After taking a bath, Chen Haiyang found a place to eat a bowl of simple soup noodles, pure soup noodles!

There is no oil and water on it, because seeing oil and water will make you have bad associations!

But the stomach is still not so comfortable, from time to time to convulsion, but now the feeling is not so strong, at least not directly spit out!

When he was lying on the bed, Chen Haiyang had some doubts. If it wasn't time, would there be more excessive performance from the director? It's hard to say! At least I dare not to make this guess!

I've seen something cruel, but I haven't seen anything so annoying!

Their previous performance is not a little bit of procrastination? Director Ding's Revenge came so direct that he didn't know what to say!

Even Chen Haiyang feels a little aggrieved. Is director Ding Yuding one of the giants? What about Chen Haiyang? In front of you, there's no difference with the ants. You don't even have to do it. Blow your breath and you'll be killed?

Under such circumstances, how can you deal with it?

When the phone rings on the desk, Chen Haiyang hesitated for half a day before he picked up his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID, and his mouth twitched! It's a bit late to call at this time!

But what can be done? I really dare not not to accept it!

"Uncle, you haven't had a rest yet!"

Minister Chen slightly hummed, "I heard that director Ding has considerable opinions on you these two days?"

"Oh It is obvious that the capital side has expressed considerable concern about this matter, because it is a little bit abrupt. They have been through the wind and rain. How can they not see such a thing clearly? Don't you understand?

"When we had dinner together earlier, the director pulled me out alone and criticized me in front of the public. I couldn't resist at all. I could only cooperate with director Ding!"

Why there is no way to resist, can only cooperate with director Ding, uncle, you must understand! Is not to say that I am intentional, I am also very helpless, I do not want to be like this? But the mountain above is too heavy! If I say that I have taken a wrong step, then the whole mountain will come down, and I will really become meat mud!

"Just say it? You won't be so dispassionate? " Minister Chen snorted! "What do you think of director Ding?"

"I'm good at layout and start from places I didn't notice! However, before that, quite a number of signals had been released, but under the circumstances at that time, not many people could understand the meaning of it. It is a pity! "

Minister Chen listened to his nephew's words, very happy!

My nephew will not be selected, it is certain! If he can still be selected as a target, he will definitely infuriate all other people's emotions! But through this event, Ding Yu or his nephew on an insurance, at least in his heart on an insurance!

However, it is not a bad thing that the ocean failed to be selected. From its own point of view, the ocean is a bit too calm! This is to say at the best, in fact, it is a little too greasy, even a little out of hand!

If we say that we can go to a higher position in the future, it is not feasible and extremely inappropriate!

At this point, director Ding's vision is no one! Absolutely poisonous, as for the way he took it? In my opinion, although a bit too much, but for Chen Haiyang, is absolutely a kind of tempering! If you can really temper it out, Chen Haiyang's future is definitely one that can be expected!

And this time let him serve as bait, the ocean has done a good job! I've heard about it, and I think it's interesting. If it's someone else, I don't know how to do it, because we still need to worry about our identity. But for director Ding, it seems that he never thought about it!

It's OK to achieve the goal! As for the process and way is what kind of, do not need to have too much attention!

Ding Yu and I are not so against each other, their ideas are quite different, but on this issue, I still need to feel admiration, at least I can't do such a thing! And even if it is done like this, it can't achieve that effect. It's not a difficult thing to do, and I can't deny it!

"Since I am leaving! I still need to thank director Ding! " Minister Chen means something!

"Uncle, do you think they hate me?"

It is unnecessary to discuss director Ding, and Chen Haiyang will not be so stupid as to target Ding Yu! Don't you have enough to suffer? Want to do it again? Spare yourself!

Minister Chen snorted and laughed, "they! Don't you get killed when you go back? This is light, and when have you become so cautious and careful? "

We should know that Chen Haiyang is just an introduction, or what Chen Haiyang plays in this matter is just a knife in Ding Yu's hand. In the end, we do not investigate the person holding the knife, but pursue the knife. It seems that the pattern is too small! The kind that can't be on the table at all!I can't even get on the table. What else should I worry about! What else to worry about!

Why can someone see that? It's not that Ding Yu didn't give you a chance, but you gave up voluntarily, didn't you? Under such circumstances, what else should be said? You know, these big guys behind, no one wants to stretch out their hands at random. They just let the students below freely play! Everyone's opportunity is equal!

It's not that the people here in the capital really don't see anything, they really see something quite!

But now no one wants to reach out again! In the past, we often kept in touch with these students, and even gave some advice. But what happened after that? None of these people were selected! It doesn't matter how Ding Yu knew the news!

Ding Yu's attitude is enough to show all the problems! I do things, you had better not reach out, of course you must reach out, I have no way! If you are not disciplined, then I don't care! Where are you going to give it to me? I'm not going to serve you!

If you can, you will take me down. If you can't take me down, I'm sorry!

It's such a bold man. Who's going to try it?

This is also one of the reasons why everyone has a very bad impression on Ding Yu. This guy is really in debt. If it is not allowed by the situation, we really want to teach him a good meal and let him know how good he is!

But what? However, how can we not give Ding Yu? Just let it go!

In the morning, Ding Yu's side was no different from usual. When he came to the farm, all the students had gathered together! Standing in the front of the position, looking at the many students below!

"Tan Cheng! Lin Shunhua The name of two people, and then pointed to the line of selected students!

The two people who were called to their names were somewhat unknown, but a considerable part of the eliminated personnel were directly exploded! It can be said that the state of mind is jumping! What is this? Tan Cheng and Lin Shunhua are a little silly?

Chen Haiyang, standing next to them, gave a push. The two of them responded and took two steps forward. They almost trotted all the way to the line of candidates!

"Disband!" Ding Yu doesn't have any meaning to explain at all, and I can't make it up to me to explain what for you? It doesn't matter whether you are willing or not. I'm too lazy to pay attention to what? It has nothing to do with me!

"Report!" When Ding Yu is about to turn around, someone can't control his mood! The voice was a little loud. I could hear the indignation from the words!

Oh? Ding yulue looked at it with interest and made a gesture to raise his hand. He thought it would be very insipid, but he didn't think about it. He even expressed his dissatisfaction in front of himself. Then he would listen to it!

"Report, director Ding, I think this is very unfair?"

"Unfair? Why is it unfair? " Ding Yu snorted, slightly showing some scorn.

"Report, why can tan Cheng and Lin Shunhua be selected? They are already eliminated! We don't understand! "

"You want to explain? I have to explain it to you? " Ding Yu's eyes have begun to narrow up, "I'm not your parents, nor your leader. How can I do it? It's my own business!"

In front of many students, Ding Yu didn't mean to put them in his eyes. "And do you think you can represent all the comrades? I really don't believe it when I arrive. I want to have a look. Who else can stand up together and let me have a look! "

People standing on the side, you look at me, I look at you! No one has any words!

Ding Yu snorted and turned away!

As for the one who argued earlier, he didn't get any explanation! I just remember now that the person I am facing is director Ding Yuding? When is he good at talking? Did you challenge him so directly? At that time, what was on earth in his mind?

There is no regret medicine in the world! Director Ding has left!

But then people also focused on Chen Haiyang's body! No one is a fool. In the past two days, we all looked at all the things in our eyes. Chen Haiyang deliberately took the lead, and then we can't say that they fell into the pit, but quite a number of people fell into this pit!

Now think of it, there are many people want to cry, heart remorse!

All blame you, Chen Haiyang. If it wasn't for you, would everyone be like this?

When the results appeared, we found that everything was just a layer of window paper! Even in the circumstances at that time, we only need to reach out and touch a little, we can make great changes in our lives, but how come, not many people can do this!Because in everyone's impression, they have been eliminated, even if it is again attentive, again diligently how can? Will not play any role and effect, but did not think, unexpectedly there are such accidents!

Tan Cheng and Lin Shunhua two people stand out, let everyone seem too embarrassed!

Think about what they have done. When Chen Haiyang performed and moved, they took the overall situation into consideration and performed extremely well. They did not even have any dislike of Chen Haiyang and did not let this small group have other problems and situations. Can't these explain the problem?

"Ocean, I think there will be many people who want to hit you now!" Fang Bo looks at Chen Haiyang and says quietly!

It is impossible to say that there is no feeling in the heart, but it is impossible to say how much regret you have. Because you have already made a certain path, you really don't have too much emotion! But Chen Haiyang's matter, oneself pour really did not think of!

Chen Haiyang is very dissatisfied, gave Fang Bo a white eye! All at this time, still say such words! Is it a friend?

"What else do you say?" After sighing, look up at the sky, cloudless! "What can I say when I meet the director? What can I do? You can't say anything or do anything. In this way, there are still some possibilities. If you are really desperate, what do you see now? Maybe it's just a pile of mashed meat

When it comes to this! Chen Haiyang looks at Fang Bo, probably because he said some sensitive words. Chen Haiyang quickly pinches his own voice with his hand, and feels that his endurance is a bit too much!

What did the people next to me think of? Went to the side of Chen Haiyang, whispered in his ear what? Chen Haiyang feels a little wrong! His face began to turn a little pale, and did not wait for a few words, Ding Yu's mobile phone rang up!

"Boss! It's me

"Third uncle?" Ding Yu looked at his watch suspiciously, "you should be very busy at this time, uncle? Is my head hallucinating? Shouldn't it? I think I'm still a normal person! "

"You don't have any hallucinations in your head!" The middle-aged man is very dissatisfied with a hum, did not pay attention to Ding Yu's rhetoric! "I've told you that before? Your transfer order has come down! When do you have time to report? "

"Isn't it? Uncle, the time is a little too hasty! I just came back! And it's not over for me? Even if you want to bully people, you can't do it like this, can you? At least give me a chance to breathe! "

"Just let you come and report, you think a little bit too much!" Middle aged people are not affected at all!

Ding Yu curls his mouth, this word absolutely can't believe! If you go back at this time! Who knows what kind of things will be waiting for themselves, they are not saying that they don't know anything, quite things, or have a guess!

"Uncle, things are not over here. If I just ignore them, I have some time!" Ding Yu bargained and said, "I don't know how much noise this incident will cause. After all, so many people participate in it! I'm not afraid of trouble! What do you say? "

"You! I think you are a little bit more daring! " The middle-aged man said a joke!

"Things are still handled very well. I have read the list of selected personnel! Performance is very excellent, in a considerable situation, can take into account the overall situation, not for their own private, wanton! It's worth cultivating! "

"Third uncle, are you on purpose?" How could Ding Yu not hear that? My third uncle, deliberately preaching to myself, I was originally a fellow, OK? "But I'm really busy at this time. I may have to go to Lao maozi's place in two days to meet Sasha. There are some things that need to be discussed."

"I don't care about your personal affairs, but you need to give me an accurate time!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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