of trot to the door position, and even actively stood on one side of the position, waiting for the car to stop, take the initiative to open the door!

"Master Sun? You should know that my business is very busy! " Hong Chang is very unhappy to say! Looking at Sun Liang, I was very unhappy!

"Second master, it's my fault. I didn't do it well." Sun Liang didn't say how difficult it was, nor did he mention Ding Yu's situation. In any case, there were quite a few problems. It was his own responsibility! It's your own problem!

"Go! Go in and have a look. What's the origin of this river crossing dragon? Second master, I haven't encountered a hard stubble for some time

As for the matter of contacting Xiangjia, the second master really didn't think about it. Why? Even if it is to raise themselves, it is not enough. People may give the Hong family this face, but it does not mean that they will give themselves this face! People know who they are?

Such a thing, it is necessary to speak at home!

Looking at Ding Yu sitting there, the second master pricked his chair and threw his cigarette and lighter on the table. He was a little arrogant, even a little domineering!

"Boy! I hear you're very awkward Take out the cigarette and light it with the Dunhill lighter! Then I threw the lighter on the table again, and it was very clear. "I don't care what woodlouse you came from, where to go to me, or else do not go back!" Do you understand me? "

Ding Yu didn't pay attention to the other positions of Ding he, including his own body. He didn't care about the other places, including the lawyer! Because Yang Chen lacks considerable experience, so Ding Yu takes the position around him!

"See clearly?"

Yang Chen bent down on his body and didn't look at the situation of the second master. He just nodded his head!

"What do you think should be done?"

"It's supposed to be the one who sings red faces. After a while, there should be those who sing white faces!" Finding that Ding Yu did not make a sound, Yang Chen did not hesitate, and then said, "considering that you are a doctor, they may start from this aspect!"

"A little bit of it!"

"Although the sky is high and the emperor is far away, we can still find a certain relationship, so wait! A group of ghosts and monsters, I don't know whether they are frogs in the well? Let's see. "

"Boy, what about NIMA?" The second master was also very angry. Ding Yu's words were a little unheard of. He grabbed the cigarette and lighter in front of him and threw it at him. This action scared Sun Liang in the back. Fortunately, although the cigarette was thrown on Ding Yu's body, the lighter didn't hurt him because of the deviation!

But it was also thrown on Yang Chen's body, let alone, a little pain, Yang Chen reached for the lighter, and then put it in Ding Yu's side hand position! Then he stood at Ding Yu's side!

"Pretty boy, you are very brave! I'll tell you! It's easier for me to kill you than to kill an ant! "

"Well!" Ding Yu nodded and even stretched out his hand, "I know, so I'll wait!"The second master's temper could stand it. He snorted slightly. The driver behind him smashed the table with a baseball bat. The expression on Yang Chen's face was so painful, even helpless!

Do these guys really don't know how dead words are written? At this time, they continue to tease the director. Who is the director? Even if you didn't know anything before, but after such a long time, why didn't you have any feelings in this respect? From another perspective, what was the arrogance and despotism of these guys in the past!

Qu he did not know when to stand up, went to the position of the second master, and took a look at Sun Liang!

"Master Sun, please let me know. If you dare to reach out and kill all your doors, this may be a bit exaggerated, but it will abolish you. I think I can still do it!" When he finished speaking, he also took a deep breath, which was a little long. He did not see any bulging of Qu he's chest. He said calmly, "Jinmen Qu Jia! Qu he! If you go to hell, don't forget it

Sun Liang's face full of struggle, others registered number! That is to say, if you do it yourself, it will definitely be a situation of beating and killing! But can you watch the second master suffer a loss? Will the Ye family let themselves go?

Under the dilemma, Sun Liang closed his eyes and took a step forward. At the same time, he put his hands on his chest. I recognized this game! They are all the same in the world. I hope you can be merciful. I can't stop Qu he. But if you don't move forward, the Ye family will have no way to explain it!

Seeing Sun Liang's attitude, Qu he clapped it with one hand without any hesitation. Then he took a foot. Without any resistance, Sun Liang flew out and hit the doorpost. It took half a day for him to slide down slowly! Blood is also from the corner of his mouth and nose inside, it seems, is not really a miserable can describe!

But Qu he didn't pay any attention. He grabbed the driver's baseball bat, turned around, pinched his neck, kicked his foot in the corner of his leg, and knocked his head on the table! Clean, even time to catch the baseball bat on the table!

"Break your leg and throw it to the door!"

The second master did not wait for the second master to react. Qu he had already picked him up and went down with a stick and solved all the problems cleanly. As for whether the second master was shouting, it was not so important! Carrying the second master was thrown to the door position, but not to throw out!

But even so, it's already fried outside! What is this? After the second master went in, he did not wait to say a few words. He was thrown to the door like a dog and even his legs were broken!

The second master just felt the pain. His legs were broken! There are times when you hit others, but when do others treat yourself like this, even throw yourself here like a dead dog! This is not a person who lost himself! It's the Hong family who lost it!

"Call, call me!" While talking, he raised his arm and pointed to Ding Yu's direction, "you've got the seed, you give me..." Before he finished speaking, his arm fell down again, and Qu he seemed to be a good person! Put the baseball bat on the second master's body!

"Keep your mouth clean! If you think your teeth are useless, I don't mind doing me a favor! " Even Qu he squatted down and patted the second master's cheek with his hand. "Don't worry, I'm happy to start. I promise I won't leave a tooth. If I don't believe it, I can try it!"

This time, the second master really dare not! One is because of a broken arm! The second is because what the son of a bitch is, he talks so lightly, he has encountered many cruel people, but he has never encountered such a bandit, right? How about myself? Two legs, one arm was broken!

Now the second master has no other expectations. He just wants someone to help him. What do these guys do? I really feel confused!

Without two minutes, a few cars stopped at the door. Although something happened in the teahouse, it didn't cause any noise because it happened in the teahouse. In addition, there were other people outside to maintain it, so it didn't attract any attention!

Looking at the traffic outside, the second master tried to make his body rely on the position of the door frame, but he didn't shout at his own voice, because he was not sure whether the guy with a baseball bat would knock his teeth off with a stick! It's hard to say. It's very likely to be like this for his temper!

Yang Chen is a quick step to the door position, looking at the car outside, slightly frown!

As for Qu he, he looked at the second master sitting on the ground leaning against the doorframe with a smile, "do you want me to shout for you? It's OK. I'll do it for you! "

Yang Chen is standing in the door position, looking at the leader, he seems to be a little angry, even a little angry, "I received"Get out of here!" Yang Chen's attitude is beyond doubt!

"What do you say?" The leader was stunned and even doubted that his ears were wrong! Can't he see his clothes? Or is he blind?

"Get out of here!" Yang Chen repeated, "go out! Do you understand me? "

"I'm sorry!" Someone has tidied up his clothes! "I got it."

"I don't care what you receive or what you don't receive. If anyone doesn't agree to come in, I'll shoot directly. What I said is very clear. Do you understand?" Yang Chen is not false color said! Afraid of the one in front of you, Yang Chen said again, "don't let me shoot you directly. Do you understand?"

It's not just the people who come here, or even the people who follow them. They dare not breathe in the atmosphere at this time! There are even some uncertain looks. What happened? The young man standing at the door should be killed directly. This is not a simple thing to say! Everybody can understand!

The visitor took a mouthful of saliva and stepped back! I took a deep breath. Although I saw Hong Chang, who was half sitting by the door, I didn't say anything. At most, two people exchanged their eyes with each other!

Hong Chang also felt that things seemed to be out of his estimation! And look at this situation, things seem to be more serious than their own imagination, with their own cousin also dare not have any words!

Also did not wait for anyone to say anything, Yang Chen is turned away, back to Ding Yu's side, again standing in their own position above! The visitors from the outside feel a bit at a loss. When they receive the notice, they rush to come at the first time. However, things are completely different from their own expectations!

The speed of Xiang's family is still very fast. He sent two people back at the first time. To know this, Mr. Ding Yuding called over there. What happened? Xiang didn't mean to care! Just do it!

When he came to the door of the teahouse, Qu he went out and looked at the two people pushed down from the car and nodded! Then I threw the things into the car!

"Sir, I'm not very happy today, so please! It's not so convenient here, so you can solve it by yourself! Time in the future! Talk again

Visitors are even more polite than you think! "No trouble! No trouble. I told Dong when I came! Mr. Ding, if you need anything, just let me know! We will do it! Thank you for your care


Qu he almost dragged two people to the teahouse. As for the people standing guard outside the door, Qu he did not pay any attention to them. He dragged them into the teahouse in front of them. When he saw this scene, both the people outside and the Hongchang who were leaning against the door were so stupid!

At such a fast speed, they got two people back, and they still sent them back in such a way. Obviously, the young man sitting inside did not lie, and others did not talk big. If they said they would get them back for you, they would bring them back for you!

When the capital got the news, it was already a little late! They didn't expect that such a thing would happen again. They have made clear the whole story of the matter! But it is also because of making clear that I feel so angry!

Although Ding Yu said that he was reckless, it did not mean that he was unreasonable. He was still a reasonable person, but it doesn't mean that everyone can take a shit on his neck?

If it's Ding Yu's responsibility, I didn't say it, but it's obviously not Ding Yu's responsibility, OK? What's more, Ding Yu said that it doesn't matter. He's in a hurry, so he has to pay for everything. What else do you want? Ding Yu's forbearance for a while is calm and calm. When he comes to you, he becomes more aggressive, doesn't he?

Do you need to be angry for anyone?

This doesn't count. You have other things to do. What do you want to do? When is it now that all the students are taught by Ding Yu? Ding Yu is to come to worship, the mood is not so happy, you still come to such a hand, there is no such bullying!

Hong's family knows it too! The two grandchildren in the family were sent back with their legs broken, so did Hong Chang! What kind of river crossing dragon is it? This is not really frightening so simple!

Now the people in charge of the Hong family have not come forward, but the old master of the Hong family came to the teahouse for the first time, holding a crutch in his hand. It seems that he has been in charge for quite some years!

When I came to the door, I looked at the people standing outside and looked at Hong Chang leaning against the door. My face was so embarrassed!

"Third uncle, they bully people! Look at it

As soon as the words were finished, Qu he didn't have any hesitation. Instead, he went down with two sticks. Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at Mr. Hong standing at the door. His manner was self-contained. However, some people behind him could not bear it at this time!Your father is here. You can't stop! Unexpectedly, he didn't give face. In front of the old man's face, he knocked out all the teeth of Hong Chang's mouth! What is this for?

Hong Chang covered his mouth with his hand which was still in good condition. He did not know how many teeth he had left, but what kind of feeling he felt, he was already very clear! There are so many grievances, there is no other meaning, who knows that they should be so unreasonable, in front of the old man's face, directly to their mouth teeth to knock out!

Now it's not a question of whether you want to cry or not! But a little want to cry without tears, and a little bit is! I am really aggrieved, even quite oppressed. When have I ever been so offended!

The old man used his stick to stop twice! "Little friend, it's a bit cruel to start!"

"Or are you old?" Qu he said without showing weakness! "My husband taught me that if I make mistakes and get beaten, I will stand firm! Since I came to the society, I need to withstand the severe beating of the society. I am not his father, nor his ancestor. There is no need to be used to him all the time. Do you always say that? "

When he spoke, Qu he didn't go out. He stood inside the door, and the old man didn't mean to come in! Mutual confrontation, there are so some do not want to let the meaning!

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