When Ding Yu and Mr. Hong have a meal together, Mr. Hong once again sees the amount of Ding Yu's food. He feels that he has more food than he has eaten in a week. Such a person has not never met him, and even heard detailed rumors! But what we see in the front is really the first time! It's a bit exaggerated, even frightening!

Eating a cow at a meal may be a little too much, but to give yourself a feeling, Ding Yu should have no big problem eating a sheep at a time! This guy is even more amazing than you think! There is still some fear in it! Yes, it's fear!

Hongshan and Honghe didn't come here at all. Although they didn't leave the teahouse, it was almost impossible for them to gather together again!

When he saw Wang Changlin walking in tired, Ding Yu deliberately turned his head around, a little blind! Wang Changlin snorted slightly! "What do you do? It's not big enough, isn't it? "

"Have you had breakfast? If not, the things here are pretty good! "

Mr. Hong took a look at it and withdrew decisively. Of course, he didn't care about his face any more! But Wang Chenglin's arrival, still let oneself have a bit not quite comfortable, so oneself still avoided! What's more, he never came here for his own sake. He must have come to find Ding Yu!

I came here yesterday, but I still come here today. Obviously, he can't bear the pressure from other aspects. I can understand this! Ding Yu's identity is more important than the imagination!

But I also have some doubts? What is the relationship between Wang Chenglin and Ding Yu? Because Wang Chenglin's tone is a little wrong!

"I didn't sleep all night last night. I can say I didn't stop on the ground in the morning."

"Uncle, is this a reproach to me? I don't think it has anything to do with me, does it? "

"Yes, your heart is the most clear and clear!" Wang Chenglin's tone is a little heavy, "other things are OK, but you need to get on the plane today, otherwise you can't sit in the capital city!"

"Does it have anything to do with me if they can sit still?"

How can Ding Yu not know about the situation in the capital? They are still very concerned about the students. But for Ding Yu, what they haven't seen is something bad, and they can see some situations more clearly.

In other words, Ding Yu is intentional. He has already recognized quite a fact in his heart! But when affirming this fact, we still need to do some other work. It depends on the performance of others!

It's no problem to say that Ding Yu is intentional!

As for why to do this, Ding Yu also has considerable consideration. Such things happen again and again, and he needs to make a considerable response. He can't always passively answer! As for the follow-up? Of course, there are, but the specific implementation has not started yet!

Maybe this time I won't go back to my hometown, but go back to the capital! Talk about it with your third uncle. Of course, it won't be the Hong family's business. The Hong family's thing is just a superficial one! It's not worth mentioning!

"I said, boss, you are a little intentional!"

Looking at the things on the table, Wang Chenglin didn't have much appetite. He didn't sleep all night last night, and the members of the Standing Committee at home and others were all the same. The action was really a little big, and a lot of people were involved. If you want to spend one night, you can solve all the problems. It's unrealistic!

This is also why the previous time, has not been the reason for the Hong family, need to step-by-step, can not be too wanton, otherwise it is really easy to have big trouble!

However, under the pressure of the boss, Hong's family didn't have any big trouble. Even Mr. Hong explained some problems at the first time, without much reservation!

Comparatively speaking, the problem of Mr. Hong is not too big! There are not too many problems on the issue of principle, but how can we say something about it? It's against human relations. I can't say it!

As for Hongshan and Honghe, their problems are slightly more serious! More people are involved, and I'm afraid it's hard to make a decision for a moment and a half! But as far as the problems they have explained, there are already some appalling! Never underestimate!

"It's not so important whether it's intentional or intentional. What do you mean, uncle?"

"It's not a day or two for Hong's family! But what I want to say now is not the Hong family's problem! "

"I am also very clear about my business. How I do it has my own reason!"

Get it! Before the two men had said a few words, they stood still again! For this matter, Wang Chenglin is also quite helpless!

Although there will be considerable involvement in the Hong family's affairs, it is not so troublesome for myself, but the pressure in the capital? Let oneself a little bit unbearable! And the source of this pressure? This is my nephew!As long as his nephew doesn't get on the plane, the capital will constantly exert pressure on himself. As for why they do this, the reason is very simple!

"Say it! What do you want? " Hard is not good, then come to soft! What else? What do you think about escorting him to the plane? This nephew of oneself, but eat soft not eat hard! If you do this, you can only make things worse, so forget it!

"What do you want? The things in the teahouse are very good. I like them better! Want to try it! "

"Didn't you mean it?" Wang Chenglin some small impulse!

"Third uncle, is it intentional? You and I have considerable judgment. Is it really necessary to investigate this matter now?"

Wang Chenglin looked at his nephew. "The old man called me in the morning and forgot about the situation of the Hong family. He was a little angry. Your father also called me. I didn't mention too much!"

"I see!" That is to say, I know! As for the others? Ding Yu did not have any meaning to ask! I didn't even give an answer. How do I think and how to do it? This is my own business. I don't need other people to get involved!

"One more thing, Hongshan and Honghe, I need to take away! We can't let the two of them continue to stay here. To know the relevant personnel, we need the two of them to correct them. Things are quite involved now. "

"Yes, I don't mean to hold them back!"

Ding Yu didn't explain why they were locked up. Even if his third uncle knew about it, what could he do?

I use the two of them as bait, hoping to get some response, but obviously, what I did has some failures, but there is not too much disappointment, because they are not so important!

Since it is not so important, so the bait is discarded! It's no big deal!

After obtaining the consent of his nephew, Hongshan and Honghe were taken away at the first time! Before this, Mr. Hong also met with his two sons and made some mention, that is, to let the two people account for the fact, there is no need to do fearless resistance! meaningless!

Ding Yucai is too lazy to pay attention to the affairs of the Hong family. What Mr. Hong has done is very disgusting and even disgusting. However, Ding Yu did not say that he must be destroyed by humanitarianism!

I am not a God. Let others do such things as justice!

To a certain extent, their stay here for a day and a night, the Hong family has been fragmented, there is no possibility of any more! Didn't Mr. Hong see this? He had already felt this yesterday, and when Hongshan and Honghe left, his instructions further showed this point!

They are foxes who have practiced for many years! If you want to hide from them, it's basically impossible. Of course, it's also related to Ding Yu's not killing her!

As for his grandfather and father, why should he call his third uncle and tell him some news? Ding Yu is very clear about the reason. He is not a fool!

There are some things that we don't know about! They do not want to pay attention to, also do not want to too much to participate in!

Looking back at the old man Hong, his spirit is a little weak, it is obvious that he also realized a considerable problem!

"Mr. Ding, Hongshan and Honghe have left! I have thought of many ways, but now I find that they are useless! "

"Give up now! Mr. Hong, this is not a good habit

"It's not about whether to give up or not, but whether it is necessary? Mr. Ding, do you think it's necessary. Even if it's resistance, what's the effect? I even Hongshan and Honghe have given up! And all of a sudden, I feel that my body seems to have quite a problem. I think you should see it, Mr. Ding! "

"When did you think of it?"

"I thought of it in the morning. I didn't pay special attention to what you said to me yesterday, but I still have a lot of feelings when I lie on the bed after I go back!"

"For three years and five years, this is still in good condition. If it is not maintained well, it may be only one or two years. The main reason is that you don't care too much. I think you should understand what it means to say so!"

"That is to say, I ruined myself! Can you understand it in this way? "

"That's your own idea!" Ding Yu explained a little, but it's not someone else forced you to do this. He is greedy, so it leads to this situation. What else do you want?

"I'm greedy!" Old Hong smiles and looks relieved! "So being deceived is entirely self seeking, isn't it?""Speaking of it, I don't like monks very much, because I'm a descendant of Taoism. Is there causality? To explain with materialism, that is, after the accumulation and development of things to a certain extent, there will be considerable changes! It may not be so comprehensive, but that's what it means

"Yes, Mr. Ding. Can you turn it around?"

"No!" Ding Yu thought about it for a while and then shook his head. "There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that only treats good diseases but not bad ones. In general, he is not willing to accept other patients."

"There's no news of that!"

"If the first one takes over the treatment and takes a certain amount of drugs, it will certainly have a considerable impact on the disease. The impact may be good or bad. However, if other doctors take over the treatment before the end of treatment, they will take another way or other drugs, which may aggravate the change of the disease, In the words of Western medicine, there is a mutation, which becomes another disease! "

"And your body, just like a tree, your roots have rotten. Although there are not too many problems from the outside, there are still luxuriant branches, green leaves and tall and straight trunks, but in essence, maybe there is a gust of wind, breaking from the fracture, and there is no need for any other means!"

"On the whole, I understand!" Old Hong already knows it well! It's not that Ding Yu refuses to reach out. It's not related to this, but the problem on his side is too serious! When I feel that I have a problem with my identity, it's too late! This is what Ding Yu wants to express!

"Just understand! However, you may feel pain one after another, not only mentally, but also physically. In popular terms, it is phagocytosis. In scientific terms, it means that you ingest a little more bacteria from the body. This will cause considerable problems for you, and I don't know if you can resist it? It's hard to say

"Not clear?"

"In terms of current medical conditions and standards, I really haven't heard of this news. I don't know if you are clear. The problems that can be solved by medicine are not as many as imagined. In more cases, they can only be maintained reluctantly. We are not enough to excavate ourselves."

Maybe it's because Ding Yu is in a good mood now, so Ding Yu's explanation is a little bit more!

"If you didn't make this choice in the first place, even if there are some problems, they can at least be alleviated. Maybe another ten or eight years will be possible!"

Old Hong looked at Ding Yu and looked at him for a long time. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his head, "I know who you are!"

"Oh, it's not easy to judge from such limited clues! I don't think I'll underestimate anyone. Naturally, I won't underestimate you, but I don't know. It doesn't have much significance! "

"The reaction is a little slow. Maybe it's really because of my age! At that time, Mr. Wang also mentioned to me a lot of things, and I also did a lot of searching, but there was no clue, even a little wind in this aspect. After so many years of time, it was not easy! A little forgotten! "

"But Mr. Ding, what makes me more curious is, why didn't you give Mr. Wang such a face?"

"Too much curiosity is not a good thing."

"If I remember correctly, you should call Wang Hao! This is your name. At the beginning, the Wang family had great expectations for you. However, Ding Yu's name is slightly different from Wang Hao's! "

"There is no meaning in turning over the old accounts of history, and even if you know it! What can we do? What's the point? Why don't you go and ask grandpa again? I've already said that before! The Wang family is here with me, and it will not play a very important role! "

"Here comes Huang Kun! At that time, I felt very strange. When Chenglin came, I felt very strange. At that time, I thought it was the reason of the Wangs, but there were some things that could not be explained clearly. But from now on, although I don't know the relationship between you and the Wangs, I can see that blood dissolves in water? "

"Do you want to force me to do something to Comrade Hong Chi?" Ding Yu took a glance. "It's true that he didn't make any mistakes, but you should know that there are quite a few problems in the Hong family itself."

"Is this threat too straightforward?" Old Hong looked at Ding Yu with emotion!

I'm very interested in the relationship between Ding Yu and Wang's family. I even have some bad taste, because I have always kept in mind the matter of Wang Lao's phone call!

If you think about the scene at that time, it's absolutely not pretentious. When Chenglin came over, he seemed helpless to his nephew. What is the reason for this step?

It's obvious that Ding Yu has considerable power in his hand. What about this force? Let Wang family have no any way, this judgment oneself still can do, this pour is interesting!It is obvious that Ding Yu did not rise by the power of the Wang family. If Ding Yu rose by the power of the Wang family, he would never turn a deaf ear to Wang Lao's phone call, or even express considerable indignation!

All of them are in the misty, as if they have never appeared before! What a pity! If I had known earlier, I might have made other choices, but it's too late to mention these!

Hongshan and Honghe have been taken away! Their own time should not be much! The reality of the situation is still able to see clearly!

Maybe I will never see Ding Yu again in my life! What a pity! It's also a pity!

If you can, he wants to communicate with Ding Yu more, but he doesn't look up to him!

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