"Uncle, you can harm me?! I can see it clearly! "

Why is Ding Yu so devastated! Without any resistance? Even a little bit of fun? Ding Yu is not a masochist!

Because Ding Yu himself is very clear, he is a pair of double-edged sword! Can hurt people, can also hurt!

Quite a number of people need to hold it in their hands. If Ding Yu does not take the initiative to hand over this right, I believe that not many people can do this. The Wang family is the best example!

You know Ding Yu is the eldest son and grandson of the Wang family. He has natural advantages, but what about that? Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it. You don't want to think about it. There is no possibility!

But it's your third uncle's turn? The situation is different!

The Wang family can't control it. Ding Yu has already tried it! And it's not once or twice, but the third uncle's situation is different!

Although Ding Yu is a little wayward and wanton, it is extremely easy to use! Sometimes quite a little temper, small personality, this is understandable, but also can be understood!

Is it a bit too shameless?

Ha ha, face is really as important as you can imagine? If Ding Yu can't be controlled, everyone will feel that Ding Yu is not particularly safe in the future!

Since it is not safe, then there is no need to keep a time bomb like him! Right?

Even if Ding Yu's whole body is iron, he can make several nails. There will be no place for Ding Yu at home and abroad! This is the reality, nothing can be accepted, or can not be accepted!

"Am I a curse to you? You! Do you really don't know, or do you mean it? " Third uncle is obviously not satisfied with Ding Yu's answer! Now his starting hand is very light. If you say you are heavy handed, you will make Ding Yu jump!

Of course, I don't want to happen such a thing. In his contact with Ding Yu, he is still quite capable, absolutely loyal to the country, and his ability is also very excellent and outstanding, that is, sometimes he is too cautious and careful!

Why is this? I also had some consideration! His past and experience, or caused considerable harm to him, some problems and things have not been able to be solved!

It's not to say that he looks forward and backward, and it's not a problem in this respect!

So they can only be half pressure, half guidance to come! Let Ding Yu show his ability slowly!

If you can't suppress your emotions and our country can't help it, you can go to other countries, can't you? Go to someone else's back garden, you can play how you want, can play hard, let your emotions completely vent out! I'll get it back to you then!

Anyway, Ding Yu didn't do it once or twice, and he had quite a lot of experience! Or say oneself already had quite experience, after all Ding Yu quite thing, did not conceal oneself! I know more about the situation than others!

Ding Yu is like a child to himself! It's no big deal to be a kid with his own secret! But when a child can't think of anything to solve their own! I am also a parent!

When the parents hope their children can be good! Or better, they never want their children to go astray! That's for sure!

"Well! I know how it happened Ding Yu finally got serious. "Third uncle, I didn't mean to complain. The situation here is really special. I understand your intention, but can you slow down the journey to the capital! What's more, there are still a lot of things that can't be solved at home? "

Ding Yu said this, the middle-aged also thought about a while! I don't deny Ding Yu's statement!

Because of the Hong family, the relationship between Ding Yu and Wang's family fell into a period of inexplicable embarrassment! Especially Mr. Wang?

What's more, when Ding Yu returned to the capital, he didn't say hello to the Wangs at all. At any rate, there were Wang Li and Wang Yang, but because of them, the relationship between them was more delicate!

Before Ding Yu came back, there was no movement. If he came back now, there would be no movement! How can we see the problems of the Wangs? You really need to think about it!

"I know! Relevant documents have been brought to you, but you need to report to the Party school within the year! "

"Yes! I knew it Ding Yu said, "uncle, I'll go to laomaozi in two days? This is basically settled! "

"You said it! Yes? And other things? "

"The development of the farm there is very good, which can be called excellent. Now there are a lot of people who are interested in it. The domestic side has also heard some news! But the good news is that the dishes on the farm are relatively stable now! "Ding Yu implicitly mentioned some of his own views, which had nothing to do with coercion, mainly involving some external forces! You know, the farm they are hostile to now has never meant to expand their plates, but they are firmly nailed to their own territory, which is really a little annoying!

You should know that your farm has considerable input, but also has extraordinary output, so there is no need to worry about other aspects, but the situation of Tiansheng is different! Their output ratio is not so high, but now it is still nailed there, the problem is self-evident!

Ding Yu will never underestimate any opponent! Obviously, Tian Sheng was set up there on purpose. Ding Yu has always kept Tian Sheng, which is not to say that it is to give face to some aspects, but that Tian Sheng involves too many problems! If it's not handled carefully, who knows what will detonate in the end?

"There's already news about that?"

"On the whole, there is such a feeling, but if you want to be specific, this is absolutely not an easy thing. Every country will never relax its own agricultural problems. This is the case at home, and it is also the case abroad. Laomaozi's side is caused by the fact that we have occupied too many advantages, history and other aspects, not to mention The development of the farm has nothing to do with it! I talked to the president about that! We have had a certain exchange! "

"You boy! Never an honest Lord

The problem of agriculture is absolutely a big problem. Although Ding Yu said that he founded the farm, he did not move the basic agricultural plate, and even protected the basic agricultural plate. What about these things? Ding Yu never mentioned anything!

But Ding Yu did not mention, does not mean that he did not know! This boy! The former is the former, and the latter is another. In the future, I don't know who will be cheaper? On this issue, I have quite a feeling!

But think carefully, the country has Ding Yu, very lucky! This is not a joke!

"All right! For the time being, when I have time, I will call home more than once. I think Mr. Wang can tell the right from the wrong. Although Mr. Wang is a bit preconceived, I think he can tell the difference between right and wrong! But the problem can not stand on their own point of view, you are smart, these problems, I do not say you should also understand! "

At the end of the day, Ding Yu was the last person to hear about the Wang family!

However, Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse the third uncle. He nodded and said yes. But after putting down the phone, what was the situation? I'm afraid that Ding Yu's own heart is the most clear!

Third uncle can't interfere with what he wants to do, right? Right? I really don't believe it. The third uncle will stare at his forehead with a gun and let him go back to Wang's house! Ding Yu still has this assurance!

"Dad, are you busy at noon? Want to ask you a favor? Very anxious

When receiving the phone call from his daughter, Ding Yu looks at his watch suspiciously. The time is not wrong! And looked up at the sun outside, is also a normal rise!

"But it's a little strange! What happened? Did you call in person? "

"Today, one of my classmates was playing basketball on the basketball court. He was a bit too fierce! It hit the face and arm directly. The arm is a little better, but you know about the face, dad? "

"Ding Yun, are you kidding me?" Ding Yu felt that his own family was definitely black hearted cotton. "I am a doctor, but I don't know so much about plastic surgery. You really open your mouth! And do you think your father and I really can do anything? "

"Dad, don't you know the standard of our hospital? Haha, you can always rest assured

"Ding Yun, you did it on purpose, didn't you?" Ding Yu did not have a good breath of hum, "is just playing a basketball, even if it is again collision, should not be so? You're not messing around, are you? "

"Dad, when it happened, we were still in the classroom! When Huang Yibo plays basketball, he is a little fierce! In order to avoid a female classmate, later fell on the ground, the situation is slightly serious! I'm also in a hurry to call Dad

"I see!" Ding Yu sighed! "Let me have a look! You are OK, other people can't instruct your father and me, you are good, a phone call, I have to bump ass! Hum He snorted in a feigned anger!

"Hee hee, I knew you were the greatest! You are also the best! Don't let your lovely daughter down

"Less horses!" After putting down the phone, Ding Yu called Yang Bo and drove to the hospital! No way! My daughter has called in person, if I don't give her this face, who knows what the consequences will be, I really don't want to do any attempt!

After driving to the hospital, Ding Yu said hello to Yang Bo, and then went straight to the emergency department!"I just learned about the situation. The arm problem is not so big, but the problem on the face is a little serious. At least we can't guarantee that he will be able to recover! What's more, we are a hospital, not plastic surgery! "

Ding Yu knocked on his head with his hand, "I received a call from Ding Yun earlier. I have no idea! My work is not so idle, how can I have so much time, but who let me meet such a daughter? "

A little joking, when I came to the emergency department, I saw Huang Yibo's parents and shook hands with each other, "don't talk to each other! Let me see what's going on with the kids? Let's talk about the specific situation at that time. Don't worry about it at first

"Dr. Ding, you're in trouble!"

After Ding Yu went in, he cleaned it up, put on his white coat, and went to Huang Yibo, who was lying on the hospital bed!

"Oh, it's a little fierce." While talking, Ding Yu's hand was pressed against Huang Yibo's cheek. "Pay attention to control your emotions. It seems that there are not too many problems. Besides, don't cry. Tears contain a lot of ingredients, which can cause considerable damage to your skin, especially the damaged skin."

"If you hear me, just give me a hand!"

Looking at Huang Yibo's fist, Ding Yu nodded, "it's OK. I'm conscious. There's no problem!"

"Has the image been made?" Ding Yu asked the doctor next to him!

"Dr. Ding, it's all done! Except for the arm, there is no problem in other aspects, and there is no effect on the brain! "

The doctor is still very professional! Ding Yu greets Huang Yibo's parents with his hand. "Judging from the previous situation, the physical problem is not so big. What about the arm? It's mainly about the appearance! I looked at the wound. The window was a little big! Something needs to be done! "

"Dr. Ding, you can do whatever you want. If you need anything, just say it! We all believe in you

"Yes! I'll call and ask! After all, I'm not an expert in this field! Let me have an operation. There is no problem, but the operation needs to be planned in advance and needs to be dealt with properly. All aspects of preparation in front of the operation need to be done well to ensure that there will be no other problems and situations in the operation! So I need someone to make a plan! "

"Dr. Ding, I didn't say that! I've brought all our bankbooks! "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "OK? This is on purpose. The general is here! If I take my passbook? This is how a thing, all students, in the future, how can children still look up in school? The hospital must have a list of the fees to be charged. After all, this is a hospital. We understand each other! "

Ding Yu called the medical team over there, and then found the machine! Carefully photographed Huang Yibo's face, "Huang Yibo, don't try hard, just keep quiet! It's a little man! Be strong

In order to prevent the strong light from shining on his eyes and causing the movement of his face, Ding Yu covered his eyes with cloth, and explained the same thing to Huang Yibo's parents carefully!

Soon the consultation of experts began! Relatively speaking, it is not a particularly difficult thing. From a temporary point of view, although the face is quite damaged, it has not reached the point where cosmetic surgery is necessary. It needs to pay attention to, because the preliminary suture requires extremely high-end skills, and also needs to pay attention to the technique!

Because this will have a considerable impact on the future!

What's more, judging from the current situation, because the arm plays a considerable buffer role when falling down, the face seems to have some ferocious, but the actual problem is not so big, but everything needs time to determine!

"Judging from the current situation, his facial damage is serious, but the nerve damage is not so serious, he still has a strong sense of protection! There is an expert from Beijing in our provincial capital. Moreover, I have already contacted the South Korean side! The plane over there will take off soon. I'll do some preliminary treatment first! "

When he came out of the room, Ding Yu comforted Huang Yibo's parents!

"Mr. Ding, you must keep your child's face!"

Looking at so many eager old men and women, Huang Yibo's parents also quickly introduced some, it turned out that they were the children's grandparents, no wonder they were so eager! Even holding Ding Yu's hand will not let go!

"Say so? There is no influence at all! It's a bit unrealistic! "

Looking at the old man and the old lady to be paralyzed, Ding Yu motioned to the nurses and doctors nearby, so that they could help them well. The child had an accident! Don't let the old man follow the accident!

"Because this is emergency surgery, not plastic surgery. We lack the instruments and equipment of plastic and cosmetic surgery. The two methods have different treatment concepts, but the problem will not be very big. Before tonight, all the doctors and instruments will be in place."

Ding Yu needs to explain what is necessary! I'm a doctor! It's not a fairy!"If we deal with surgical injuries according to surgical procedures, there will be scars or deformities of facial organs after healing. It's like we fell down! After healing, the wound can't have any impact. It also depends on the child's physical and skin problems. I try my best not to let the child leave any regrets, but I hope you can understand! "

"Dr. Ding, we don't understand. The child will be handed over to you. I'm still saying that, you can deal with it as you say. If something goes wrong, his life is not good. It has nothing to do with Dr. Ding!"

Said Huang Yibo's father, biting his teeth!

I only believe in Dr. Ding. I don't really need to come, but I did! Even the experts in Beijing and South Korea have been found. Although for Dr. Ding, it may be a matter of one word, but from their own point of view, we can't live up to Dr. Ding's trust!

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