"At the end of the conversation, I'll keep the things for you! Not much! I dare not give it to you! You dare not accept it! That's it for the moment! "

Wang Jianguo looked at the things on the table, and then put it into his pocket. If the wolf outside saw it! Who knows the consequences? It's really hard to say!

Its speed is so fast that Ding Yu can't resist it!

Don't underestimate these two boxes of cigars. They have nothing to do with money. They are not in circulation in China, that is to say, you can't buy them with money! Of course, it doesn't mean that this is the symbol of identity, and it has nothing to do with it!

"I say you are too neat! ok I won't ask any more! " Wang Jianguo waved his arm, "go first! This time we learned a lot of things, whether in the province or in the city will be very satisfied! If you don't show up, there are so many difficulties! I don't know how to judge you! "

But Wang Jianguo also understood that what he said was nonsense! It doesn't work!

However, Wang Jianguo didn't have two minutes to go out. He turned back again, which made Ding Yu very surprised. What's the situation? I didn't see what he pulled down!

"I still don't understand! Our men are gone? They'll stay for four days! "

Obviously, Wang Jianguo has other considerations about this matter! I can't hold back the confusion in my heart!

After hearing this, Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "do you really want to ask! You know too much about this matter, but it's no good. Now it's time to go, or the right choice! "

"I see!" Wang Jianguo waved his hand and ran away! It's like there's something behind him!

Although Ding Yu didn't give him any reply, he could feel it clearly from his words! He obviously has other preparation, too obvious, at least for himself, is like this!

In fact, Wang Jianguo even guessed some things, but still dare not to do this aspect of the decision!

Why? Because there are quite a few things that can't be explained clearly! Their reaction may be a little slower, but they still see some problems and conditions. What about the students? Can't they really see the way inside?

It seems not so easy to hide such things from the students!

But Ding Yu still did so! Very interesting! Or it is worth pondering!

But these have nothing to do with themselves! Wang Jianguo took away all the students sent from the province at the first time! There is no nostalgia, there is no pause, what will happen next, there will be no relationship with yourself! I don't want to do any contamination!

Because Wang Jianguo can feel that Ding Yu is intentional! Even this is the final test he set! What are these tests? I'm afraid no one can say clearly, only Ding Yu himself is the most clear and clear!

Don't say, Wang Jianguo's departure really did not cause any noise! Even slightly plain!

But the province is very happy about this! Why? Although the time is short, the relationship between the framework and the farm is still very close! What's more, it's about the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine mentioned by Wang Jianguo! Let the leaders in the province very happy! Even a little cheery!

If the farm side is not quite sure, they will never do it!

That is to say, the farm has opened up a new road, although the farm does not mean to do a big deal! But the more so, the more it shows the attitude of the farm! For the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine is absolutely very important!

Judging from the current situation, the farm has its own layout and plans, but it also needs to communicate with the provincial Party committee. Why does Wang Jianguo know? Obviously, Ding Yu doesn't want to make this thing too noisy!

Wang Jianguo and Ding Yu have a very good personal relationship. We all know it well. There is another problem that Ding Yu has never meant to interfere with the provincial Party committee! If you really want to interfere, then you don't need Wang Jianguo to mention this matter!

Really speaking, the cooperation between the provincial Party committee and the farm is very good, but only in this regard. Ding Yu and the leaders of the provincial Party committee, basically have no how to contact! It's really not Ding Yu pretending to be arrogant. It has nothing to do with this!

If we really want to trace back the reasons, I'm afraid it has something to do with Ding Yu's experience at that time! When Ding Yu was forced by the Ma family and the Song family, there was quite a conflict in his heart! At the thought of this matter, the leaders of the provincial Party committee feel that there is so much fire in their hearts!

Although the Ma family and Song family have disappeared now! But the disadvantages left by this matter have not been completely eliminated!

Ding Yu has always been reluctant to deal with people with official career, whether it is the leaders of the municipal Party committee in his own place, or the leaders in the province, or even higher-level leaders!If it's someone else, I'm afraid it's over! But what about Ding Yu? Life is very moist, even very enviable, but it is also very good, at least the farm in this point, performance is very excellent! Actively communicate with the provincial Party committee, cooperate with each other and develop together!

It is quite strange to say that Ding Yu is not willing to contact with the leaders of the provincial Party committee, but the farm is very good at this point. It is totally two extremes!

How to describe it, it feels like an organization with two different leaders!

If placed in the ordinary organization, it will certainly cause civil strife or internal strife, but what about the farm side? There is no such thing happened, even the development of the farm is still booming, so that people can not understand, even some do not understand! Too strange!

Not only the leaders of the provincial Party committee, but even some powerful people have certain conjectures. Ding Yu is only responsible for the direction of the farm, and the specific operation is another person!

It's not that Ding Yu is a laissez faire to the farm! It's really not like this!

Ding Yu has absolute control over the farm, but he is not a tyrant or dictator. He has his own ideas, but he does not want to cover up the meaning of his subordinates. He even wants to see the people below play their subjective initiative!

The better you perform, the more beneficial it will be for the farm, and the more profit I will get. Why not do it!

The farm is true to me, but also belongs to your platform, you can freely spread your dreams on this platform! I will only show support, but not deliberately set up any obstacles!

Relatively speaking, the rapid development of the farm these years has a lot to do with Ding Yu's adoption of such a way!

But I'm afraid such a thing is Ding Yu! Do others dare to do this?

I dare not! Not even!

Laissez faire to his subordinates, and there is no reserve of that kind! I'm not afraid that my own property will be snatched away by others! Or he Ding Yu is directly overhead, but people have such confidence and ability!

Why don't you talk to someone? Maybe it's just because of this that Ding Yu is today!

The capital did not show special concern for the departure of Wang Jianguo and his party, because this is a very normal thing! What's more, according to the internal information, Wang Jianguo really has something to do when he goes back!

I don't have much relationship with the students. It mainly involves the farm. One is the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine. The other is that some people in the province have other opinions and ideas about the farm. They are very fierce. Luo Xuan, the public relations director of the farm, has arrived! It is obvious that this matter is not generally valued!

It's not that Ding Yu has no other better way to deal with it!

But Ding Yu didn't want to affect the relationship between the farm and the provincial Party committee because of such a small matter! Therefore, if Wang Jianguo goes back, it can play a very good buffer role, and does not deny Luo Xuan's role. But if Wang Jianguo joins in, it will have a wonderful effect!

There is one more thing, we all already know almost! The chief executive has arranged Ding Yu to enter the Party school. At least Ding Yu's name is on the list! When will Ding Yu report? This issue is another matter, not so important!

It's not so important that you can't react so fast!

The important thing is that since Ding Yu has entered this cage, we will never let him go out easily!

"Sir, the reactions of those students are different!"

Qu he enters Ding Yu's office. His pace is very steady. When he comes to Ding Yu's side, he says in a low voice!

"Different reactions Ding Yu murmured to himself, turned the pen in his hand, and then asked, "what do you think should be done with them? And how many people do you think will see through this? "

"The list has been set down. I believe it will mislead many people. It is really hard to say how many people can see through this matter. However, the selected people are very honest now. They have no other performance, and their work is very smooth. Even their" supervisors "can not find any problems and problems."

"They simply experience life, not really test them, but fortunately, their foundation is good, so there is no other impact!"

"Sir, if they are eliminated, it will cause quite a stir!"

"It has nothing to do with me!" Ding Yu was very indifferent and said, "happiness is easy to lose one's voice, anger is easy to lose one's manners, great sorrow is easy to lose one's word, and great joy is easy to be overlooked. Such things are already common, and I have poured cold water on them! If they don't wake up, I can't do anything about it! "

Qu he nodded. There was no problem with what Mr. Qu said! In order to know that these students may go to higher positions in the future, they need to keep calm and intelligent all the time. If there is no way to guarantee these, what is the so-called work?"Who did the best? Get rid of Chen Haiyang, and if he makes trouble, I will let him know the power of it! " For this problem, Ding Yu's attitude is unquestionable!

"Tan Cheng is the best! Chen Haiyang should have some understanding, so it is very quiet, and even makes people feel too quiet! "

"Chen Haiyang is a slippery guy. He can't be selected because everything is too easy for him! He won't cherish it. If he wants to go out of his own way, he really needs a hammer to knock. But even if it is like this, whether he can come out or not is still something he said

"Sir, do you need to do something else?"

"Invite them to dinner in the evening! Anyway, they are all going to leave! Let them indulge a little. I remember that uncle Liu has just sent some drinks to me. Let them try it a little bit! "

Get it! I knew that Mr. Wang would never spare those guys! But think about it, it is also a very interesting thing!

Although these guys got a little comfort from Mr. Zhang, how to say? The heart must be quite oppressive, and even have some impatience. Under such circumstances, what kind of actions will they make?

At the same time, some people on the other side of the capital have been laughing at their mouth! Wanton laughter hovered in the sky over the capital. If it was not for the situation, maybe someone would have opened the door for dinner!

Some people are happy, naturally some people are depressed, the top of the black gas can be used as a dark cloud!

Maybe the next moment, it's lightning and thunder, so quite a lot of people are far away from the position, if it really falls down, it's not so simple! Maybe not even a hair will stay! The consequences are too serious!

The two sides form the most striking contrast. Fortunately, there is no so-called face-to-face contact between each other. If we do face-to-face at this time, it is really hard to say whether there will be landslides or not!

However, because Ding Yu has been registered as a member of the Party school, quite a number of people are now vowing to let Ding Yu be a good professor and come out with a few talents! We must make up for the factional gap!

Why are you so eager? It seems that Ding Yu has cultivated a lot of talents these years, but from the whole base number, it is still a little too poor. Moreover, there are more wolves and less meat, which is not enough for everyone to share!

This guy's character is very bad, is criticized by everyone, but his vision is vicious, really let people admire! These are things that need no more words! This time the opportunity did not seize, then the next time needs to work harder!

Otherwise, the development of factions in the future will definitely be slower than that of their competitors, and if they are slow, they will probably slow down step by step! For the future, we should get the quota for everything we say. We can't have the so-called accident again!

The eliminated team members were informed of the news that director Ding Yuding wanted to invite a meal, and did not show much excitement!

Even if it is Longgan Fengsui placed in front of them, do not think there will be any special flavor!

What they are left to taste now is the indifferent bitterness. It is true that director Ding has comforted them, but those who have not been selected are the losers? Has been lingering in everyone's mind!

As for the so-called invitation to dinner, it may be the last meal of departure! Director Ding didn't see anything else, so there was nothing to be picky about when we had a dinner!

Ding Yu came a little late. Many students were standing outside, not sitting inside. Ding Yu's identity was different. If they sat outside, it would be too rude!

Looking at Qu he and Yang Chen holding things in their hands, many people are showing a little puzzled look? What is this? As far as we know, director Ding is not a good drinker! I brought drinks today to make them drunk?

Entering the private room, Qu he and Yang Chen split the package, almost a bottle by hand!

"Your assessment is over! How about today? Let's have a meal together! I hope that when you go to work in the future, you will be able to have a variety of future prospects. Nine times out of ten, you will not be knocked down by this matter in front of you

Ding Yu didn't mean to talk at length! Even a few words, slightly ordinary!

The students looked at the things on the table, then looked at Ding Yu, a little confused! From the literal meaning to understand, director Ding is to eat a casual dinner, but can it contain anything? A little confused!

Ding Yu had a few drinks, but he didn't have a drink!

Without any other explanation, Ding Yu took the lead in leaving!

When leaving, Ding Yu points to Chen Haiyang! It's at the door! They are puzzled and chase after Ding Yu and Chen Haiyang! Although everyone stood up and wanted to listen to it, but because of the director's identity, they all sat on their seats!"You don't have to think about it. No matter who you want to talk to, you can't understand what I mean?"

Ding Yu said it deliberately! Especially the last sentence, which means a lot! I just tell you plainly, even if you have seen through the door, but I say you can't, that is not, there is no room for discussion! Do you understand?

There are so many people in Chen Haiyang's heart who want to curse their mother, director? Why do you embarrass yourself?! I'm just a nobody!

I am very clear about the director's purpose! But he did not have any room to resist, and even he needed to spare no effort to cooperate and do a good job in this bureau! If you say you can't do this game well, then I'm afraid you don't even know how to die?

It's not only the director who can't let himself go, but also the family and his own!

How can I be so miserable! At this time, Chen Haiyang wants to cry!

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