"Will they, sir?" Qu he is worried about this!

"To be specific, I don't deal with them very much, and I don't have many places to deal with them. However, the river and lake are always a slightly closed circle. I don't want to let them narrow down because they don't know anything about it! I'll do it myself then

Yang Chen is a little unclear, so Qu he is very clear!

To be sure, Qu he doesn't worry about his husband, but some of them worry about his colleagues in the Wulin! The means may be a little bit shady, but my husband seems not to be in vain, or do not know how much higher the level!

Besides, if you really mean to destroy them, you won't have to take too much trouble. Whether you are from home or abroad, you have this information, but you are one of them. If you can, you still need to give me a hand!

"Sir, I know how to do it! No matter who is involved, they will have something to explain! After all, it is a closed circle. If there is a black sheep in it, it should be eliminated! "

"I see!" Ding Yu didn't say anything else! I really have a lot of dissatisfaction with those guys. On the one hand, Hong Lao's affairs have his own reasons, but on the other hand? It's also the result of instigation by these guys, otherwise it would never be the situation like this!

However, it is necessary to teach them a certain lesson. If everyone does this in the future, they will not arouse considerable public anger? Although it is said that Hong Lao did such things as digging graves, he is an outsider and an object to be used. Behind it, there are still some people who are bewitching him!

"If it rains suddenly now, can't we go?"

When Wang Chenglin, who just entered the door, heard this sentence, his body couldn't help but falter, and the secretary who followed him hastily helped him. Although he didn't understand the situation, he also knew that Mr. Ding Yuding said this, how much weight does it weigh?

Did not see their own leadership is almost staggering! Absolutely not the physical reason, to a certain extent is scared!

It's mainly because of this Mr. Ding Yuding's trouble. It's really a little big, and it's a bit unbearable!

"You're not going? Do you want me to taste what it's like to be a rocket

Looking at the third uncle who sat down, Ding Yu leisurely looked at the sky outside. "Speaking of it, there are still some things I miss. I want to stay and feel it. To know that in these two days, I haven't gone out all the time. All I'm covered with is the smoke in the teahouse. I'm really not comfortable!"

"The sky outside is very wide! Now it is a society ruled by law! You can go if you want! No one's stopping you

For this nephew, Wang Chenglin really didn't know what to say! Taking tough measures is absolutely not feasible, and it is absolutely not suitable. There is also the pressure from the capital. People who don't know think they are crazy!

But think about it, it seems to be true. Originally, Ding Yu came here to worship his comrades in arms, but he thought that it would take so long? All of a sudden, there are so many stupid eyes in the capital!

"Then I'll find a place to wash and wash, and there should be no problem?"

Wang Chenglin's eye corner has so some twitch, this is not intentional? But they are really not good to refuse what!

"Do as you please! Great! I'm just under a bit of pressure! "

Wang Chenglin felt his nephew's move, so now is also saying soft words! No way! It's really out of the question! Hurry to send this living ancestor away! Everything else is not so important!

Ding Yu said with a smile, "OK! Then I'll go first! By the way, what about Xiaoying? I'm not too young! "

"What's the matter? You're a big brother, and you're kind? "

"No, other things can be taken care of, but such things don't come to me!" Ding Yu was very positive and said, "I don't want to be involved in this aspect. I can't explain clearly in the future! Give my regards to my aunt. I haven't got time to go home. I'm a little busy at work. Next time, I'll call on you! "

No matter what happens? This word or compare to listen to, Wang Chenglin slightly hum a!

Ding Yu didn't want to go to Ding Yu to wash himself. He had everything on the plane. He was just on purpose!

Wang Chenglin sent Ding Yu to the airport all the way, which meant escorting him intentionally! My nephew! It's really a bit of a disaster star's Constitution! This is absolutely not a superstition!

However, in general, when he comes across Ding Yu, he is either dead or injured. He seems to be a person who has nothing to do with it. Who is going to argue with him? A little bit depressed!

But this time, it can't be said that it's a bad thing. The whole Hong family can be said to have uprooted. At this time, we also need to strike while the iron is hot. We can't leave any evil behind! Half of the people who travel a hundred miles can't have other problems and situations at the last moment, and all the achievements have been wasted!"Uncle, it seems that you won't stay here for long!"

"It is necessary to maintain a considerable situation. Although the Hong family's power has disintegrated for so many years, there are still many disputes among them. It is not so possible to achieve one size fits all. Moreover, due to the problems of the Hong family, quite a number of positions are vacant, which will form a vacuum situation. Things are a little too sudden!"

Wang Chenglin took a look at his nephew, this matter is not you make out, now I come to clean up the situation!

"How are you! I believe that there will be considerable arrangements, uncle, your time here is not short! Finally, it solved quite a problem, but my father is in the capital! You can't go back! "

This is not a mockery, but the actual situation. After all, my father has already settled down in the capital. It would be a bit too conspicuous to say that his third uncle would go back again! It's also extremely inappropriate. Ding Yu doesn't matter here, but Wang's? I will never agree!

"Are you so interested in it? It's not like your style! "

"It's just my feeling about the Hong family this time! It is obvious that there will be considerable involvement in the affairs of Mr. Hong. His own death is one aspect, and there is another aspect which is quite bewitched. He can't say "five five", but there are still some 82rs. He himself has not been able to maintain the essence of an old comrade! "

"When I came here, Mr. Hong still gave considerable support. However, I believe his heart is still very clear. The good thing is that Comrade Hong Chui has a deep sense of righteousness."

"I've got quite a lot of news. Comrade Hong Chui will be transferred to study for a period of time, but for him, it's also a relief!" When Ding Yu said this, his attitude was so playful!

"It is also a good result. The affairs of the Hong family have nothing to do with Comrade Hong Chui. However, from the current situation, it is extremely inappropriate for him to stay. However, I hope he can continue to move forward in his new post!"

When I arrived at the airport, I didn't even take the passage, but I went to the runway directly!

"Well! I didn't have to send them off, but I can't refuse you, uncle! "

"Don't come for me!" Wang Chenglin is a headache, "no matter where you go, I don't want to know, that's your own business, as long as you leave! I feel like I can relax a little bit! "

"Then I'll go first!"

Ding Yu is very happy on the plane! Wang Chenglin didn't leave. After waiting for the plane to take off, he took a long breath and called his brother and his family. As for the follow-up, it seems that he has nothing to do with himself!

Where did Ding Yu go? This question is really a matter for discussion. It may pause in the capital for a while. As for the matter after the pause? ha-ha! I don't care, and I don't care about it, because I don't need headache any more!

Ding Yu washed and rinsed again, and even had time to cut his hair and clean his face! After changing a new suit of clothes, the whole person also became spirited, as for Yang Chen and Qu he, they were the same!

Follow Ding Yu's side, some small details still need to pay attention to! Because Ding Yu doesn't like sloppy people very much!

Sitting on the seat again, Ding Yu tidied up his sleeves. The temperature in the capital is still a little bit cool. What can't be worn is too cool. Ding Yu and Qu he can be better, but for Yang Chen, there are some challenges! So forget it!

"Sir, I have warned them through quite a number of channels! I believe that they should have received the news at this time, and they will not be biased towards such things! "

Ding Yu nodded, "good or bad is different! Their own heart should be quite clear, some things can be done, but some things to do! It's really the end of the road! There are not too many problems to clean up! "

"Director, I don't know what they are after? Why do you do that? "

"I don't know if you have ever heard of such a sentence? The end of science is theology, but theology here is different from popular religion, which opposes theology! "

Yang Chen feels his head is a bit confused, what and what is this? I don't seem to have too many problems in my head. I know every word in it! But combined together, it's a bit hard to understand!

"There is a considerable ambiguity in this statement, but to say it is wrong, it seems to be inappropriate!"

"Generally speaking, science has no end. I believe that even primary school students can understand the meaning of this word, because science has no end, but theology defines the end point! More popular to explain, when we can not use science to explain some problems, we can only use theology to describe simply, or guess! ""I understand it in general!" So to explain, Qu crane feels that he has understood some things!

"But the director, are they scientists? It doesn't seem like it is! "

"You understand the wrong meaning of science! Science is not just science and technology, there are too many kinds of science! Mechanics! mathematics! Physics and so on are science, medicine! Biology! Human beings are also science, and there are countless branches in each direction. Everyone has their own different understanding and research! No one knows whether they are right or wrong, everyone is touching the stone across the river! But the approach is very different! "

"Even if the methods are different, digging tombs, even frustrating the bones and raising ashes, this is a bit too much? isn't it? This is not a matter of human being. It's not as good as a brute! "

"The direction of research is just! The beginning of modern medicine is to solve the problem! Under the circumstances, not many people could accept it, even the vast majority of people could not accept it. This is not a bad thing to describe. In the circumstances, it is impossible to wash their sins when they put the cross fire on fire! "

Yang Chen has such a embarrassed expression on his face, "director, is your opinion supported?"

"Don't misinterpret it. I didn't say I supported it. Two times, after I died, someone dug graves and dug tombs. I think I feel numb all the time. You still forget it! I am better off. Although I am not a good man, I can't accept such a thing! "

"I believe that not too many people can accept it! It is against the natural and human relationship! But director, what are those guys pursuing? ever-young? Or what martial arts secret script? Or something else? "

Yang Chen's thinking is a little too divergent!

"Exactly, is it the pursuit of the limits of the human body, so defined? Maybe there is too much praise! What they do privately can not reach this height. What is the modern Olympic pursuit? Faster! Higher! Stronger! What is the reason why the human body quality is improving or decreasing? Whether there is a better way, there is no way to hurt themselves, Lin Lin all kinds, it is really difficult to say! "

"But it's not possible to do that, can you?" Yang Chen exclaimed!

"There are also darker ones than you think. Domestic control of this aspect is very strict, but is it abroad? The situation is slightly different! You can understand it from my personal point of view, but I advise you not to go too deep? "

The director said that he was very cautious and careful. Yang Chen would not feel like this at all? This is bullshit!

"Director? This is not as simple as breaking the law! It's just destroying humanity! "

"I can understand it like this, but there are not too many mistakes! I think so, but can you find out who they are? Basically, there is not much possibility. Hong Lao has so many sad expeditions. And this warning, I believe they should have a considerable feeling. In fact, from the practical point of view, they have gone astray! Want to succeed, but? I feel that it might be better to make opportunism, and be faster! "

Ding Yu has a considerable contempt for this, even disdain!

"Can such things be speculative?"

"Why not?" Dingyu looked at it doubtfully! "The bad morality is not an important criterion to judge a person, just as a person's quality does not have much to do with his education. It is a very simple truth. These guys have gone a rather crooked way, but it doesn't mean they can deny what they have done!"

"Director, is this a thing that has been in place since ancient times?"

"I don't know if you are stupid or false? Don't you hear of it, tufu? What are they doing? It's hard to hear that, isn't it a grave digging? But there is one thing to say, there are good and bad ones. Some still abide by the rules, but are there some? Ha ha

"If you are interested, you can ask Wang Li how much she knows!"

Obviously, Dingyu does not want to continue to discuss the topic, because he is not a professional. For some of the ways, he is clear, but clear, he seldom does this stain, because once touched, it can be said that there is no disaster!

Honglao has already explained quite a problem, look at it! It's not going to be great waiting for him to come off! Whether it is physical or spiritual, he will know what kind of crime he has committed!

You can't do it even if you want to destroy yourself!

"Director, shall we land in Beijing?"

"Look at the situation, it's a bit late in time! Keep flying, it seems a little risky, isn't it

Yang Chen did not continue to ask what to do, because there is no need for it. The director's meaning has been shown clearly. He will stay here in Beijing and even stay overnight. This is hard to say! I don't know what kind of response this thing will be to this city, it's hard to say!However, the capital should have received considerable information. After all, there is no way to fake airplanes, can they? He has to land, not continue to fly in the air!

When people know the news, they can't help but pat their heads. Ding Yu stops the plane? What is he doing? It's not civil aviation, but also need to transfer. Ding Yu's plane is parked in the capital, which is completely intentional!

But the problem is that he can't get rid of Ding Yu. At least, it's impossible and extremely unrealistic to tear up his face. Maybe Ding Yu is waiting for everyone to do this! This guy is really speechless!

But from another point of view, it seems to be quite in line with Ding Yu's personality! If you hit me, I'm not going to give you a punch. I'm not a man if I don't hit you half dazed! So tough!

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