"It's also a very strange thing. I already know something about it! But I still feel very sad! "

Ding Yu moved his nose slightly, "from the current situation, you may need to learn for a period of time! It's possible to get together with your wife and children! As for Hong Lao, although he is your father, there are some things you may not understand. Simply mention two sentences, what they have done! I don't like digging graves? It has been taboo, not to mention more than that! Can you ask yourself? As for Hongshan and Honghe, I believe you will have a good judgment in your heart

"Mr. Ding, can I meet them?"

"There are still some possibilities here, because as far as I know, uncle Hong, you are still good. Because of this, I don't want you to be dragged down. There is no need for you in the future! I know it's hard to do something like this! But when it's time to make a decision, you still need to make a decision. Too many people's eyes are gathered on you

Ding Yu spread out his hand. "It may be a little too painful for you. I have experienced such a thing. I am helpless, and even have some speechless. It seems that all the mistakes are our fault. They are just forced and innocent! Who are you going to argue with? "

"Not many people will understand it!"

For this matter, Hong Chui's heart is quite depressed, this years of time has been like this!

"To understand or not to understand, this problem is not so important, at least the core problem is not here! I think the outcome of the matter is definitely more serious than imagined, and may suffer some misunderstanding, even quite misunderstanding. I hope you can stick to it! "

When he saw Ding Yu standing up, Hong Chui also stood up. Two people shook hands with each other. When Hong Chui left, he was very determined and did not have any hesitation!

Looking at Yang Chen and Qu he who came in, Ding Yu blinked his eyes!

"Director, this is a great justice to kill relatives! Isn't it a little too cruel? "

"You! Still too young! " Ding Yu shook his head, "Qu he, what do you say?"

"When Hong's family showed this problem, he had already drawn a clear line with his family!" When Mr. Ding Yu said that the problem could not be solved by looking at the problem, I could not even say that he could not solve it! At least there is no way to solve the problem in a short time! The situation is not clear in one sentence or two sentences! "

"You are a ghost! Yang Chen, did you hear anything? "

Yang Chen slightly showed his teeth, "Sir, assistant Qu's meaning, this time the Hong family was investigated, there must be Comrade Hong Chui involved in it! From the point of view of justice, there is no problem! "

"It's not that uncle Hong doesn't want to work hard or can't see it, but the strength in his hands is too limited. He can only use the skill of grinding with water. Besides, he has no other way to get rid of the mud and not dye it. Is this a common situation? In my opinion, it's a pity that I have so few! From such a family? What can you say? "

Hong Chui came down the stairs and looked at Wang Chenglin and nodded!

"I want to talk to my father!"

Hongshan and Honghe have been taken to the side of the location, and did not take away, why did not take away, this has Ding Yu meaning, but the relevant information wangchenglin has been read! At this time, there is no need to mention anything to Mr. Hong any more! What's in the information is really shocking! I don't know what to say!

Wang Chenglin nodded his head and patted Hong Chui on the shoulder when he left. He didn't mention much about it. Then he left and went upstairs. He still needed to talk to his nephew alone. After all, there was a lot of noise coming out of it!

"Dad, everything is in front of us, and now there is no need to argue about which of us was right or wrong at that time! Mr. Ding mentioned some problems to me. What he said was very obscure. He said that father, you dig graves. There are other things that are against human relations. I don't know whether these are true or not? Do the two of them know? "

Hong Lao is almost paralyzed there! His face was miserable, and his expression was full of remorse.

In the face of his son's question, Mr. Hong didn't know how to answer it. He could only reluctantly respond! "You don't have to ask! Knowing too much is not good for you. What I do myself, I admit, has nothing to do with you! "

Hong Chuo didn't mention anything else. What his father had done, only he knew best. Why did the other two brothers in the family do this? To a certain extent, I'm afraid it's the father's reason! How can such an old comrade become what he is today? Hong Jue has no idea!

"Father, can I know why?"For this problem, Hong Chui really don't understand. After today, there may be no chance in the future!

"In this world, youth abstains from lust, middle age abstains from fighting, and old age abstains. A greedy word is a little too harmful to people! When you reach out, you can't stand it, and you can't regret it. After the bottom line is broken, there will be no bottom line! "

Hong Chua understood more or less! Also did not go to ask what again, oneself knew that one of the problems was there! As for the others? It's not that important anymore! Can you save everything if you know something? Or do you know the process? Will it make you feel better?

"I said, boss, you're making a lot of trouble?"

After arriving at the room, Wang Chenglin was very dissatisfied. Even if Qu he and Yang Chen were standing there, Wang Chenglin did not have any scruples, so his voice was a little heavy! I am a little angry, even a little dissatisfied!

Qu he and Yang Chen looked at each other! Then quickly walked out of the room, Wang's things do not follow mixed! It's really hard to get involved! Wang Chenglin looked at Qu he and Yang Chen who left, and patted the table too!

"Talking to you? Do you know what's going on? "

"What does it have to do with me?" Ding Yu doesn't think so! "You just need to set the fire and don't light the lights! Does that mean? "

Wang Chenglin had some gas blockage. "You know it's not this problem. The Hong family's affairs are so thorny. What needs to be done is to step by step. You can't cut across the board directly! This is an extremely irresponsible attitude! "

"Clean up the old ones, and the small ones will be easy to handle! All of them have been killed. There won't be too much trouble! Anyway, it's a waste of food and pollutes the environment

Listening to Ding Yu's nephew's tone, Wang Chenglin's heart is also quite appalled. He has already tried out his nephew's attitude! It's no wonder that the old man has no way to make himself jump! Is it too bold?

"It is still unknown what kind of things old Hong has done. As for Hongshan and Honghe, they will definitely deal with them seriously, and there will be no palliative treatment." Wang Chenglin is sure to talk to Ding Yu!

"Not so much trouble!"

"No way!" Without waiting for his nephew to finish speaking, Wang Chenglin blocked Ding Yu's mouth! He is afraid that he has other actions, is really so some can not bear!

Ding Yu took a look at his third uncle, "I won't leave tonight! There is no need for other people to interfere with what I decide. Hongshan and Honghe are here anyway! I don't care how other people deal with this matter, and I don't want to, but I don't want other people involved in my affairs. "

"You are making a fool of yourself!" Wang Chenglin was very angry. He was afraid of this, but his nephew didn't listen to him!

"A little wayward once, everyone has a second year in secondary school!" Ding Yu directly began to grudge, although his tone is not like this, but the attitude of the matter is enough to explain everything, "I don't like to give up halfway. Why don't I do it when I can, why do I wait, don't I kill and stay for the Spring Festival?"

"This is not a question of the Chinese New Year. Everything needs to follow the procedure. If there is no procedure, then everything else will be in disorder."

"So did the Hong family abide by it? Hongshan's son of a bitch took advantage of this. If I didn't take off his skin, how to go through the procedure? I was alone. I didn't need to pay attention to so many great principles. I only knew that if I let go of that bastard, I would never be able to understand it in my whole life! I think I've made it clear! "

"Just for tonight, right here!" After that, Ding Yu stood up and said, "no one can say it! If you can, then you can detain me. I don't care! "

From Ding Yu's words, Wang Chenglin can clearly feel that his nephew is out of anger! In Wang Chenglin's opinion, the boss's own meaning may be more obvious. In his heart, he has considerable consideration!

After leaving the room, he ignored his third uncle's meaning and went back to the bottom of the building again. Looking at the sluggish old man Hong sitting there, Ding Yu knocked on his table with his hand!

"No one else! Talk about it! From your old man, other people's investigation should have been on the road! You answer or do not answer, in fact, is also a matter of no importance, at most is to sort it out! I said to break this thing and burn it. You don't agree. Now it's OK! Even if you are burning yourself, you don't have to think about Hongshan and Honghe. If they don't die, how can they be worthy of everyone? "

Mr. Hong raised his head and his eyes were dim! But looking at Ding Yu's eyes, still revealed a little beg for mercy, but Ding Yu will not be soft hearted. No matter how old you are, what do you have to do with me? Since we have done a lot of things, we need to bear a considerable price?! That's for sure!Are you a greedy man, sir

"This question is a little interesting, even quite profound." Ding Yu said with a smile, "my career has some foundation. Brother Kun has a word that is not wrong. I pull out a hair and it is thicker than your waist! Of course, it's a bit modest. It's probably bigger than the waist of all your family! "

"I haven't heard much about it. I'm a little ignorant of it!"

"I know what you want to say? I have never underestimated the darkness and greed of human nature. This is also what I emphasized earlier. People must have the heart of awe and can not forget themselves! I always abide by that. "

"So, Mr. Ding, do you have the confidence to act recklessly? Is it? "

"I'm a little embarrassed by that! Maybe in your opinion, I overpower you with all my strength, because my power is stronger than you? So to understand, perhaps from your personal point of view, there is nothing wrong! I'm not willing to refute you. What's the point of refuting you? In order to prove that you are right, I am wrong? so what? I'll give you a break? We laugh to avoid gratitude and hatred? Is it possible? "

Mr. Hong's mouth twitches a little. His actions have not had any effect. On the contrary, he is ridiculed by Ding Yu! Yeah! What would you do if you were yourself? The same thing!

"I underestimated my own greed and lost the nature of an old comrade! These could have been avoided! "

"You don't have any sense of awe, and the same is true with all the rice bags at home. They don't have any awe. In their opinion, everything should be for them. Then? When it comes to the end, do you think they dare to cry out and be a hero again 18 years later? "

Mr. Hong thought for a while and shook his head slowly, "they dare not, even they will kneel down to beg for mercy! Together with them will make quite a joke, this may be my failure in life! No wonder Hong Chuo is not willing to deal with me! He may have seen this, but he can only correct it slowly by other means! "

"To be sure, his performance is good and his ability is fair. What's important is that he knows his duties. At the same time, he has a great sense of awe. I've seen you in the first half of your life, but you are still quite decent. He inherited this point. As for whether it will be passed on, I don't know! As for the spirit of resistance? It has nothing to do with whether it is weak or not. The mountain above his head is a little too strong! I admire this very much! He can hold on to it

"No son of man!" I don't know if it's Ding Yu or Hong Jue!

"A little biased! But is it all about your own will? This seems a little too much! The world left you, left me, the earth is still the same rotation, absolutely will not have any difference! I believe it! I never believed that when I left, the earth would stop rotating, and when you left, the earth would explode

"Away from me, the earth moves like the earth!"

The insinuation in Ding Yu's words is understood by master Hong! Whether they leave or not, there is no difference, some things may always be in the dust of history, we know or do not know, there is no significance!

"Mr. Ding, what do you look like in the face of fear?"

Ding Yu's expression was slightly dull for a moment, "this question? How to describe it? It's not that I didn't have fear, but I did. What happened at that time? Now think of it, it is still portrayed in my mind, without any obliteration, for the past gaze! For the helpless now, a kind of longing for the outside world! On the whole, it's like this! "

"Mr. Ding, it seems that you have been in such a situation!" Mr. Hong didn't expect Ding Yu to answer like this. In the past! Now and the future! Not to say other aspects, this makes me a little difficult to describe! I don't even know how to deal with it!

Obviously, I have lost the initiative to talk. After I got in touch with Ding Yu, although I said that I didn't have any upper hand, I could still achieve a balance between them. But now? He is not led by the nose, but all of them are in the circle demarcated by Ding Yu!

I want to break free, but after breaking free for a while, I found that there was no difference with the previous, or standing at the origin! Why is this young man so powerful? I have never encountered it!

Envy at the same time, there are so some jealousy, if you can be as calm as him when you are young, maybe it will not be the end of today! So when you look at Ding Yu again, you can see a little bit sinister in your eyes!

"I don't like the look in your eyes. It's too naked!"

Mr. Hong's breath was a little short, and then he sighed! "Is it? Maybe I am too greedy! Clearly know not, and there are some delusions, Mr. Ding, why can you do it? "

"Do you still read?"

"Still reading newspapers now!""Reading is a very happy thing, but also a very painful thing!"

"Happiness can be understood, but pain is not so understood!"

"Happiness is because we can get to the thought, grasp the corresponding context, to see through the essence, to verify the quite different, while the pain is because some thoughts suddenly stop, the vein is scattered, so that we are still in confusion, even if we want to find, we do not know what kind of way to look for it!"

"This is why I never admit that I am a good person. How to define good people and bad people? also? If I say I am a good man, am I a good man? If I say you are a good man, are you a good man? " Ding Yu's words are full of sarcasm!

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