"Sir, there is a lot of noise in the capital, but the door of the house has never been opened!"

The housekeeper said this seriously! "Quite a few people have called. It's no different than usual!"

"Hi!" After eating, Ding Yu is walking in the courtyard, and Deng Rong is following Ding Yu's position! Although said to be in Ding Yu's side, but still short of half a step distance, there is no meaning to go forward!

"It seems that things are noisy, but the thunder is loud and the raindrops are small. They and I seem to be very fierce, and there are even some contradictions, on the surface! They are afraid of fighting each other, but in fact? Everyone is still very well behaved! "

"Sir, the main reason is that sometimes they are irreverent."

Ding Yu waved his hand, "what can we do? What's more, what fame am I? Don't I know it myself? When I chatted with brother Kun, I said that even if I splashed ink on my body, could they still dye it white? What's more, disrespectful words, such a thing is a little daughter-in-law, when I speak, it sounds good? The same

"You, sir

"There is nothing wrong with a poor reputation, and it is a bad thing that I haven't seen. A bad reputation does not mean that my reputation is bad. As long as we don't have a bad reputation for these two things, we will do well."

"No one in the family dares to do this and pluck their skin!"

At this point, the upper and lower levels of the quadrangle is a matter of bounden duty. The threshold of the courtyard is relatively high, which is true. But if you go out of the courtyard, you can count one by one. It can't damage the reputation of the courtyard!

Fame is accumulated little by little, but also by fist. Maybe one thing can consume all the previous accumulation. In this regard, the housekeeper knows very well! Is also very concerned about!

"Yes! How's the child? Still used to it? "

"Don't mention it! When I went to the concert earlier, I was angry, but I still said the right thing. I was really angry. At that time, I even wondered whether my head was flooded at the beginning? I had such a thing, but when I think about it, I can't keep up with the times! For her, it's a happy thing. It's really not blind. I'm a little anxious! "

"Sometimes I have a lot of conflicts with the children in my family. What do they play with, OK? In our opinion, it's general, but it's hard to say? It's not a mess. It can only be said that there is a considerable gap between the concepts of each other. This may be the so-called generation gap! "

"I think the young master and the young lady are excellent!"

"Don't flatter them! Otherwise, they will go to heaven! I finally found a Wang An to come out, it was to suppress them both! If you can't hold them down, who knows what will happen in the future? Hard to say! We can't just look in front of us! "

The housekeeper deeply believes that children must be well educated when they are young, and can never be too laissez faire, especially in families like Mr. Zhang, if children are indulged once! What kind of consequences will appear is really unpredictable!

The damage is too great, the consequences are too serious!

Especially the children in my husband's family will be more than just a loser!

There is a best example in front of you, Hong family? There is the reason for the old man, but we can't deny that there is a Hong family's son's reason. They all complement each other!

As for Mr. Wang, it is true that he is more indulgent in children, even more wanton, but this kind of indulgence and wanton are totally different! Let them have a good time! Happy, but also let them learn happy, this is a good way of education, perhaps not so orthodox, but absolutely the most appropriate!

"Go and rest! I'll go to my study, and I'll go to uncle Sanshu tomorrow morning! You don't have to prepare my breakfast! I'll go to the third uncle for a meal

"Sir, would you like to inform Qu he and Yang Chen?"

"No! Go to the third uncle, it's not proper to take them with you! And it's not suitable! Moreover, this matter still needs to be kept secret. If both of them come back, the old foxes will certainly have quite a guess. I have a good relationship with my third uncle, but the more like this, the more we need to restrain ourselves! "


Ding Yu kneaded two walnuts into the study, began to sort out the data and files, these are all need to be dealt with in time, to know that even in the teahouse, Ding Yu also has no slack, let alone now!

Ding Yu stopped here, but there was no rest in the capital city. Everyone felt that there was so much fire. Look at Ding Yu's meaning, I will not leave this evening! Otherwise, he would not return to the courtyard, and would not release Yang Chen and Qu he!The release of Yang Chen and Qu he represents a considerable attitude!

Yang Chen didn't have to think about it. Just after being released, he was taken away! Obviously, the emotional management department is still very concerned about Yang Chen, and needs to do some verification. This is the advantage of having a mother's family, for fear that their children will suffer losses!

As for Qu he? He seems to have quite a lot of things, not as leisurely as he imagined!

Yang Chen returned to the Department of information management, many people have expressed considerable interest in Yang Chen! However, in the conversation with Yang Chen, he seldom talked about Ding Yu's affairs. It's unnecessary! It is not necessary to know Ding Yu in such a period of time!

Such a way and it is easy to cause misunderstanding from Ding Yu, and you can clearly feel Yang Chen's progress from the conversation with Yang Chen. If this progress is in the body of the Department of information management, it may take quite a long time, and there will be other side effects, but there is no such worry in Ding Yu's place!

What's more, knowing Ding Yu through Yang Chen alone? The effect is too limited! The information about Ding Yu from the information management department can be taken out as a warehouse, but does it play a role? How many, this only internal people know best!

Because the intelligence department is not very interested in this matter! However, Ding Yu's ability to cultivate in Yang Chen's body reflects incisively and vividly, let a person see after really is amazing!

As for the Hong family? The information management department has collected quite a lot of materials. Ding Yu has made a contribution to it. No one can obliterate it! But it is obvious that Ding Yu has no intention of contamination!

Is it Ding Yu's taboo? Or what else? This question seems not good to ask what!

Of course, this is just a guess! What is the truth! No one can tell!

After all, we still know something about old Hong and Wang's family. It's said that old Wang's eating is shriveled at Ding Yu's side! But this rumor did not spread too widely, which involved director Ding Yuding!

No one is a fool. If such a thing is really spread out from the information management department, how will the Wang family look at this matter, and what will director Ding do about it?

After a good understanding and evaluation of Yang Chen, the intelligence department didn't let Yang Chen leave. We'll send it back to Yang Chen tomorrow! Now that Yang Chen is back, the door of the courtyard will certainly open, but who knows what will happen on this road? Hard to say!

It's good to stay in the emotional management department! Just taking advantage of this time, he explained to Yang Chen some matters needing attention in other aspects, but he still lacked a good understanding of Ding Yu!

We should know that his identity is different from Qu he, so we need to treat him in a proper way!

Qu he is alone and has no other followers. What does Qu he want to do? How do you feel like he's a fly without a head? It's a little unclear!

Is this the inspiration of Ding Yu? Or what's wrong with Qu he? People really can't understand!

After wandering for less than an hour, a taxi stopped at Qu he's side. Qu he took a look at it and pulled his mouth slightly. These guys finally came to the door! It's not in vain to leave so much news, but is this speed a little bit slower?

"Mr. Qu, I've kept you waiting!"

After Qu he gets on the bus, the taxi driver comes to his side and hugs his fist at Qu he. "This is the capital city. The situation is different. Everyone always keeps a low profile! So please forgive Mr. Qu! "

Qu he just nodded and sat on the co driver's seat. The taxi didn't run fast. After two turns, Qu he was sent to the door of a bar. After Qu he got off the bus, the driver asked Qu he for the fare. This surprised Qu he, but at the same time, he had some understanding!

The mind is still very careful, a little interesting!

After entering the teahouse, Qu he went to a private room under the guidance of the waiter, and stayed in it for about three hours. This surprised the people outside because they didn't understand the situation, but it was not appropriate to enter the bar at this time!

Because this time to enter the bar, the goal is too obvious! It's aimed at Qu he!

You have no problem investigating Qu he, but if you get close to him, the situation will be different! Who knows if Qu he's carrying Ding Yu's instructions? Is this the arrangement of Ding Yu?

If it is really Ding Yu's arrangement, then investigating Qu he will offend Ding Yu to a certain extent! It's not a very good choice to offend Ding Yu at such a moment! So no matter what kind of movements and arrangements Qu he has, just keep the perimeter alert! Don't go too deep!

But even so, everyone's heart is still a little itchy!Always feel like I miss something, once people have curiosity, they will be unable to bear their own!

Even the Department of emotional treatment is the same, some people can not help but go to Yang Chen, after all, Yang Chen and Qu he have been with Dingyu's side! Since we can't understand the crane, then we know the situation with Yang Chen, and there are no problems!

When asked about the situation, Yang Chen had a confused expression on his face, but he responded at the first time. What Qu he did, whether he had the director's account, he really didn't know about it, but it didn't mean that he had no ability to analyze at all! And even made a considerable judgment!

But when judging, it doesn't mean that Yang Chen must tell the things. What's more, the identity of several people who come to his side is different. If I mention too many crane situations and news, what will the director think about it? And a little more? The leaders didn't speak!

So after a while of thinking, Yang Chen said slowly, "I left with Quhe. As for the director, I really don't know if there are other explanations! After coming out from the courtyard, we were received without two greetings! "

Obviously, Yang Chen avoided quite a few problems. He can be sure that the things Qu he went to deal with must be about Hong's family. He should have been with those Wulin!

To know the Hong family, there are quite a few people behind them to help them. They need to give a presentation to the director about this matter!

Some things can be done, but some things are against the natural and human relationship, it is not so good to pass the customs!

If the director does not know, even if! But the director knows! Can not be as if nothing has happened!

And the director ignore the words, it is likely to let some aspects will be wrong, in their view, the director is acquiesced in such things happen! The director will sit and see what happens, and let some people pour dirty water on him?

Qu he came to the room here, and sorted out the clothes on his body. He should know that what he represents now is not only himself, but also represents the face of Mr. Mr. to a certain extent!

After the door opened, the crane settled his breath, walked slowly inside, saw several people sitting there, holding their fist, "Jinmen music home!"! Qu he has seen everyone in the same way! "

Sure some people in the room have already known quite a bit of news, but after the name of Jinmen composer is reported, we really have some small shock! Since he said it himself, he can't make a fake!

We should know that all of us are Wulin, and no one dare to use their own names in disorder, because the meaning of this representative is too heavy!

Qu he dare to say his own door, it means not afraid of challenges, these and so-called touts or two things, is exactly the name of the name, we only recognize this!

You are not fighting out, or two random strokes, then a burst of praise, we will only see as jokes!

What's more, who is the person behind the crane? Dingyu! Who is he? Is it difficult to be known? He did not have any so-called exposure in China, but it does not mean that everyone knows nothing about it!

After we know the rumors about Ding Yu, they are quite appalling, even have quite taboo! He really came out of the dead, no one dare to say that he had more experience than his actual combat experience!

Even in a considerable place, there is still a legend about it!

To challenge Ding Yu? Is this joke a little bigger? It is not exaggeration to say that to challenge Dingyu, to some extent, it is to challenge the whole gate, to know that others have a Dao! The kind of real!

To hit the sign of the gate? Don't you need to find a way to die?

And again, is that? I don't put my energy in this narrow circle. People have a wide space to show themselves. Why do you have to splash in this pond. It is true that the water in this pond is very deep, but what about that?

More practical, we have no conflicts of interest, even Ding Yu has maintained the development of the whole circle, so people need to provide it! Make good relations with each other! Unless it's brain trouble, I think about playing against this!

There is also that Taoist Liu, who is Ding Yu pushing in front of him! The relationship with all sides is quite good, can not say that there is a demand, but also achieved the best possible!

All aspects of the integration, this Mr. Ding Yuding is a very extraordinary person!

Now he wants to explain, still really will not offend the public anger, even everybody also appreciate!

Because things don't make noise! If it's really noisy, the whole reputation will be bad! Then we are not a street mouse, it seems that it will not be good to go anywhere! You know that you always look at your face very heavily! Even now Dingyu mentioned a, everyone also immediately gave the response!Why? There are such scum in our own circle, we need to get rid of it! No matter what reason and reason you have, some taboos you can't touch! Dig the grave! be turned to dust! When you know this thing, you also feel shivering all over! It's too poisonous!

Although this is not my own ancestral grave, I feel chilly when I think about it. There is no one's turn now, but who can guarantee that it won't be my own in the future? If one's ancestral grave has been dug, how can we face our ancestors and colleagues in the future?

Even if there was no Ding Yu, they would have done it well! At least for the ancestors is an account!

If you want to improve yourself, there is nothing wrong with this. You can choose what way you want to improve yourself. But you can't do anything wrong, can you?

Qu he put a check on the table before he left!

"Sir, let me say hello to you all. It's hard work! He has quite a lot to deal with. If there is any trouble, please forgive me! "

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