Looking at his two sons, Mr. Hong closed his eyes and said, "why? It's my personal reason. The two of them were seduced step by step. It can be said that it is the result of my willful indulgence. In fact, their relationship with the whole thing is not particularly big, and the main reason is not in their bodies! "

"But you alone are not enough, and still far from enough. Even if you want to take all the responsibilities, do you think everyone will believe it? Don't be so naive! Under the avalanche, no snowflake is innocent! Everyone knows this truth! Isn't it? "

Ding Yu is not a judge. What's more, even if he is a judge, he needs to look at the appropriate situation before he can make a proper judgment!

Whether or not Mr. Hong supports him behind his back, what Hongshan and Honghe committed are unforgivable. It has nothing to do with connivance!

Hongshan and Honghe do not dare to have any words now. In the past, they were all in front of each other and full of friends. But what about today? Like a prisoner, there is no room for resistance! In their mind, the father of the sea god needle is still like the withered grass in the wind!

"The two of them are not as smart as Hong Chui, or even so stupid. I stand behind and control everything!"

"It's no use. At most, let them have a whole body. You know, I understand! Besides, the three of you are not enough, and still far from enough. I can't leave any disaster to myself, and this is not my style. I will turn a blind eye to what you say and listen to it! "

Kill them all? Mr. Hong took a deep breath, "can't I be alone?"

"The problem you have committed seems to be the lightest, but in fact, I think it's very clear in your own heart. If I give you a face, at most, it's respect for the elderly, and what's more, it's just because of Comrade Hong Chui! It has nothing to do with other people. I hope you can understand that the mistakes of the two of them and others are their problem! It's not that you want to see everything, you can! There's nothing so cheap! "

Mr. Hong opened his eyes and looked at Ding Yu carefully. Who's the child of such a young man? Who trained them? I'm well-informed! But in front of him, it can be said that there is no force to fight back! This is really terrible!

"I can explain it, and I believe they will take the initiative to explain it!" Mr. Hong further talked about his own conditions!

In this case, you don't have to think about what's in a mess. If you don't explain it, you can't imagine it! And even if it's an account! What kind of consequences will there be, is also very difficult to say!

"Hongshan, and Honghe, I know about the two of you, but I didn't expect that you would be so indulgent and out of line. I, as a father, failed!"

After that, master Hong slightly waved his arm, and Ding Yu also waved his arm. Under the leadership of Yang Chen and Qu he, someone came to take them away, but they didn't mean to leave the teahouse. Obviously, Ding Yu didn't mean to let them leave!

"All right! Mr. Ding, I believe that they will take the initiative to account for quite a lot of things. They should bear the responsibility, and they will take it! " After all, his own son? He thought of countless ways, and even actively mentioned with Ding Yu a considerable interest exchange, but did not get any feedback!

Under such circumstances, we can only give up these two sons completely! He has already felt Ding Yu's impatience! As for his side, there is no need to do other ideas. Ding Yu will never let himself live. What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what '!

"Give up so soon? Is it a little early? "

As for the sudden change of old man Hong, Ding Yu snorted, "but those who know the current affairs are heroes. You are cruel and resolute enough. After making considerable exploration, they suddenly give up Hongshan and Honghe. Hongshan is a hybrid and Honghe is a son of a bitch, but as you said, they are all your sons Under, you can give up, it seems that I really did not see you wrong

"I don't want to. Relatively speaking, I prefer that they two accompany me, rather than Hong Chui. It seems that you said it. It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. It's just a choice."

Yeah! Ding Yu nodded to master Hong, "it's this look that makes me feel very interesting. I can see your resentment against me. I wish I could peel off my skin and remove my bones! Then suppress it and never turn back! "

"There are ideas in this area, but I know that it is impossible to achieve this!"

"I feel like I'm not a particularly hateful person, but as far as I know, I don't know how many people prick villains in their homes. All of them are written with my name, but it doesn't matter. At least I'm still living well now.""Mr. Ding, the so-called snake without a head can't do it. Our father and son deserve their crimes. There's nothing to regret, but the rest of the family are innocent!" Mr. Hong is very straightforward!

"Let's not say what kind of mistakes they have made. Do you think about how they will live in the future?" Ding Yu snorted, "you have never thought that, in my personal opinion, they are backed by the Hong family. They are reckless and have no accumulation at all. On the contrary, they have developed many problems and problems. The big tree of Hong family suddenly fell to the ground. They can't continue to rely on the Hong family to absorb blood. But will other forces make them dependent?"

What Ding Yu said is very straightforward, even some naked!

"I can say that they are definitely more miserable than they imagined. How did they impose themselves on other people's heads in those years? Others will also feed back to them. Do you think they have such endurance? And do you think people will give them such a chance? In my opinion, it's almost impossible! "

Mr. Hong's face didn't feel any embarrassment. He had already expected such a thing for a long time! Because I've seen so much! So there is not too much emotion!

"Mr. Ding, this is also a process, a process of elimination!"

"Do you want to keep the seed?" Ding Yu was quite surprised to see the old man Hong sitting there. "Why do you think I will turn a blind eye to them instead of killing them all? You know, my killing power is not so big, and this is also criticized by everyone. We all have some gnashing teeth about it! "

"Do you know what to do with ants if you kill decisive people?"

"Don't know?" Ding Yu really thought for a moment, "for the ants that run to the bottom of their feet, I will never deliberately avoid them. Of course, I don't care about them, because they will not be placed in my heart to a certain extent! I don't know whether the answer is correct or not. It's not a matter of fact! "

"They are just a group of ants. They seem to gather together, but now it's time to fall apart! However, it will not be left at all. If Mr. Ding doesn't mean anything, then other people will not care about it. At least there is Hong Chui at home, and he won't turn a blind eye to it! "

"How many good people can there be? But whatever you want! Anyway, as far as I can see, it doesn't mean much! There must be a lot of differences between what you think and the actual situation. I have read quite a lot of materials about Hong's family, which can't be described as a mixture of good and bad. Anyway, I haven't seen too many good people! "

"Mr. Ding, a good person or a bad person is not defined in this way!" Mr. Hong took a deep breath and said, "I'll tell you what I know. I'll never shirk the responsibility I should bear."

"What do you think of others?" A look at their watch, the time is still early, but there is still not much movement, there are some regrets, what's more, they still have no news from the capital, they are all a bunch of old foxes, very smart!

"Now that you've got on this ship, don't you think it's too late to get off the ship at this time?" Mr. Hong showed a little cruel expression, "I didn't take the initiative to pull them onto the boat. It was you who got on the boat. Mr. Ding, didn't you say that just now? No snowflake is innocent under the avalanche

"It's quite in line with your old man's character, but I don't know how much turbulence it will cause?"

"Mr. Ding, do you care?"

"It's not good to say, it's not easy to say it!" Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "the so-called saying is not good, in my personal intention, I just don't bother to pay attention to it, but I can bear the pressure if I don't see it! You know, although I am a bit unscrupulous, but it does not mean that I can really run wild! And the so-called hard to say, this problem is a little more extensive! You should understand, who knows where this thing will expand? "

"Mr. Ding, you are very frank, I feel you are a very strange person! Even some contradictions, at least I have been successfully confused! It's very difficult to make a judgment in this respect. There are too many differences before and after. In the past, it was aggressive and made people have no way to breathe. But now? Each other can sit together peacefully

"What about it? You are an old man! I have seen too much, I have seen many things, experienced many things, and even have considerable thinking and summary. But in this point of time, it does not mean that if I want to catch up, I can catch up. I must try my best to be able to hold you down here. Then the remaining problems are not problems! "

"No wonder!" Mr. Hong nodded, "it's very smart. It's my problem. I had some worries, even quite worried. But in my opinion, if you want to move me, you need to weigh it carefully, but I didn't expect that I was caught in a vacancy!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Hong looked at Ding Yu and said, "if I don't come here, what will you do?""Setting up one or two traps, however, will not have much effect on you. Instead, it will arouse your vigilance. Therefore, I may directly hit the door, cut off all internal and external interests, and lure Hongshan and Honghe back! However, this needs to work with other parties, and there may be quite other problems. Even at the end of the day, I may force my hand and get rid of it directly! "

Mr. Hong's mouth twitched slightly, "are you really not taboo at all? You won't be bothered by other aspects. If you do that, the noise will not be too small! "

"It doesn't matter! Do is do! Since I want to do it, don't look forward to it. My mood today was not so good. If it wasn't for your Hong family's delay, I should have been home now! I'm not stuck here! So I need to find a place to vent my anger! "

"No wonder! There are not many people coming this evening. They should all sit in a proper position. "

"I don't know. I don't care about it. At least I don't need to be involved in other aspects now. Anyway, I'm angry! As for other things, do they have anything to do with me? It doesn't matter! " Ding Yu's mouth slightly cocked up, "I think many people are willing to see this, and even take the initiative to recognize it!"

"It's a bit of a bullshit." Mr. Hong is very moved by Ding Yu's behavior! "At your age, I don't think much about it. Maybe at this age, I have a lot of experience and other reasons. But how can I say that? It's not worth mentioning! "

"Experience, after all, is in such an environment. If you don't pay attention to it, you may be engulfed anytime and anywhere. There is no so-called inside information. If you are not careful, everything will be swallowed up. Don't you have such feelings?"

"Yes, but then lost!"

"It's a pity that there are even so many people speechless!"

"Well! What should I do next? It's a great pleasure to chat with you. It's a pity that we met so late. If we had met you at the beginning, it would not have been like this! "

"Hard to say!" In this regard, Ding Yu expressed his opposition opinions and ideas, "I have had quite a meeting with Chairman Li Jianxi of Samsung. He is not lying in the hospital now. Of course, I may think that there are some problems above. After all, did I say that? I'm not a good person, and I can't define whether others are good people or not! "

"It seems that I am really a bad man! If you define it from my current perspective, you should be a good person. At least I need to admit that I am a bad person, and everything must be done! "

A finger ring, someone stood by Ding Yu's side. Ding Yu gave a simple explanation, and immediately someone began to do some inquiry. The time was a little longer, almost three hours!

Hong's father and son have already explained almost! Of course, there is a considerable amount of time to actively help them remember, if it is to let them account for themselves, I'm afraid it really needs monkey years! And this is only a preliminary process!

There are a lot of things to verify. Who knows what they say is true? Or false? Not so clear, another question? There are a lot of implications in this, absolutely can't believe their family's words!

For three hours, the three members of the Hong family were all mentally tired, but now they have no intention of taking a rest! How to rest? As soon as you close your eyes, things flow towards them like a flood! They don't feel any rest at all!

What do you really want to explain? But at this time, the hard resistance has no effect! They have already seen this situation very clearly! Especially Hongshan and Honghe!

If their father is still outside, they will certainly try their best to find other ways. But now even their father is deeply involved in it, and there is no way to get out of it? I'm afraid it's a long time ago!

Even if they are tenacious, when can they carry it? People already know about it!

"No rest yet?"

When he found that Ding Yu was reading there, he felt very strange, even a little curious!

Ding Yu took a glance and took out his ear with his hand. "If there is no special thing, I usually go to bed late. After 11 o'clock, I may be a little later. I get up at more than 4 o'clock in the morning. Because of the special situation, I can keep deep sleep, which will not have any other impact on myself."

The corners of his mouth twitched again, "I doubt that you are a loner."

"I have two children, one son and one girl, and apprentices. There are even other children to be trained. Besides, you should see that! There are a lot of people around, they are not stereotyped, and need to be well shaped! Take up a lot of time, but also spent a lot of experience! It's not that easy! "Mr. Hong was a little confused and his eyes were lax, but he soon came to his senses!

"I believe that I am not so interested in children. What I am more interested in is that you have such restraint, which is a very unacceptable thing. I believe that not many people will ask you to do so. Don't you think it is so bitter?"

"Bitter?" Ding Yu was puzzled and looked at Hong Lao, "why do you think so? It's a little strange!"

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