"Big brother!"

Wang Yang looks at his elder brother Ding Yu with a smile on his face. His body is extremely uncoordinated. He has some helplessness. He can even see some resistance. Obviously, he is not willing to come here!

But this is not what he wants? Just like that! No right to choose!

My sister didn't dare to come here at all. The elder brother scolded her, but didn't he come back? As for Xiaobao, this bastard, just like a turtle with a shrinking head, hides. When there is no way out, he has to go on top of himself!

I have heard about Hong's family. Although I don't know the specific situation, I can't say that I don't know the truth. It's because I know it! So standing in front of his big brother, it seems unnatural!

"What are you doing here?" Ding Yu snorted, quite dissatisfied, "where to go? There's nothing you can do here. The Hong family's business is over! I have other things! There is not so much leisure time! "

Wang Yang is very clear, no matter what kind of role the Wang family has occupied in the Hong family's affairs, all this is no longer important! The Hong family's affairs have already finished in elder brother's mind!

"Big brother, you just came back. I'll see if I can help you and run a leg!"

"Just go home and be honest!" Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it. Wang Yang also nodded his head clearly. However, he turned his head and ran without two steps. He suddenly turned around and came back, "brother, if you have time, I say if you have time."

"No time!" Ding Yu's voice is very cold, there is no sense of saving face for Wang Yang!

Straight on the waiting for the car in the corridor, Qu he is slightly to Wang Yang nodded a head, as for Yang Chen? It's a smile. It's not something they can get involved in, so forget it!

Wang Yang really does not have any idea, elder brother's words are very indifferent, but he can still hear the care of elder brother's words, some words need to be carefully understood, cold words to oneself, not really on their own opinions and ideas, to a certain extent, this is also a kind of concern!

On their own small body lattice, mixed into such things, and even have not taken a few steps? May be a slap to the ground, and then can't get up!

He is also a well-informed person. How can he not know at all? I don't know at all!

Big brother's motorcade left the airport soon, and Wang Yang could only clap his head helplessly. As for the people in the distance looking at Wang Yang's appearance, his heart was almost certain! Obviously, Wang Yang didn't get any benefits from director Ding Yuding!

After saying hello to people in the distance, Wang Yang took out his mobile phone. First, he informed his grandfather and grandmother about the situation of the airport. Then he told his father and mother again. Finally, he was his sister! None of them can be pulled down, although they should be together now!

Wang's side? It's also a reunion!

They had already known the relevant information about the boss's return. However, Ding Yu suddenly stayed in the capital. The Wangs were shocked, but they thought it was not so unexpected. After all, this is Ding Yu. If he is honest and honest, it will make the Wangs feel very strange! Even surprise!

But this time, Wang Pu was so angry about the Hong family's affairs that he didn't expect it would be like this. Although he didn't see the file, his third son was there! For some of these things, I can still understand!

Although Chenglin said is very obscure, but Wang Pu after the wind and rain, how may not know?

Previously, I was refuted by my grandson. Although I was a little angry, I was able to accept it, but I really couldn't accept it later! That old bastard failed to live up to his expectations, and even let himself lose face in front of Ding Yu. How can he meet people in the future?

You don't know who you are? Or are you also a mallet? So even now, Wang Pu still feels his face is a little hot! I know something, but I didn't expect Lao Hong to be so unruly!

I had some problems with my grandson. I called him this time, OK? Was pouted not to say, even was beaten in the face! This kind of thing oneself already had how long time did not encounter!

"Wang Yang, too, didn't ask him why his elder brother came back? Not at all sensible? "

Su Yuan took the lead in saying that he knew a little bit about his son's affairs, and his father-in-law was beaten in the face! What's more, it's very hard to fight. Now we need to be more cautious and careful when we talk. Who knows what the old man and the old lady think?

This topic is brought out by myself. Starting from Wang Yang's body, he also implicates his eldest brother. As for the follow-up how to lead this topic, it depends on the old man and the old lady, which has nothing to do with himself! With such a son, proud at the same time? There are so many helpless! Because I have nothing to do!"It has nothing to do with Wang Yang. Wang Yang has already said everything about Hong's family! Boss, it's over! As for the boss back! Maybe it's just to stop and have a rest! "

The old lady's words are quite standard. The Hong family's affairs are over! No matter how the follow-up development, there is no relationship with the Wang family. Originally, it has nothing to do with the Wang family. At most, Mr. Wang mentioned two sentences because of personal reasons, and there was no other involvement!

Things to understand, there is no need to do any more mention! This is good for everyone!

As for why the boss stayed in the capital, and did not go back directly, Wang's side did not mix!

Wang Pu snorted, and then nodded, but when he stood up and left, he threw his son's help. Wang Changlin was helpless to look at his mother. This matter has nothing to do with himself, OK? The old man is deliberately angry with himself. Who is he going to argue with?

The old lady laughed, picked up her hand and patted Wang Changlin's body twice. Looking at it, she beat her twice, but in fact, it looked like dust. She didn't feel at all!

Wang Changlin is suddenly a smile, he has no other meaning, his father to his face, can't he have what is not happy, not to mention the people who caused this thing or his eldest son, this depression does not eat, who to go to eat? Right? The old man is a little embarrassed on the face, there is no other meaning!

"All right! Discuss it yourself! We won't get involved in it

After leaving the door, the old lady told me that if it wasn't for the Hong family, the old lady and Wang Pu would not have come out. All the things in the house had been handed over to Changlin. He handled them well, and he and the old man had no complaints. Now they are more or more comfortable!

Again sat down, Wang Li's mouth toot can hang thermos! No way, she is the most injured one in this! For no reason was his brother to scold a meal, and he has no place to vent his anger!

The main thing is that it has nothing to do with yourself, OK? He is a black pot!

"There's nothing wrong with the Hong family! Chenglin has already called me. He has been there for so many years. He can breathe a sigh of relief! Although there are some conflicts, the results are still good! "

Su Yuan grabs his daughter's hand and pats it. Her daughter has been wronged in this matter, but this is not a bad thing. As for the boss? The attitude is a little bad, but on the other hand, it is also for the good of the Wangs. If the eldest brother really has any bad ideas, now the Wangs are really on the top of the storm!

"There is nothing in Hong's family, but what about the capital? You know, the capital forced the boss to leave, but he didn't want him to go back to the capital. He's coming back at this time. Look at this meaning, he'll stay for at least one night. I'm afraid those guys have already blown their hair. "

Su Yuan's words are more or less casual. In any case, the old man and the old lady are not here, so there is no need to have too many taboos! What's more, that is his eldest son. How can he not care about his mother at all?

"We all have considerable consideration. The boss delayed a little bit, but I believe the boss must have his own preparation, but this time is the general, the boss's mind! No one else

Because he had a lot of communication with the chief executive, Wang Changlin has a good grasp of this matter. He has no preparation at all? How could it be? The chief has already said that the task assigned to the boss has always been very good, and this time it must be no exception!

In Wang Changlin's opinion, the boss must have made considerable preparations. Even after the boss left, he had already decided on a considerable number of personnel! Just take advantage of this opportunity to do something he wants to do!

This practice is not so clever, but it is very practical! What's more, it's hard to say anything else? Even if it is true to stand in front of Ding Yu, how can it be? What's more, they can stand in front of the boss?

We should know that many of them and the boss are extremely unruly. Even if they make a phone call to each other, it is quite difficult. When they stand together, it is unlikely to fight, but the atmosphere between them will be extremely embarrassing!

This is certain, Wang Changlin can even imagine that situation!

"Don't get involved in this matter at home! The rest to rest, the work to do! "

After Wang Changlin gave the matter a qualitative analysis, the people in the family also scattered!

Ding Yu returned to the courtyard the first time, which is also his consistent style!

But Ding Yu went back! It doesn't mean that things really stop. Many forces in the capital have also received considerable news. Why did Ding Yu come back? Don't you have a point in your heart? There must be!But the problem is how to deal with the next thing. Ding Yu returns to Siheyuan and goes to find Ding Yu at this time? Are you kidding?

We have not knocked on the gate of the courtyard, and Wang Yang's experience in the airport is also explained! The Wang family is not very easy to use in front of Ding Yu, and even can not play any role. Because of the Hong family, Ding Yu is quite dissatisfied with the Wang family!

No matter whether this reason is normal or not, this reason said in the past!

You can say that Ding Yu was intentional or unintentional, but it is obvious that the Wang family has been taken out, and it is still necessary to admire Ding Yu's means. Now Ding Yu is sitting in the courtyard, ordinary people don't have to think about being able to knock on the gate of the courtyard! What action do you want? ha-ha!

It's not really that there is no way to solve this problem, but again and again, they themselves are indifferent to the matter, the face of this thing is useful or not, need to see the timing, need to see the time! But things are good to say but not good to hear!

Before Ding Yu could sit down, he received a phone call from his third uncle. Obviously, Ding Yu was not very happy, so his address was a little cold. "Third uncle, I just came back, and I haven't been able to sit still. You called me. You can't let me breathe for a while."

Hearing Ding Yu's address, the middle-aged man knew that Ding Yu was intentional. Otherwise, he would never call himself sanbo!

"You! There's a little emotion! However, it is also understandable that such a thing, it is inevitable that there are some wrong emotions, not enough to be able to suppress their emotions this time, it is not very common! It's worth praising! "

"Well, I thought you would criticize me? I'm quite prepared for it! " Ding Yu sighed a little, "it's mainly because the Hong family is unreasonable there! Seeing so many things about dog skin falling into the stove, I really want to uproot the Hong family, and my anger is suppressed and suppressed! "

"You The middle-aged man also sighed, "for so many years, comrade Chenglin has worked hard! We need to maintain the overall situation. At the same time, we need to fight against the Hong family. It is not so easy. Things have been solved quite well. You have played a significant role in promoting. Other aspects are OK, but you! It's a bit of a criticism! "

"Uncle, I'm not a good man at all. I can't help changing my image among others by saying a good word. They all say nice words, but they can't tell me how to scold me. I'm a grandson and a bastard!"

Ha ha! Middle aged people feel very interesting about Ding Yu's self blackening!

But then there was a sigh, "you! It's not small. The style of doing things is not changed. Sometimes it's too heartless and cruel. What about you in everyone's heart? I really don't have much opinion. Maybe the concept is not consistent, but that's all! "

"Uncle, you said that! What else can I say? "

"So it's all settled over there?"

"On the whole, there are candidates, but we still need to look at the situation here in the capital. It is like teachers and students. In schools, teachers play a considerable role. But similarly, the growth of the family is equally important to students, even more important than the school. What's more, there are many other problems that can't solve all the problems But at least we should have a certain understanding

"Well! I see! "

No wonder Ding Yu will come back. It turns out that he has such consideration, which is also common. After all, the situation of people who go to study there are different, and they really can't make decisions rashly! This has nothing to do with whether Ding Yu will smash the signboard! Obviously, in this matter, Ding Yu is still very attentive!

If Ding Yu is not attentive, he will never say so and do so!

"Come to me for breakfast tomorrow? I know you got up early, otherwise I won't feel like going to bed tonight! "

"Well, if you invite me, I dare not go, but my phone lines have been pulled out and my mobile phones have been turned off! No one will answer! " Ding Yu also said with a bad smile!

Some things can't be said clearly on the phone, and it's hard to say, so when you have a chance tomorrow, please mention it!

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu spread his hands and wanted to worship his comrades in arms, but he didn't want to make such a thing! Originally the mood is not very good, this all of a sudden more depressed!

"Sir The housekeeper stood beside Ding Yu, and the things were put on the table! We can see that Ding Yu's fatigue is not physical, but spiritual!

"Are they both gone?" Seeing the housekeeper nodding, Ding Yu pointed to his position in front of him, "let's eat something together! This back and forth, is also enough to toss, over there is soaked in the teahouse inside, I eat almost nauseous! It's OK to eat occasionally, but I'm not used to it for a long time! "The housekeeper gives Ding Yu Sheng porridge and places it in front of Ding Yu, and then sits beside Ding Yu!

"Sir, the food of the north and the south is different."

"The things in the army are quite different from those of ordinary people. The army's food is from a big pot, so you don't need to pay so much attention to it. The main nutrition and health are OK, but the diet of ordinary people is different! What's more, the teahouse is a bit too monotonous, or the home is more comfortable

Ding Yu eats a little faster!

In the teahouse over there, I don't have any other choice. It's not right! If you say you have something special, who knows what the noise will be like? And extremely easy to cause other aspects of the problem and situation!

What's more, Ding Yu is not an extremely fastidious person. The reason why he said this is to complain intentionally, not to have other opinions and ideas! In front of the housekeeper, I haven't spread my mood yet?

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