After dinner, the party went back to the hospital, Ding Yu did not stay for a long time!

"Thank you, Dr. Ding." Huang Shi and his wife sent Ding Yu off together, expressing their great thanks! From the heart of that kind!

"Hi, that's very kind of you! We are all parents. You have children, and I also have children. I can understand your mood and hope you can calm down now. What does a doctor do? It's my job to cure the sick and save the people. Thank you. I've received it

Huangshi nods hard. He has already understood the meaning of Ding Yu's words!

Dr. Ding is dedicated to this matter, because he is a doctor, and he expressed his thanks. If he said that he always said so, it would be a bit too hypocritical after saying too much! There's not much need!

Just keep it in mind! Put it to your mouth? No one will take it as a matter!

In the past, I didn't have too much contact with Dr. Ding, not because I didn't want to, but I didn't get in touch with him. On the contrary, I had a lot of contact with Ding Lin, and I felt that the old man was not ordinary. Now I have made considerable contact with Ding Yu, and I find that the rumors are really worthy of the reputation. No wonder the children and disciples of the Ding family are so excellent! It's not for no reason!

Two people have been sent to Ding Yu downstairs, watching Ding Yu get on the bus and leave, waiting for the shadow of the car to disappear, and then turn around!

But I didn't go back! I stayed downstairs!

"Our family Yibo is lucky this time!" Huangshi said with emotion, "when I sent him into the class, I had a lot of trouble. I don't want to say whether I am wise and decisive. These are not important. The problem I feel is that I can't keep up with him! What do you think? "

Ah? Zhang Ju is very puzzled looking at her husband, do not understand what this means! Why did he really say that?

What's not keeping up? Can't keep up with Ding Yu? How about such a thing? The family couldn't catch up with the Ding family! This kind of thing needless to say, also know is very clear!

Looking at his wife's appearance, Huang Shi shook his head, "you! I still don't understand. At the beginning, Huang Yibo was sent to the children of the Ding family. Our family Yibo was influenced by the children of the Ding family and had a considerable change. But what about this change? It's not completely in the bone yet

"No! I think our family Yibo is about to become another person! What was it like a year ago and what is it like now, whether it's study or life? Don't you know what a father you are? "

Zhang Ju looked at her husband angrily. How could she feel that he was confused? How's the baby? This is the most clear mother of their own, this is really not their own boast!

"I know what you mean, but Huang Yibo's change is only superficial. If the Ding family's children have left now! We Huang Yibo may not take too long, we will change into the original

"Can't it be?"

"Huang Yibo is different from Wei Lai. If you look at Wei Lai, what he was like in the past, we all know. From the current situation, has Wei Lai changed? yes! But it doesn't seem to be a big change, is it? "

"That's also true. I've met Wei Lai. He used to be so temperamental. Although he has a good relationship with Ding Yun, the eldest daughter of the Ding family, he still looks like that. At most, his study has changed a little bit, but that's it! If you don't say it, I really don't feel like that! "

"Why didn't Wei Lai change so much in this respect? Because Wei Lai changed the essence, not the surface. If we want to change the essence, we need time to slowly hone it. Unlike the appearance, it can be done in two days!"

"Lao Huang? Is it because of being with Ding Yun? "

"It has a certain relationship, but it is not the most important one!" Huang Shi shakes his head! "Close to Zhu Zechi! It's just one aspect. After seeing Mr. Ding, I understand how it is to teach by example and by word. "

"What's more, Lao Huang, how do I feel like you suddenly become another person?"

Zhang Ju looks at her husband suspiciously? What happened to him? The more you say yourself, the more confused you are!

"Teach by example? It's not just because of the teachers and classmates, but more importantly, we, the leaders of our family, Laozi heroes, Laozi bastards, are not unreasonable. Although they are not accurate and even have a little preconceived ideas, they are quite representative. Who do you think Huang Yibo contacts most? Is it a teacher, a classmate, or a parent? "

"Lao Huang, what do you want? I can tell you that Zhang Ju has been with you for so many years. It's not... "

"Get out of here!" Yellowstone's face was stunned, "I said your brain is always thinking about these mess? There's something wrong with it. Huang Yibo is the two of us who are in contact with most of us. The two of us have unconsciously influenced him. In the past, I didn't realize this problem, but today I finally have some understanding of this aspect! ""Lao Huang, is there something wrong with your head?"

Huangshi glared. "Today, Dr. Ding told me that life is a practice. I feel deeply, yes! Life is a practice, but it's a pity that we have gone astray in the process! "

"Lao Huang! Old yellow Zhang Ju feels a bit confused. What does it mean? Does her husband want to be a monk?

Huangshi waved his hand at Zhang Ju, "I don't mean to be a monk, but I have quite a feeling for what Dr. Ding said! You said that we asked our children to do this or that. Why didn't you think about it? Why should we say that? "

"What do you mean? What do you want, Lao Huang? " Zhang Ju is a little alert! Other things can be discussed, but there is no room for discussion about children!

"Children are born of us, but it doesn't mean that children are robots. What do they ask of them? What does he have to do? He is a human being, not a robot. What we can't do, let our children do it, or even impose these on Huang Yibo. Is there such a truth under heaven and earth? I don't think so! "

"Speaking of it, you are also a teacher, but also a high school teacher, I think we all went wrong!"

Zhang Ju's mouth corners a bit twitch, why? Because the husband has undergone considerable changes, this change is unexpected, two people husband and wife for so many years, I feel that they have seen through the husband! But now I found that the husband in front of a fog, let himself a little at a loss!

What happened? Why is that? Is there any other reason or condition?

"Lao Huang, what's the matter with you? Because of Dr. Ding's words? "

"This meal is more valuable than any other meal. I may never have a second chance in my life! But I want to fight for it! "

"Can't you? Although it is difficult to invite Dr. Ding Yuding to dinner! But if our family uses the heart, it should not be difficult! " Zhang Ju is very puzzled, two people talk for a little long time! Now still standing at the gate of the position is a bit inappropriate, so Zhang Ju to her mother-in-law after a phone call, is to pull her husband to the side of the small flower bed!

"If you find it difficult, I'll find a way. If it doesn't work, I'll ask Dean Ding and Mr. Zhao for help! I kowtow to them

"The idea is too extreme, and you don't understand me!"

After sitting down, Huangshi sighed, "I think I have some talent, otherwise I would not be in this position today, but until today, I just found that I am just a drop in the ocean, watching the sky from the well!"

"No! Lao Huang, I've never felt that way. Don't belittle yourself! "

Zhang Ju feels her husband, is there something wrong with her spirit! Is it because of the son's affairs, but this point is understandable, after all, the son is his heart, but also his own!

"Something happened to Yibo. I'm also worried. I know that although you didn't say anything, you were more nervous than anyone else! And my father and mother are the same. Don't worry

Huang Shi shook his head. "I naturally care about Yibo. It's my son. However, through this incident, I realized a considerable problem. Is my father competent or incompetent? Maybe in other people's eyes, it's OK, but after self reflection, I'm not so competent! "

"No! Lao Huang, I think you are very competent. You have no problems in matters outside or at home! " Zhang Ju is a little nervous! Because I can't keep up with my husband's idea! A little worried! Little fear!

"Where's our son? I learned from us, but as a father, I didn't give him a correct idea. What about when I went home? Eating and drinking are all your business. Basically, I never help. I feel that everything should be divided. Besides, after eating, watching TV, playing cards, etc., lying on the sofa and playing mobile phones? They don't set a good example for children. What can I ask them for? "

Ah? Zhang Ju feels a little stiff in her body. What are these situations? Did her husband take ecstasy?

"Lao Huang, are you ok?! It's convenient now. Do you want to have a check? "

"Hey, what can I do? Just think a little bit more! what about you? I graduated from University, and even a high school teacher. But when I came to my home, I felt like a nanny. All the food, drink and Lasa are your business. After Dr. Ding said it today, I found that all the things are too unfair to you, and some of them are too irresponsible to this family. What's ridiculous is that I still feel complacent I'm responsible for everything in the house

Having said that, Huangshi sighed hard! "Man! The most important thing is to have self-knowledge. I was a little blind in the first half of my life! "

"Nothing, we are husband and wife?! What's up, let's carry it together! "

"In the past, I didn't understand the meaning of this home too much. Suddenly, I found that home is a whole, not a single person, or if I had a house, I would have a home! Understanding is too one-sided! It seems that I haven't read books for years! what about you? Don't remind me? ""Reading?" Zhang Ju looked at her husband, "do you want to read a novel? My son wants to read a novel. If you read a novel, I'm not particularly against it. But my son can't. He's too young! "

"What books does the son read? He has his own way in this matter! I still need to say a little bit here. The children of the Ding family are really excellent. Now I understand why Dr. Ding wants to put the children here! But still can't hide! After all, they will fly above nine days

"What do you mean? I can't understand more and more!"

Huangshi didn't explain too much. The more things are explained, the more troublesome and tedious it is!

"I remember that you bought me some books when you were there. You should go home and have a rest! Bring me the book by the way Huangshi looked at his wife and said it carefully!

"Lao Huang, are you ok?" I touched my husband's head, it didn't burn! That is to say, there is no problem in the head, but I really doubt whether there is something wrong with my husband. Otherwise, how could he be like this? This in the past life, is absolutely not! So I feel very inexplicable! I don't understand!

Almost to the evening, Zhang Ju came again! I had a rest when I went back in the afternoon. I didn't have a rest at all last night. I was exhausted, but I didn't wake up for long when I lay down!

Simple to clean up, with considerable things to go back to the hospital!

The husband is watching TV with his son. The son is very honest, and it is beyond Zhang Ju's expectation!

"What about mom and dad?" Zhang Ju is packing things and looking at her son!

Huang Yibo raised his fist and motioned to his mother! No problem! Look at my son's condition! Zhang Ju also felt a little unable to control her tears, but she also knew that she could not arouse her son's emotional change!

He turned his head and wiped it. Then he motioned to her husband. Huangshi held his wife's hand and touched his son! "They can see what food they have outside. Yibo is not so convenient!"

Watching the cultural and educational programs on TV, Zhang Ju was very strange, "when did Yibo like these? And geography? "

"Learn from the good people, follow the witches to dance the gods, the students talk about the geography of mountains and rivers, the seasonal changes and so on. Can't we just be spectators? These knowledge needs to be learned by ourselves. To put it more simply, we need to know when to go and where to play and when to eat delicious food! "

"Oh, I still have this idea."

Zhang Ju was very happy when she heard the news! This is a good thing, can increase the son's knowledge, but also can let him better to consider the problem! But in the past, I really didn't pay much attention to it!

Not that you don't want to care, but your son? How to put it? I am a little too spoiled!

"Lao Huang, would you like to have something to eat? I'll just watch here! "

"I'm not hungry. I simply ate some in the afternoon. Let's talk about it in the evening." Then he took out his mobile phone and said, "this is a list, which was sent to me by Ding Chang earlier! I feel very interesting, you look to buy it! I don't know so much about it! "

"From Ding Chang?"

Yeah? Zhang Ju did not understand to turn to his head, "Ding Chang hair?"

"Yes! When Ding Chang was six or seven years old, he had read through it! This is the book he listed after consulting some scholars in the family and synthesizing the situation of our family game! Some books I haven't even heard of names, and some are in foreign languages! I'm fuckin 'suspicious! I was born! Did you come out to collect the number of people? "

Listening to her husband's low voice, Zhang Ju felt a little funny, but also a little suspicious. She took a look at her mobile phone and looked at her son's slightly excited eyes. Zhang Ju nodded to him and gave him a sign to cheer up!

"It's said that director Ding is extraordinary. Now I finally know how extraordinary director Ding is! Taking children out to travel, people are not to see the scenery, but to understand the humanities and history, and not to eat food, but to enjoy the culture! Tell me, what have we done? "

Zhang Ju blushed a little! This thing seems to have its own responsibility!

"But it's not too late after all! I told Yibo just now! It's true that I can't achieve the level of Dr. Ding, but I believe I can still do what I said again! As for this, we should supervise each other! "

"What can Dr. Ding do?" Zhang Ju is very curious, her husband's sudden change, let her inexplicable surprise, he was not the original time, how to eat a meal, such a change? How suspicious!

"He gets up at more than four o'clock every day and exercises! During the day, there is no entertainment, hospital or farm work. After work in the evening, there is no entertainment. Basically, I don't go out very much. I play games with my children or study together! ""Learning together?" Zhang Ju is very suspicious, to know that they rarely do this! I am also a teacher. As far as I know, there are not many people who can do this in my family!

"I'm afraid that's why director Ding has come to this day? Don't talk about director Ding's house! Let's talk about our family. Neither of us has gone out, but what? Seems like a waste of time, too? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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