Ding Yu, who stayed in the courtyard, is a little carefree!

But outside? The noise is about to be in full swing! After all, it involves our own reserve forces! Who doesn't care? Who dares not care?

If you can be valued by Ding Yu, if there is no big difference, then you can stand for at least 30 years. This is still the most basic. From the perspective of extension, the opportunity to build up the structure, and other aspects of development, etc., these are inestimable!

And its value is the most exciting!

The chief has alerted them, but this is not enough! Not enough! In the absence of final protection, we still carry it in our hearts and dare not to relax! At the same time, each faction and force, also for their own descendants, thousands of exhortations, for fear that there will be a little bit of problem and situation!

It is true that we all know that it is impossible for everyone to be selected, but we always hope that our own can be selected!

As for the so-called "crooked brain" to squeeze out competitors? Let's forget about this kind of thing?

It's not that we haven't thought about this problem, but we still think about it when we think of Ding Yu as the person we are facing? Don't think about this idea!

Think Ding Yu is a good fool, or think Ding Yu is a good talker! You know, although he looks young, he is actually an old fox. If you let him grow a tail, he will be a fox fairy!

In front of an old fox like him, playing with such means is not giving Ding Yu a face at all! When Ding Yu really gets angry, what kind of result will it be? No one dares to make this guarantee!

But think about it, we also feel very depressed, Ding Yu is obviously already aware of it! But I gave you a record in the dark. I was in a trance for a moment. It's really hateful!

Put it on other people's body, and if you don't give him two punches, at least let him know the power of it!

But this man is Ding Yu! At this time, who dares to give him two punches, then Ding Yu doesn't need to do it. I don't know how many people will stand in front of Ding Yu and take the two punches for Ding Yu. Even they will take the initiative to fight back. Right or wrong, it is not so important at that time!

Serve Ding Yu! More important than anything! There may even be unexpected gains!

"Sir! The plane is ready! We can start at any time! "

Ding Yu pursed his mouth, "do these guys have no movement at all? Not really! I don't think they will be so honest! What's going on now? Isn't it really loud before you come back? Why does it all stop now? "

"Don't be kidding, chief! Now we are all frightened. We want to come here, but we have some worries and fears! " Yang Chen said this directly!

Yang Chen didn't know whether director Xiao knew about the matter last night. However, comparing himself with Qu he, he still fell behind. However, if the two people were put together, it seemed that it was quite inappropriate, because they were of different natures! Not too much comparison!

Ding Yu sighed, "I thought they would make a lot of noise, but I didn't think that they didn't have any movement at all, which made people disappointed. In this case, I'd like to make preparations, start in the afternoon and get home before the evening! There's no need to be in such a hurry! "

With Mr. Zhang, Siheyuan has begun to operate quite well. You can't let Mr. Wang go back empty handed, can you?

What Ding Yu wants to leave is not so secret. Why? You can find out from the airport!

Of course, ordinary people can't find out, and the airport can't disclose the information. If anyone can get information from the airport, what really happened? Whose is it?

Do you think Ding Yu is good at bullying, or do you think the power behind Ding Yu is not big enough?

Although the air traffic control, but also divided into what things, for Ding Yu's matter, can be said to strictly abide by the principle of internal confidentiality! Even the top management, want to know Ding Yu's situation, also need to carefully weigh one or two of them!

Because the more people know, the more likely there is to be a problem, so we would rather offend people than easily divulge Ding Yu's relevant information. We have always been very restrained!

Of course, there are quite a number of reasons, it is because Ding Yu is notorious!

After noon! Considerable attention is still focused on the courtyard. As long as the gate of the courtyard is not opened and Ding Yu does not come out, everyone will keep an eye on it. As for other actions, there is no one!

It's true that Wang Li has entered the courtyard, but what about that?

Wang Li is Ding Yu's younger sister, and she is still her own sister. Even if she throws the courtyard upside down, there is no problem. But other people, even if they kick the gate of the courtyard, are not as simple as leg discount!"These guys really let people down. I thought they would have a lot of action, huh!"

Ding Yu let out his temper a little, but since these guys don't have any movement, it's not necessary to continue to stay! What about staying? What's more, I've talked with my uncle!

Don't think about other people, but you have to think about your third uncle, which Ding Yu still needs to pay attention to!

Don't leave any bad impression! Right?

When Wang Li came out, Ding Yu had almost cleaned up!

Looking at the people inside and outside, Wang Li's mouth twitches again. After a little time, Wang Li gets close to Ding Yu's side and says, "big brother, don't you go back to have a look? It won't take long! "

"No time! I'm going to the airport! You must be honest

My big brother is not angry! Wang Li is really not good at this matter, at least from the big brother's words and expression can not see too much, he is still that look, a little cold, feel three meters away, still can come out a little cool!

"I see!" Wang Li waved her hand, but she didn't mean to see her off!

The whole family knows about the big brother's coming back, but he doesn't mean to call the family at all. It's obvious that the Hong family's affairs still make the elder brother angry!

The reason is more complex, it is not really a sentence two sentences can explain clearly!

At least I don't have any say in this matter. What about my grandparents? It's hard to say that. Why? The reason is too simple! Grandfather was beaten in the face by big brother!

This person lost a little bit so big, so now this time would rather as nothing to know!

Father's side? What can be done? Just get involved? One side is his father, the other side is his son. It's not good to stand on whose side! So it can only be regarded as nothing to know!

In this matter, the grandfather side can not take the initiative to bow his head, as for the elder brother there? Will he bow his head to admit his mistake? In their own impression, it seems that they have never been! So, what should I do?

What's more, is this really wrong? There is no mistake but to bow down, such a thing is not big brother! Even a considerable number of people can not accept it!

Since you can't do anything, don't do it! Peace of mind with each other, time will kill everything!

After Ding Yu came out of the courtyard, without any pause, he went straight to the airport. Everything was simple!

For a long time, Ding Yu has been treated like this. The airport has deliberately opened a passageway. This master is really invincible. After countless times of care, everyone's ears have been cocooned!

But this is a real ox fork, not a fake one!

Really, this one? It is not difficult to serve the Lord, there is no messy things, that is, the personality is a little bit cold, in addition, it is really very good to talk!

Sitting on the plane, Ding Yu holds a list in his hand, upside down on the table in front of him. This list has been planned before! I did not make any deletion! When Qu he and Yang Chen sat down, Ding Yu knocked on the table in front of him with his hand!

"Have a look!"

"Director, we won't watch it!" Qu he said it first! "We don't know that much about it!"

Qu he was really afraid that Yang Chen didn't understand, so he said this word first, which was also the care of Yang Chen! Yang Chen also woke up, "director, what need to pay attention to, you just tell me!"

"Let's have a look, just have a look, and make sure you have a few in mind first!"

These small tricks have no effect on Ding Yu, and they are not trying to test them on purpose. If you really want to test them, you have a better way and method!

Qu he and Yang Chen took a look at each other, and then they picked up the list. After they had seen it, Ding Yu put the list in the shredder and destroyed it! There won't be any residue!

"There won't be any change on the whole!"

"Director, we don't know much about this. What do you mean?"

"When you get off the plane, let the news out!"

What is this operation? After getting off the plane, the list is disclosed. What is the meaning of putting the list in the shredder earlier? What's more, the news is released? There was no such precedent in the past!

"Sir, we can't carry both of us on our shoulders."

"I didn't let you two carry it!" For two people's ignorance, Ding Yu cast a glance, "the people in the capital will know how to deal with things. Give them a list to make them feel at ease! What a messDing Yu is very clear. In other words, Ding Yu is deliberately blocking some people. Don't you let me come back? OK, I'm back! When I got to the capital, there was no news for you!

Since you play this game with me, then I can't make you too easy!

After getting off the plane, there is still a distance from home. After the passage of high-speed rail, it is really very convenient! Originally more than two hours of travel, now do not need an hour of time, and the conditions and environment are very comfortable!

Ding Yu did not take Yang Chen and Qu he, but deliberately threw them down!

The two people looked at each other and understood what the director meant! But understand to understand, the heart is also really sigh, the director of this mind, is not a little too big!

But anyway? Since the matter is handed down by the director, it is good to implement it!

Soon the news reached the capital? All the forces in the capital are gnashing their teeth. They all know that Ding Yu's character is a little bad, and even he will report revenge. But you didn't go back, and you are still on the road! Is it too disgusting to have such a hand?

You didn't do that, okay?

But the question is how can we give Ding Yu? Now go and find out who leaked Ding Yu's information? There is no significance and role, the essence of the matter is not at this point!

Obviously, it is Ding Yu who deliberately leaked the news. I'll show you how to do it! If you are not angry, you can have a try. If I frown, I am not Ding Yu!

At the same time, people are indignant, and some of them are really holding back. Of course, it is not that there is no happy thing at all. At least, quite a number of people are on the list! This is a good thing, isn't it?

If you hold back, you will! First of all, I'll swallow the breath! Ding Yu that bastard has always been like this. He is not used to saying that. He often deals with him and should understand this point!

But some people can comfort themselves in this way, which doesn't mean everyone can! Right? It was very subdued, and now the children in the family have been eliminated! How can you bear it? I can't bear it!

Why can't the children of our family not? You Ding Yu at least said a truth, didn't you?

In fact, we all know how to deal with things in our hearts, but we can't stand the fidgety mood! So there are some intentional meanings! If I can't find you Ding Yu, I can't find anyone else to argue with?

Ding Yu is already on the train back at this time! As for the hustle and bustle in the capital, Ding Yu will not pay any attention to it. Whether it is a chicken feather or not, what does it have to do with himself?

"Not to mention, after the construction of high-speed rail, it is very convenient! Also very comfortable! It has played a crucial role in the improvement of people's livelihood. "

Because he didn't take Yang Chen and Qu he, Ding Yu is a little leisurely now!

The people sitting opposite Ding Yu are also quite interested in Ding Yu's exclamation, "Ding Sheng, I see! Or the farm played an active role. Without the farm, we would be a small city. The geographical conditions of the small city in the middle were a little embarrassing! The construction of the railway has opened up relevant links, which is undeniable. But how to strengthen the circulation and how to develop it? This is the key! "

A little flattery! But not so obvious!

"It's a little too deliberate for a chief secretary like you who is still on the train!"

Ding Yu does not know all the cadres in the city, but it does not mean that he does not know anyone! The person in front of me knows him from the Personnel Bureau! In the public service system of small cities, it is also one of the best!

"Don't think about the bus any more. It can be said that the atmosphere here is very good now. After so many years of hard work, it's hard to change it. Don't enlarge it because it has a private car. However, it's not as convenient as the high-speed railway. It's fast and safe. I'll go to see my son. He's going to college there."

A little explanation, and then look at Ding Yu!

"Ding Sheng, I didn't expect you to be a train! It was a little unexpected. When I just got on the bus, I still felt a little inconceivable! "

"They are all human beings with two legs. Can I have one more tail than others?" Ding Yu also knows what everyone thinks and is going to the direction of deification. He has nothing to do about it!

It's true that there is a network, but how to say it? Some problems can not be solved in a moment and a half!

"Ding Sheng, you are joking! It's mainly because of the influence of the farm that everyone thinks you are not ordinary people! "

"What's not an ordinary person, a normal person? Don't I eat, drink and Lazar? Can I still live in the sky? There are only two houses in the house. There are more children. Usually, they walk on two legs, and they are not floating on the sky! ""That's right. In the past few years, the Personnel Bureau has handled a lot of personnel affairs. Everyone praised the farm. When I went out, everyone envied me very much! They all say that we have made a great man! "

"You're a good man? How much higher than who I am? Things are done little by little. The environment is also changed a little bit. What's more, the sky is falling down. Can I, a tall man, stand up to it? Are you kidding? We still need to work together. Only when we work together can we become more beautiful. This is the most practical

"Ding Sheng, I didn't expect you to be so approachable. I feel there are many misunderstandings."

"Who could have thought that you, the chief secretary, are still doing the same train work. We all have their own guesses about quite a lot of things. Three people become tigers. Some people say that I spend a lot of time and drink. The girls behind my buttocks one by one, several at night. My NIMA has nothing to do! Think about it every day? "

Although the words are very rude, even a little complaining, but the opposite people listen, is laughing!

Give yourself the feeling, this is the most real Ding Yu!

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