Tanaka was scared by Dashan's performance! Even the whole person is a bit sluggish! What is it all about?

As for the security of the mountain behind, I'm young, but it seems that I haven't been like this for some time! Jealousy, envy and hatred? Are not enough to explain their own ideas now!

Dashan just got up, a little embarrassed, but at the same time, he was quite excited!

All men, there is no need to cover up in this respect, Dashan has not had such experience for a long time! Went to the bathroom to run a time, not easy to the fire to dissipate down! Tanaka is looking forward to looking at the mountain!

Dashan is embarrassed. Although the Japanese society is relatively rigid, they are closely related, so there is not much ridicule. At most, it is kind admiration. Yes! this is it!

When he thought of this, Dashan was elated to look at Tanaka, but he gave his own security guard a look in the eye and let him understand it by himself! Some things don't need any explanation!

"Sir! At least one month, otherwise, he will let you know what it means to use it for life

"Don't say a month, a year without any problems!" Dashan said it with his word! Only the heart has feelings, let alone such a simple condition, even if it is 100 times more difficult, there is no problem!

"Big mountain!" Tanaka changed his look. "Sir, there is not much time in the morning. Let's go in the afternoon. He has prepared some things for you in detail, so that you can take good care of them in a month."

After finishing the words, Tanaka has so many feelings, the expression on his face is very envious! "I do have some regrets!"

"Mr. Tanaka! Thank you

"Thank you, sir, more than anything!" Tanaka is very serious, Dashan's expression is the same!

"No preparation when you don't come here. This is our problem!"

Because it was so abrupt that I thought Mr. Lai must have encountered something, or had some resolution to look for them, but no one thought it would be such a thing!

Happy at the same time there is a bit of embarrassment, but overall, it is a very exciting thing!

"If we deliberately prepare gifts, I don't think Mr. Zhang will be very happy, but I think that since Mr. Zhang's children and apprentices are here! Can we start from this aspect? What's more, his parents are here! Other times we may be a little abrupt, but at this time we should go and see you

After two people looked at each other, nodded each other!

Everyone has their own preparation! As for what we are going to prepare, we will discuss it after we are ready!

In the afternoon, two people did not take other people, at most a driver, and then came to Ding Yu's office together! But when Yang Chen saw two people, he was a little surprised!

Yesterday, he already knew Dashan and Tanaka had come! Even in the evening, Ding Yu went to the hot spring with them, so the treatment was no one! There are others who come here, but how many can let the director treat each other in person?

Because of this, Yang Chen is quite curious! But that is to see more than two eyes, there is no other reaction and action, did not see the crane beside, do not squint? That's enough to say it all!

I still don't have enough concentration!


Ding Yu pointed to the next position, and then handed them each a list! "Japan has its own unique understanding of Chinese patent medicine. There is no need for it to be right or wrong. After you go back, you can mix it up by yourself! Dashan, in a month's time, this is the bottom line! Don't let the small lose the big! As for Tanaka, I have a look at your body. It's a little bit more serious than Dashan. Fortunately, it's well maintained. However, due to your age, you need to take careful care of it for at least three months. "

"Yes! Sir

Japanese rules are really cumbersome, two people stand up, bow salute!

If it was in Japan, they would kneel down and kowtow to Ding Yu!

"What's more, I want you to come because you have contributed a lot, not to say that I am insatiably greedy."

"I'm sorry, sir!" The two soon woke up and said, "Sir, we didn't mean that. We haven't been here before. This time it's really in a hurry. So please forgive me. It's just that we prepared some small gifts for our family. There's absolutely no other meaning!" Who are Dashan and Tanaka?

Japan in public relations, has its own unique understanding, two people are naturally one of the good hands!

That is to say, fortunately, there was no such meaning in the previous time, because they also knew that the husband didn't like it, so they targeted Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, and even the children in the family. If we wanted to send the gift to Mr. Zhang, it would not be as simple as kneeling down to admit his mistake!Dingyu hum coldly, "I asked the family to prepare something, which is unique to small places! At night, we had a meal together. Yesterday was too hurried and didn't have so much time and preparation. I need to say something. You are in the period of care, and drink less! There's no good! "

There are a little more people eating at night!

But before this, Dashan and Tian Zhongzhong two people are very formal to meet Dinglin and Zhao Shuying couple!

Its specification makes Dinglin and zhaoshuying two people almost no response! What is this? Japan actually gave them gifts, and still in such a way? But it's good that Ding Yu is getting rid of the encirclement! Then quietly to their parents to explain!

"You boy, I have these moths!"

Dinglin is a little bit better, smiling face to be right, zhaoshuying is a screw his big son! It is not that the mountains and the fields let their couple two people down the stage, there is no problem in this respect! Mainly their couple were a little bit of "surprise"!

As for the children in the family, they are very familiar with Dashan and Tian. Because they are family banquet and there are no other outsiders, they will show a little "unrestrained" after Ding Lin and zhaoshuying leave, and soon they will play with Dashan and the countryside!

The next day, the mountains and the fields left!

Dingyu met Jin again at night!

"I'll go to the old man in three days!" Obviously, Ding Yu has made a decision! Things don't need to have too much hesitation, some things after considering, can not delay again, the longer the delay, for themselves will be more adverse, this is certain!

Playing with fire can, but playing with fire is not necessary!

"Sir, I'm still a little worried. I want to go and investigate it first!" Other things, Jin did not put on the heart, but Mr. old hair, in known danger, he can not be indifferent!

"I understand your heart, but I can't!" Ding Yu once again said no! "Under the circumstances, you need to ensure the safety of our whole plan. I am only a small part of the plan. Relatively speaking, there is no whole plan important!"

"Sir, you are the soul of the plan, and anyone can have problems, but Sir, you can't have any problems!"

Jin is very eager to persuade Mr. Jin, and there is no way to ask Mrs. Jin for help! Because this matter is not able to have any information disclosure, disclosure means the increase of risk!

"If I delay another month or two months, I really don't have much assurance, but now? I have a lot of confidence in three days! " Dingyu's eyes come out a little pure light, aggressive! "Wendong, these people have been doing nothing for a while?"

Wendong they were very early, followed by Mr. Wang, this gold or know, but has been, nothing moving! Not to say they're all gone! It's not really like that!

If it is a single to one, Jin is not afraid of Wendong, but if it is on the battlefield, what kind of situation will be, a little bad! Although I said that I also came down from the battlefield!

The probability of winning is bigger, but it doesn't mean that you can lose your hair and give up half your life! This may be the best result!

"Sir, if it's Wendong, sir, would you take them with you, would it be too risky?"

"It is not that Wendong is allowed to follow them. So the goal is too obvious. Moreover, when security is concerned, for Wendong, they are basically very small. Moreover, their identity is security, and they may not have too many problems, but what will I do? This is hard to say! "

Kim nodded the same way. If Wendong and these people were safe, it might be the opposite. Mr. Wang also needs to take care of them, not protect Mr. Wang. Isn't this the end of the list?

"Sir, do I need to do other preparations?"

"I'll let others prepare. You can't, your marks are too obvious. If you mix them, many people will smell it. You stay in the dark now. For them, it is a kind of involvement!"

After finishing, Ding Yu rushed to gold point and said, "things over there, I will give it to you!"

"Yes, sir, I'll do it!"

Dingyu released the news at the first time. Quhe and Yang Chen were the first to know. They were not so surprised as they thought. At most, they felt that there was a little hurry in this time!

As for the domestic, there is no other feeling about this matter. Dingyu seems to have prepared for this very early. Even mentioned the matter, why is it to go to the Maoxiong? This is not as clear as you can imagine, but there is no need to explore anything!

Dingyu is not a child. He needs to report to his parents!Of course, this is a way of saying that Ding Yu doesn't need to report anything to do? He is not a member of the system, not to mention the fact that he went to Maoxiong? How many have so some conjectures, must be because of the consortium!

What's more, it has many advantages for China to solve the problem of Lao maozi earlier. Why do you say so?

Ding Yu's order has come down! They have even been sent to Ding Yu's hand. The question is when Ding Yu will report!

Waiting for Ding Yu to handle all the things in his hand and then return to the capital is not so likely. However, after Ding Yu went to the hairy bear, he did not have many excuses. If he delayed in the future, it would be Ding Yu's problem! We can use this to make trouble. I believe Ding Yu also knows the seriousness of it!

Of course, Ding Yu may not care, but the person who sent this order to Ding Yu is the chief!

If Ding Yu deliberately shirks, then who will be hit in the face, we will naturally know in our hearts!

So now people are happy that Ding Yu's going to laomaozi's side is happening. They are worried about Ding Yu's going to laomaozi. After all, if you don't go, when will you be able to return to the capital?

There is no domestic response to this matter. Maoxiong also warmly welcomed the news of Ding Yu's visit. During the time of cooperating with Ding Yu's consortium, they have made great profits, especially the farm, which has provided them with too much convenience. Even a few words of thanks can be made clear!

Now Ding Yu is coming, which is a good thing. Although it may have nothing to do with his family, Ding Yu has not been able to come here for a year! The farm doesn't mean to be involved in the family affairs of Mao bear. Why are such friends not welcome!

However, some people welcome it, and naturally some people feel irritable!

According to the news, Ding Yu will go to Maoxiong in three days! This NIMA's? Can't the other owls make it better? You Ding Yu didn't mean to play with everyone, did you?

"Hall, has the message been verified?"

In a slightly dark room, three people get together again! We all know the news that Ding Yu wants to go to the hairy bear. However, no one thought that it was not long before their negotiation time. Ding Yu suddenly made this decision. We should know that they have not even started to prepare for this aspect!

"According to the news, Ding Yu is ready for this! The three of us talked about the news. We made full preparations in advance, and we haven't even started to make specific deployment. Ding Yu wants to get the information, which is impossible at all! Unless one of the three of us defected

However, other people may rebel, but the three of them will not believe it even if they say so!

"I don't quite understand why Ding Yu suddenly made this decision?" Lin Kebai can't understand. Ding Yu's decision is too sudden! I have made quite a plan here, but having a plan is one time thing, and the specific implementation is another. It takes time!

If you say it's on your own land, it may be a little better, but the problem is that it's not in your own land at all! Three days! Even if you want to do it, what if there is a mistake?

"What's your opinion?" Link felt his head was a little swollen, and he was a little upset for a moment. He didn't know what kind of decision he should make. Under such circumstances, he could only expect the performance of the other two people!

Bill was also helpless to shake his head. "Ding Yu hit us by surprise. Although we know that he went back to the Maoxiong side, but in everyone's feelings, that was at least a month, or even longer time later, but now he suddenly made this decision, a little abrupt!"

"I know something about it!" Link's posture is a little lazy and casual! Obviously, they haven't reflected from the bad news. "Ding Yu's attack on the Hong family must be clear to all of you. However, due to Ding Yu's special ability, they let Ding Yu teach in the Party school for a period of time! Ding Yu's sudden hairless bear has something to do with it

"To be specific, Ding Yu wants to ease the relationship. In addition, quite a number of people went to visit Ding Yu earlier. Actually, it is the process of Ding Yu's selection. There are not so many people to satisfy everyone's appetite."

Things have been said very clearly, no one will doubt Ding Yu's training ability!

Not only in China, but also in their own side, there are quite a number of personnel!

Why can the matter be inquired into so clearly, this is not simple? If you can't stare at Ding Yu, can't you stare at other people? It doesn't mean that you can't get any information from other people if you can't find out from Ding Yu!"I heard Dashan and Tanaka went to see Ding Yu earlier!"

Links measured it for a while, and his expression was so strange! I can see that hall and bill are also slightly different. What's the situation? Is there anything difficult about this old guy? Or is there something wrong with this?

"There are not too many problems! There are no other specific circumstances involved! "

For this point, link's heart is also secretly scolded! I really don't envy or even care about other things. But the only thing that makes me feel a little itchy is Dashan's thing. If it is my own, what will happen?

But link is very clear, this matter is not realistic at all, he will not go to Ding Yu, similarly, Ding Yu will never give his diagnosis and treatment, the entanglement between everyone is a knot in one's heart!

He does not believe in Ding Yu, similarly Ding Yu will not believe in himself!

Faced with such a farfetched explanation, bill and hall both expressed some interest, but neither of them wanted to mention it. Link still didn't explain it. That's his thing!

But link looked at the two of them. He was very dissatisfied. He said a few words in black face, and then he was silent! And after bill and hall knew the situation, they finally understood! Why isn't link's face so beautiful? I'm afraid it would be the same if it were for them!

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