It's almost evening, not just the kids in the family! Some students with Huang Yibo also ran along! They are very concerned! Also shows their group of students' unity and friendship!

Ding Yu pressed Ding Chang's head, and by the way, he shot it on Wei Lai's head. It was very light! Otherwise, it will definitely make him concussion, this grasp Dingyu still has! Wei Lai is very proud of Ding Yu's intimacy! Chest all up, or behind Ding Yun kicked a foot, this has convergence!

"Pay attention to and be careful not to tease Huang Yibo, because he is injured in his face. Now, making him laugh or crying will make his facial muscles change obviously, and at the same time, his nerves will have problems and conditions! Just a little bit of a soothing! Are you clear? "

Patiently sit with these students to explain, did not give them to the door, this is a good thing! At the same time, the confidence recovery of huangyibo has considerable benefits! So Dingyu didn't exclude the children in!

"And, it's not too long, because doctors and instruments are almost there! We need to fight for time! "

"Yes! Daddy! "

"Yes! Uncle Ding! "

These children do not agree to Ding Yu to do a guarantee! Standing beside Dingyu, Huangshi looks at his son's classmates, and also expresses his thanks! Didn't think of his son still had such a relationship?

In order to send his son to Dingchang's class, he tried hard to make a lot of efforts. It seems that his efforts have not been wasted. If there is no Ding family, then the injury on his side can be solved, but what about the face? Even if it is to the provincial city, or to the capital! What can I do?

Time will be delayed for a long time. It is necessary to know that the injury is handled and recovered in the first time. It is two times that the injury can be handled and recovered after a period of time. This is two times. It can not be said in the same day! This basic principle oneself still understands!

"Dr. Ding, I have set a table for you in Juxiang garden! Do you think it's right? "

After these children all entered, Yellowstone whispered to Dingyu!

"Don't be so polite. It's a terrible evening! Huang Yibo needs to deal with it in the first time. The specific scheme has come out! It's better to have surgery now! The child recovery ability is relatively strong, in a few days, can go to school, let him pay attention to a bit later! There's no big problem! "

No one wants to happen such a thing, but in Dingyu's view, it is not any other problems and conditions, there is no need to delay the study, at least when school more attention is good!

"Dr. Ding, the children's affairs are handed over to you! How do you say I do, there is no complaint, raise your head three feet have the gods, I swear to the light. " Huangshi is still the view, no change, "but I must remember this situation, if you let me say nothing, I can no longer go to the opposite of these students Huang Yibo! There is no way to face your parents again! "

"I think a little bit. Who hasn't had trouble yet?"

Ding Yu thought about it, but he didn't refuse it. After all, it was a common thing, "the operation should be done tonight. After all, it is not a very big problem. Tomorrow! I invite them to have a meal. If the situation permits, you will come and accompany them! Thank you very much! "

"Dr. Ding, I understand. It's a problem for you!" Yellowstone expresses a considerable appreciation!

"I see you!" Dingyu smiled softly, "how old are we all! It's not exaggerating to say that the old vegetables are covered! They are the future, Ding Yun these children, although said that the performance is good, but also has many classmates to take care of the reason, they can come out, say is a bunch of trouble! I haven't thanked other parents yet! "

"Dr. Ding, we all think, when can have a girl like Ding Yun, dream!" Huangshi shook his head and said, "now the state has let go of its policies, but what can I say?"

When talking, the Crane quickly walked to Dingyu's side, "Sir, the instrument and the doctor are all here! There are also quite a few people who follow! "

"Well! I got it! You will arrange for the following person to be responsible for the installation and debugging of the instrument. I will meet them later! Discuss, and take advantage of this time to allow the two doctors to have a little rest! "

Then Ding Yu took a shot of Yellowstone, "should you help me with the coffee?"

Huangshi is a daze, then heavy point a head, "come immediately!"

All understand people, Dingyu does not have a big package of meaning, Huangshi is also in the system, for such things is very clear and understand, this is not what can not be seen! "Just right. I have some coffee beans here. Let them have a taste together! See what's different! "

Then Ding Yu is re entered the room! Like a duck to see the students to see Huang Yibo are rushed out! "Go out! The instruments and doctors are in place! Now installation and debugging, let Huang Yibo students a little calm, you are also concerned about students, but also need to pay more attention! Don't be doing this! Treatment is not a big deal, the problem is that the family is concerned with it! That's the big problem! "Ding Yun cocked up her little nose and was very dissatisfied. She gave her father a head hammer. It just hit her father's abdomen and patted her head. It was like a person who was OK!

He didn't pay attention to his father's eyes, set up his elder sister's prestige, and led these students to go out boldly. When he left, he also asked Huang Yibo to get better faster! Come back to school!

It's really not the general domineering!

"Pay attention to your mood. Everyone is waiting for you to go to school! Arm injury problem is not big, at most a plaster, add a ring! As for the face side, there should be no big problem. It's OK to take a rest for about a week! "

"Uncle Ding?"

Huang Yibo obviously has some movements, but just after speaking, the expression on his face is a little uncontrollable. Ding Yu pressed the nerves and blood vessels under his cheek for the first time!

"Don't get excited. Don't forget what to tell you? You need to stay calm now! Comparatively speaking, you are not a child any more! I'm already in junior high school! Revolutionary martyrs haven't seen it, but you haven't heard of it. You should know that Mount Tai collapses in front of him without changing his face. This is the true character of a man

Huang Yibo looks at Ding Yu and raises his fist. Ding Yu clenches his fist happily and touches each other!

"All right! I'll see your doctor and see what they want from there

When he left, Ding Yu called Huangshi and asked him to follow him! Huangshi simply looked at his wife and gave you the job of taking care of Huang Yibo! Don't worry about things outside. I'll deal with it with Dr. Ding!

"Dr. Ding?" The experts here in Beijing saw Ding Yu, and the first time they came forward!

"Hello! Dr. sang has been famous for a long time, but I haven't seen each other. It's a pity that I have the honor to meet you today! "

"I think it would be better not to meet under such an occasion!"

Ha ha! When they shook hands, they both laughed and understood what it meant to say that!

"Mr. Ding!" The doctor from South Korea, after Ding Yu and Dr. sang met each other, they came to Ding Yu's position in front of him. He bowed to the bottom without any hesitation! The attitude is extremely respectful! Put their own position is also relatively low!

Even when shaking hands with Ding Yu, he puts his posture lower! Both hands hold Ding Yu's hand, slightly excited and nervous! Let the other people next to are shocked!

After all, the national conditions of China and South Korea are different! The big Princess of Samsung and Mrs. Jin called in person! These two are absolutely super first class in South Korea! I only heard the name, but I didn't see him!

What's more, he didn't come alone. With the team and the instruments, he got on the plane at the first time! The speed is as fast as taking a taxi home! quick! Easy, no drag!

When he was on the plane, park had already thought about it! Although he has been famous for a long time, he still has some problems. Why? Because I don't have too many forces behind me?!

Their own identity, do not look at the bright outside, but actually can crush their own too many people! Especially in countries like South Korea! Now there is a great opportunity in front of myself! All depends on their own performance!

Good performance, then is the beginning of their own top! Performance is not good, so what is waiting for their own destiny? as one can imagine!

I am also a person who has great revenge, so when I was on the road, I made the most detailed plan and idea, and there was no meaning of borrowing people!

"Well! It's coming fast! It's up to you! "

"Yes! Mr. Ding! I will do my best! " Park Mingsheng did not show any arrogance, can let the big Princess of Samsung and Mrs. Kim call, this is the gentleman in the rumor!

Such an opportunity to show up, how can you not take good advantage of it, absolutely not enough to let your buttocks show up!

The operation was carried out very late, and Ding Yu accompanied him all the time. If it was other surgical operations, it was not a problem for Ding Yu, and even there was no problem with the suture of his face. However, Huang Yibo's facial plastic surgery was involved, which was related to whether there would be other problems on his face in the future!

This point Ding Yu really can't do! And Ding Yu didn't mean to be forced!

If you can't, don't pretend to be omnipotent. It's nothing to destroy yourself, but it's easy to damage Huang Yibo's face. It's easy to cause big problems, and even have an inexplicable impact on him all his life!

"Look at this, the problem should not be very big, but within a week? Maybe you need to stay in the hospital! You can take good care of yourself when you go home, but you need to pay attention to the fact that the health and care conditions at home are not as good as those in the hospital. If the conditions at home allow, it is better to stay in the hospital! "

"Thank you, Dr. Ding! Thank you very muchHuang Yibo's mother bowed and bowed to Ding Yu. She was very flustered! After all, he is his own son!

My arm is broken! For myself, it's not a terrible thing! But if there's something wrong with your face, it's a lifetime thing. It will affect your work in the future! Marriage and so on! As a mother, how can you not worry?

"You're welcome, but sister-in-law, you may need to pay more attention to Huang Yibo! It is important to pay attention to the management of facial expression in the first three days, because he is a child after all, not an adult. We can't ask him according to the standard of an adult, but this is related to his future journey! So you must pay more attention to it

"Ah! Dr. Ding, he is the meat that fell from my body. Even if I spell it, I will never let him have any problems and situations! " Huang Yibo's mother is very sincere with Ding Yu!

"That's good!" Yellowstone nodded his head, in his own opinion, the operation has been almost carried out! Now this time to eat, there are many inappropriate, but also can't wife married! Can the matchmaker just throw it over the wall? That's not human!

Ding Yu came back a little late in the evening. After the operation, he also met two doctors and asked them to explain to the Huangshi couple. It might be more intuitive!

Looking at the message from his children and apprentices, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that they had such a hand!

The next morning, several children took turns to embrace themselves, Ding Yu slightly skimmed the corner of his mouth!

"Well? Good food and drink for you, do not have such treatment, just because a classmate, enjoy these? It seems that we need to show you a little bit of power today! "

A few children birds and beasts scattered, the one that runs is called fast! The one you can't catch!

"Boss! It's said that yesterday something happened to the children of director Huang's family? "

Although it is already a city! But after all, it is a county-level city. The small county city is so big. If something goes wrong, everyone will know it!

"Dad! How do you know that? " Looking at his father and mother, Ding Yu also spread out his hands and glared at his daughter. "Yesterday, Ding Yun called me, otherwise I didn't know. Later I went to the hospital to have a look, and I could solve the arm problem, but I couldn't solve the problem on the face. I'm a doctor, but I have plastic surgery In terms of shape, I'm not even a little white! "

"How is the child now?" Ding Lin is a doctor himself, so he knows it very well!

"I went to the doctor in Beijing and asked your daughter-in-law to find top doctors from South Korea. I have seen the operation together. There are no other problems. Just pay attention to the later protection!"

"What a fuss Zhao Shuying patted her chest!

"I know! I know! " Ding Yun raised her hand and yelled, but before she could speak, she was dragged by Zhao Shuying and cleaned up for a good meal. Even so, she did not stop her enthusiasm. However, looking back, she raised her fist at Ding Chang and Tong Tong Tong!

As for the elder martial brother, it's not easy to get into trouble, so forget it! And the little girl, it's too small! Like too late, how can bully her? So Ding Chang and Tong Tong are the best targets!

"Dad! Is Huang Yi fair OK? "

"For the time being, the problem is not so big! Just pay more attention! Should we teach you at school? Although this incident happened suddenly, we also need to remind you to pay more attention to it. Don't be like a hairy monkey! "

"Boss! Huang Yibo is really OK! "

"It's really OK. It's a good operation! Last night, I was in the hospital all night! I owe a lot of gratitude. At noon, I'd like to invite their two doctors to have a meal together. It's easy to say in Korea, but the doctor in Beijing is another thing! It's not easy to come here! Throwing knives is a matter of course, but we can't ignore human feelings! "

After going to the farm to deal with some things, Ding Yu drove to the hospital. Huang Yibo's arm had already completed the treatment earlier! In fact, the problem of the arm is really not very big, mainly the injury on the face, now because of edema and other aspects of the reason, a little bit terrible!

"Good recovery! It seems that Huang Yibo's physical quality is still very good! "

"Dr. Ding, just listened to the explanation of the two doctors, they also said that the recovery is still good!"

After hearing Ding Yu say this, Huang Shi and his wife finally let down some of their thoughts because of the operation they had yesterday. But today, seeing the situation on Huang Yibo's face, both of them were so scared! It's true that they also know that this may be a kind of hand tied reaction, but this reaction is not a bit too scary!

Now Ding Yu said this to make them feel very at ease. After the accident, they gave all the things to Ding Yu. If something happened, it was not your doctor Ding's responsibility. It was our family Huang Yibo's bad life! So now that they have Ding Yu's words, their spirit is calmed down!In fact, this morning, the Huang family also inquired with some doctors!

They all marvel at this, at least in the city or province, it is impossible to achieve this level!

But even so, in the absence of Ding Yu's reply, the heart still has a considerable fear!

"In the first few days, we need to pay more attention to let him control his expression. This is a very difficult process. It does not mean that he is not allowed to move, but he needs to pay attention to the details! We must pay special attention to it

After checking Huang Yibo, Ding Yu invited two doctors to have a meal with Huang Shi!

The things on the desktop can't see too much luxury, even slightly simple!

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