The old man is so stiff! Why? There are not many people outside, but if such a thing is spread out, how will the outside treat the Hong family? What's more, at this time, after all, I've heard some news! I don't ignore anything!

This is one of the reasons why I have to come here in person. Two grandchildren were directly brought back, and Hong Chang was still in such a situation? If I said that I still thought that nothing had happened, then there would be no deterrent effect, but I didn't think about it. Now it is such a result!

It is in my own acre of land above, was blocked outside the door!

This guy is not a jerk, is he? Standing at the door with a baseball bat, he knocked down Hong Chang's teeth in front of him. Even a mallet didn't do it!

"Children, speak a little aggressively!" The old man looked embarrassed, but did he speak? Another set!

Qu he laughs and puts the baseball bat in his hand to one side, not to one side. "The old man is very aggressive, no wonder so!" After saying this, Qu he gave way to his position, "fortunately, it's not a white tiger hall here! If you hold a banquet, I really dare not go there! "

Although he made way for his own position, Qu he's talk with a gun and a stick also made old man Hong look embarrassed! What does the so-called enough domineering mean, too clear! Hong's family is arrogant and domineering. It can be said that it comes down in one continuous line. No wonder the descendants in the family are like this! Didn't you learn from you?

As for the so-called white tiger hall, it must be the people who come here. If the negotiation fails, we will greet them with sticks and sticks!

Such words are no less than the name of the open scold, although the old man said old! But it's a matter of face! And still so young people said to themselves, even if they are more self-restraint, there are so some can not bear!

The people who follow the old man's back are all bloodshot! When did the Hong family suffer such humiliation, but they did not understand the matter. The old man didn't speak. What they lost was the old man's face!

Because of this, when they look at Qu he, they don't cover up at all, they are gnashing their teeth. If the eyes can really kill people, now Qu he is full of holes!

Looking at the person who came in, Ding Yu took a glance. Old man Hong also looked at Ding Yu. In his mind, there was absolutely no such person! Ding Yu just put his eyes on the old man's body. After a careful look, he stood up and arched his hands with his fist. There was no other meaning. It was just respect for the old man!

In addition, Ding Yu has no other action! He didn't even mean to be modest. He was still sitting in the previous position, and the old man Hong's face turned red, or the people in the back came to pull the chair! Otherwise, you will have no face at all! Because I was ignored!

But Ding Yu's side, except for Yang Chen, other people are not here! It's so strange for master Hong!

"Mr. Ding, if you'd like to come, you'd better meet me at a distance!"

"No! It's going to be a scurry Ding Yu said with disapproval, "speaking of it, I have some ideas in my life here. Let's just say it! But this kind of situation encounters not many! I don't know this place anymore When talking about this, Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head! Obviously, Ding Yu is a little disappointed with this kind of city!

"Dr. Ding speaks standard Mandarin! It's not quite like a doctor! "

"Half monk! Where dare you burn incense and worship Buddha? " Ding Yu is very playful, looking at the old man Hong in front of him, "but your old crutch is good, or I'll change it for you. It's useless to keep it anyway?"

The crutch in the old man's hand? Pure boxwood, but also small leaf boxwood, whether from the material or from the Baoji point of view, should be over a hundred years of things! But look at Ding Yu's meaning now, there are some meaning that want to give discount!

"If Dr. Ding is willing, I think the crutches may not be proper. Maybe the wheelchair is better!"

Standing behind, Yang Chen chewed the words of two people carefully, and he could still understand how much he could understand! But in front of the old man's speech is really bold, at least in their own impression, can talk to director Ding like this, it seems that there are not many people! Even very few!

However, before the old man Hong spoke, there was a loud noise at the door. Then he saw three people coming in from the outside. He turned his back to him. Even so, he was curious about who could come in. He was not from his side. If he was from his side, there would be no responsibility at the door What a noisy voice!

Huang Kun takes people to Ding Yu's desk, and the people behind him follow Huang Kun's back!

"So well informed? Come and have tea? " Seeing Huang Kun, Ding Yu has no accident! He is the most authentic local snake. If you want to hide all the news from him, the possibility is not so great!Huang Kun laughed and said, "what kind of tea do you want to drink? I feel the weather is good outside, so I came to bask in the sun When he spoke, Huang Kun was still standing. Even if Yang Chen had moved a chair for him, he didn't mean to sit down. "Ding Sheng, you're not interesting enough! It's not easy to come here without saying hello to everyone? "

Ding Yu did not have a good breath of hum, "sit down?" Take a look at the two people behind, is also an acquaintance! At that time, I met with each other! After Huang Kun sat down, they bowed down to Ding Yu respectfully, "Mr. Ding!"

"Go and have tea

Master Hong looked at him like this. Ding Yu said that he was the representative of Yue, but Huang Kun did not have any action and reaction. The two people standing there took the initiative to go to the side! No hesitation!

How can Mr. Hong not know Huang Kun, but the relationship between them really needs to be agreed. It's really not true to go there. It's mainly because he knows something about Huang Kun's son-in-law! And Huang Kun has been out of the river for many years! He doesn't ask about the affairs in the river and lake. Now he comes out, which is the meaning of the platform!

However, he did not stand on his own side, but stood on his opposite side Ding Yu!

What's more, Huang Kun's attitude towards Dr. Ding can be said to be respectful! If Huang Kun had been a veteran for many years! And because of the relationship between his son-in-law, who dares to underestimate, he needs to address Mr. Ding in front of Ding Yu. The things revealed in this let him have a little fear!

Looking at the tea on the table, Huang Kun took the teapot and poured a cup of hot tea to Ding Yu. Ding Yu took out the cup on the table and took a sip! The familiarity between two people can be seen from this simple action!

"Mr. Ding, this time, it's a family problem. I'm not strict in discipline, which has caused trouble to Dr. Ding!" Obviously, the arrival of Huang Kun made Mr. Hong aware of the considerable problems and conditions. He personally came to the platform, and the problems revealed behind him were too serious! It doesn't matter if you lose face, but at such a stage, if there are any problems in the Hong family, the consequences are really unimaginable!

I took a look at Huang Kun, but Huang Kun didn't have any reaction. He just thought he was sitting there like a woodcarving!

Mr. Hong bit his teeth. "Mr. Ding, all the problems are the fault of the Hong family, and all the losses are borne by the Hong family. If Mr. Ding has any dissatisfaction, if he can deal with it, the Hong family

Ding Yu hums and smiles, "brother Kun, do I lack this thing?"

"I said," Mr. Ding, don't you always make fun of me? If you throw a hair out, it's bigger than their Hong family's waist! " Huang Kun really has no taboo at all! It's also very calm!

"So there are other problems in it?"

"Yes! I know I can't hide it from you! But my Mr. Ding Da, such a thing is just a phone call for you. Don't always be difficult for me! You know, my son-in-law has to work! It's bad enough for an old father-in-law like me to keep his present job, which has already been criticized by people! "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "it's interesting not to practice a trumpet to play with."

Huang Kun shakes his head helplessly. What are these! Let oneself how to deal with! If there are no other people, it's better, but now there is a master Hong, so let's forget it! So it is also a bitter smile!

"No one else knows yet?"

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Huang Kun is a straight face, "news flow is relatively fast, but I believe that the people below dare not have any more words, you can rest assured! If something happens to me, I'll tell you with this head! "

Master Hong looks at Ding Yu and Huang Kun again! The feeling in his heart is very bad. He tries it out for a while. Ding Yu doesn't have any reaction, and Huang Kun sniffs at him. Ding Yu doesn't know that his own power can be understood, but what about Huang Kun? Can he not understand his power at all?

But under the condition of knowing, they also make quite a choice. The things revealed in this are worth pondering!

Ding Yu leaned back in his chair and nodded to Huang Kun. Huang Kun stood up again. Ding Yu drank his own tea, and he also indicated his intention. That's enough! As for the next thing how to deal with, with their own not too much relationship!

When he left, Huang Kun didn't go through the front door, but left from the side door! And all this old man Hong saw in his eyes! After watching Huang Kun leave, Mr. Hong looks at Ding Yu again!

"Huang Kun alone is not enough, even with his son-in-law! Not enough! " Mr. Hong looked at Ding Yu and spoke seriously. At the same time, his hands were on his own crutches!

Ding Yu is not satisfied with this! The old man is used to tyranny!

"You are an elder! Respectfully call you master Hong, brother Kun's arrival? I didn't think of it, but I'm not so surprised. I'm more concerned about whether brother Kun can block some news and crush you to death! Not so much fun! I want to see what kind of ghosts and monsters will come out! "Mr. Hong frowned. "So, what I'm here for is a little abrupt."

"Come or not, it's the same! But after you come, I think more people will jump out! I seldom break my promise, but it seems that the Hong family is in a bad situation! Do you want me to tell you something? "

"A little bit of interest!"

Ding Yu takes out a mobile phone from his pocket. It looks like an ordinary mobile phone, but it is definitely not a brand seen in the market. There is a distance between them. But master Hong can see clearly. Ding Yu finds a phone number from his mobile phone!

"Hello, this is Ding Yu!"

"Huh?" Obviously, some people on the other side of the phone didn't expect, "Ding Yu?" Wang Chenglin is really very curious, his nephew called, what is the situation?

"Well!" Ding Yu responded, "I came here today to worship my comrades in arms. I originally wanted to come quietly and drift away, but I was blocked here by the Hong family. It's a little overbearing."

Hiss! When Wang Chenglin knew the news, he took a breath of cold air!

"Boss, Mr. Hong's character is a little hot, but he still contributes a lot to the development of the country. However, due to other reasons, it is inevitable that there will be a mixture of good and bad at home!" What Wang Chenglin said is very obscure!

"When I was about to leave, there were some changes. The Hong family was a little pushed forward. I didn't care about compensation. Who was right and who was wrong didn't need to be so concerned. But there was a big fight with the traffic police, and my lawyer was almost beaten down. Qu he and Yang Chen were almost killed! There is another one named Hong Chang, who started to attack me. The troublemaker went to Hong Kong City. Isn't this a bit too much? "

"Boss? It's a little delicate! " Wang Chenglin felt that he had said it clearly!

"I asked the Xiang family to send people back from Hong Kong City. By the way, Hong Kai's two legs were broken. Now the old man of Hong's family is sitting in front of me. Since I'm going to smash the dishes, I may be a little more reckless! By the way, I want to see what kind of ghosts and monsters will come out. I want to see and see! "

Wang Chenglin has some feelings. How can the Hong family provoke the evil star of the boss? You should know that after listening to the boss's considerable things, you all feel that your scalp is numb. You really dare not do any touching!

Even at home for the eldest, there are so some helpless, to know their father and mother are in, they can give the boss how? It can be said that there is no way! Just let it go!

The boss's respect for his grandfather and grandmother is limited to this! As for your uncle? He called himself to ask about the situation of the Hong family. In addition, he should mean to clean up the Hong family!

Just tell yourself! There is no other meaning! You don't need to help yourself!

"I still know something about Comrade Hong Chui. He is more upright and decent. But is Hong family? It is inevitable that there will be considerable problems and situations! " Wang Chenglin thought for a while and said it truthfully! I really don't know what degree Xiaolao meeting has achieved, so the advance of the meeting has explained quite a situation!

"The old man of the Hong family has come forward in person! On the opposite side of me, so they must have encountered quite a thing! Otherwise, even if I have made two small characters, I will not be able to make his appearance in person! "

"Didn't you say that before? The situation of Hong's family is uneven, and the old man is a little eccentric. Is it for Comrade Hong Chui? I'm not very optimistic about it, but for the other two sons, I'm a little too doting, which also leads to their own problems! " Speaking of here, Wang Chenglin can't help sighing!

Obviously, there are some regrets about the Hong family's affairs!

"Then smash it! It's a disaster to keep it! "

"Save face for old Hong?"

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu looked at the old man Hong in front of him, "your two sons should come here! I want to see what kind of son he is and let you maintain it like this! It's interesting! "

The corners of his mouth twitched, "so there is no other room! Children's courage is great! It's useless to be bold! "

"If you don't die, you will suffer from it. I really want to kill Comrade Hong Chui with a stick, but someone pleads! I think it's worth believing what this one said Ding Yu did not have any polite meaning, "originally your Hong family's affairs have nothing to do with me, but now it's too late to mention these things!"

"So sure? Not afraid to talk big? " "Mr. Ding, not everything is as easy as talking!"

"Is it? Then try it! If I say too much, I'm just waiting, waiting to see who will be! " Ding Yu is still very indifferent, "anyway, your old crutches don't have any use, it's just decoration! It's as warm as jade, I see! It's just a hypocriteDing Yu's words are not so simple as to hit the face! It's like pumping back and forth in the face of master Hong! The one without any affection! The problem is that Mr. Hong didn't know how to deal with it. He couldn't even deal with it, let alone fight back! How to fight back? Can't do it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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