Looking at the Qu he who left, the people in the room looked at each other, and there were quite a sigh in my heart!

Look at others, and then at your own?

They're old guys. They don't have too many problems. What about when they're old? Who can stand up? You know, Qu he is just under Ding Yu's door!

Do things old and spicy, with grace and power, no leakage!

But soon everyone is also scattered, continue to stay there is not much significance! And it's too provocative! Everyone has always been low-key, if things come out, it is easy to have problems! Xia breaks the ban with martial arts. This is not a joke!

After Qu he left the bar, it was late! But still went back to the courtyard, did not mean to stay outside! After all, this is the capital city. If you go down one brick, you may find the so-called "Royal relatives and nobles"!

Admittedly, I'm not afraid, but what I represent now is a quadrangle! So it doesn't hurt to be careful!

Qu he's action has really attracted the attention of quite a number of personnel, but after that? We feel very surprised, because quite a lot of things have been understood, it is really not a big deal! Just a false alarm!

However, after knowing Yang Chen's situation, the leaders of the intelligence and governance department were so angry that they didn't fight at all. How could the following guys do things? What do they want?

But it's not true that there is no outstanding point, Yang Chen's performance is still very good!

He didn't say that he didn't know about it, but he didn't make a proper judgment!

In the present situation, it is not a good idea to offend Ding Yu too much. What's more! Does Ding Yu have no understanding and judgment on the equivalent things? There must be, even he is waiting to see Yang Chen's performance!

And Yang Chen's performance? Can't say good! Also can't say bad, mainly is the teammate's performance slightly so some pigs!

I don't know what kind of expression Ding Yu will look like after he knows this thing!

But the leader of the intelligence management department is quite dissatisfied with this, and his face is already black! Take Yang Chen back to his mother's house? What's the reason? Is not to think of to be able to protect him well, not to appear the problem of other respect and billows? It is not thought that the outside world is not moving, but their own side, really not let people worry!

In the morning, Ding Yu still got up a little early, but the exercise time was not long. After cleaning up, he left the courtyard and drove to the third uncle with a low profile! It seems to be a little early, the third uncle just got up!

"Did I say you came a little too early?"

"Later, who knows what's going on?" Ding Yu is not reserved at all! It seems to get up a little angry!

After a little time, Ding Yu and the three uncles who have already washed and rinsed are on the table together! "Good morning, Auntie!"

"Don't be polite to this boy, he! Look at the talent, but how to say? Hum

There are a lot of things on the table. It's obvious that he has a good understanding of Ding Yu, and Ding Yu doesn't mean to be polite. This amount of food not only scares the three aunts, but also makes other staff dumbfounded!

After eating, Ding Yu wiped his mouth!

"Uncle, should your living standards be improved?"

"Get out of here After he said this, both the three points beside him and the staff were shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect him to say such words, but it proved from another aspect that the relationship with Ding Yu was definitely not what it was on the surface!

"Don't do that. You can take care of yourself! What's more, how old we are! You don't have that digestion When talking, he also deliberately looked at Ding Yu. Everything went there. Anyway, he didn't see Ding Yu's stomach bulging. It seems that there is no difference between him and when he just came here!

Ding Yu is helpless to stand on his shoulder!

Because I ate earlier, so there was still quite a time for two people to walk in the yard!

"That's settled over there?"

"Though I come out! But we still have a good understanding of the situation there. Are you staying? They are all of high standards and have real talents. Of course, some people are just making up for the number. Some are really calm, but what about some people? It's pretending to be calm! "

"You! Sometimes the eyes are just a little bit of sand

"Uncle, are you really good at saying that? I'm just acting in a way that might be a little more aggressive! "

Looking at Ding Yu, the middle-aged man is laughing. In his own position, he can naturally understand why Ding Yu is like this. We should know that the forces controlled by him are really the kind that frightens people to death. If he is a little careless, there may be trouble, and there are so many forces, inside and outside! All eyes covetously at him!In addition, Ding Yu's power has risen abruptly in recent years, without much details. Relying on his own ability, the ups and downs behind this are really not what anyone can taste. How many times of life and death are not so simple!

Sitting on his position, how can you do it if you are not careful and careful?

"I don't ask about the consortium. I know that you have done a good job. It is not only beneficial to the people, but also created a huge amount of financial revenue for the country. These are all practical. In fact, we all admire it very much."

Ding Yu also nodded clearly, "although sometimes people's ideas are a little different, but on this point, the vast majority of comrades still do very well! However, there are quite a number of problems, which are also common sense. If there is no problem, it is not normal! "

"I heard that! On the other side of the farm, you are merciless

"No mercy! Human relationship can't be greater than legal principle, is it? Rules are rules. Although the farm is big, it's hard won to get a cent. It's all the painstaking efforts of everyone! "

Patting Ding Yu on the shoulder, the middle-aged man slightly sighed that the farm's help to himself is also great! With so many farmers and land problems solved, so many jobs, and the farm's environmental protection and improvement, no one can deny Ding Yu's achievements!

If from this point of view, Ding Yu's character and temper, a little bit micro insignificant!

"How about the students? This burden, you still need to pick up, know you! My eyes are a little bit high. I despise quite a lot of people. I don't mean to let you lower your requirements. I even hope you can be strict. What about you? It's also that the mood is so urgent that you need to understand it! "

Ding Yu spread out his hands, "really, I'm not a very qualified teacher. I have a strange character and a poor way of doing things! What's more, I have a little more work to do. I need to maintain my farm work. At the same time, I can't give up medicine because it's also a bridge. I want to be free and teach two more students when I have time. When I have time, I'll teach two more students. It's also good! Ah

At the end, Ding Yu couldn't help sighing! This is not really what you want, what you can do!

I really don't have so much time, and I don't have so much free time!

"On purpose, isn't it?" The middle-aged talents will not be blindfolded by Ding Yu. "Other people don't know your situation, but I don't know your situation. Although there is a certain truth, it's not true to say that all of them are caused by this aspect, but those students also have some problems."

"How are you! I can't say that they are not excellent. I still mean that some of them are not suitable for my way. I have already collected some of them. To a certain extent, let them have a long insight. There is no problem. But to cultivate them, we can only grow to the wrong side. In other words, it is quite a shame! "

Obviously, Ding Yu is able to recognize his own problems. Some students do not say that they are not greedy, but they are also very greedy. But the problem is that he is a professor of medicine. Let these students who study mathematics, physics and chemistry follow their own learning. From the direction above, there are corresponding problems!

They can transmit some of their own methods, but absolutely dare not to go deep, because once in-depth, then the possible result is that these students are completely abandoned! Let some good seedlings wither before they start to grow. Ding Yu will never do such things! Harm others, harm yourself!

"The insight is very good, also has the quite depth, we also have been thinking all the time, whether to give you a special identity, let you go to study, you see how?"

Ding Yu immediately stopped his own pace, looked suspiciously at his third uncle, "uncle, we don't take such, I already feel very tired! You suddenly give me such a hand, I feel a bit unbearable! What's more! Other people will also feel very strange, I, a monk, suddenly mixed in. Isn't it too different? What do you say? "

"Don't be careless. The matter has been decided on the whole. You can go to the Party school to be a teacher. Anyway, you are already a doctor! As for this, we all believe it. It's not what kind of goods it is! "

Ding Yu slightly pursed his mouth, it is obvious that for this matter, is not so satisfied! But his third uncle made this decision, he is really not good to refute what!

"Third uncle, I have delayed a lot of posts! I really don't have so much time! You know that! "

"Yes! That's why I let you be a teacher. When I'm free, I'll give lectures. It's not for you to be a full-time teacher! "

Let's just give it up. As for other things? Don't talk about it! I'm really worried about going on talking. Ding Yu, this guy, will kick his feet. It's hard to say! He had already called himself uncle three just now! The discontent between words has been revealed very clearly!"You are back! I've had dinner, too! It's time to go back! "

"I knew that eating a meal from you is not as easy as I thought it would be!" Ding Yu snorted again, "I'll go back to clean up. There are still some things left to be dealt with at home. Before the evening, if there is nothing else, I will go back by plane."

Middle aged people are also very helpless, you said that there is nothing to go at night, if there is anything, is not to go! How much I can hear the meaning of this discourse! However, there is not too much care and attention, in their own view, this is a very normal thing!

Ding Yu patted his ass and left! The middle-aged man looked at his wife and shook his head, "just keep the things, but other people's things can't be taken, but this little guy's things are not against the discipline."

"It's the first time you've opened the door. I've seen it, but it's a bit unusual and very valuable."

"He is a fellow! It's really different from other people. Unless he can take a look at it, otherwise ordinary people really don't have such treatment. Many of our comrades would like Ding Yu to do this, but what? Even if it's old Wang's, there's no such thing as Wang's! It's also a stupid account! "

"I went to see old Wang and aunt two days ago, and they are in good health! At that time, someone mentioned Ding Yu, but I was scared by Wang Lao's reaction! Not at all! "

"No one can solve the problem between Mr. Wang and Ding Yu, nor can Comrade Changlin, but it is also very good!"

The middle-aged people also know that this is not something outsiders can get involved in. The so-called honest and upright officials are hard to break the housework, which is not generally correct! What's more, they still have a confused account in their family?

"I went to work! Many comrades, I'm afraid, are ready to wear by now! They really don't dare to block Ding Yu. If they stop Ding Yu! Believe it or not, he can stay for three days! At this time, if you leave three days, some comrades will really collapse! "

After Ding Yu came out from his third uncle, he went back to the courtyard directly. People were curious and doubted about it. Ding Yu went to the chief executive in the morning. What did he talk about?

What's more, what's going on between them? Are there any other problems and situations?

All these things we want to know!

But the problem is that there are two parties, one is the chief, the other is Ding Yu!

After thinking about it for quite some time, we think it's more reliable to go to the chief, because Ding Yu is a man who is not stingy. Go to find him? Let's forget it! Who can knock on the door of his courtyard?

Back home, looking at Wang Li waiting at the door, Ding Yu hummed!

"Big brother!" Wang Li bit her teeth and cried out, "I didn't make it. Why are you angry with me?" Obviously, Wang Li still has a lot of opinions about the Hong family!

"So what? No time to talk to you! If it's OK, don't come here! "

"I don't! What can you do? "

For Wang Li's mischievous, Ding Yu hummed, and then strode to the inside, as for Wang Li? She can do as she likes? Oneself pour really won't have any attention!

Wang Li looked at her elder brother's appearance, but also did not accept a hum, put aside her long legs also followed to go in, next to the housekeeper hesitated, or did not do too much to block!

If it's someone else, you might be shut out! Siheyuan is to enter and leave when you want?

But Wang Li's identity is really more special, plus this period of time, she is also relatively quiet, at least not a loser! So the housekeeper is also reluctant to let her in, wait! If the husband is not at home, what he said will not let her in again! Hum!

It's not that the housekeeper has no temper, on the contrary, the housekeeper also has a good temper!

Although Wang Li came in! But there is no use, quite a place for Wang Li has been closed! And Ding Yu into the study, there is no meaning to come out again, even Yang Chen and Qu he two people are standing far away from the door!

Wang Li can't pass the pass of Yang Chen and Qu he at all. What's more, even if she can pass them, she still has a lot of security waiting for her! So Wang Li can only jump over there!

"I want to eat, Butler. I haven't eaten in the morning yet."

In the face of Wang Li, the housekeeper gave an order, and soon someone brought breakfast. The breakfast in the courtyard is very rich and colorful. Although there are many patterns, there are not many things in the dish!

It's not that Siheyuan is not willing to give up. It's not related to this. If you are not at home, the purchase of siheyuan will not be very much, there is no need, because quite a lot of people don't have the meal!Wang Li is here to eat and drink, and even wantonly publicize, but her appetite is not big at all!

After dinner, Wang Li didn't mean to leave, and she continued to stay in the courtyard. Look at this meaning, today is deliberately Lai! Nearly nine o'clock, is finally waiting for Ding Yu!

When Ding Yu saw Wang Li, her expression was a little surprised. After looking up and down for a while, she said aloud!

"Why haven't you left yet? What's the matter? "

Wang Li is almost smoking! Have you ever said that? It's too much of a shame!

However, the corners of her mouth twitched for a long time, and Wang Li pressed down her dissatisfaction! "Big brother, I'd like to talk to you about it. I want to get two people. Their situations are so special that they are used as insiders for us. However, they have quite a lot of information. Other people don't know it. This time we can say that they were involved in it!"

"What are you looking for? I'm not in charge of this? You can find the third uncle! He is in charge of this

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