"Go on Ding Yu ordered a small cigar for himself!

I need to calm down, some problems are not so comprehensive, this is their own problem!

"Sir, from a bystander's point of view, the consortium has made great progress. Although we have not wantonly expanded in the past two years, no one can underestimate ours. I think you are most touched by this point, sir!"

"I deliberately controlled the development of the consortium, even suppressed the development of the consortium! Now wanton expansion is too easy for others to find opportunities. Another question? I don't think this is the best time to expand! However, there is a saying that, under such circumstances, our foundation is quite deep! " Ding Yu murmured to himself?!

"The current situation is that we do not have any action, so the considerable forces have always been unable to grasp our grip. Even if they want to do something to us, they think about it and worry about it. Once they do it, they will not be able to bear the consequences! Especially in China and the United States, on these two lands! "

"Well! It's quite reasonable! " Ding Yu is not a person who can't listen to the opinions! "This is something I didn't notice before! It seems that I'm really not that material! "

A little self mockery!

"Sir, if you do, I can't go on!"

A small joke, can be considered to ease the embarrassing atmosphere!

"This time, if the husband moves, no matter what it looks like, they all need to deal with it. They may even be reckless. For them, they can barely afford to take the move now. If they put it in the future, they will never have such a chance again!"

Ding Yu did not immediately make a decision, because this matter will involve the whole, that is to say, he has done a negative, we must put all the plans, all of them to disorder, and then rearrange, this is absolutely not a simple thing! Very troublesome and tedious!

"I need time, at least three days, and then if I make this decision, I have to review it again, and make a new plan. It's not just a slap in the head and a brace in the chest."

"Sir, I just want you to think about your own safety!"

Ding Yu tapped the desk in front of him with his hand. The speed was a little faster, but it was not messy! For a while, Ding Yu considered a little more things, and he needed to outline the whole plan again!

"I sent an invitation to Dashan and Tanaka, asking them to come and talk about it. The development of Japan in the past two years has been very good. I think they should be treated fairly! The children of Dashan family are very good and on the road, but the Tanaka family is very ordinary! "

"Sir, I can't interfere in this matter, but it needs a good reason."

"Is there any reason? It doesn't matter. It's important that some forces pay attention to us a little bit! In addition, I have recently mixed up some drugs, but Tanaka is a little older and needs to be recuperated! But let's see who's right for them The reason is that it is not enough, but behind it, it is impeccable!

"Sir, I'm leaving first! If possible, I still hope to go to the bear! "

"No, absolutely not!" Ding Yu once again rejected Jin. "If you push all the plans back, you can never show any movement. This is very important and irreplaceable."

"Yes, sir!"

"I'll give you specific information in three days. The time will not exceed a week. Since there are quite a few things happening, we will take them by surprise."

In the morning, Ding Yu called Dashan and Tanaka so that they could come over as soon as possible and have something to talk to them! After receiving the call, Dashan and Tanaka put down all the things and took the opportunity to come at the first time! The speed is beyond imagination!

Call in the morning, Dashan and Tanaka arrived at noon!

Judging from the time, it can be said that there is no stop at all! Ding Yu met the two of them on this side of the farm!

"You've been summoned up so quickly, don't you have any complaints?"

"Sir Dashan and Tanaka saluted together. For them, Ding Yu was their master. No matter how busy they were at that time, they would come to Ding Yu's side with the fastest speed at the request of Ding Yu! This is the basic quality!

"I didn't expect that you would come so soon. Some preparations have not been completed! It will take another two or three hours! "

Then Ding Yu made an invitation gesture and went to the canteen with the two of them. "At noon, it's a little simpler. In the evening, there are quite a lot of things waiting for you. Moreover, I often have meals here. If there is any inconvenience, please bear with me.""Sir, we don't have any problems!"

In the treatment of Ding Yu's affairs, both of them are unswerving. Although they say they eat in the canteen, as far as they know, Mr. Lin usually doesn't have any special, basically they eat in the canteen!

For this point, we do not have any opinions and ideas!

Do you have any financial or financial problems, sir? Can't we have a higher standard? It is absolutely not a problem in this respect, and there is no such problem! But the gentleman still maintained the quite essence!

"Most of the things here are from farms! But my habits, at noon, eat less, habits have not been completely changed Holding the plate, Ding Yu finished the meal and sat on the chair not far away!

Dashan and Tanaka are the same, there are some security around, they are also very quiet!

"Sir, I didn't expect it was very delicious, just a little salty!"

Ha ha! Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. It was obvious that he was very helpful to the horse!

"Tanaka, do you see that Dashan has a high standard of saying that?" After praising Dashan's EQ, Ding Yu explained, "the labor here is basically manual labor, and there are also mechanical ones. However, a considerable part of the machinery is not allowed to enter the site, at least during the planting period, it is absolutely not allowed!"

"But it's not true that I came to you today!" After a look at Dashan and Tanaka, "Yingnan and Sasha, as well as Fu Zhen, are women, including Tai hee. You must be clear about their relationship with me. As for Ju Xingzi, I don't regard her as an outsider. However, due to other circumstances, she has not been properly treated. I mean, she has no leisure time"

however, due to the lack of leisure, she has not been treated as an outsider

When Ding Yu said this, Dashan and Tanaka were stunned, but then the expression on his face was great joy!

"Sir?" The voices of both of them trembled!

"And me? I'm a doctor. I have some research on medicine and martial arts. You all know that. But for a long time, both of you haven't been treated in this respect. You may not care, but I can't afford to think about it. So today, I invite you to do a physiotherapy together. But I can't do it for two people at one time. So this machine Yes, you can decide for yourself. "

"In addition, the next opportunity may be in the next year! Because of the difficulty of drug configuration, and I need to see the specific effect. After all, everyone is different, and the function of the body is also different! "

"Sir, I'll do it!"

Two people agreed to say!

"Don't come along! I can't bear it. It can only be one person at a time. There is no need to stir up the relationship between the two of you. I don't want other problems and situations in the process. I have tried them on them in Taixi. The effect is good, but they are women and you are men! It must be different! But in the evening, we have a hot spring together, which is quite different from that in Japan! "

When Ding Yu was separated from Dashan and Tanaka, Dashan and Tanaka bowed to see each other off, but then they found a separate room and began to argue. For them, it was impossible and unnecessary for him to harm them!

Although they don't know much about this aspect, they still have a good understanding of the situation of several ladies. There is no change in appearance, and there is no cover up!

There is no so-called cosmetic accumulation on the face, and there is no other means. What they didn't expect was that it was Mr. Wang's credit. You should know that Dashan is better than their age. At most, they can't do as much as they can sometimes. As for others, there are not too many problems!

But for Tanaka, the problem is a little bit more, because he is no longer young! At least two toilets in the middle of the night, this is still the most basic! Although we have paid great attention to the maintenance of the body, this is not to say that you can maintain it if you want, it is not so simple at all!

Two people had a serious quarrel and even confrontation! But in the end, Dashan won!

It's not that Tanaka can't really fight for Dashan, but the conditions proposed by Dashan let Tanaka have no way to refuse!

Towards the evening, Ding Yu invited Dashan and Tanaka to go to the hot spring together. There was quite a distance between them. They sat in the car together! There is no longer a luxury car, Ding Yu does not have so much display! For Ding Yu, such a display is meaningless!

On the road, Ding Yu did a simple physical test for Dashan and Tanaka!

"The situation in Tanaka is OK. There is quite a convergence, Dashan! It's too wanton. I'll go back for at least a month. Don't let it get contaminated in a month? We also need to do a lot of control. We don't have too many problems several times a week, but we don't need to do this a few times a day! "Tanaka was laughing. It was not something that could not be seen for everyone. Even the relationship between them would be closer. As for why Dashan was like this, I can understand it!

The staff of Dashan family is still a little less, let alone the descendants of Dashan family? In addition to the limited, it is not particularly excellent, in this point is better than their own family, but also not good to go there, in fact, I also have this aspect of the problem, no one to say who!

However, I still pay attention to the maintenance. To be exact, I can't do it. I don't mean that I really don't want to. I want to do something for a while. But if I let myself do this every day, can I still live? Even if you want to die, you don't need to do this, do you? How embarrassing!

Dashan's face is a little red. If it's not in the car, Dashan definitely holds his hands on his knees and apologizes to Ding Yu!

Looking at the mountain, Ding Yu waved his hand. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. It's human nature. Things between ethics are the basis of human reproduction, and we need to pay attention to it!"

Do not need to mention too much, there is not so much need, in other words, they do not seem to be a good bird!

It's not just Ding Yu, the three of them, but also some other people. But Ding Yu is with Dashan and Tanaka, and the others are looking for other places. Relatively speaking, Dashan's figure is the least worth mentioning! Even a little bit of drag! Although Tanaka is old! But at least there is still a little bit of maintenance!

When two people look at Ding Yu, their eyes are a little straight!

It's definitely a typical example of taking off clothes and wearing clothes. The muscles on the body are not very obvious, at least not the ones with muscles. But they are absolutely shapeless. Even if they are pulled out to be a model, there is no problem!

Look at your husband, and then look at yourself. I'm a little ashamed!

Especially the mountain, the feeling is particularly strong!

Ding Yu nodded two times with his hand, "Dashan, it seems that you should pay attention to exercise in the future. I remember when we just met, your body was similar to that of a movie star, but now you are a little rich! Don't slack off yourself

"Yes, sir, I will live up to your expectations!"

Dashan's heart is also secretly made a decision, to maintain the same as Mr. A, there is not much possibility, but was killed by Dashan, this is really a shame! I don't want to have a second time!

When bathing in the hot spring, we all talk about some trifles with each other. We don't involve any consortia. There is no need for us to do so! However, after washing the hot spring, Ding Yu called out to Tianzhong, "let's have a look! I didn't know that much about it when I was saving. Dashan, you won't have anything to hide? "

Tanaka squints his eyes. Today, Dashan is a bit shameful! Sir, it was on purpose!

If the person who is treated today is himself, then he must be ridiculed. However, the person who is being treated today is Dashan, so he must bear such a price!

During the whole treatment process, Tanaka looked into his eyes without any omission. He was moved by his heart when he looked at the white Qi on his body. No wonder Mr. Tanaka only treated Dashan without his own quota. It's not that he didn't want to, but he couldn't!

For almost two hours, Ding Yu deliberately delayed the result!

Looking at the delivery towel field, Ding Yu wiped the sweat on his forehead! Then two people slowly walked out!

"Just give him a good rest!"

Ding Yu, who washed again, changed his clothes and sat down with Tanaka! "There should be no problem, but he! There is something wrong with the kidney water. The problems in life must be a little bit frail! "

"Sir, we have let you down!"

In the face of Tanaka's sincere apology, Ding Yu waved his hand, "you are under great pressure. I'm not so convenient for some things. At most, I can give you some other support. Under such circumstances, the performance of you and Dashan made me very shocked, and even had some accidents!"

"It's the trust of your husband!"

"Trust is mutual. If you trust me, I will naturally trust you. Without your trust, the consortium will not be able to achieve considerable development. Therefore, it should be and you deserve to give a fair return! Pay attention to life a little bit. This is my personal words, the body is my own! "

"Yes, sir, I'm a little envious of the mountains!"

Ding Yu points with his hand, "insincere! okay! When you get up in the morning, the situation of Dashan may be a little special. You must take good care of him. After a month, you must be able to control it. Tell him that this is what I said. Otherwise, I will make him hard all his life! "

The next morning, Tanaka got up early! This has something to do with getting older. Of course, on the other hand, Tanaka is extremely curious about what the reason is. Mr. Tian will tell himself that he really wants to see what the change is!When I saw the mountain for the first time, Tanaka didn't feel anything, but when I saw a giant, the whole Tanaka was a bit silly! It's the same with the people behind Tanaka!

It's not that they have any strong taste. Although Tanaka is not a member of the Dashan family, his relationship with Dashan is extraordinary. However, the person behind Tanaka, who is a member of the Dashan family, knows the situation of Dashan Saburo like the palm of his hand!

What happened? Can Mr. Cheng do magic? It's not something that can be solved by taking two small blue pills!

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