Ding Yu found the position next to sit down, the hand is not a walnut! But a string of diamond hand strings, it seems that the plate has been a long time, very round, the above paste is very prominent!

"This matter can not find uncle three, the focus on Uncle San is too obvious, there are not too many problems on the two people, this is not only I can guarantee, but also a considerable number of people can guarantee!"

When talking, Wang Li looks at her brother with her entreatious eyes! i couldn 't help it!

Ding Yu was a little bit disapproved of this, "I promise you have no use. Hong family, I think you should know, and I have said it! Hong family is over! You're looking for me now, it's no use! "

Wang Li almost bit her teeth, looked at her brother very hard. "There is no relationship between the previous events and me. Grandpa asked to call, you still hurt me! I didn't say anything! "

Obviously, Wang Li wants to find balance, and it may not work in other ways, so now she starts playing rogue!

"Let you call, you call, you don't have a brain!" Dingyu hum!

"And then! Come out to say a word, it seems to be more useful! What are the big guys in your house now? What's going on? All pretending to die? I don't believe they don't have that weight? "

"Brother, you are a little too much to say!" Wang Li was very dissatisfied, "who doesn't know that Hong family matters have a considerable relationship with you. In such a case, we can talk and say it after all? What should I do? Who knows? What do you think? Who dares to ignore your ideas? "

Wang Li is very direct to break the window paper, there is no need to give Dingyu the meaning of face!

"Do I have such a small stomach?" Dingyu, like a self-talk, but also like a question!

"It was!" Wang Li is very tough, did not want to leave face for her brother, "anyway, they are very important, have helped us a lot, this time is also because of Hong family affairs, has been quite dragged, and has a considerable relationship with Hong family, I do not deny that!"

"So?" Dingyu hand inside the diamond hand string disk speed a little bit faster! Can see, Dingyu mood is not so good as in the imagination! "You say let go of a horse, let it go? There are all the dead spirits in that temple. Do they have any different places? "

"Brother, you are a little wrong!" Wang Li looked at her brother, even took the tea from the housekeeper and put it in the hand of her brother!

"They have a little problem, but there is no big problem. If you don't believe it, I will bring them to me personally, and let me knock on them. If there is any problem, I will be responsible for it!"

"What's the matter? Are you going to be here today? "

Dingyu's hand paused a little. "You have nothing to do, my things seem to be more, but there is not so much spare time to accompany you, and a little more, there are quite a few people outside who are concerned about me here, can you bolt out completely, this thing is another said, you need to think about it!"

Wang Li was stunned, and then she shook her arm. "It doesn't matter to me!"

"So what does it have to do with me?" In a word, Wang Li was blocked directly there!

Half a day, Wang Li did not respond!

When he came to realize, Ding Yu had already gone! Wang Li looks at the tea in front of her, a little upset, really want to kick over, but hesitated for half a day, or forget it!

But when I got up, I didn't know if it was too hasty, or deliberately, and brought the tablecloth directly. The things on it were also taken out by her hand! Everywhere flies!

When the housekeeper came, he looked at the things on the ground, not so angry, but he laughed!

A slight cough two, but Wang Li has no meaning to explain, neck is strong, there are so some to hard anti meaning! I'm just like this. How can you give me?

"Sir, I just said that if you could lift the table, there would be no room for this matter! But if you can restrain a little, you can't help it! "

Looking at Wang Li, the housekeeper continued to smile and said! "Sir, let you go to Huang Kun and let him handle this matter. He is more convenient over there, and it is not so noticed! But one thing, when Mr. Wang is not out, you don't have to think about going out! The room over there is ready! "

Ah? Wang Li screamed, but she didn't wait for the joy to finish, and her face pulled down again!

"But I came early, the children in my family?"

"I've called and told you! You don't need to worry about this! " The Housekeeper will not give Wang Li any chance. It is for you to stay for you. If you go out now, the things you make will be very noisy. What is the situation here in Beijing, you don't know. I don't know if it is difficult to do it?He made a gesture of invitation, and the housekeeper walked in front of him! Wang Li is very dissatisfied, but there is no way, big brother there has been very face! Wang Li's heart is still very clear, if you don't give yourself this face, is it difficult for him to say that?

As for Wang Li's affairs, Ding Yu's heart is not really that attentive!

She came a little too abrupt! Now this time is so hard to break in, you say is to stay, or to let out! If you let this out, she won't be torn! There will be no good fruit to eat!

Don't let go, but she broke in at this time, the impact must be there!

On the whole, Ding Yu still kept her! i couldn 't help it! Who let her be his sister, anyway? Let's take it off for her first! Wait for things to stop, or wait for their own to go! This may be the best way!

What will the Wangs think? This problem Ding Yu is really a little bit of this aspect of consideration are not! Is really not considered! It's even the one that's left behind!

As for why Ding Yu did not leave immediately, it can be said that it was intentional!

I'm just dawdling on time. How can you give me? I mean, if I don't accept it, you can have a try?

Now quite powerful people have known the result of the conversation between the chief executive and Ding Yu. They also know that Ding Yu's attitude is a little bit tough, or Ding Yu is deliberately waiting for some people to get angry!

After I go back this time, I will definitely make some arrangements and even use the means of thunder. Then you can bear it, you can't stand it, you have to bear it. Otherwise, don't blame me for my ruthlessness! Anyway, I have reported quite a situation with the chief executive. I have no scruples about it!

This is the essence of the meeting between Ding Yu and the chief executive!

Many forces are also very clear in their hearts. Naturally, they want to leave their children behind. But Ding Yu can't find any gaps in his work! This guy is really itchy!

But now Ding Yu still has no intention of leaving. What kind of attention is he playing? There is a lot of speculation in everyone's mind. There is not much time left! That is to say, after Ding Yu goes back, he will solve the problem through his experience and won't give us any reaction time!

At that time, even if you want to operate, there is no possibility!

This point quite let everybody feel a little bit uncomfortable, even a little bit suffocating!

Dean Ding, is it really good of you to do this? Isn't it true that our children are not excellent? You can't do this?

But the problem is who dares to go to director Ding at this time? Whether we can go into the courtyard is another matter. The problem is that we don't have much confidence in our hearts! This is the most important thing!

If our children are already on the list! Just because of his rash intrusion in, Ding Yu to disgust to! And then to the children from the list to be crossed out, that is the most sad!

However, there are still some worries. After all, there is still a lot of time for us. If our children are not on the list, what other methods do you want? In order to let their children get a better chance, even if it is to pay something, but also at all costs! However, director Ding Yuding did not give such a chance at all!

This bastard, the mind is too complex, but also too delicate, we can say to play a round and round!

At noon, Wang Li did not see her elder brother. Fortunately, although she was limited, the so-called restriction did not play a very important role for Wang Li!

But there is a point to note, the study and the pharmacy there, for Wang Li completely closed, not to say that you want to go in can go in, not easy to use, even if it is coquettish and splashing have no effect!

The Housekeeper will not do any attention, so Wang Li can only appreciate the collection of the courtyard!

After seeing it, Wang Li bit her teeth and said something wrong with the housekeeper's eyes! I know that the collection of siheyuan is very rich, and I think it has been excavated almost! But now, there is no such thing!

Quite thing oneself sees is very hot in the eye, even is to salivate!

Obviously, this will not be my brother's meaning! Big brother will never care too much about these! He was only a little interested in hand strings and walnuts, what else? It's not that big brother can't appreciate it. At this point, Wang Li will never have any doubts!

But appreciation doesn't mean that big brother is interested in it! This is two times!

Obviously, the housekeeper had a lot of things hidden in the original time. Now that the courtyard has been closed to him, the housekeeper has put out quite a lot of things. He can only watch, but he can't eat. This kind of taste is really uncomfortable!Looking at Wang Li's expression, the housekeeper was very happy, even a little proud!

Many of the quadrangles' collections have been left in my hand, not to say that I am greedy for ink! The main thing is to prevent Wang Li, she is really so some too corrupt! What's more, it's not her home yet. She's allowed her to do it, so she left her quadrangle with chicken feathers. The husband doesn't care about this, but he can't be a housekeeper?

The housekeeper also has a careful eye, and in this respect, the mind is particularly small!

When Wang Li saw these things, she already understood that it was definitely the housekeeper's meaning! But what about gnashing teeth? Is it easy to find elder brother to complain? Are you kidding?

Wang Li definitely has a very clear understanding of this issue. The housekeeper can be said to be the confidant of the eldest brother, and he is also the confidant among the confidants. Although he is said to be the third housekeeper of the courtyard, he is definitely more valued by the elder brother than the previous Anjie and Chen Feng! This is not a boast!

Previous Anjie and Chen Feng, to a certain extent, are transitional! Big brother's power was not stable at that time, so we need to choose slowly. When Deng Rong, the big housekeeper, arrives, the power of siheyuan is already very stable!

What's more, the Butler did it not for his own sake, but for the sake of the whole courtyard!

Big brother, unless it's a stupid bird! Will punish the housekeeper!

But is big brother a silly bird? Wang Li asked herself, in their own want to come, not many people are more intelligent than their big brother! He has a very clear understanding and judgment of the problem, so he will not stand on his side no matter what the reason is! That's for sure!

Now Wang Li can only suppress her feelings of sadness and indignation, and honestly appreciate the collection of siheyuan! After a period of time without appreciation, Wang Li found that the collection of siheyuan is still in line with her eldest brother. She is low-key, introverted, and can feel a little bit of wanton flying in the casual places!

"Housekeeper, don't you see that you still have this mentality?"

The housekeeper said with a smile, "this is not my credit. I may still be able to hold on to this acre of land, but if the stall is too large, don't be difficult for me. I know what kind of ability I have, so I have listened to the opinions and opinions of many people, and we have helped to create the situation today."

There is no pride, for the housekeeper, he is not what young! The attitude is very good!

Wang Li snorted, "these things are still in line with the temperament of big brother, but to a certain extent, there are also some waste. As far as I know, my elder brother's attitude towards these things is a little casual! Anyway, I've never seen big brother. He has too much interest in this aspect! "

For this, the housekeeper did not explain too much!

I can't help but tell Wang Li that her husband's calligraphy and painting skills are still very good, especially her husband's words. After I read them, I feel very sorry! My family also collected two, leaving the heirs, there is no meaning to show out at all!

At this point, the housekeeper or inherited Ding Yu's character, good or bad, he knows also can! There is no need to take it out to publicize, not too much meaning! What's more, I don't have such interest!

"Steward, you are deliberately retaliating against me, aren't you? Hum

Wang Li is a straightforward person, since she can't give the housekeeper? But it's OK to put some eye drops on it. It's not good there, but it's OK in the hospital? I don't believe the big men in the courtyard will stand here in the courtyard!

The housekeeper responded and laughed! "Second miss, the courtyard was defeated by you a lot. Sir, there are not many opinions and ideas. That's because you don't care, but I'm the housekeeper of the courtyard, so I can't ignore it!"

Get it! Isn't this a small account? Wang Li sipped her mouth! It's a little uncomfortable!

If possible, I really want to eat the housekeeper! What's more, it's a kind of chewy food!

"Well! I admit it too much earlier! But isn't it too much for you, a housekeeper, to have the same insight as a little girl like me? "

"I don't think so. Anything needs to be paid for." The housekeeper did not show any mercy at all. "Besides, the gentleman didn't let you go out today. I think you can think about this matter, but it's better not to have another time for such a thing! It's better than anything to keep this kind of affection

The housekeeper seems to be a warning, but in fact he is concerned! Some things are tacit to everyone!

"Housekeeper, is it so serious?" When Wang Li talks, she is also a little nervous! The housekeeper said this, absolutely has other meanings! I'm not a fool!

"I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't think much about it. But Ding Ding seldom comes to see him. IThe housekeeper can say this, and only the housekeeper can say it! Even if other people can think of it, they will never say such words! As for whether Wang Li will listen to this opinion, no one knows!

The housekeeper doesn't care so much about it. If you listen, it's better. If you don't, I don't have any way. I'm not your parents, am I?

What's more, even if you are a parent, you don't mean that you care about everything. If you can't understand something, you can't understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't really ask for it!

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