At the station, Ding Yu returned to the villa alone and was warmly welcomed by his family!

It is mainly because the children in the family know the news of Ding Yu's return. It is obvious that they strongly denounce their father's escape. They didn't take them with them. This is too much!

This makes their weak mind by a strong injury, so their father must be punished!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people are so helplessly watching, a bit of obstruction of the meaning is not! The children at home are lively and lovely, which is definitely a good thing. Don't pretend to be deep, child? That's how it should be!

The family didn't ask why Ding Yu left. There was no need at all! Just come back!

As for Ding Yu, would you like to say? Just say two words. If you don't want to say it, forget it!

"I haven't eaten yet?" With his children and apprentices for a while, Ding Yucai is helpless to pat his stomach, he is really not eating, not deliberately artificial!

"Dad, it's amazing that you can't find a place to eat! Have you reached such a point? "

Ding Yun is a little mischievous, but it is just that he doesn't forgive others! The nanny at home is almost ready!

After grabbing Ding Ding Yun's head and ravaging it twice, she got up and came to her father and mother's side. From their appearance, they knew that they didn't eat any food. They should have been waiting for themselves on purpose!

When parents are like this, they are always not good at expressing!

"I should have come back long ago! Two days delayed by others! But fortunately, there is nothing else

"Eat quickly! After a while, the food will be cold! "

Since her son has nothing to do with her, Zhao Shuying is also in hot weather, greeting her own children!

What can Dinglin do? Can only be very helpless for their own son to stand on their shoulders, such things said to themselves, there is no role, there is no significance! It doesn't matter what you say at home!

has the final say in his own case, but the question is, how many important events can he make in his life? Basically, it's all little things!

Looking at his father's appearance, Ding Yu also smiles. Obviously, he has a new understanding of his father's embarrassment!

Looking at the elder son's appearance, Ding Lin's eyebrow is a stare, and then a slap on Ding Yu's shoulder, may have felt his wife's suspicious eyes, Ding Lin's hand did not mean to put down, but pulled his son's shoulder!

After Zhao Shuying looked at it twice, she felt that there was nothing wrong with her. It was Ding Lin, who almost didn't come up!

If I let my wife know! I slapped my eldest son hard. I'm afraid I'll suffer tonight!

But Ding Chang, who was following him, whispered something with Tong Tong? Along with Wang an also joined in!

They came to the home for a long time, and found that their grandparents were not serious at all, a little traditional, but here, they would not feel any restraint, on the contrary, they were very happy!

After a considerable contact, each other also began to slowly merge up, also put down the heart of caution!

In particular, Wang An's brothers and sisters and children are very obedient in their daily life. It is because they have different experiences, that is to say, people are big, so don't underestimate them because of their age. In fact, their hearts are very clear!

Who is good to them and indifferent to them!

In other words, their mind is very sensitive! Their own master, for them strict, even strange strict, but this is a kind of love for them, I hope they can thrive!

What about grandparents? It is very kind, so that they have a new understanding of their families and elders!

In particular, Wang an brothers and sisters really feel the warmth and tolerance of the family!

For Tong Tong, grandfather Ding and grandma Zhao are very different from their own grandfathers. Their grandfathers are also very good, but how to say? Sometimes it's too much to ask for! It's a bit too heavy to transmit to him! Let oneself have so some oppressive feeling! Not so happy!

After coming here, I don't feel like this! Although I also know what my mission is? But at least they can easily breathe, and then slowly to adjust, although for quite a thing, is not so clear and understand, but they are not so confused!

"I stayed in the capital for one night. I was in a hurry and didn't go to see Ding Ding Ding!"

"What? It's a little tricky? "

"Hey, it's not the group of students who came here before. We have been studying and studying for quite a long time! What about their back? They all have considerable power. I can't bring so many students. What's more, not all the students are suitable for me. It's like Daddy, you are from urology department, and uncle song is from neurology department. If you go to take uncle song's students, this is a little bit of a drag! It's OK to transfer some experience, but actually, uncle song needs to come in person! ""Shall I say it?" Ding Lin is very clear! The image of my son is very vivid!

"Take care of it yourself! Your mother and I can't help you with this, but there's no need to tear your face. As you said, just transfer some experience! What they don't listen to is their own business, but we need to do our own thing well! "

These are my own experience, that is, the eldest son of my family. Other people really won't make any mention of it!

"I think so! Dad, it seems that you are more insightful

"Absolutely For his son's flattery, Ding Lin will not refuse! Then Wang an in the back was caught! He even snickered in the back, did not give some color to see, he did not know his fierce!

Wang an quickly begged for mercy, and then sold Ding Chang. The matter had nothing to do with him. To a certain extent, he was also the victim. Ding Chang was the leader!

Another frolic! If Zhao Shuying had not caught Ding Yun and the little girl, what would have happened?

There is no so-called "rules" in the family. When the family get together, they are more happy than anything. They have to be strict and restrain themselves. Forget it! Ding Yu doesn't like this! No such idea! Who would like to go, anyway, there are so many who do not like this!

After dinner, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying went out for a walk. Compared with the past, the time was a little late, but it was good. After all, the square was not so far away from their villa, and now the days are getting longer! Now to rest and sleep, is really a little not used to it!

Ding Yu is sitting with his own children, a burst of nonsense, no preaching, no criticism, is after the fun, Ding Yu is like a child! Free to go!

On the contrary, the outside world has paid special attention to the news after Ding Yu's return. Especially in the capital city, it's time to report the situation. However, Ding Yu didn't go to the farm at all, instead, he went home!

Is this a bit too coquettish? Yes! You're going back! You even put out the list, but?

Shouldn't you operate at this time? So straight back home, with the children to play together! This is a bit of a shame! Why do you know that Ding Yu is playing with the children!

Because Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people went to the square, casually inquired about them two people, knew quite the situation!

At such a critical moment, since you are so light, you were forced to come back from the previous time, which made you a little unhappy, and even the heart was not so comfortable, but you did not make everyone feel better! Right?

You're home now! It is true that there is still anger, and it should be dissipated! isn't it? Don't always haggle, it seems too small! However, we all think very well, but Ding Yu is still his own way!

From Ding Yu's point of view, I like the way you hate me but can't kill me!

The next morning, Ding Yu was still exercising with the children, but the children left after breakfast because they had to go to school! It is still not any send off, or the traditional 11 road, but the little girl has a little exception, in this point, other children do not have any envy, but the little girl is a little depressed!

There is no way, who let her brother and sister is not the same school!

Looking at Qu he and Yang Chen, they didn't come back together with Ding Yu. On the way, Ding Yu threw them down. After they came back, they also reported to the farm directly!

What made them feel more at ease was that no one came to trouble them, and the news spread did not cause any noise. When they heard this, they were relieved!

It's true that all these things are led by our own director, but how can we say this? It's nice to say but hard to hear. If anything is mentioned, it's easy to cause quite misunderstanding. For this point, Yang Chen and Qu he both have considerable worries!

But now, there is no effect at all! The director didn't take it as a thing, and the outside world didn't take it as a thing. The whole thing, like a gust of wind in the past!


Ding Yu nodded his head, "Qu he, go and gather the selected people. These guys are a bit lucky! I heard that fertilizer should be applied in these two days, and they are all farmyard manure. If they are allowed to work for two days, they will be too lazy! "

"Director? Is that good? " Qu he looks a little bit sad! I know exactly where these guys come from! It's a bit of a struggle to get them to the ground! Now, it's too much to make farm manure!

"If you don't feel it personally, how can they know the sufferings of the common people and let them do it? If anyone doesn't want to, he will drive me out directly. I don't have so many idle people here! What's more, those who do not do well will be punished. This is the rule here. I don't want to hear other people's Refutation! "Come on! Qu he has fully understood that the director of this is intentional!

From his domineering tone, you can feel that these guys will never be too good!

This thing is really not good for Yang Chen to do, why? Although Yang Chen doesn't mix up with those guys in the future, there will always be times when he meets, but he is not the same! I'm Wang An's man!

Mr. Zhang is still standing at the back, so I don't need to worry, that is to say, I'm not afraid to offend people!

The selected people are a little excited, but after Qu he mentioned something, there is not much depression on their faces, but in their hearts? It's not that they haven't been exposed to farmyard manure. It's mainly because we feel the careful eye of director Ding Yuding!

As for the other part of the people, when they look at them, there is some anger in their eyes!

Why? Because these guys will be director Ding's students in the future! And what about them? It was eliminated! Such a comparison, the difference is really some big, some people even if they want to bear it, but also a little uncontrollable!

But this time did not have any vent, are already adults! Already can control own mood!

And this is the farm after all, it is the territory of director Ding Yuding!

Ding Yu, sitting in the office, looked at the person who came in and pointed to his position in front of him, "sit down! It can be seen that your mood is still not calmed down. You feel a little resentful, even a little aggrieved! "

"Director Ding, there are so many. I believe that you are fair and just. It must be that I did not do a good job in something!"

Ha ha! Ding Yu laughed and even shook his head!

"This is intentional, even a little bit emotional, but it is inevitable!"

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand. "I have read your files, the reports you have written, and even inspected some of your comments. In terms of qualifications, you are still very excellent and have considerable potential."

After hearing this, the people sitting in front of Ding Yu are very happy, but after the surprise, they are quite puzzled!

Since he said so good, why to eliminate himself?

"Director Ding, can I ask why?" Maybe I feel my words are too abrupt! "Director Ding, I'm not questioning you, I just don't understand! So it's a little presumptuous! "

"Understand, the opportunity is just around the corner! If you don't work hard, you will regret it in the future

Ding Yu sighed slightly, "so I'll preach more, would you like to listen? Do you want to listen to it? Think of it as a chat! "

"Director Ding, say it!"

"Your direction is fundamentally different from mine. For example, I am a medical student, and you are an electronic student. You want to take a postgraduate examination, but you are a student of electronics. Let me learn from the doctor and serve as your tutor. From the above direction, you can see that I have a lot of experience! Isn't it? "

"Yes At this point, there is no need for any denial!

"As I said just now, you have very good potential, but you study electronics, I study medicine, and I teach you. This is fundamentally wrong! As for your so-called experience, I can transmit it to you, but can you understand it? You may not even learn the fur! Where are you now? Abandon everything. This is putting the cart before the horse! "

Ah? The people sitting opposite Ding Yu are so dull! After hearing the news, I always feel that it is the problem of my ability. But now director Ding has mentioned the problem in detail to himself, and then I suddenly realize that it is not really a problem of ability!

"Have you ever had one before, chief?"

Looking at him, Ding Yu nodded!

"You mean the echelon? What about those in the first tier? Their situations are different. After all, their origins are different. I mean that they have already experienced quite a lot. This is the unique reason of family. It has nothing to do with other things. Don't make mistakes! And they didn't go to work all the time, understand? "

"In general, I understand a little bit!"

Ding Yu nodded, "the savvy is not bad, there is, my style and character, you can not accept."

"Director, you are joking

"In fact, it's a very serious problem. It's not really that I'm joking. You may not feel that if you stay here, you can develop, but it will be very slow and even uncomfortable. I'm not comfortable, and you are also uncomfortable. This is definitely caused by the style and character! I can understand you and tolerate you, but you will understand me if you don't see it! It's a pretty bad thing

"Thank you, director. You have made me understand a lot of things."Ding Yu waved his hand indifferently. "Why didn't you tell you about these things before? There are two reasons. One of the reasons is that you know that I have a bad relationship with them, and everyone can't look at each other. But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that I need to take a look at the forces behind you and their tolerance for this!"

"Relatively speaking, you still have some too young, need considerable soil, water and so on, only these conditions, you can grow strong and strong, without these, you can rely on yourself, you may want to grow up, but the probability is too small! It's even very easy to die in the middle of the way, but given you some space, how big is this space? Is it completely laissez faire, or is it very rational? Parents are not so good when it is! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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