"Director Ding, I seem to understand. Come here!" Fang Bo understood it very quickly!

"You are all good students with good potential, which no one can deny!"

Ding Yu's performance is very indifferent, "I have some small problems, some small problems, do not hurt the big elegant, after two years of experience, re study, this is a process of self sublimation, but also a process of elimination. The problem does not care how much you have learned or how many relationships you have made. The problem is whether you can apply what you have learned? ”

"a little difficult!" In the face of Ding Yu's words, Fang Bo is very frank! Playing tricks with director Ding is not worth the loss! I have quite a problem myself, I need to admit it!

"Yes! It's a little difficult. It's right and in line with the reality. I'd like to say a few more words. Be an individual, don't be an animal of interest! Do you understand what I mean? "

Fang Bo, sitting opposite Ding Yu, was obviously lost in his mind. He didn't expect that director Ding Yuding would say such a thing!

"It's hard to be a man! It's very simple to be an animal of interest, but it can also be said in reverse. It's very difficult to be a beneficial animal, and it's very simple to be a man! "

"Director, I don't understand! Feel a little confused! I understand what you said, but I can't fully understand the meaning of it yet

Director Ding Yuding said every word, I understand, but combined together, I feel that the head is not enough!

"It's very simple to be an animal of interest, because we only need to pay attention to interests and ignore everything else. Interests are everything. Except interests, everything will not be seen in the eyes." When talking, Ding Yu also paid attention to Fang Bo's movements and expressions, and then continued to speak! "It's very difficult to be a profitable animal, because it can't be mixed with any emotion. The smoke and gas of the world has nothing to do with you. Any contamination is a weakness for you and the beginning of failure. How can we be human beings without feelings? We can't be as cold as a machine! "

Fang Bo slightly licked his lips, slightly dry, he did not expect the director would say so straightforward, so naked, really let himself feel a bit unacceptable! I feel my heart is going to contract!

Because what the director said is tearing up the essence of all hypocrisy!

"Again, to be a man is very simple. Food, clothing, housing and transportation cover almost everything, but life is very difficult. From the country to the family, from the individual as the starting point, it involves countless lines, absolutely not you want to cut off, and these lines may wrap you up, so that you can't move!"

Fang Bo couldn't help nodding, because director Ding said the truth!

In terms of family, work and so on, this is only two aspects of them. They have already wrapped themselves tightly. They want to move, but what can they do?

"Director, can I take the liberty to ask?"

Ding Yu pointed to the chair in front of him, "sit down! We just talk about it, not let you listen to the class. From your point of view, whether I am free and unrestrained, or even able to play a role in all walks of life! "

Fang Bo scratched his head. In his own opinion, director Ding is the existence of God and man!

"You think I'm amazing, but I just see the surface. Don't I have such a thing? There are also, to say the most simple example, I did not give five blessings of the uncle's children had an accident! Come to the door! Standing in my position at that time, it may be a matter of one sentence. You should know a little. Here, I mean this county. There are still some traditions in people's ideas. To sum up, one sentence is to help relatives or not to help them! "

"It's hard to do it!" After holding back for half a day, Fang Bo finally said a word!

"Wrong words!" Ding Yu hummed. "You helped once, and there were second times. And after opening the mouth, you wanted to close your mouth, it's not your has the final say! What's more, errands? Or the poor? Or are you short of money? In the eyes of others, you did it the first time, why not the second time? Must be the reason for these aspects! These things, like steel wire, tightly hold you back! You can't move

"Another example is that the child who joined your old leader has come to visit us! How can you make this choice for you in exchange for your approval? How to deal with it? "

"I don't want you to encounter these problems, but what is the reality? The reality is these things, you may encounter every day, and the temptation to face more and more! And once you go deep into it, in the end, you can only be a puppet! Because you can't move, every inch of hair on your body has been tightly strangled by steel wire, even you can't breathe! This is the price

Fang Bo felt that he was a little manic, even a little unable to do it himself!

If this is true, life and death can not, what is the meaning of living?

"You need to think about it, and you need to make quite a decision in the first place, hesitating? On behalf of you will shake, if I sit opposite you, I will think like this, is very realistic, is the practical question! How to deal with the problem? smooth? Tough? Or do you want to get rid of it? "Fang Bo took a deep breath, "director, I can't make this decision!"

"If you can make this decision, I will feel a little strange. Tact is an attitude! Hardiness is also an attitude, and shirking is also an attitude. Is it external and internal? Everyone handles things differently, so I hope you are a person, not an animal of interest! "

Ding Yu said so much to highlight this point!

"Animals of interest only need to see the size of their own interests, whether it is appropriate or not. If it is appropriate, they will pursue their own interests, regardless of everything. What kind of life and death, human relations and feelings? Don't care, cold-blooded heartless, not suitable, then completely abandon, will not have any pity! It's nothing to do with right or wrong! I don't care about right and wrong! "

"People? It's very complicated. Especially in the workplace and official career, the necessary means are needed. If not, you can only become the doll of others, but don't turn yourself into an animal. That's all I want to say! "

"Director, thank you for your advice, I will remember all this!"

"With all that said, do you think it's appropriate to follow me now?" Ding Yu asked abruptly!

"I have this expectation, but compared with the previous time, there may be some deviation!"

Ding Yu gave a slight smile, but the smile was fleeting. "I pointed out the direction, and it was ok, but if I really want to teach hand in hand, I think I can't, I really can't. this is two times and two nature problems with teaching medical students. It's like the echelon side, I give them some directions and directions, but other things, I don't mix them in at all. They are very clear and understand what they need to do. Some people are born in Rome, which is something they can't envy! "

"But the beginning does not mean the end! This road will be full of thorns and dangers, even with considerable temptation. Go on well and accomplish yourself. At the same time, do more for the country and the people! "

"Yes! Director, I will engrave it in my heart! " Fang Bo's answer is very positive!

When he came, Fang Bo was a little depressed, even quite depressed and depressed. But when he left, Fang Bo was in a very relaxed mood. Director Ding let himself recognize a lot of problems and situations!

No wonder director Ding is so respected. It is not that there is no reason for that!

Previously, we didn't realize this problem. Although our leaders were full of dissatisfaction with director Ding, in terms of ability, they never underestimated director Ding. Today, they have a new level of understanding!

And from Fang Bo's point of view, is there a relationship between his own leadership and director Ding? Although there are quite contradictions, there will be disturbances from time to time, and even "hands and feet" in serious cases, but how to say that? The relationship between each other is slightly complicated, which is really different from the rumor!

If the relationship between each other is really bad to a certain extent, then there will be preaching like this today?

Or are you a genius? Director Ding cherishes talent? Fang Bo thinks this is not the reason!

Director Ding didn't show any prejudice against them. At least he didn't see it in his own body. He gave him considerable guidance and direction. If he were ordinary people, I'm afraid no one would be so interested?

Perhaps from director Ding's point of view, what I do with the leaders of your family is between adults. It has nothing to do with you children. You are willing to play, eat a meal and sing a song. There are no problems. Even in my spare time, I will give you some advice!

This is Ding Yu, full of personality, indifference with a little human feelings, will not feel too close, but will not feel particularly alienated, it is really worth learning!

When people saw Fang Bo, they were quite surprised. From the expression on Fang Bo's face, it was obvious that Fang Bo had become very different. Everyone was hard-working. Why did you come back like this after you went?

This is not fair! Is there any other way in there?

While people are still discussing, Chen Haiyang has already walked into Ding Yu's office, and Ding Yu gestured to him with a teacup!

"Earlier, the leader of your family called me, especially your uncle. We had a quarrel on the phone!" Ding Yu was a little unconvinced. "He said that I was a son of a bitch, deliberately favoritism. I said he was an old bastard, and knew that the nest was horizontal. Anyway, none of us suffered losses, but no one took advantage of it!"

Ah?! Chen Haiyang wants to scold his mother, what and what! Director, is it really good for you to talk like this?

One side is director Ding, the other is his uncle. What is good to say?

"I hear your parents are teachers? How can you think of taking the road of official career

"I was interested in it when I was a child. In addition, my uncle cultivated me deliberately. My uncle is a daughter. She is now a teacher! Just the opposite Chen Haiyang said truthfully!"Minister Chen's character is a little hot!"

In this regard, Chen Haiyang has a bit of teeth? Director Ding can say this, but how can he say it himself? What's more, the things between uncle and director Ding can't be mixed in by themselves! So it's better to be silent now!

"Next, you should be able to adjust your position according to your uncle's character! Are you ready? "

"Report! Director Ding, I'm ready

"It's not a formal occasion. There's no need for that!"

"I talked with Fang Bo earlier. His mind is a little bit heavy, but your situation is slightly different. Your family has a considerable impact on you, and it's a more positive side. It's not like you're good at reincarnation. Such situations are different, but you can't be unscrupulous because you were born in Rome!"

Director, is it really good for you to talk like this?

Just my small size is still unscrupulous? You're almost the same old man! What's more, I was born in Rome. What about you?

Comparatively speaking, I was born at the gate of Rome. How about you? Born directly in the Royal Court of Luomen!

"Director, I'll make you laugh!"

"I called Wang Yang and asked about some information about you. A person who is not very active and is very disciplined can let Wang Yang and Xiaobao say this. Obviously, you have considerable advantages. Let's talk about something else. If you are interested, why do you think I will eliminate you?"

"I am very interested in official career, but how can I say that? It's a bit of a go for the good and avoid the bad! "

"You don't hide your own shortcomings at all!" Ding Yu snorted, "this is also a human thing, nothing can not be understood, but I look at the problem in a slightly different way from you, I do not mean this problem! You! The training at home is wonderful! Lack of experience! "

Ah? Chen Haiyang is stunned for a moment! "Director, I have suffered a lot!"

"You don't call it" suffering ". The so-called" suffering "does not mean that you eat the chaff and swallow the vegetables. Suffering means that you abandon all the entertainment and leisure, and then concentrate on doing something, meaningless social intercourse, shouting of wasting time and so on? Did you really make it? In your understanding, did you sleep on the soil Kang for two days and eat pickled vegetables for two days? This is suffering? "

Ding Yu is very disdainful to hum a, "even my child and apprentice all know, this does not call bear hardships!"

Chen Haiyang is a little dumb, because director Ding's words, let himself some speechless! There is no way to refute it!

"Director, what do you mean?" Chen Haiyang is a little tentative!

The person he is facing is director Ding Yuding, not a nobody! If director Ding really said a word, really can decide his own life and death, is not a joke thing, it is true that his uncle stood in the back, but how much can play a role, it is difficult to say!

"Your uncle agreed with me on the whole and gave you three to five years of devolution!"

Ding Yu's expression was very serious. "If you think it's not appropriate, you should come back early. I believe Minister Chen has already arranged your job and position. If you can stick to it for three years and five years, understand some of the links, will you come back early? Maybe there are still some possibilities! "

"Agree or disagree, this is your own business, so I won't get involved with it!"

"Yes! Director

Chen Haiyang didn't say yes or no!

After Chen Haiyang left, Ding Yu took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone!

"Director Ding!"

"Chen Bu!"

Two people's address are slightly more formulaic! From this can also reflect the relationship between each other!

"I had a talk with Chen Haiyang just now, and I also mentioned some problems. I don't know if it's too spoiled. Obviously, I don't mean to carry it on."

Chen Bu's face over the phone is so embarrassed. Why? If someone else said that, what would they do? But Ding Yu said this to himself. It's a bit of a slap in the face!

He almost pointed to his nose and said that his nephew was not a good piece of material, but the Chen family beat it! But its role is very limited. Do you want to have a little success in the future? Then you need to hit it with a heavy hammer! Of course, if you want to keep it the same, there is no problem. This guy is still very smart!

In the future, even if not too promising! But there's nothing wrong with living around!

Minister Chen really felt that he couldn't control his anger. Ding Yu had already talked with him on the phone and mentioned quite a problem! In other words, I don't like it. However, since you Chen's family has sent it to me, I can't see the same with the children. I mentioned some problems. If you want to change them, you can change them. If you don't, no one will force them!Anyway, I Ding Yu will not eat radish pickles, take care of leisure!

If Chen Haiyang comes back, can he change it?

Obviously is not a very realistic thing, if can change, oneself also need not expend effort to get him to Ding Yu there! Ding Yu still has a keen eye, although the time is still short! But he clearly saw the problems and the situation!

In fact, Minister Chen's heart is very clear, Ding Yu how much do not look up to Chen Haiyang, but also did not give up completely, point out quite a problem, at the same time pointed out the specific way and method!

It's not really that there's no cure! It depends on how you do it!

What do I owe you the Chen family? For these students can be said to be equal treatment, but if you do not work hard, then there is no way! I Ding Yu is a man, not a god! It's not a monster!

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