Mr. Hong looked back at his two sons. They are in a terrible situation!

Hongshan, in particular, had other small movements when going to the toilet before, but the problem is that everything is under the noses of others! Want to resist, also can't take such a way, this is not stupid so simple! Even more unbearable than the imagination!

Honghe seems to be relatively calm, but in fact it has been numb! He wanted to resist, but he couldn't make a phone call, and the news couldn't be sent out. People didn't even look at the guarantee of his own interests, and those people outside were all now! I don't know what they are?

To say that I have the heart of death now! This is slightly exaggerated, but I don't know how to make a decision! In the past, I can give orders. Anyway, there are Hong family and my own father. The Hong family can protect themselves from the wind and rain. The old man will never give himself anything!

But now? Look at this meaning, the old man is going to die! What else can I do?

Honghe suddenly found that at the time when the family had a deep foundation, but he never wanted to build the Hong family well. Now the matter is approaching, the place where I thought it could shelter from the wind and rain has begun to leak! Even if you look up, you can see the big hole! When did this place begin to leak? Why didn't you have any impression?

"I didn't think so!"

"I don't think so? Or their subconscious avoidance! Don't you dare to think about this? "

Looking at Old Man Hong, Ding Yu hummed, "it seems that you know what you have done, but you always feel that you have some identity and some so-called ability. You can hide your ears and steal the bell! Eat some! Drink a little, even a little arrogant, but there is a God in your head

"But Mr. Ding, the meal has already been eaten! After such a long delay, it doesn't seem like Mr. Ding's personal style. I don't understand it! " Something? Now that it's time, there's no need to think about it! Is it possible to turn the tables at this time?

This kind of thing basically need not think! It's also impossible! But Mr. Hong was confused by Ding Yu's actions. He directly beat himself to the ground. He absolutely had this power, at least from his previous actions and performances, but?

I really don't understand! Ding Yu didn't have any action next, as if everything had nothing to do with him! What on earth does he want to do? The feeling of master Hong and Ziyou is so puzzled!

Looking at the things delivered, Ding Yu watched for a while, and then divided a small cup to master Hong!

"It should be good for your health. Your way is too extreme! The same is too much yin, on the surface, there are not too many problems, but in fact, the symptoms do not govern, not too much effect! It's just that it looks good on the outside! " After saying that, is also careful to drink the soup!

Mr. Hong moved his nose a little, and then he drank down the contents of the small cup. When the spoon was in the mouth, he felt the taste of it. He was stunned. Then he took the cup and poured all the soup into his mouth! A little bit faster! Then subconsciously looked at Ding Yu!

"Don't look at me, you can't enjoy so much, because your body can't bear it, it has nothing to do with other things! At this time, I can't afford to leave you any regret for this thing! "

After Ding Yu drinks something, light said a word! "How do you feel?"


"What, why?"

"Why didn't I find it before? What's more, why do you give me something like this? " The old man's expression is a bit ferocious, "you said there is no regret, but this is my biggest pain!"

"You didn't find it, you didn't know it! Doesn't mean it doesn't exist. What's more, what you do? It can hide from ordinary people, but for some people, it is impossible. Even if you package it very well, it has no effect. To a certain extent, everyone is extremely contemptuous of your behavior! "

"No wonder, I always feel that some people look at me in a different way. It turns out that this is the problem! They all saw the problem, but none of them mentioned it, and I didn't hear anything about it! I really underestimated their tacit understanding! " For this, Mr. Hong resented it!

"It's a group of old people! They have their own ways and means, otherwise they will not exist today, but relatively speaking, there are still some deficiencies. Otherwise, there will be more secure ways and this situation will not happen today! " After that, Ding Yu took a deep look at Mr. Hong!

"Mr. Ding, what do you mean? You mean they did it on purpose, didn't you? ""I didn't say that. This is just your personal guess! Whether there is any effect, only your own heart is the most clear, self destruction, can not blame others! "

Ding Yu is very clear about what master Hong is thinking in his heart, but he will not follow his topic, "you should be able to feel it now! Your lower limbs are not so cold, and even at the back of your waist, there should be some fever. These are normal conditions

Mr. Hong blinked his eyes and felt it silently for a period of time before he sighed!

"It's a very good effect. It seems that all the previous ways have gone wrong! Huh? " The extreme resentment in master Hong's heart is not directed at Ding Yu, but against some people. Because he listened to them, he would lead to such a result. In this process, quite a number of people must have seen the problems and conditions, but they didn't have any words!

They sit and watch this happen! When he thought about these things, he was very embarrassed. He didn't expect that he would be calculated by them! If it wasn't Ding Yu, I'm afraid I don't know what happened to me until I die!

And because of this reason, he and even the whole family had such big problems and situations. How could he have no idea in his heart? If he left here now, he would never let them go easily. Later, he sighed!

"Mr. Ding, I'm not willing to let them go like this!"

"What do I have to do with it?" Ding Yu shook his head, "there is something to be done by heaven, but you can't live if you are not greedy. Will there be such a result if you are not greedy? It's impossible. If you don't get greedy and restrain Hongshan and Honghe, will they expand? Everything is complementary to each other! "

"I didn't expect that they did so many things behind my back. I know some situations, but I don't know quite a lot. I think that although they are not progressive, they can at least protect their lives, but I didn't expect that they would go on such a road!"

"The situation of Hongshan has been investigated clearly! It's not just a bunch of bad debts Ding Yu blew a breath, "anyway, what you see is shocking and even hard to let go. As for the other side of the Honghe River? It's not as good as that, but judging from the current situation, it's not as bold as Hong Shan, huh? "

"In this way, Hongshan can't live! As for Honghe, even if he survives, he will never come out of his life! "

"If you let me speak! If you're all killed, you'll be done with nothing. If you don't have other problems, it's the same with you. Your so-called face won't play any role! " Ding Yu has his own understanding of this aspect of things, of course, it can also be seen as pressure, "death is a very happy thing, I promise!"

"You haven't tried? How to guarantee it? "

"I wish I could do it faster! It's not something you can't do! However, if you think about it, it's a happy thing, but when it comes to the end, how can it be? Just like you old man, now you are not thinking about how to live is the right way. Even if you are humble, just live! "

Ding Yu spread out his hands, "I have also encountered such a situation, even if it is humble to live, as long as live! It doesn't matter what other conditions, when facing death, is definitely not a relief! I believe it

"Is it liberation? I don't expect Hong to live. Why can't they live? "

"It seems that you are not a general eccentric, but for me, you don't have the capital to negotiate terms with me. Don't you want to know why I'm here? Wang's family is useless, with others will not have any role, this point you do not want to think! I'm not leaving tonight! It is the most obvious signal. Everyone will understand what this represents! "

"You want to destroy it completely!" Old Hong understood it immediately!

"Yes! How can it be reshaped if it is not destroyed? It's all smoky here! Even some people can't see it, under such circumstances, it's really not much practical significance to continue to keep it! Do you think so? I believe many people are aware of this situation and the truth! "

"Who are they? Can I know? "

"It's meaningless. If you can't move, you can't get in touch with it. After contact, no one is willing to pay attention to you. At least they won't stand on the surface. You don't have this time, and I won't give you such a chance!"

"So you're still taboo about something! Is it? "

"You can say it's taboo, or you can say I'm fishing! I don't know if your bait can have the so-called effect. I'm not so optimistic about it! These guys are smart now! I'm thinking about it now? I'm looking forward to releasing Hongshan or Honghe! ""Is this the reason why you can look up all the relevant materials of Hongshan at the first time?"

"My friends are not too many, but they are not too few. It is very easy to mobilize Hongshan. But it is precisely because of this that a lot of situations have been exposed. I want you to be the bait. But how do you say that? It's unlikely that even small fish will be caught! "

"Isn't this bait big enough?"

"It's so much less than that!" Ding Yu is very disdainful. If it is not the right time, master Hong really wants to swing his crutch and give Ding Yu such a sudden. It is the best to hit him with peach blossom all over his face. But judging from the current situation, it seems that there is no possibility!

"Yang Chen, wash the two of them, change their clothes again, and let them eat something? This evening, they are the protagonists, since they are already chessmen! You should enjoy a good deal. Don't go there. You still need to leave a lot of regret! As for whether it is a complaint or not, it doesn't matter! "

Yang Chen made a sign to the two people behind him. They were the people gathered from the sub bureau! Soon, Hongshan and Honghe were taken to the bathroom. After three times and five by two, the two men were cleaned. There was no abuse, just a little bit rude! Anyway, they are not good people either!

They changed their clothes again. The two people who looked out were not in suits. Even the hair on their heads had not been blown clean, but they were still combed clean!

"Together! Other things are not sure, but I'm sure this will be the last time in your life that father and son eat together! Even if Comrade Hong Chui doesn't have to, he's not from the same line of people anyway! "

Hongshan and Honghe sat at their father's side. At this time, they couldn't hold the chopsticks in their hands! How can they not be afraid of such a thing? As long as you are close to your father now, you can get some comfort and even warmth!


Mr. Hong sighed that he was not very hungry, but now that he saw his two sons, he felt that he was not clear about the road! I seem to have hurt them!

If it is not for their own sake, they may have a bit of a bad day today, and even may have a difficult situation, but they will never have the situation today! Even between each other may be the last meal of life together!

"No news from the director."

Qu he is basically responsible for these things. Even if Yang Chen can get the news, he will only remember it in his own heart, and will not show any initiative. He must keep his identity in mind!

Sitting on a table, the three Hong's father and son all stopped what was in their hands. "There is no news. It seems that the bait has not played any role. This is not appropriate. It wastes so much time. Do they not even want to jump out of a miscellaneous fish

"There's no intention of jumping out, along with quite a few people who have taken the initiative to escape!"

"Oh, did someone else take the initiative to escape? Who is it? How can you avoid the eyes of a considerable number of people? Although the action is so hasty, this is not the reason! "

"It should be from the United States. They have a very good plan, along with some measures. At least in the first wave of operations, their alarm went off! That's why we're in the air After saying that, he took a deliberate look at Hongshan. "Although there are not many people who have been pulled down by him, from the perspective of understanding, the problem is very serious."

"They are not even miscellaneous fish. I have no interest in them!"

Qu he can't help shaking his head. As for other people, will they come to provoke the director at this time? In my opinion, this is an impossible thing, after all, the director of this thing, will let a lot of people are far away, absolutely will not have any forward!

If anyone is involved in his family, he will definitely break his leg and send it to Ding Yu. It doesn't matter whether they are alive or dead in the future. As long as director Ding is happy! That's for sure!

Why? Director Ding is so irritable now? Not one sentence two sentences can explain clearly, since the explanation is not clear, then there is no other need! Right?

Hong's father and son looked at each other, it seems that the external situation is very bad! Even now may have been beyond their imagination! Although they all know that the hope is dim, but a little expectation, in the end, is the support to survive!

"How many people are there now?"

"A lot of it!" Qu he handed over the collected information to Ding Yu's hand. After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu threw it in front of master Hong, "have a look! There will certainly be fish who miss the net, which is certain, but it will not be as many as you imagine. What do you think, master? Tell me about it? ""What can I do? Not all has the final say? "

"Hard to say!" Ding Yu snorted, "you have done a lot of things like digging graves. Who can guarantee that this will happen in the future? Anyway, I don't know. You are the only one who knows best. If there are such problems and situations at that time, what do you think should be done? "

"Dare you?" Mr. Hong's eyes were wide open and he was very angry!

"There is nothing to dare to do. If you dare to do it, you should consider the consequences. You only need to bear the responsibility of the people in the world, and do not allow the people in the world to bear you. What are you doing? Do you have this connotation and details? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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