The people from the Department of information management are worried and scared when they come!

It's just a small warning to Yang Chen. There's no other meaning, but I didn't expect director Ding to have such a violent reaction! This is so unexpected!

But according to the news from the headquarters! The intelligence department made a wrong judgment!

Director Ding Yuding is on purpose! He is tempering Yang Chen's temperament, not to say that Ding Yu can't see Yang Chen's problem! On the contrary, Ding Yu can see clearly, but he doesn't have any words! Why? Now the situation is very clear!

At such a time like this, it is the best time for Ding Yu to test Yang Chen's ability and to train Yang Chen!

But at such a critical moment, how can your intelligence and management department intervene?

If there are any problems in the future because of such things, who will settle the accounts?

Is it on Ding Yu's head? Or is it on the head of the intelligence department?

This question is really not easy to answer! At least the intelligence department is not good to answer this question! Since all the people have been handed over to Ding Yu's hand, you have come to this hand for the first time!

Now Yang Chen is out of such an embarrassing situation, the emotional management department has come! I can't miss it, but I'm studying in the director's side. What do you say? Mother's family want to correct their own problems and mistakes, say a little ugly words, their current behavior although can't say eat inside and outside, but it seems that it is not good to go there!

Ding Yu stares at Yang Chen for a period of time, "since you like it, I can't force you too much. Start tomorrow, you can continue training today! See what you can do! Even if it's just a matter of time! "

For Ding Yu's words, Yang Chen did not have any refutation, stand at attention! Then turn around and get ready to go out!

"Take Qu he and let him be your companion."

What about the intelligence department? Ding Yu doesn't care about this problem, and it has nothing to do with Ding Yu. However, they interfere with Yang Chen's affairs, which makes Ding Yu very unhappy! Now that I'm not happy! Then you can't show that you don't have any, can you?

But how to express their own problems and ideas, this problem is open to discussion!

It's definitely not Ding Yu's style, and he won't do it. It seems that it's not appropriate for him to light ghost fire and fan Yin Feng behind his back, especially at this time! But Ding Yu is definitely not the kind of person who is slapped and has to extend the other half of his face!

Therefore, if this matter is pressed down temporarily, the longer it takes, the more obvious the advantage may be for yourself, but who knows? Maybe it's just a joke that Ding Yu amuses himself!

Ding Yu doesn't pay any attention to it, but the intelligence department, even the capital, is very concerned about this matter. After all, Ding Yu's coquettish operation is quite a lot. This guy is not as honest as he imagined!

At this time, no one wants Ding Yu to have any so-called Sao operation, so the pressure of the emotional management department is suddenly increased! Obviously, this is Ding Yu's dessert. It must be like this! Otherwise, how can the news spread?

We should know that the intelligence and governance department is a department of violence, and it is also one of the violent departments. It has always been a kind of true color. We have always been far away from this department. But now we are making trouble together, what does it mean? It is self-evident!

Ding Yu is on purpose. He is telling the intelligence department that you want to have a try?

Within the scope of the rules, Ding Yu can play a lot of tricks, which is certain! Moreover, as long as it does not exceed the scope allowed by the rules, Ding Yu has always been unscrupulous, which is obvious to all. Outside the rules, Ding Yu is very calm when dealing with things!

The so-called calm, on behalf of Ding Yu is a very abide by the rules of the people, of course, if someone does not abide by the rules, then what will Ding Yu do? This is another thing! Can't be compared!

When Qu he and Yang Chen sit on the car, Yang Chen is a little depressed!

"Assistant Qu, am I a little too floating?"

"It's not bad. Relatively speaking, I envy you very much."

"How do I feel that there are other ambiguities in this statement?" Yang Chen looks at Qu he suspiciously! "And, in retrospect, your reaction is a little strange! Yesterday, you went to bed a little early! "

"You! Too young! " Qu he explained, but this explanation did not help Yang Chen! "But today, the director is obviously not very happy, not against you. The director deliberately indulges you. He hopes to see what kind of performance you will have in this matter, and then focus on adjustment. In this regard, you are quite different from me!"

"Why?""I'm from Wang An, but it's extremely inappropriate and inappropriate to go to Wang An's side now. Because I'm not competent, I need to stay with Mr. Wang. But you are different. In the future, you need to return to the intelligence department. Therefore, the development direction of our two people is quite different."

Yang Chen didn't understand this!

"Say so! I may need to go to the information management department for experience in the future, but I just want to familiarize myself with your methods. I even go to other departments to get familiar with it. I need to know the corresponding process. I believe you will do the same. The basis for dealing with the same things and dealing with different departments is to have a certain understanding and communication! "

"I seem to understand a little bit!"

Yang Chen is not a fool, Qu he has said so clearly! How could he not know!

"But I didn't expect you to think so much of it!"

"Hi! Wandering in the upper reaches of the river and the lake, you need to deal with all aspects. Whether it's above or below, you need certain communication, but the way of communication is completely different! If you say you don't understand and adopt the same method, then the result is absolutely the difference between heaven and earth, and even good things can turn into bad things. Can you understand what I say? "

"I can understand more or less. I finally understand why the director is so educated in the office!"

"Just understand!" I've never been able to take care of the spirit of the river and river. I don't think it's easy for me to take care of the spirit of nine steps. I don't think it's easy for me to take care of them! But you are different! You haven't learned how to deal with all kinds of people. It's a very difficult thing, and of course, it's easy! "

"It's about me. Can I put it on my face, right?"

After parking the car, Qu he didn't get off the bus immediately. Instead, he laughed at Yang Chen. "This problem depends on you, not on others. If you can think about it, it's the best. I believe you can make this choice, of course, you can not make this choice!"

When he came to the training ground, Qu he was the same as before, because his mind had been calmed down, but Yang Chen was different. His mind was still a little confused. And judging from this meaning, I'm afraid it's hard to recover for a moment and a half!

Qu he can also understand why the director is so angry. If it is his own, I'm afraid he will be furious! Yang Chen could have digested all this in the fastest time!

But who would have thought that the emotional management department would have a hand in hand and let Yang Chen eat so many things out of thin air. Now it's OK! Yang Chen appeared indigestion, what do you say to do?

This is absolutely not to eat two Jianwei Xiaoshi tablets can solve!

Always waiting for the evening, Qu he and Yang Chen came to leave the training ground. When they came back, Yang Chen was almost helped back by Qu he! But the next morning, the two of them sorted out their emotions! The first time to follow the director's position!

Don't even need to say anything, because the security attention around Ding Yu shows all the problems!

We don't hang them on their bodies with guns, but as long as you have no problems with your eyes, you can see that all the security guards are bulging. Even behind quite a few people, there is a backpack, a typical backpack tactical vest! As for what they have in their bags, it's another matter!

I can imagine what kind of noise these things will cause if they are all taken out! As for Yang Chen and Qu he, there are no backpack tactical vests on their bodies, but they are all thicker than usual, and the briefcases in their hands are slightly larger!

When they went to the railway station, they went through a special passage. If they took the ordinary passage, what kind of consequences would it cause? It's just unimaginable. Ding Yu and his group of people, the alarm will be continuous!

No other outsiders can be seen in the carriage. This is not all. There are still a group of people who have already started this morning! They should be on the plane to bear by now! Of course, special planes and airliners will accept these people, but basically they will not accept these weapons and equipment. Some are too shocking!

Ding Yu took a book and looked at it carefully. It seems that he didn't put the trip in his heart! For myself, it's not the first time, and it will never be the last!

"Assistant Qu, do you feel that these security personnel have become a little different?"

At ordinary times, Yang Chen also had a considerable contact and communication with these security guards, but today they suddenly changed a face, completely different! This kind of difference makes people a little unprepared!

Identity verification, password! Password and so on, security measures are beyond imagination, but also beyond the specification!"Director?" Yang Chen looked at Ding Yu and asked in a low voice!

"What? Are you nervous? " Ding Yu did not put down the books in his hand!

Of course, Yang Chen saw the books in Ding Yu's hand, which should be the handwritten version. However, he couldn't understand which version it was. He knew all the characters on it. But when they were combined, he felt very confused. Besides, the director was a Taoist, and he knew it! However, some of the director's practices are too obviously different from his own understanding of Taoism!

"Director, I just don't understand!" Point to the book in Ding Yu's hand! After obtaining the consent of Ding Yu, Yang Chen went on to say! "Director, you are the inheritance of Taoism, but it gives me the feeling that Taoism should not be like this!"

"You want to say that home is too tolerant, and even lose its own flavor! Does that mean? "

Ding Yu summed up Yang Chen's words! That's why it's said!

"Yes! What's more, I haven't seen too many Taoist sermons! What's more, what Taoists learn seems to be all inclusive, but in fact, it is too messy, and even many people have no clue about it! "

"What you said is that there are problems, and they are very big. I am a Taoist, and naturally I am aware of the problems. But I am just a inheritor. I have my own understanding of Taoism and also have my own pursuit. This pursuit is diverse, whether it is medicine! There are also some miscellaneous skills in martial arts. I have studied and dabbled in them. But it is ridiculous to say that I inherit all of them! Even to say that I stand on a certain height is a ridiculous thing

"Director, I think, you are unprecedented, and there is no one after you!"

"The horse's shot is a little too much! My situation is a little different from others, but to say that I am unprecedented has never come after. This is not a compliment, but a kind of contempt. I can't do as the ancients do now. As for the comers? Who knows? There are so many big people in the world. You may not be able to contact them, but it doesn't mean that there is no such thing! "

"Director, is there anything better than you?"

"What are the ancients? They create a road, a road that no one has ever walked through, and then the people behind them will improve it. Of course, there will be detours. This is an inevitable thing, but quite a few people will correct it, and then continue to go on. If you think about such things, you can feel the blood surging

Ding Yu had a little yearning, "what about me now? Just walking on the road! How did the ancients come out of this road? I even have some unimaginable ideas. Even modern science has no way to explain it. But in the ancient environment, what kind of brilliant light did they shine? "

Yang Chen also lost his mind for a long time. "Director, why have you never lost yourself?"

"You look up to me! I also lost myself, and lost for quite a long time. I couldn't find any goal, let alone the problem of direction! During that time, the whole person was very stiff. Although I had done a lot of things, in retrospect, I even felt a little ridiculous! "

"Don't you, director?"

Qu he was a little silent. Although he had been around for a long time, he didn't know so much about the situation. Although quite a lot of information was open to him, Qu he didn't read it like a curious baby!

Relatively speaking, Qu he is wandering in the river and lake! For some understanding of nature is different!

I can't say I'm cautious. I can only say that I've been wandering in the river and lake for so many years. I have some personal experience!

So when Mr. Qu mentioned this matter today, Qu he was very attentive!

"When I just came out of the army, you should have read quite a lot of information!"

Yang Chen nodded. The director's information in the army is top secret. In any case, as far as he knows, there should not be too many people who can read it! Even I suspect that now only exist on paper data, as for other related information, has never been uploaded! I'm afraid it will leak out!

"I was very confused at that time. I didn't know what I was doing. Everything seemed to be fighting for money, but in fact? Is that a goal? Not at all! Now think of it, even a little ridiculous, but now? It can't be said that we have found the goal or the direction, but only in the process of argumentation! "

Listening to Ding Yu's words, Qu he and Yang Chen looked at each other!

"Director, why don't you lose yourself in the process? If it had been us, I'm afraid we would have gone out of our wits

"You have not been to the battlefield. If you have been to the battlefield, you will feel different naturally! It's like that after you go to work, you will feel something after you have a good understanding of some of the problems! If you can condense! Summarize, then reflect! The situation is different! And what about the battlefield? It's crueler than you thinkSome things, even now Ding Yu, are not willing to mention it!

"Director, are there corpses all over the road?"

"Many people want to embark on this road. There are sacrifice, dedication, and even stagnation. There are everywhere, and there are corpses everywhere. This description is really not so appropriate!"

Obviously, what did Ding Yu say? There's a taste of moderation! "But I don't really recommend that you take this road. It's not suitable, because you've already formed a pattern! Now if you want to take this road, you will eventually become "monsters"! A very cold monster! If you become a monster, you will lose humanity to a certain extent! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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