It's almost noon?!

People outside are waiting impatiently, but how about it? Break in? Or what? It is to give a standard word!

Ding Yu has a leisurely lunch. Since he entered the teahouse, he has never meant to leave. Now it is noon! No one knows when Ding Yu will stay!

"Mr. Ding, I feel a little tired spiritually and a little uncomfortable with my body!"

"It's a little psychological, and of course, it's related to your physical condition now. In the future, this kind of experience will become more and more serious. Your previous methods have no effect! Now even if they find a doctor, they will mention some methods, but not much effect! It's no use keeping you! You can go to see a doctor! "

"What will the doctor give me?" Hong Lao's words can be heard quite afraid and helpless!

"I told you very seriously before! It seems you didn't believe it, so I say it again, for the last time, your body is hopeless! At least in the range I know, there is no condition for any treatment. Maybe you worship Yama and he will give you some redemption, but it's not clear that such a thing is! "

Mr. Hong's face was a little pale. "Of course, as far as I know, you should have a good stock in your house. You can also try it to make sure it is beyond your imagination and howl in pain!"

When talking about this, Ding Yu's eyes were a little shining. "The double pain of spirit and body will become more and more serious with the passage of time. It should have been delayed for two to three years, but now, it should not last that long. It's a pity that we can't see such a scene!"

In the opinion of Mr. Hong, Ding Yu's words may be a little exaggerated, but there will never be too much falsehood, because there is no need to know that what he has been planning to kill himself is only due to some reasons, so it is not good to start directly!

"But I can write you a prescription. You can try it at that time. You may not be able to relieve the pain, but it should have some effect on your body balance."

Soon, Ding Yu wrote the prescription. Old Hong took it in his hand and looked at the handwriting on the prescription. He showed some interest. "I didn't expect, Mr. Ding, you still have such skills!"

"Laugh! You mean it's a simple prescription

"A little bit! I feel that the medicine in the prescription is a little too common! "

"Ordinary or not ordinary, easy to use is OK!" Ding Yu has a little disdain, "what's more, after so many years of time, the things you use on your body are really not the general number that can be taken down. It's a bit exaggerated! Even after I read it, I feel a little smack of my tongue. I don't know whether you really don't understand or pretend not to understand? "

"I've got a lot of people to verify it!"

"It's useless!" Ding Yu burst out a rude, "the things you use don't seem to have too many problems, but how old you are! Children, young people and old people, each other's physical quality is completely different, the usage and dosage are also quite different, and what kind of valuable drugs you have used, you have problems now! What else do you want to use? Why don't you go to heaven and ask them to prepare some elixir for you! I think it might be more effective! "

make complaints about Ding Yu's Tucao, and he also understands that he has used so many good stuff and has already had considerable resistance to the body. It is very serious that the general medicine has not played much role in his body.

"These guys are really vicious and vicious. I am an old guy who is looking for trouble."

"It's a different matter whether you're looking for hardship, but it's very interesting. It's hard for them to set up such a situation. The time may be a little longer, but the effect is absolutely excellent! Even if you don't have me, you old guy can't wait too long! Some things are really predestined! "

"And you can't kill those guys!" Then Ding Yu pointed to himself, "it's a bit exaggerated to say that they are old Goblins who have lived for thousands of years, but it's absolutely true to say that they have a good sense of smell. Now they don't know how to hide in that rat hole and die. You will have no problem!"

"I take it for granted! Mr. Ding, is this really self defeating? "

"I have no problem. The black spots on my body have become black holes! Even if it's a little more so-called ink, it won't make me white. What's more, I'm a fellow of the same profession. We all act in a slightly different way, but basically the well water doesn't offend the river water! "

Ding Yu is very clear about what Hong Lao wants to express. There is no meaning in it. Even if it is Hong Lao who brings out the conditions of Tianda, what can he do? Can you do it yourself? What's more, between myself and Mr. Hong? There is no so-called friendship!

Just for the sake of the so-called ethereal, it's a bit out of time to let myself support his friendship!After that, Dingyu hit Yang Chen with a finger. "I will send it back to Hong Lao later, and send it to my home. What about the follow-up? This is not something I should worry about. I'm a little tired! It's going to take a break! "

"Yes! Director! "

Why does this matter give to Yang Chen, not to Qu he, because Qu he is his own person, and Yang Chen? I have the status of the Department of emotional governance. Now let him do such a thing, which is very suitable!

Looking at the old Hong who stood up, Dingyu also followed up!

Two people hold each other hand. "It is difficult to connect your first half life with the latter half life. In the first half of life, it is a warrior who rushed to the dragon. Unfortunately, the latter half of the life has become a dragon, but anyway, you still make some contribution, but it highlights your later life!"

"Maybe!" Hong Lao understood that he could not see Dingyu again! "Goodbye, never see!"

After Hong Lao left, Huang Kun went to Dingyu's desk, and sat down again under Dingyu's sign!

"It's a pity! Hong Lao was my idol when he was old! Even if it is to now, I still have so many difficult to release, do not know why he will become this? My life was torn apart at once! "

"Don't be so pious, OK? It makes us seem to be evil! "

"I am not a good man, but it doesn't mean I can't yearn for light, right? I was rolling in the mud, and I didn't have any clean place! But Hong is different! I don't understand why he jumped in, and the whole Hong family was buried with him. It's too bad! "

"It's hard to say that someone is in the light, but the heart is dark. Is there anyone? In the dark, but yearning for light, not black is white, such things have? Does the gray zone exist? Kunge, you dare to say you are black, white, or gray now. I can't tell you clearly! "

"But also, I even if it is a whitewash, can not achieve to cover myself?" Huang Kun for such things, very open, so there is no such a side of scruples, is very bold! It's natural!

On this point, with Hong old formed a very big difference!

"Also, from the positive, I seem to be white, pure white and flawless, but from the back to see me? It was dark, all the sunshine was covered, and the good people never did, did they? "

Both of them laughed!

Because two people can understand each other's identity most, although their levels seem different, they are all the same kind of people, and have the most clear understanding of themselves, and what about honglao? It is that there is no such understanding!

"My son-in-law called me two times, and I lost my phone! It seems that the possibility of repairing is not that big! " Huang Kun for such a small means of application that is called a skilled!

"The guys in the capital! Now it should be jumping! Let them wait! I don't believe it. Can they tie me back? " Look at this, Dingyu has a bit of intentional gas!

The outside world has now received considerable news, Hong old has been sent away by Dingyu! From the above situation, Dingyu has no reason to stay! But Dingyu doesn't mean to leave the tea house at all! What do you think this is OK?

Find a considerable number of people, put on considerable pressure, but there is no effect!

Dingyu didn't eat this set at all, obviously he was dissatisfied with this matter!

Some people are anxious, but some people are not so eager as they imagined, even now they still sit on the Diaoyutai!

"My chief, you are still in the mood to have breakfast!"

"Comrade Changlin, don't worry?" The middle-aged man sat with Wang Changlin, ignoring his words. "The eldest child is a little stubborn. This is understandable. As for the matter of Hong family, although it is a bit urgent, it is also a good thing, as for other things? There's no problem! "

Wang Changlin was stunned, "no! The Beijing city is almost boiling! "

"You still have a little bit of a little bit of knowledge about the boss. Although he is a bit willful and a little bit of a fuss, he has done a great job in the task he has given him. On this point, we should believe him!"

Wang thought, but he didn't think about this aspect, so I looked at the middle-aged people, some of them were not sure, "head, eldest son, I don't know what to describe as a father, at least in my personal understanding, that is, the head of you!"

"Ha ha, I feel a little vinegar from your words!"

It's a little funny. Ding Yu is his son after all, but what about his father? Unexpectedly not very understand his son, this word said words, is really a bit of disgrace!But this thing seems to be not their own fault! It's mainly the relationship between the boss and the Wang family. How can I say that? Also can't say who is right who is wrong, mainly is everybody's direction some is not quite the same just! So the choice is different!

It's not that I'm happy to see such a thing happen, there are too many disputes in it! There's no way to make it clear for a moment and a half! At that time, Mr. Wang insisted on going his own way and gave Ding Yu's funds to the clean-up. Ding Yu was a considerable backhand, but it certainly had a very serious impact on Ding Yu's overall plan!

Mr. Wang's starting point is good, but what about some problems? It is obviously lacking!

But to say that Mr. Wang is wrong, it seems not right! Because at that time, Mr. Wang didn't have a good understanding of Ding Yu. The same Ding Yu would not expose his cards. Both sides had their own considerations and scruples. He could only say that he did not know enough about each other! This is an important reason for estrangement!

Now? There is a certain understanding between each other, but due to the previous problems, the estrangement between each other can only be said to be put down in part, but to say that all of them have disappeared! It's impossible! Also extremely unrealistic!

"The boss has made quite a decision!"

"It should be, but I haven't contacted him. He is in this state now! It's hard to say! He is passive to bear quite things. It is impossible to say that he has no temper at all! After all, there are still some young people who have different considerations about some problems! "

On this issue, I will not make any judgment. I have a good relationship with Ding Yu, but Comrade Wang Chenglin is Ding Yu's biological father. In front of him, it is not appropriate to judge Ding Yu too much! It is not appropriate to affect the feelings between comrades! It's not appropriate!

"I think the boss might come back!"

After saying this, Wang Chenglin looked up and then lowered his head. It was the turn of middle-aged people to have some toothache! Wang Changlin said that this situation, he really had some expectations, and even had a considerable possibility, of course, he would not find himself to settle accounts!

But how? Things still need to be explained!

Ding Yu is sitting in the teahouse. There is a pot of tea on the table in front of him. But it's not Kung Fu tea. It's not Ding Yu who doesn't know it. It's not necessary! I don't have so much leisure now!

"Director, I have already sent him back. He has sent this cane to me!"

Looking at the broken cane, Ding Yu hummed and laughed, "this old guy! There are still some unconvinced, but since the crutches have been broken, it seems that I don't have much effect to keep them. What's more, there are also tainted by cheating. Yang Chen, I would like to point out that you'd better not make any contact with each other! "

The corners of Yang Chen's mouth twitch! But then he shook his head and said, "director, I didn't make any contact. I always put it in the box! I can also guarantee that no one else has made any contact! "

"Let Qu he deal with it! He should know how to deal with this matter. Hong is always an old guy. He should have understood quite a thing! Hum

Yang Chen was very puzzled about this, but then he went to fight Qu he and simply said it! Some of the crane's teeth show their teeth slightly! "It's no fun! You should be glad that you haven't made a lot of contact! But this is really not a fan smile, it is this old Hong who has too much contamination! Take it as a sacrifice. "


"What's the matter? You don't have an ancestor, do you? Sacrifice and superstition are two things. I really doubt if you have ever read a book? Sacrifice is sacrifice, but superstition is another thing! But it really needs a lot of things, and it also needs a certain time. Hurry up! I don't know how long it will take? At least the environment here is not so suitable! "

"Is that important?"

"What's good for fire? What else? There's not much need! "

When Qu he looked at the "fire stick", he was a bit contemptuous, "but there is no need for such things to flow down! What the old man Hong did was really not done by human beings. If he really said it, he would be angry and resentful and throw away his ancestral grave. It would be a bit frightening to think about it! "

"Isn't it? Is it really like this? Is it a little bit? " Yang Chen couldn't help but fight a shiver!

"So whether it's valuable or not, it's better not to stay. It's easy to get resentment deepened. In other words, it's easy to make people have nightmares."

The two men prepared quite a lot of things. Then they drove away from the teahouse and found a hill. They tossed about for a long time. This made others feel very surprised. What did these two people really want to do? What's more, does Ding Yu know?

"It's all done, sir!"

Ding Yu nodded, "this old guy really didn't do anything good. It's no harm to do less in digging graves. It's understandable to say that it's money seeking, but he's frustrated! It's not human! "As far as the two people know, Ding Yu seldom talks like this. From this, we can see that Ding Yu has a deep opinion on Mr. Hong. There is no such thing as you! Right?

"Sir, why do you do it for him? Their family is dead! It's not a pity

"Their family is dead! It's not a pity, but it's a bit wrong for us to turn a blind eye to it! Some things still need to be done. If we don't do them, who will wait for them to do? "

Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head, "and there are those guys who peep at the back, they! There is no good heart! It's better to cut their minds directly

As for the other reasons, Ding Yu did not explain to Yang Chen, but Qu he knew what he meant! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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