"Why do you feel a little bitter? It's hard to imagine! " When Ding Yu looks at Hong Lao, his eyes are a little strange!

"Do you enjoy it?" Old Hong thought about it and nodded his head slightly, "yes, too!"

"Of course Speaking of this, Ding Yu is even a little excited! "It's a lot of fun. In my personal understanding, Hamlet is different in the eyes of a thousand people! We all have their own different understanding. As for the so-called similarities and common ground, it is not the secret that I want to find out. I think more about what can be condensed out of the book! It's very interesting whether it's for your own use, or if it's taught to you! "

"Why do you want to understand that?" The old Hong asked!

"In my opinion, people have memories, and people will put their memories in books as carriers, but there is no memory in society! Why many things happen frequently in the society. Society is a whole. Although it is constructed by countless individuals, the whole is different from the individual. The individual can not be superior to the whole, and the whole can not exist without the individual! "

Mr. Hong held the chair with his hand and looked forward to his body!

"Are these philosophical studies? I remember you said, you are a doctor

"When I first became a doctor, I had such an opportunity, and I didn't want to disappoint my father. I studied western medicine, and I also had considerable research on traditional Chinese medicine. The history of Western medicine is relatively short, and the history of traditional Chinese medicine is relatively long. Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. They are opposite and dialectical! It is also unified! "

"If I had met you 20 years ago, or earlier, 30 years ago, I would never have been like this, life! Sometimes it is such a critical turning point! It depends on how you choose! "

"Maybe." Ding Yu does not want to discuss this with him, because there is no practical significance!

Twenty years ago, even 30 years ago, what kind of situation I was like was ridiculous! There is no hypothesis in history! The assumption doesn't make any sense!

"I have explained quite a lot, and Hongshan and Honghe have also explained quite a lot of things. Looking back, I have done so many things. Even after I have seen them myself, I feel strange. Are these things really done by me? Mr. Ding, have you ever had such doubts? "

"Yes Ding Yu nodded positively and took a sip of coffee!

Mr. Hong noticed that there was not much on the table! And put very neatly, it is obvious that Ding Yu has a certain compulsion, this guy has quite obsessive-compulsive disorder!

He carefully looked at the past, Ding Yu put down the coffee cup, unexpectedly can not see with the previous time, what difference, anyway, he did not feel out! And these should have been deep into Ding Yu's bone marrow! And he has considerable doubt, if he moved the teacup in front of him a little, he would not look very embarrassed, even from the bottom of his heart!

But Mr. Hong didn't do it. There was no need. If he did, it would be too childish! And some of them are not worth mentioning! What's the use of disturbing Ding Yu's mind!

If you really have the idea of this aspect, you will not have explained so many things before!

"What I have done, let alone bad? It seems that this teahouse is not small, but I don't think it is enough for me to put it down! It's no exaggeration to say, domestic or foreign, basically have my file! "

When talking, Ding Yu snorted slightly, obviously expressing some dissatisfaction!

"Is that a little exaggerated? We should know that all the people who can do this are the big people on the moving side! "

"Big names on the move side?" Ding Yu thought for a while, and slowly shook his head, "I haven't seen it. Many people will not reveal it on the surface. If you talk about a more practical picture, you may know who is the chairman of a company? But do you know what kind of power is behind the company? What has not been seen! "

"On the whole, I understand!" Mr. Hong said, "in this way, Mr. Ding's power should be great! incorrect! My statement may be quite wrong, Mr. Ding can be quick! Clean and easy to solve the problems of Hong family! Especially about Hongshan, it's a bit exaggerated! "

"Good! Friends don't care how much, in fine but no more! At least this is my personal opinion and opinion! "

"I'd like to meet Mr. Ding's children and learn more about Mr. Ding, but this may be a pity of life! I have explained quite a lot of things, and they have also explained quite a lot. It's not worth dying! "

"Ha ha, you old guy is not so smart. At this time, you are playing with the so-called" careful machine ". From my personal point of view, Hongshan and Honghe are dead! What about you old man? Anyway, you have lived to the age, don't stay, continue to waste food! It's also easy to fall into endless pain"It's too murderous! Our country still stresses law and human relations! "

"Have you ever talked about law and human relations?" Ding Yu snorted, "but what you said is also good. The country stresses law and human relations. From my personal point of view, there is no need to avoid things in any country or society. Is it really meaningful to live like this?"

"Who knows? But I'm sure you won't do it! It has nothing to do with whether you cherish feathers or not! You may step on the line, but never cross the line! " Mr. Hong said it with all his heart! It seems that he has grasped the handle and weakness of Ding Yu at this time!

"Hard to say! Who knows if I suddenly have an interest in this area? "

Ding Yu's eyes flashed a sharp look, which made master Hong's heart shrink for a moment. "Don't try to challenge my bottom line. It's true that I will be criticized a little, but there will be no big movement. I believe you can understand and understand the meaning of this discourse at the same time."

Maybe it was really affected by Ding Yu's murderous spirit! Once again, Mr. Hong leaned back on his body and even tightened his coat! In such a moment, he even felt the cool air behind his head, and then the whole body couldn't help shivering!

Back against the chair above, Mr. Hong is considered to have some psychological stability! But still looking at Ding Yu, he said, "Mr. Ding, I should say, are you an executioner?"

"Whatever you like! I don't mind! " Ding Yu doesn't agree with this!

But for Mr. Hong, the movement is a little bit big! "I boast that I came from the battlefield. At least I have experienced this aspect, but the people who can make such a move are not as many as I imagined. Even after reading my history, I have never had such a encounter!"

"It's no good to know too much, and it doesn't make any sense! I've said it more than once! I'm not a good man. Is your head really broken? "

"I will never find such a person in the future! While there is still a considerable amount of time, it's better to have a chat. The time to open your heart and lungs is definitely not as much as you imagine. I know this from the bottom of my heart! "

Hum! Ding Yu was so contemptuous. He took out his own cigarette and took one out of it. Then he threw it to Mr. Hong's hand and said, "try it! Is it a specialty of the family

Looking at the cigarette, Mr. Hong showed a little interest, "so you made this thing? I've been lucky to have seen it, but I haven't seen much of it! The taste is very special! "

This cigarette is not really boasting, but really experienced, but I don't have such a big addiction, after all, for the elderly, it has quite bad! However, Honghe praised this a little, but even so, he seems to have no idea about this aspect!

He did not ask the meaning, but from today's Ding Yu took out this cigarette, it seems a bit unusual!

"Honghe, he brought me half of it! It's hard to get it. I don't know the specific situation. At the beginning, I had to rely on this to survive a lot of difficulties, but now I'm old enough to be a little loveless! But look at this meaning, it should be only a small part of your industry, Mr. Ding! "

"You know what you should know! What you don't know should never know. It's not a good habit to ask the truth! Basically, it is not in circulation on the market! I don't have the interest in this aspect, and I don't have this hobby, so I think it's for some people to do something earlier! "

"Mr. Ding, why don't you mean to be big? I believe it should be a good industry! "

"You can't do it, and if you do it, the taste will change! It is mainly to produce some cigars, but some people have accumulated a lot of dowry with this craft. It's also very good. It's just mutual benefit! I don't know if I am a more conscientious capitalist, but no one can say such a thing! "

"Mr. Ding, you are so confident! Still not confident at all! To know that capital is always the pursuit of the greatest interests! But there has never been any pity like that

"I have always been reluctant to pay attention to the operation of capital. Has Mr. Hong read capital theory?"

Seeing old Hong nodding, Ding Yu then said, "these things can't be sold for too much price in their hands. However, in my own hands, I don't have the delusion that I can sell them at a high price. It has nothing to do with whether it is necessary. The so-called value maximization is often the beginning of destruction."

"I haven't heard of such a statement?"

"Take cigars as an example! Whether the maximization of value can be achieved or not is absolutely possible! And it is easy, but the space between each other is not too much rotation, and even highlights the contradiction! Will also block quite a channel! In my personal opinion, it's not appropriate! ""Mr. Ding, isn't it a good thing to let them compete?"

"Good? I don't think so. From planting, I want to maximize, that is to say, I pay the least cost, get the most products, and then reduce the cost of labor, and finally sell them with high-end prices! In terms of capital, I only need to invest in the high-end, and then the middle end and low-end will come into being, right? "

"As far as I know, it seems to be like this. There may be considerable differences among them, but there will not be too many deviations!"

"In fact, it can be put in another way. I will give you some grass to eat, but you must give me milk. Even if the quality is poor, the food is not enough! Because I want to pursue the maximization of value! But as far as I'm concerned, the mode of capital operation is actually problematic, and still quite problematic! "

"There is no denying that it has a considerable promoting effect, but it will also have a very backward effect. Mr. Hong, what do you think is the reason?"

"Because capital pursues interests, not other things! As long as there is interest, it is not in the scope of capital to consider whether it will be destroyed or not. "

"Zhengjie, I also pursue interests, all kinds of interests, this is a very normal thing, I did not ask other people like me, it is impossible! Speaking of it, you also pursue interests, which can be regarded as the promotion of capital, and finally go to the end. Think about it, it's a simple truth! "

Ding Yu and old Hong talked for a long time. When it was about to dawn, Ding Yu had a simple rest! It's just back on the chair. It doesn't mean to leave the teahouse!

Hong's father and son are here too! Their rest place is very simple, although it can shelter from the wind and rain, but how to say? They are in full view of the public, but there is no one to disturb their rest, but under such circumstances, the mental pressure is a little bit big!

From time to time, they will open their eyes. I don't know whether they want to verify it or that they have a lot of fear in their hearts. On the contrary, he doesn't have many problems in this aspect! The rest seems to be good!

However, in the morning, Ding Yu got up earlier, and even had leisure time to exercise his body. Obviously, this is not intended to be artificial! Because he is older, he doesn't need so much sleep. He gets up very early! But that is to say, after two rounds in the teahouse, you don't have to think about it if you want to go out!

Looking at Ding Yu's exercise, old Hong stood behind him and looked at him seriously. His eyes showed a look of envy. Although he got up early in the morning and exercised regularly, he couldn't do it like Ding Yu, so persistent! What's more important is how old Ding Yucai is and how powerful he is. He doesn't need to be like this, at least in his own opinion! How old are my two sons! They still don't have much self-control now! For this aspect of the problem, I am really ashamed to mention it! It's not disgraceful enough!

After Ding Yu's exercise, old Hong also found that Ding Yu cleaned up a little!

He once again found a little fault of Ding Yu! A little bit of cleanliness!

"Good morning, Mr. Ding!"

"Good morning, too!" Ding Yu found out when he came over. Since he didn't mean to disturb him, he didn't bother to pay attention to it! "Have a meal together?"

"Mr. Ding seems very leisurely?"

"It's not leisurely either When he arrived at the table, Ding Yu made an invitation gesture and then sat down with Mr. Hong. It's true that Ding Yu was very arrogant yesterday, but it can be clearly seen from his detailed actions that he is very tutored! It's also very cultivated, not intentional false courtesy!

"But it may be bad news for you!" Ding Yu said indifferently, "they made a lot of phone calls to come over and mentioned the Hong family's affairs. They have fulfilled their obligations! Just hope I can get on the plane now! Hurry back

"It seems that Mr. Ding is deliberately trying to provoke them? The Hong family seems to be a bit unworthy to a considerable force, at least in my personal opinion, some of them can't make it! Or that is to say, there is something on Mr. Ding, which is what they need urgently. So they would rather give something than give it at all! "

"Insightful! Really speaking, my relationship with them is very general, even with some aspects of the potential of the same fire, but really speaking, a little bad! But they don't like to quarrel with me, and I'm too lazy to argue with them. To a certain extent, everyone is at peace with each other. "

"How do you feel it's mutual rejection?"

"I don't think much of them! They think that they are a little too conservative, and some of them are too rogue. They think that I am not under control and too reckless! Sometimes there are so many fearless! That's what it looks like on the whole"It's quite practical. Why does Mr. Ding stay? I don't think it's necessary anymore! I can't change my mouth? Quite a thing has been doomed down, I am very clear, now the Hong family is just an excuse! Anyone can see it! "

"What can we do? I would like to borrow their courage, but the problem is that they will not do so. They are all a bunch of elite foxes. They are even more intelligent than they imagined! "

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