"Director Ding, we have made a decision on ocean affairs. We respect your opinions!"

"I don't have any opinions or thoughts about him personally!" Ding Yu snorted a little and said again! If there is no opinion on Chen Haiyang, then it means that there are some people who have opinions. Who are those people referring to? It goes without saying!

Chen over the phone some twitch, he really want to curse mother!

Take an inch? Right? But this word has been to the mouth, finally or to hard raw swallow down? Otherwise, what? Same as before! Mutual abuse? Ding Yu is not afraid of humiliation, but also has a face to face!

What's more, director Ding has made himself impeccable. What's more, what's more, Hengsheng blames it! It seems that I have no self-restraint! It's easy to be criticized!

But when putting down the phone, Minister Chen directly dropped the phone!

Inside the heart is really oppressive, is also really angry! If Ding Yu is in front of him, maybe he will start! Maybe he can't beat Ding Yu, but he has to go out. However, Ding Yu is not here at all, and he can only find other things to vent his anger! Otherwise, it's really easy to have problems!

That bastard is really pissed off! Obviously, it is a good idea. When it comes to his hands, it will be like this!

Ding Yu met other students here, and the things mentioned by others were almost the same. Did you coax the children? This matter only Ding Yu's heart is the most clear, but in the outside really can't pick out any fault!

How to find fault, say Ding Yu is intentional? If Ding Yu is intentional, then what will he do if it is his own? Even if it's Ding Yu who does it, does he have so much time and energy?

However, they heard a piece of news, a very good news, the leader seems to be interested in getting Ding Yu to the Party school. Anyway, Ding Yu is also a doctor, belonging to high-end talents! It's not a waste for him to give lectures!

His medical skills are absolutely second to none!

Because of his other things, all can not often bubble in the hospital, if he stays in the hospital every day, what kind of level of medical skills will be achieved, it is really difficult to say!

It's like old Wang and old lady, or Su Lao, who has passed away. Why do the three of them live so long? It's not that they don't want to. They are all maintained by Ding Yu!

There is also Ding Yu's small pharmacy. We still know something about it. We should know that the establishment of that small pharmacy is not to say that it has never been built! Others rely on their own ability and ability to build up!

What can other people do even if they build small pharmacies? If you don't know how to protect and use, it's just a decoration! Only know how to protect, how to use, this is the right way, is the root of the small pharmacy! This is really the envy of other people!

Said more, but also a stomach of anger and tears, why? What about the relationship between Ding Yu and everyone?

Anyway, until the last moment, we will not pull down their faces to ask Ding Yu! If there is really no way out, to ask Wang Changlin and Su Yuan's husband and wife may also be better than asking Ding Yu to come, or even happier!

In fact, we all know that if we really ask for Ding Yu, there may not be too many problems. Ding Yu will not be unable to save himself in the face of death, nor will he say anything unpleasant. But we just can't pull this face down?

Sometimes, feel to ask for Ding Yu, than let oneself die more miserable!

Moreover, when Ding Yu enters the Party School in the future, it will be easier to control quite a lot of things! Really can't give Ding Yu how? But Ding Yu came to the Party school, some things are not Ding Yu said calculate, at least he needs to worry about!

But this is also everyone's imagination and guess, what will be the specific situation in the future, no one knows!

After Ding Yu's explanation, he gave all the students four days to make the final preparation, the sorting out and the work, which have been so long! You're almost there! Get ready to go!

"Third brother, what are the arrangements for the personnel in the province?"

"Leave me alone!" Wang Jianguo was very happy. "This time, we benefited a lot. We didn't know how to thank you." Wang Jianguo is really happy, there is no false!

"Thank you for everything. I just have something else to ask for your help!"

"Don't be so euphemistic, will you? If there is something you can say directly! " Wang Jianguo pretends to be dissatisfied! They don't need to be like this between themselves and Ding Yu. They are too different!

"Some things have happened in the province. Luo Xuan has passed! But some other leaders are involved! You can call a front stop Ding Yu is helpless!

Ah? Wang Jianguo seems to suddenly think of something, "who are you talking about?" When speaking, he even put out his little finger, which obviously means something!"Not at all!" Ding Yu raised his shoulder for a moment. "You know what's going on in the farm over there. I haven't paid much attention to it, but some people don't like it!"

Ding Yu said the farm is not his own farm, Wang Jianguo's heart is very clear!

"I know it. I'll mention it when I go back, but I feel a little strange?"

Wang Jianguo's direct expression of the original intention, for Ding Yu, may be a word, or a telephone matter? Why let yourself deal with it? It's not that you can't handle it well? But I don't understand why!

"If you don't come, then I'll have to go to someone else. I'm not suitable for such a thing!"

Hear Ding Yu so say, Wang Jianguo immediately understand come over!

Ding Yu has always been reluctant to get involved in this aspect, not to mention in the province, even if it is the leader of this acre at home, he is afraid that he does not know all about it! Of course, it's not that Ding Yu can't find other ways to deal with this matter, but when it comes to this matter at this time, it's obvious that Ding Yu has some other ideas!

"I see! I'll take care of this, but you don't have anyone else in mind

In the face of Wang Jianguo's teasing, Ding Yu snorted, "this time, there are a little more people who offend, and they are staring at all aspects. Although I don't care about this, they don't care about it very much, but there are some other problems! Let's stop for a while

After a glance, Ding Yucai said in a low voice, "this time when I went back, I met my third uncle. He had other arrangements for my work, and the order should have come down! Quite a number of people should have known it already! "

It is also because of this, so Ding Yu will not have too much to hide, if the order has not come down, Ding Yu really won't have any mention, Ding Yu's words are worth believing!

Why is this? How long has this been in the past? Such an arrangement has already been made!

It is obvious that the above arrangement has been made. After Ding Yu goes back, it is natural for Ding Yu to be unprepared. Although Ding Yu has a little grudge against this, he has no way out. It is not easy for him to let that third uncle want to be with him!

"I'll go, brother. You can do it!" Wang Jianguo obviously thought of something, his eyes also brightened up!

"Go away!" Ding Yu didn't get angry and said, "I don't know how the leader thinks about it. He even made such an arrangement for me. I have a lot of things to do and my work is very busy."

"Don't come! You have to say hard work, I admit that, but you have to say work is very busy, I feel a bit of a ghost

"If you see through, you are still a good friend!"

"I see! In fact, I have heard quite a lot about what you said. Most of the leaders are still good, but how do you say some of them? Ravine discontented! You know, farms are the heart of many leaders in the province. They dare to do this. I think their courage is really long hair! "

"If I go to the province at this time, will you? I don't know what's going to happen

Wang Jianguo pondered for a period of time, then hesitated to say, "the news will spread so fast?" Then he nodded, "other things may be hard to say, but this one? It's really hard to say! You! Too many people are paying attention to you

"What can be done? Everyone's eyes are hot! Just like this time, how many people want to stay, but how many people will stay in the end? Just a few of them! It's not that I don't want to leave them here. Chen Haiyang, I think you've heard about it. It's too slippery. It looks calm, but in fact? Too much opportunism

"I've heard of it. I don't have much contact with him. I'm not of the same generation as him!"

Ding Yu pointed to Wang Jianguo, and even deliberately ordered two times!

"I know you don't want to offend people! Not enough, I'm a teacher, so I'd like to say two more sentences. Although he's doing well here, how can I say that? Because he is too clear about the way to go, and he is about to become a veteran! It's basically impossible to hide such a thing from his eyes! "

"It's a little bit fierce?" Wang Jianguo is a little strange! Are the kids so good now?

"What a terrible fart. If you don't make any corrections now, what will happen in the future? Pour also can't say can't mix up, even can develop well! Third brother, if it was you, how would you choose it? "

"I don't want that!" Wang Jianguo is right!

Ding Yu also expressed the same expression, "Minister Chen has the same idea. Chen Haiyang is too unstable to avoid heavy ones. If such a person takes up his post in the future, he will not have many problems in a short time, but after a long time, it will be difficult to say!"

"Well, your eyes are not so spicy as usual!""Have a meal together?"

"Give me a break? I really dare not, come to you here, I am a little nervous, afraid that after going out, I will be bound away! It's hard to say. There's not much difference between seeing you now and seeing Tang monk! "

"Yes! What do you think of the planting of Chinese herbal medicine I showed you before

"I've seen it! I really didn't think of it. I said that brother Yu, for so many years, you always like to plan and then move! It's all started! The plan is a little bit big, and I'm shocked to see it! "

"In the early years, there was no such condition, there was good medicine, but there was no such thing as good medicine. It was too common! For example, the small pharmacy of siheyuan has collected a lot of things over the years, but there are quite a few things that are in urgent need. Either this one exceeds the standard, or that one exceeds the standard, so it can't be used at all! A lot of things are rare! "

"I'm not in this business. I don't know much about it!"

If there is no investigation, there will be no right to speak. In front of Ding Yu, there is no need for so many false things. It is good to seek truth from facts!

"I'm not in this profession. I learned western medicine. I learned Chinese medicine later. I consulted many masters. They often told me that the development of traditional Chinese medicine is a little slow, but relatively speaking, it still has a considerable inheritance. However, the development of Chinese herbal medicine is a little biased! There are good doctors, but no good medicines! There are too many things in the market to make up for the number. It's hard to imagine! "

"But it's in the North! Is it a little lacking? As far as I can see, many drugs are growing in the south! Oranges grow north and south! This is not the same! "

"No way. The situation in the south is a little bit special. The farm has set up a lot of sites, but it's unrealistic to spread it all at once. You know, the investment in the north is a little too big! The foundation is not completely stable, you want to start a new business, not the way of business! "

"That's the same

Wang Jianguo really knows a lot about the situation of the farm. The cost of the farm in recent years is really going to the sea. It doesn't mean that you can plant seeds into the ground casually! It's not to say that you casually find two college students, or experts, or scientific planting! It's not that simple!

Fortunately, the farm's efforts have not been in vain. Why is there such an environment with green mountains and green waters? How much effort has been made by the farm? Not to mention the capital, is enough to make many people feel incredible!

All along, the farm has been committed to improving the environment and land, but they are all in several provinces and cities in the north. They have not rashly expanded. Do you want to expand? It's definitely not about this. There are too many problems in it! For a moment and a half, it's really hard to explain and understand!

"Yu Ge Er, is this a new project?"

"It's not a new project. It can only be said that it's a trial. The market of Chinese herbal medicine is still very large, but there are too many people who want to solve the problem by rectification. It seems a little unrealistic. So it's better to start from the source, and from now on, the conditions have begun to mature gradually."

"I absolutely agree with it, I don't have any opinions!"

"The laboratory has made quite a lot of arrangements, but the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine is quite different from agriculture, so you may have to be more tolerant here! Fat guy? Although he has started quite well, he has no comparability with you! " Ding Yu said it truthfully!

Wang Jianguo knows what Ding Yu means by saying this! Fat man himself has had quite a contact with him. The relationship between him and Ding Yu is very good. However, due to the low starting point, the development may be a little bit slow!

But we can't just look at the present. In the long run, the fat man's future is definitely predictable! With Ding Yu in the back support, plus he is also very progressive! Ding Yu has no other ideas, he is really not sure, but in Wang Jianguo's opinion, there are not too many problems to pull him on the boat!

"In the beginning, quite a few people regarded me as an eyesore! A thorn in the flesh

Wang Jianguo is a little proud! "After the Chinese herbal medicine project came out, I think many people will jump their feet!"

"How do you feel, third brother, that we have a py deal?"

"No?" Wang Jianguo said a little playful, said one side, he all laughed! "Other people don't know, but we don't know. Speaking of it, I really admire you. How do you do it?"

"Do what?" Ding Yu did not understand a question! A little suspicious!

"Distinguish between public and private affairs!" Wang Jianguo leans on Ding Yu's body to show his closeness! "I really can't think of it. Whether it's the top, the Wangs, or others, the support behind you can scare a lot of people to death! If you are a little more flexible, I think you can walk across the country without any problem! ""What? Do you envy? " Ding Yu's answer is not what he asked! "I see what you mean by that! Third brother, to be honest, do you think it is very difficult for me to really want to be the richest man? "

"I'm not so clear about the rest, but if the farm is listed on the market, I'm definitely the first one to rush to buy it and leave it for generations to keep its value. This is beyond doubt!"

"I never thought that sitting in that position would bring anything. I did not pursue this aspect. At the beginning, I pursued money, but now? I think it's good to do something for the country and the people! I don't need to leave a name in the history books. Even if I go up, I'm afraid what I left behind is also a bad name! "

Wang Jianguo blinked his eyes. "It seems that it's really true. Although we all know what you've done, because your means are too extreme and too cruel and merciless, even if it's really on the history books, it's still a bad name to leave a considerable part of it! What a pity

"In that case, why not be happy? What's more, you say that I have made the distinction between public and private, but in fact? We are all human beings. If we are human beings, then we will have emotions, and no one can escape! "

"I said something wrong!" Wang Jianguo said with apology!

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