When the phone remembered, Ding Yu took a look at the caller ID, and the expression on his face was so stiff!

"I don't really see that you can find the capital? There are so many unexpected! It turns out to be connected with the sky. No wonder it's so confident! It's really a little underestimated! "

"People? Always comb your feathers

"Do you think I should take this call?" Ding Yu looks at the ring of the phone, there is no other action, just looking at the old man Hong in front of him! "I'll listen to you, old man! See if you have any ideas? "

"I think you should answer it. You can't refuse it!"

"Well! That's up to you! " Ding Yu then pressed the answer button, and even turned on the hands-free! "I'm Ding Yu!"

"Brother, I'm Wang Li! Would it be convenient for you? I want to tell you something! " A familiar voice came from the phone!

"Mr. Hong, there's something you can't say to your face!" Listening to Wang Li's voice, Ding Yu didn't take it seriously. "You said, we all listen. I'd like to hear what you, the eldest lady, say?"

Wang Li on the phone felt a tight heart, half a day did not speak! This is to let the old man Hong have so some fright, Wang Li's identity is known, but Ding Yu's words, directly let Wang Li have some dumb, such a thing is really not encountered!

To his astonishment, Wang Li talked to Ding Yu in a deliberative, even flattering tone. But what about Ding Yu? No politeness, but Wang Li was so scared that she didn't dare to speak!

"Big brother, can we have a talk alone?"

"Don't agree with me!" Ding Yu is still that tone, very indifferent, or is intentional!

"Mr. Hong, I want to talk to my elder brother?" When Wang Li said this, she was a little anxious! Even a little annoyed! Because she knows too much who her big brother is!

"Wang Li! I haven't seen you for a while! It's a bit of trouble for you Mr. Hong is a little afraid to speak! When he said this, Mr. Hong took care! "Mr. Ding, please!"

"Big brother!" Wang Li didn't know whether her elder brother pressed hands-free or not. "I don't know quite a few things, but my grandfather and Mr. Hong have some friendship. Do you think so?"

"Let him call me! I don't like to hear from others! " "I want to see what the old man will say. I don't care what you have done. Give me a bag and throw it away! I think the courage is really fat, want to God! I don't want to eat your Wang family's set, give me one side! And tell the whole Wang family, be careful, don't let me find out what! I don't care who it is! "

After that, Ding Yu pressed the phone! Then he looked at Mr. Hong again! After a look, he turned to Yang Chen and said, "do you have any intercession here? Come with me!"

"Report, director, I didn't report, but I think I should know it!"

Yang Chen didn't dare to talk much. He was by the director's side! Why don't you know, the director is in a rage now? Wang Li called and was scolded by the director. Her tone was very bad! Don't say it doesn't matter, even if it is, now it's time to weigh one or two of them!

"Now that you know? I haven't called yet, so there are only two possibilities! " Ding Yu is not taboo at all, "that is, there is nothing to do with the Hong family. This is a possibility. As a local villain, Hong family wants to be free from any contamination. Do you think such a thing, do you believe it or not? There is another possibility, that is, do not know how to explain this matter? No wonder the old man Hong is so confident

"Master Hong, can you understand what I say?"

Mr. Hong is really a little scared! A deep look at Yang Chen, hesitated for a moment, or did not let go of his cane, is still in his hands! There is no meaning to let go!

"See, this can not call the Yellow River heart not dead, not see the coffin do not cry!"

The atmosphere inside the teahouse was a little dull, but fortunately, it was not long before I heard a burst of footsteps and a group of people came in from outside! Seeing the four people lying at the door, their faces were pretty ugly, and they were swearing, a little wanton!

Ding Yu is very interested in watching and listening! Although Mr. Hong said that he was facing his back, he could see the expression on Ding Yu's face clearly, so he stamped his crutch heavily. The crutch hit the floor, and the voice was dull!

Not to mention, the effect is very obvious. Under the leadership of two middle-aged people, a line also came to the position behind Mr. Hong, but both eyes were wide open, staring at Ding Yu angrily! Look at this meaning. If you say something wrong, you may go straight to Ding Yu. You won't be polite!Ding Yu looks at the two brothers in front of him with taunting eyes. From his appearance, he should be his own, and they all look the same. After carefully measuring for a period of time, Ding Yu slightly shakes his head!

"Mr. Hong, I really don't believe it from the perspective of local folk customs. You haven't had contact with all aspects, or even have quite contact with them. What a pity! The trust is not human

"What are you talking about?" One of them directly stretched out his arm and pointed his index finger at Ding Yu. His face was a little embarrassed, "I tell you, you should pay attention to me! This is not the place where you can be arrogant

"If you don't cultivate virtue and kindness, what can you do even if you are invited to the town?" Ding Yu shook his head and hesitated for a moment! I can smell a little bit, but I can't find any evidence! "You can't see anything from your old body, but you can feel it from their two bodies. It's a pity! What a pity! I remember that there is such a sentence, and I don't know if you have heard that good people don't live long, and disasters will last for thousands of years? "

What is this? Obviously? The meaning of Ding Yu's saying this has some conflicts!

"What about the monks? Not really! But we can't deny that what they said is wrong! Good people don't pay for their lives, but if they are to benefit the future generations, they will be harmful to their descendants! There are three good things in one day, good fortune in three years, evil in one day, and disaster in three years! As the saying goes, there is no door for good or evil, but only people call for it. The rewards of good and evil follow closely. "

"Mr. Ding, since you have said that good and evil will be rewarded, why not?"

"I said, am I a good man?" Ding Yu snorted, "but if you really say that, although I'm not a good man, I don't think I've done too many heartless things! As for what matters of anger and resentment, it seems that there are not too many? However, it may be because the number is not clear! Who knows? "

Old Hong looked at Ding Yu and the mobile phone on the desk. The phone didn't ring!

It's been a while since Wang Li called! But whether it is their own phone, or in front of the phone did not ring the meaning! This is not good for Hong Lao! What is the identity of the Wang family? How can I not know? After all, Wang Chenglin is still here! But now after such a thing happened, there was no movement in the Wang family!

The meaning revealed in this makes old Hong shudder! There is a sentence how to say, after the night road to walk more, certainly will meet the ghost! The Hong family really hit the iron plate today!

It is true that there are still some cards at home, but do you dare to turn the cards now? Wang family such a big brand did not play any role, and even was in front of Mr. Ding to stubbornly accept back, it is true that the king's Day is high, the emperor is far away, but about the situation of the Wang family, I still know some!

It's not a top-ranking family, and it seems that there is no Hong family in the city. However, it is not easy to know that Wang's family is on the other side of the capital. It is not easy to be able to stand on the other side of the capital!

But the Wang family and Mr. Ding in front of him did not even touch each other, they were directly pushed back! Wang Li made this call, to a certain extent, represents the face of the Wang family, but it is obvious that the face of the Wang family in front of this young man, did not play any role, and even some humiliating!

The two people standing behind looked at Ding Yu and their father. They felt very surprised? In general, the father is rarely present! They also got the news before they came, but did not think, came to the place, meet unexpectedly is such a situation, it is some did not expect!

"Old Hong, what kind of gold and dog treasure do you have? Take it out and let me see the world?"

"Is it a good thing? But this one does. Do you want to try it? " The middle-aged man in the back can't help it any more! Directly took out a golden little thing and threw it to Ding Yu! Yang Chen in the back was caught!

Ding Yu glanced at the old Hong who was sitting there and shook his head with a smile, "if you can't get on the table, old Hong, you can also be regarded as the role of sitting on the side! That's how we educate our children and grandchildren? No wonder it's all like this

"Mr. Ding, how can I educate my children and grandchildren? This is my business!" Mr. Hong looks a little embarrassed!

"The son does not teach, the father's fault, since you are not well educated, there will always be someone to educate him! forget it! I don't want to ask about such a thing. After all, it's your family affair. I don't need to worry about it. I should have done a lot of things like this. How do you think I should deal with this matter? "

"Is Mr. Ding so sure?"

"I don't know!" Ding Yu thought for a while and shook his head. "To be exact, I really don't know about your Hong family's affairs. I'm a passer-by. If it's not a coincidence, I don't want to pay attention to it, but since it happened! Then make a chance! In a more popular way, let's have a contest"What do you say?" Old Hong stamped his own stick again!

"Just use the two of them as chips! It's no use keeping both of them! " Ding Yu said with disapproval, "look at the faces of the two of them, their faces are fierce, and the black air between their eyebrows is twining. I can see that there is no good end to them. I can see that they have done a little more bad things! Entanglement is a little bit too much! It's just right to use both of them as chips! Not much more, much less! What do you think? "

"They are not your opponents!" Old man Hong looked at Ding Yu, his face flushed!

"So use them as chips! Did you end up in person or something? If it's not convenient for you, I'll take away their two chips! " Ding Yu slightly hummed, "don't tell me those messy, normal procedures are also a death, it's just the time sooner or later, I can make them two happy at most! If you Hong family has other participation, I promise? Let them know everything and say everything. I think I can do it! So you decided to give it a try? I'm looking forward to it! "

"I'm American! You have no right to treat me

"I'll go, and a bastard will come out!" Ding Yu snorted, "it's rare enough! Mr. Hong, it's shameful to have such a person in your family. My son and daughter were also born in the United States, which is true. However, they are still the nationality of our motherland. If they are immigrants, I have no objection, but change their skin? The nature is different! "

"NIMA, I'm here. Do you want to move me?"

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Hong, is your son still growing up? Or the brain is missing a string. " Then Ding Yu beckoned his hand and called Qu he over. "Go and say, I'll peel off his skin. It's disgusting! Just say it's me! Since he doesn't want face, he doesn't want ancestors! Then there's no point in keeping it! "

What does the so-called pickling mean? Qu he certainly knows. What's the American identity? There's an egg. What kind of foreign devil? I thought it was time for the eight power coalition! If you think you're a foreigner, you can do whatever you want?

Looking at Qu he who left, Ding Yu looked at the speaker, "I respect domestic laws, but if you want to play abroad, I will accompany you to the end, and you don't have to go back to clean up! At most one hour, you will be informed, since you have no skin on your body! Then consider what you've done! Friendly tips! Of course, you may have a messy industry in foreign countries. I can guarantee that in less than an hour, I'll find out for you! I really want to see how much you have

When he finished speaking, Ding Yu took off his wrist watch and put it on the table! "From now on! One minute later, I will do what you say! Let's wait! "

Mr. Hong took a deep breath. He didn't dare to gamble! I feel restless today, so I came out to have a look at the situation, but I didn't think I really encountered a considerable situation, which made me have so many scalp numbness, no matter which aspect, I feel that the road is almost blocked!

"Mr. Ding, it's a little too much!"

"Ever?" Ding Yu asked, "right thing, wrong person! The Hong family has done well. This is the most clear thing in your own heart. I just treat people with their own way! So there's no need to talk about it! Some people have made it clear to Comrade Hong Chui that I have also been investigated, not to mention that a good seedling has been produced in a crooked way. If such a person is dragged down by your Hong family, there will be many problems, so I will try my best to make it difficult. "

"Mr. Ding, do you still have a chance?"

"Look at your children and grandchildren. Do you think there is a chance?" Ding Yu didn't mean to be soft hearted about the change of old man Hong's attitude! You don't have to think about anything else! I said, I think your old crutch is good, I thought about it! It should be nice to have a fire

"I depend on it all my life! I'm afraid there is something wrong with the fire! "

"Understandable!" Ding Yu's tone is also changed, and I don't know what it means. Anyway, the old man Hong sitting in front of Ding Yu has some inexplicable feelings. If the young man in front of him, if he doesn't talk big, he is really a dragon across the river, making himself a local snake without any resistance!

"Wait for the letter! Since you don't want to burn a fire for me, there is no problem for you to break it yourself! Anyway, it's the same in the end! It's no different! "

Then Ding Yu closed his eyes and leaned against the chair, as if to have a rest! Having been waiting for the phone on the desk to ring, Ding Yu didn't mean to answer the phone, so he put his hand on the desk upside down!

The phone rang for a long time, but Ding Yu didn't mean to answer. After a short time, Mr. Hong's phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, Mr. Hong almost stood up!

"Hello, Mr. Wang!"

"Well!" Wang Pu was so depressed, "what did you do?! How old are you! I remember that you were an organized and principled veteran comrade. That's how you behaved? ""Old leader?" Mr. Hong is so ashamed!

"I'll tell you! He's a bad star, you let him answer the phone

Mr. Hong hesitated for a moment, but also stood up, and even personally took the phone to Ding Yu's side, "Mr. Ding, Mr. Wang's phone! Please take it up! "

"No! Go where you want to go Ding Yu closed his eyes and was discontented with his attitude!

But Yang Chen saw the scene in front of him, stretched out his hand and took the phone to him. "Hello, Mr. Wang. I'm Yang Chen. It's not convenient for the director to answer the phone now."

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