Ding Yu didn't mean to leave all the time, so that the capital was about to call the ants on the hot pot! can 't wait!

Naturally, they are very clear that Ding Yu did this on purpose!

Previously, Ding Yu was very angry about the Hong family's affairs, even some of them were angry! But now things have passed, things over there can't be solved in a moment and a half. Under such circumstances, it doesn't make any sense for you to continue to stay there, OK? To know, you still have very important things to do!

However, such a thing has no effect on Ding Yu. Although Ding Yu has made a lot of phone calls to Ding Yu, Ding Yu seems to have answered them. But we also mentioned about the Hong family. As for other aspects, will you mention it? Dare you mention it?

So we can only be anxious in the heart, to know that the deadline has not been two days!

You are uncle, you are the ancestor. Don't play like this now, OK? This kind of play is easy to get people out of heart disease!

When Huang Kun was waiting for noon, he walked into the teahouse helplessly. When he saw Ding Yu, he put the gift in his hand on the table. "Don't look at me with such eyes. I was forced to be helpless. People directly carried me on the car, and then carried me off to the door of this side, and even pushed it! I'll take one more step. I'm a grandson

For the old man Hong sitting there, Huang Kun nodded at most, saying hello. The Hong family has become the yellow flower of yesterday. For himself, this matter is not special secret. Seeing what happened last night, I can see that he is also a little frightened and frightening!

Fortunately, I got to know Ding Yu at that time. In addition, I also had a very clear understanding. So I broke away from the relationship very early. Otherwise, this time I would definitely be in bad luck. With my son-in-law, I would not be able to get there. This is a certainty!

"What? Please send it to me in person

"I don't know. The thing was sent to me by someone, and then I took it!" Huang Kun is quite helpless! "But listen to this meaning, should be a set of tea set, a few bags of tea, on the whole is like this!"

Ding Yu laughed and said, "got it! This is to serve tea to see off guests! That's a good idea

"Ah!" Huang Kun's face turned red all of a sudden, but Ding Yu pressed his shoulder and didn't let Huang Kun stand up. "It has nothing to do with you. It must be the bad idea made by those guys in Beijing!"

"No, isn't this a deliberate slap in the face?"

"They will certainly do everything without leaking anything. Not only will your son-in-law have a statement, but also you will give you an explanation to help them fight! Want to borrow the strength of the province, let me go quickly! Save time! That's almost what it means! Nothing unusual

"Isn't it?" Huang Kun took a look at Hong Lao and said, "does the Hong family have so much energy?"

If the Hong family has such a big energy, will things last night be so big?

"I don't have much to do with the Hong family. It's mainly about my personal affairs. They are more anxious, so I hope I can go back earlier!" Ding Yu explained a little bit!

"Forget it! Originally thought you Ding Sheng could stay a few more days! Thanks to your care, I don't even need to worry about anything at home. The main thing is that they don't have so many problems like other children! "

Speaking of this, Huang Kun couldn't help shaking his head!

"What? I haven't heard of anything else? "

"Well, I have quite a few friends, and he has quite a few friends there! Some of them were sent to Britain and some to the United States, which is not to say that it is not good at home. It is mainly in China that children are affected more in all aspects, especially in his position. In order to avoid other problems, the children are sent out! But there are good ones, but there are also bad ones. After listening to them, I feel very sorry! "

Ding Yu frowned slightly, "I remember that there are quite a lot of arrangements in the UK?"

"It's not so good! I heard some things from Xi Mei, some children, right? How to put it? Nonsense! Although I'm not a good person, I think I still have a bottom line in my work! "

Ding Yu slightly snorted his nose, "these guys float?" Having a look at the time on his watch, he took out his mobile phone, and Ding Yu called William, the housekeeper!

"Hello, sir. This is William!"

"Hello, William, I have just heard some news. There are quite a few things about the overseas students in Britain. I heard that some people are playing around. What's the situation? Who is going to do it behind their back? Is it the British upper class? Or the intelligence department? Or something else? Are they floating? "

Huang Kun narrowed his eyes a little, because he knew something about the British side, and he never doubted Ding Yu's power. However, when Hong heard about this, he couldn't help but open his mouth and felt that his head was running out of use!Is that too loud? Or do people really have this capital?

"Sir, I have heard some news. Specifically speaking, it has nothing to do with the royal family. It mainly involves the intelligence department. They seem to have quite some actions, but the specific actions are relatively obscure. It is basically impossible to find out the corresponding evidence directly. I have been staring at it for a long time!"

"What did Charlie say?"

"Charlie's family is particularly concerned about things, and the royal family also pays more attention to it, but there are quite a lot of implications. After we have completely withdrawn from Britain, we should not directly intervene in some matters! The most important problem is that we can't wake people who pretend to sleep

"Let Lily clean up the street. If it's self indulgence, we can't interfere because it's their own choice, but if anyone forces it, then I'm sorry!"

"Yes, sir, I see!"

Then Ding Yu called Lily again. They exchanged a few simple greetings, and then mentioned about the overseas students!

"I didn't expect you were very concerned about this matter!" Lily said sarcastically, "when things come out, I have already expressed considerable concern, but the scope of my control is still relatively limited. I am not the queen. There are some things I can't get contaminated with. Once they cross the boundary, they will become an excuse to be attacked!"

Lily has a lot of difficulties, which Ding Yu can understand!

Because she is responsible for the whole European basic plate, to a certain extent, also violated the interests of many forces, now to be able to stand on their own feet, is a very difficult thing!

"I see! Don't be so tired, and I sent things, pay attention to drinking! Maybe I'll go to Lao maozi's in two days. If I have time, I'll have a cup of tea together! "

For other things, Lily may care, but definitely not too much, but Ding Yu's arrival for her, the situation is very different! Lily was also excited at once!

"Then I'll be waiting for you!"

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu and Huang Kun nodded, "I already know the general situation! There are so many troubles. The people below have investigated quite a lot. If someone forces them, there is no problem. But if someone is willing to degenerate, it is not easy to solve this problem! "

"There are so many children over there who are bad at school! It's the practice of poor families and rich families. They all hope that the children will not be restrained in any way. But how can we say that? After they go there, there is no restraint and no discipline. They are prone to some problems and situations. The better the excellent, the worse the poor! "

"I remember when I went to the garage to work? The salary is pretty good! "

Mr. Hong didn't believe it, but Huang Kun nodded, "it's like what you can do with Ding Sheng, but it's a start to work in the pharmacy at the beginning, so it's not so strange!"

"I don't like it very much, but I don't deny that it's not a particularly difficult thing to survive there. Moreover, it's also a very good test for myself. No one is born to know it, and all of them are going to learn. What I'm afraid of is that you don't learn, and there are so many arrogant people who are hopeless!"

"That's right. Ding Sheng, Xi Mei has always wanted to find a chance to express her gratitude to you, but she has never found any chance. Besides, she is a little girl, sometimes she is a little mischievous, so you have to worry about it!"

"I haven't seen you for years! I heard her study is very good! They are also excellent! "

"I don't have to worry about it in the future? I went to your French manor, OK? I don't know how to talk to you! She's good. Nothing's wrong with her! "

"More people are more lively. There are not too many people in the manor at home. Housekeeper William is a little lonely there. How can I say my relationship with the British side? Polarization, if I go there, who knows what will happen there? It's hard to say

For quite a situation, Huang Kun is aware of it, but Huang Kun will not take the initiative to say it, but Ding Yu said it himself, the situation is different!

Looking at the time on the watch, "brother Kun, it seems that if I continue to stay, those guys may really be able to fry the pan, so it's the next time to eat!"

"Don't let me go out now, Ding Sheng. If I go out now, I'm really impatient. Let me sit here? Just think of me as a wooden man! He can't bear the pressure, so I can't bear it! When you leave, just say hello to me! Now I'm going to the back to help. There's no problem with carrying dishes and washing dishes! "

"Yes Ding Yu understood Huang Kun's meaning, and did not let him too hard!What's more, those guys in Beijing force themselves to leave. What do they think of themselves? Hum!

Looking at Huang Kun leaving, old Hong doesn't dare to talk!

"Mr. Ding, I suddenly found out why you are so confident!"

"That's just your own understanding. In fact, it's very troublesome to say it!" He took a look at Mr. Hong. "He put his life and soul together. I can't tell you how many holes there are in his body."

"Sir, there are a lot of contradictions on it! Now I feel more and more that I was on the wrong way! If there is a next life, we must have a good understanding of this problem! If you go wrong, it doesn't mean you can go back if you want to! Ah

"There are so many difficulties, even some involuntarily, but at the same time, are there some intentional actions? Such a thing only oneself most clear and understand! Isn't it? "

For quite a thing, Ding Yu has a very clear understanding, of course, do not need to leave too much face for this! What's more, the mistakes he made can't be cleared out in a few words!

Admittedly, I'm not a good person, but I still have some bottom line to do things by myself! But this old Hong does something? Really is not too much bottom line, at least in their own view is so!

"Maybe after today, we won't have any chance to meet again! With your lifetime experience and experience, there should be quite a sigh! If you don't mind, just say it and listen to it! "

Old Hong tilted his head and said, "what do you mean, when a man is about to die, his words are good?"

"You are going the wrong way! It doesn't mean you don't have any experience and experience, this is two times! Why should I deny these experiences? If I can absorb some, it will be of great benefit to me! "

"Mr. Ding, if you don't mean to humiliate me, then I underestimate you!"

"Shame you?" Ding Yu sipped his mouth and shook his head slightly, "it's a little hard to commit. What can humiliation bring to me? Physical and mental pleasure? Spiritual satisfaction? Old Hong? How old are you! Still playing with these pediatrics? "

"It's just that I can't turn this curve!"

"It's a kind of ability improvement for yourself to listen to considerable opinions and opinions from your opponents, because as your opponents, you must have a considerable understanding of you, which is a certain thing! It's a pity that there are not so many people who can do it, that's all! "

Mr. Hong thought about it for a long time!

"I don't know what to say at this moment. My head is a little confused! But so many years of experience tell me, if you really don't say anything, it seems to be a very regrettable thing! "

Ding Yu made a gesture to invite! Very natural!

"The road of life is my own. It seems a bit self deceptive to say that it is forced by others."

Ding Yu didn't mean to refute Hong Lao's statement. He had a good judgment on whether he was right or wrong.

If everything is obeyed by others, you don't have any opinion? Without any ability to think independently, there is no need to make such an arrangement!

In my opinion, the definition of success and failure in life is a little narrow. It depends on what you are going to pursue! The pursuit of life is different, then the standard of success and failure is also different! "

"But you have given me a warning not to indulge yourself too much, which is particularly important. Indulgence means that you can always find a reason for yourself! This may be called self suggestion

Ding Yu rubbed his face twice with his fingers. It was obvious that Hong's words made him have a little interest!

People? It's all like this. No matter what you do, you always like to stand on the commanding position, whether it is the commanding height of interests or morality, and then persuade or imply yourself!

Don't say it's old Hong! Even if it's yourself, there's no problem in this area, as if it's the same!

It's just that in front of his own face, old Hong has revealed quite a lot of things!

"What's more? The three commandments of life is very right, but the explanation is not clear in one sentence or two sentences. I am talking about these now, more like an afterthought. There is never any regret medicine in life. Mr. Ding, relatively speaking, you are still very young, but now, I think you said a sentence, very interesting, you never admit that you are one Good man, from that point of view, you have won

"You mean to say that after abandoning a considerable amount of things, you will be liberated!"

"I don't believe in God Old Hong chuckled carelessly, "but looking at this situation, I'm more likely to go to hell! Even the 18 levels of hell, there is a considerable possibility, whatever! When people get older, they have different cognition about the same thing! Mr. Ding, it's not a good thing to leave behind any so-called aftereffects! "Ding Yu suddenly laughed, a little wanton, and even pointed to Hong Lao with his finger!

"You! Really gave me a lesson, but it is intentional! I'll remember it! "

"It's just a little opinion. It doesn't mean anything else, but I can help. It's all now! There's no such thing as being soft hearted! "

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