"I'll go!" Qu he and Yang Chen looked at the weapons and conditions there, and they both felt silly! The whole person all has so some dullness for a moment, it takes a long time to wake up!

Security for two people to do specific debugging and sorting! Let them adapt to their clothes and equipment to the maximum extent! There will be no drag!

"Are we going to wear these weapons and equipment, too?" Yang Chen asked tentatively! Under the heart has so many small joyful, also some slightly excited! After all, these weapons and equipment are very advanced!

Security with a very strange look at Yang Chen, this is not a typical knowingly asked? If you don't wear it, why do you have to debug it? Isn't this a typical knowingly asked question?

Qu he thought for a while, "I can't master these weapons and equipment completely." To be honest, we should know that the situation is different from that in the past. Our Kung Fu is OK, but the weapons and equipment are much worse!

Don't think the movie is real! Are you kidding? Pick up the gun can be used, want to fart to eat! Qu he doesn't mean that he won't at all, but if he is on the battlefield, he may not be as good as Yang Chen. At least Yang Chen has received systematic training in this respect, and Qu he begins to contact with Ding Yu only after he comes to Ding Yu's side!

So Qu he is still a primary school student to a certain extent! It's not an equal level at all!

"This is your weapon and equipment!" The security guard took Qu he's weapons and equipment, "you are not responsible for Sir's security work, but your situation is special. There is no absolute security on the battlefield. It is particularly important to protect yourself!"

After all the clothes are finished, there are not too many changes on Qu he's body! At most, it looks bloated, with a not so big briefcase in your hand!

Compared with Qu he, Yang Chen is a good hand, but his weapons and equipment are not much more than Qu he!

"Assistant Qu, how do you feel a little exaggerated! What do you say? "

"You ask me, I ask who? I don't have any experience in this area, OK? " Qu he took off his earphone. Compared with the past, he had a lot of things on his body, but it was not a special burden. He just didn't know what Yang Chen felt like?

"That's the same Yang Chen has heard about this aspect and has seen quite a few files. But speaking of it, the real contact is also the first time! This feeling is naturally a little different!

But in Qu he's eyes, Yang Chen is a little over excited! I don't know if I should remind him, but after thinking about it, I gave up! At least Mr. Zhang did not mention this aspect! Don't talk too much!

"Sir Yang Chen is still in the training ground, but Qu he has turned back!

"Come back!" Ding Yu's expression is very insipid, "the smell of gunsmoke on the body is still a little strong!"

"I tried it twice. I didn't have much interest, and I couldn't use it well! At most, they can use it! "

"It's not a bad thing to be single-minded!" Ding Yu put down the paper and pen in his hand, "guns are better than fists, which can't be denied. Moreover, guns are relatively simple. Kung Fu is too slow to learn, and can't achieve anything. However, the Kung Fu of fists and feet never ends! The same is true of guns! One is internal improvement, the other is external improvement! "

At this point, Ding Yu has a very clear understanding! I have never felt that there is anything wrong with swords and guns. In the hands of soldiers, defending the country, burning, killing and plundering in the hands of villains have different effects! Therefore, we can't deny that swords and guns are wrong. In different hands, the meaning is different!

"Do you have any doubts?"

"Yes, sir. I feel very confused by my previous experience. Now it is happening again. I don't know how to deal with it!" When he said this, Qu he didn't have any selfish intention, that is to say it truthfully!

"So? What do you want to know? " Ding Yu said with some fun! "Or what kind of response do you think should be done at this time? Let's hear it! "

"Sir, don't say I'm worried. I think it's better to be calm."

"You are careful, but there is nothing wrong with it! Just keep this careful! " Ding Yu looked at Qu he carefully. "Earlier, someone mentioned to me, why not leave you to Ding Yun or Ding Chang, but to me Wang An?"

Ah? How did you get involved in this problem?

"In general, I don't like to interfere in personal choice. You choose Wang An. It's your business. I can intervene forcibly. But if you don't, why do you have to?"

"I see!" Qu he suddenly jumped up, jumping a little high. Ding Yu just glanced at it without any other action. He gave him so many hints, and now he just responded!

A little disappointed!

"Yes, director king!" After calming down his mind, Qu he couldn't help but shiver, "Sir, director Jin is back! Only he can make me feel palpitating. This is your territory. No one dares to do so. At least, no one dares to do it without your consent! ""You're very proud of me Ding Yu snorted, "he is not dissatisfied with you. At most, he doesn't choose Ding Yun and Ding Chang, but he has a little opinion about Wang An. But if you can't continue to improve, I don't think Jin will give you a good look! He is very careful at this point

"Yes, sir, I will not fail to live up to your expectations, and I will not disappoint director Kim!"

"I'm not disappointed. It's not so important. When you come here, I need to be responsible for you. I hope everyone is like a dragon, and I never mean to be humble. However, you should be aware that some things I can't teach you are not due to identity and other reasons!"

"Sir, I understand!"

Qu he really knows that his own Kung Fu has not been successfully practiced, let alone other! What's more, some Kung Fu is not that you don't teach it to yourself, but if you practice it yourself, it will have a strong conflict with your own Kung Fu! In that case, the gain is not worth the loss!

"Is Yang Chen still very excited?"

Qu he thought about it for a while, then he spoke cautiously! "There are some! He should be the first time to participate in such a thing, so the heart inevitably a little bit impetuous! It's the same with me. It's just pressure. I believe Yang Chen will be able to adjust soon! "

Obviously, Qu he did this to protect Yang Chen!

"I'm afraid it won't be your turn to do it!" Ding Yu shakes his head! Some discontented hum! "It's not that they don't have their parents. Even their family members are more nervous and worried than you! What are you worried about? "

Qu he was stunned for a moment and then laughed bitterly. He was really worried too much! Yeah! Yang Chen is from the Department of emotion management, which is not a joke! The information management department will never let Yang Chen come here!


"I'm not so careful! It's not like that! " Ding Yu waved his hand, "before this, adjust your mood, otherwise you are a burden!"

"Yes Qu he did not make any guarantee, but his attitude is enough to explain all the problems!

After leaving Ding Yu's office, Qu he didn't stay in his office. Instead, he went back to his residence. Under the current situation, he continued to stay in the office, only to let his mind fly. Therefore, it is urgent to adjust and make himself a little more calm! Can't work hard!

Director Kim is back in person! He tried to find out whether he was satisfied or not. This is another matter. He didn't care about it. What he cared more was the meaning revealed behind the matter! Let oneself how many some chills!

Who is the chief executive? I still know it! Obviously, this time to go to laomaozi's side, is not a temporary thing!

There must be many other implications behind, but I don't know what will be involved. I'm worried about it!

Yang Chen came back a little late. When he came back, Qu he had already had a rest! Yang Chen was a little disappointed. He wanted to have a good communication with Qu he, but he didn't think that he had such an early rest today!

But in the morning, when Yang Chen got up, he felt a little tired, because he was a little too excited yesterday! As a result, I can't control myself very well for a while. On the training ground, some people will restrain themselves, but they just want to improve themselves better. As for ammunition, they never pay attention to it!

As long as you like! So Yang Chen had a good addiction!

Qu he is very sensitive to Yang Chen's smoke! Slightly wrinkled his nose, "Yang Chen, did you soak in the powder pile yesterday? The whole body is the smell of gunpowder smoke! Be careful, we are on the farm, not on the battlefield! Don't get too excited! "

Yang Chen has a little puzzled, looking at Qu he with the eyes of inquiry!

"It's not a good thing to be so excited! I had no such experience, but everything is the same. I had a rest early last night, but I couldn't fall asleep for a long time. I believe you should be the same. Now, you should keep a good attitude! "

Yang Chen was so stupid, "wait! It's not up to me to teach you a lesson. Sir, there was no action yesterday. Someone will warn you! " Qu he shakes his head, he has said it clearly!

To Qu he's surprise, the people from the emotional management department have come here, because they are not very confident about Yang Chen! Especially after hearing a lot of news, it is even more so!

Ding Yu didn't mean to make a move. It was a way of training itself, but the Department of emotion management could not let Yang Chen develop so vigorously! After all, Yang Chen's body is shouldering the expectation of the emotion management department!

This time, it was just a trip to Lao maozi. It was not a big thing. But Yang Chen couldn't hold his own mood. This is not a good thing. Under such circumstances, the intelligence department is also very worried about this! But they are a little anxious!Although Qu he has some emotional agitation, it is not too obvious!

From the perspective of vertical and horizontal comparison, Yang Chen still has more Quhe in many places. Think about it, this is not so strange, after all, Qu he was found by director Ding Yuding, and Yang Chen was forced to come over to a certain extent!

When Yang Chen came back, it was almost noon. When he saw Qu he, the expression on his face was somewhat ashamed. There was no way! My mother's family carefully analyzed the situation for myself, and I didn't even know what to say!

Is Qu he not nervous and excited? He is the same, but he can start to adjust himself at the first time. What about Yang Chen? He's from the intelligence department! Should reflect faster than the song crane, better is!

But what about the actual situation? On the contrary!

The so-called people die more than people, goods are still better than goods, this is not true at all!

Qu he looked at Yang Chen's dejected look. He felt so funny under his heart and motioned with his eyes! But he didn't speak. The gentleman was in the room! Don't say anything at this time!

I don't have the qualification to teach Yang Chen a lesson. I really treat Mr. Yang as a decoration! What's more, what's more, I've heard other meanings from my previous remarks. Obviously, I have some opinions and ideas about the Department of information management!

Yang Chen enters Ding Yu's office. Ding Yu is dealing with some business affairs. She met with Sasha on video earlier. She seems to be a little excited. After all, the situation there is quite different!

Ding Yu looked up and down at Yang Chen and snorted slightly!

"See your mother's family?"

This made Yang Chen blush a little, because compared with Qu he, he was a bit shameful. He looked at Qu he and then looked at himself. Although the time when they came to the director's side was quite different! But they have begun to show a considerable gap! I can be sure that the director does not have any bias, but it is precisely because of this that he is particularly ashamed!

"All right! I don't know who bullied you

"Sorry, chief! I let you down

"You are different from Qu he, how about him? You've been wandering in the lake for many years. You have considerable practical ability and rich experience. What about you? Qu Hewang is a master of science. Although Qu he is short of theory, he can start it as soon as possible, but you can't do it. You need to do some operation! "

"Director, I haven't calmed down yet!"

"Calm down, how old are you, emotion management department! It's a good idea, but I don't agree with the way. Tell the person to come and let him go quickly. I won't be angry. If you don't know how to teach, don't mix in. Otherwise, you will follow him away! "

Ding Yu didn't say anything nice!

Yang Chen is what situation, I still know, and it is because of this, I left him at the side of the position, the sentiment management department of these guys care about chaos, want to let their own adjustment, there are so some reluctant, all good things let you touch! What's the matter?

Yang Chen was so scared that he shivered! "Tell them, this time, never again!"

This is a very serious warning! Then Ding Yu took out his phone and dialed his uncle's phone! After the phone is connected, Ding Yu is not polite at all!

"Uncle, what do you mean? Think I have a problem? Or do you feel a little itchy? "

Su Quan heard his nephew's voice and knew that he must be angry! About this matter, there has been a considerable internal discussion, in this matter, Su Quan is not very good to express his opinions, so he called his nephew, Su Quan can only sigh!

"Boss, don't be so angry. What about this? We are also more concerned about it. The so-called care is chaotic. We really have no other meaning? How you understand

"Understand or not understand, this is my business!" Ding Yu's words are very straightforward, "I just don't want to care. What do you think? If you don't trust me, then take Yang Chen away. I don't have any opinions, since I'm here! Then don't stretch out your hand. I don't mind cutting off some people's paws! "

After saying that, Ding Yu dialed the phone, Su Quan listened to the busy tone inside the phone, the corners of his mouth were about to be angry!

Under such circumstances, what can you say? You can't say anything! His nephew is such a temper!

If you want to pacify his temper, you can't solve the problem in one sentence or two!

Obviously, this time for Yang Chen's protection, not only did not have the so-called effect, even had the counter effect! Oh! If you had known that, why did you have to do it in the first place?

I don't know how to deal with this matter now! It is necessary to hold a meeting together! After all, Ding Yu has already called himself. The one who must have rushed over all night should have been warned. His nephew will never give him any good looks!Even if you can't even see it, you'll get rid of it directly! Hi! What's this all about?

His nephew called, not because of these blood relations, but such a warning, absolutely will not have the next time! If anyone in the intelligence department did this again, what would be the result? It goes without saying!

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