Ding Yu has the leisure to eat, but the Hong family has no such mind! Of course, one of them is sitting on the ground, and he is not up now. As for the one who is standing? It doesn't seem to be as good as that. Mr. Hong is sitting, but how can he have an appetite now? Don't even think about it!

After eating, Ding Yu sighed slightly! It's a little irritating!

"Old Hong, do you think there will be someone coming?" Anyway, I'm free. I'd better say something else at this time! "I don't think anyone will come here now. Rome is built overnight, but the destruction of Rome may be a moment! Are you right to say that? "

Obviously, Ding Yu said so, which means something! Now master Hong and his two sons are all on Ding Yu's side. The so-called snake without a head can't do it, but they can't get out at all now, and they can't even make the so-called contact! Ding Yu has blocked all the signals here! What do you want? This question? I'll talk about it later!

Even if there is no future, this is two things to say!

"I just didn't expect that to happen?"

Ding Yu couldn't help but hum, "it's just that you don't want to admit it! Can't things happen with your eyes closed? What is impossible? After the bottom line has been broken, do you still think that this is the only time to do it again? How could it be? The bottom line is broken again and again! And again and again, there is no bottom line! Don't deceive yourself

Spread out his hands, Ding Yu made a helpless look, "maybe the people outside look, I am deliberately bullying you, you are already an old man! It's not appropriate for me to do this, but do you think I will release these data of Hong family? Believe me, I can do it! "

Ding Yu's tone and attitude are very sincere! But when Mr. Hong looked at Ding Yu, he saw the devil! How could he be so young? Hong family because of a moment of impulse, pay the price is too sad! I don't even know if I can see my two sons in the future!

Ding Yu looked at Mr. Hong. "Ah, it seems that you still have a lot of resentment against me in your heart, and you are not willing to admit the crimes committed by the two of them. Maybe in your opinion, what they did is just a little bit of a mistake."

"Mr. Ding, you are making trouble out of nothing! Make something out of nothing

"You know in your own heart that you have made considerable contributions, but now? Ha ha Ding Yu looked scornful, "bully? Is it possible to talk about people like you, so-called hypocrites? I think it's almost the same! " After that, Ding Yu took a breath!

"Another thing, I just couldn't figure it out, because the smell on your body is very special. I've been thinking about how it happened, because it's very abnormal! There are not so many things that can make me so confused! "

After hearing this, master Hong's face suddenly changed! Looking at Ding Yu's eyes is also a bit vicious!

"But I guess, on the whole, now! Let's not say whether this thing is valuable or not. From the point of view of the thing itself, it is a bit too vicious! I really want to ask the Wangs whether they know or not, what you have done? It's interesting! "

Then Ding Yu turned his body and said, "contact the Wang family for me. It's not much time to hit the face like this!"

"No way!" Master Hong held the table and stood up directly!

And Yang Chen looked at Ding Yu, and his expression was a little helpless, "director, old Wang and old lady are old! If you have time, contact again! Wait a minute, they're going to have a rest! If you disturb them at this time, there will be many problems! Do you think so? "

No way! The director can say so, but he absolutely can't do so! If I really do this, what kind of joint effect will it have? Besides, I don't understand what the director said. I'm afraid only the director and the old Hong in front of me know what's involved?

"Well, they still want face?" Ding Yu disdained to hum, "I just want to know. If our old Wang knows this situation, what kind of expression will it look like? I'm really looking forward to it! He has always been the trouble he has been looking for me, which has made me have some difficulties. Today, with such an opportunity, I can't open his eyes to him yet? "

Yang Chen coughed twice. He knew that the director was on purpose. He was venting something. However, such a thing is not something that a small person can judge!

When Qu he came by, he didn't pay any attention to master Hong. He attached himself to Ding Yu's ear and said two words in a low voice!

Ding Yu snorted, "come on! What's the matter? Will I go out and kneel down to meet you Obviously, Ding Yu is dissatisfied with the arrival of his third uncle!Qu he won't be dissatisfied with his husband's attitude. He just needs to tell him something! As for other aspects, sir, how to deal with it, this is his own business!

Wang Chenglin didn't come alone, and others followed him! However, the clothes are slightly simple. After I came in, I stopped for a moment and looked at the situation in the room. My eyes were twitching!

His nephew, really is not immobile has, move up, some unscrupulous!

Looking back, "Comrade Zheng Wu, the personnel who should be closed up should be put in custody!"

After a simple explanation, Ding Yu still didn't want to stand up. As for his third uncle shaking hands with master Hong, Ding Yu turned a blind eye, waiting for his third uncle to come to the table. Ding Yu looked up and then twisted his head! There are so many children's temperaments!

Wang Chenglin was helpless and knocked the table twice with his hand, "what's the matter? It's not calming down yet? "

"How dare you Although extremely dissatisfied, Ding Yu still stood up, "I thought I could catch more people, but now only a few scattered? Not enough! Not enough! "

In front of Wang Chenglin said this, the people behind are all feeling cool in the back of their head! They are all old people! How can you not understand!

"Things will be dealt with seriously."

Ding Yu slightly snorted, "I pulled out his skin, if I don't pick off his skin, how can I?" Then Ding Yu sat down again. Seeing Wang Chenglin sitting down, Ding Yu looked at him with strange eyes. "I don't care how to deal with the matter, but I'm not happy today."

Wang Chenglin is very clear, his nephew! It's definitely not a role that I want to be with. I'm his third uncle, but really speaking, I still have some problems. I've talked with my father before, and my father can't do anything about it. You know, he even hung up the phone directly!

But Wang Chenglin didn't mean to be angry with his nephew! At this time, Chi Qi can only deepen the contradictions between each other, and there is also the need to stabilize the situation. The affairs of Bi Jinghong's family will certainly cause quite a lot of noise. Under such circumstances, we need to be careful in dealing with things! Can not cause other influence on the overall situation!

His identity and Ding Yu's identity is not the same, he can be unscrupulous, but he can not!

"What are you talking about?" Wang Chenglin looked at his nephew discontentedly, but listening to other people's ears in the back, this is really not a reprimand! "So many things are waiting for you to go back and deal with them. Many people have already called me. You must go back tonight!"

Hum! Ding Yu didn't take it seriously. "Let them shut up. If anyone is not angry, let's call me. I really want to see and see!" Now talk to yourself about this? What do you think? "If you have any opinions, keep them, I won't accept them! I am now such an attitude, I do not cause trouble, but the matter to find the head! You're making me look down? What's the matter? Think I'm better at bullying, right? Come on

From the dialogue with his nephew, Wang Chenglin also really felt it! My nephew is not in general angry! It's just the kind of anger! I don't know what happened in the military region today, which will make him so out of control. At least in his own influence, he has never been!

"Why not? You are not a child now! When you think about problems, you need to be more comprehensive! " Wang Chenglin can only comfort his nephew, "and Hong Lao has made considerable contributions after all!"

"So what?" Don't say that, Ding Yu will not be so angry. "With contribution, it means that he can eat and drink on the merit book, and can lie down and dominate. Who stipulates that? We die in the front, and they're in the back? Good! No matter Hongshan's son of a bitch, it's not Honghe's son of a bitch. Just say that he himself. Now, face to face, ask him if you have done anything wrong? If he says no, I turn around and go! He dares to say no? "

Yeah? Wang Chenglin looked at it suspiciously. He knew what was the situation. Hongshan and Honghe had already made considerable decisions and considerations at a very early time in the province. However, things need to be done step by step. They can't be one size fits all. But what's the situation with Mr. Hong?

Old man Hong was a little bit shaky, and he didn't even dare to see other people. He didn't expect that Ding Yu would tear off his face directly, even in front of the public, but he did not dare to have any refutation. If all the things were presented in the sun, then the whole Hong family would not be able to be a man!

Looking at Hong Lao's appearance, Wang Chenglin's heart has a feeling on the whole! My nephew should not be aimless, old Hong! It must be a matter of anger and resentment, let his nephew grasp the handle, otherwise his nephew will not be so angry!Can't let things go on! If let his nephew continue, then it is not angry, if he is tyrannical, can he hold it? I'm afraid it will be really difficult to end the ceremony then!

"I have a good understanding of the matter. No matter who is involved, no matter how big the noise is, I will never tolerate it! But can not affect the overall situation! You should understand! "

"I want to see Comrade Hong Chui!" Ding Yu looks at his third uncle with no polite meaning. The meaning expressed is also very obvious. If Hong Chuo really has no problem, it's easy to say! If there is any problem with Hong Chuo, I'm sorry! Then it will not be so simple to uproot!

For his nephew's request, Wang Chenglin hesitated and took a look around!

"It's not so convenient here! What do you think? "

"There are rooms up there. Leave them for me!" Ding Yu did not specifically point to who, but Wang Chenglin absolutely understood! Now all things need to see Comrade Hong Chui! I hope he can stand the test, otherwise, it's a little hard to imagine, even some scalp numbness!

Soon Wang Chenglin called Hong Chui to him, and ignored the three people over there. Instead, he called Hong Chui to the side of the room, "be careful, he is such a boy! Today is absolutely out of line! I'm sure I'll be criticized after I go back. There's no doubt about it! But you need to pay attention to what's going on at home. What you know is knowing, and don't drag it on yourself! "

After pondering for a period of time, Hong nodded his head!

"I'm telling the truth about the situation!"

"Hi! Some things? It's not easy to say too clearly. He has a considerable relationship with me. There is no need to deny this. But whether it's me or at home, it's not good or convenient! " Some words stop at once! "What's more, it's a matter of concern to all over the capital. They are very eager for Ding Yu."

Hong Chuo Leng for a moment, Wang Chenglin mentioned to himself this matter, he has never heard of any, from the meaning of the words can feel out, things and their imagination may have quite different!

"Over there?"

"Yes! They definitely want to reach out, but because of the boss! How to describe this guy's temperament? It's really a bit hard to say. Basically, there are not too many people willing to be provoked. It's just one aspect that can't be provoked. I've read Hongshan's information! Directly deprived him of his identity and even cleaned up the assets there. It took only an hour. It's not everyone can do it! "

Wang Chenglin a little sigh! "What's more, if you don't, you dare not do it. It's really a help, but he doesn't appreciate it!" For this, Wang Chenglin has a very clear understanding! Of course, there is another reason! After all, Ding Yu is from the Wang family, and he is here!

Really, if something happens and there is no way to end it, who knows whether Ding Yu will be happy or not, it is very difficult to say! So now there is no movement, but also in the common sense of things!

When Hong Chui reached the door, he did not wait for himself to knock on the door. Qu he, standing at the door, nodded slightly, knocked at the door, and then pushed the door open! He also made an invitation gesture to Hong Chua!

"Hello! Mr. Ding

"Hello!" Ding Yu just stood there. It seemed that he had never sat down. After looking up and down for a while, he nodded, "if it's really about it, it's OK to call you uncle Hong!"

Two people shook hands with each other. At the invitation of Ding Yu, they took their seats again. Yang Chen pushed the door and went out. It is absolutely inappropriate to stay in the room at this time! It is also extremely inappropriate!

"Uncle Hong, I want to know something about it, that is, private inquiries! You can answer, or you can not answer! "

Although Ding Yu's tone of speech is very insipid, there is no doubt about his attitude!

"I want to know something about Hong's family, especially Hongshan and Honghe. Do you know?"

Hong Chui hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly, "how much do you know? After all, I work here! I've talked to them about this and warned them about it, but it didn't work well. It's because of this that I'm estranged from my family. "

"Different ideas?" Ding Yu smiles, "do you know about old Hong?" When talking, Ding Yu took a deep look!

"I'll visit during the festival. I used to comfort them, but there were quite a lot of quarrels. But during this time, because something happened at home, my father called me a lot."

Ding Yu nodded. "From what I know personally, you have been given several houses, vehicles and even other things at home, but you have sent your wife and children to other places!"Hong Chua hesitated for a moment, but also wryly laughed, "I can carry it myself, there is no problem, but I am worried that the child is too young to withstand, as for my wife's side, the same is true!"

"The core problem has not been solved, everything else is in vain!" Ding Yu shakes his head. He has a lot of emotion about what Hong's family has done, but at least he has an understanding person! "When I investigate your situation, I admire you very much. After all, there are not many people who can achieve this level! If you don't mind, I'd like to know what's driving you to make such a choice? "

"Some people say that I am fishing for fame and reputation, and others say that the dog helps others. But from my own point of view, I can do my own work well and then do other things!"

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