
This word is not a commendatory word, even with a considerable derogatory meaning!

But think carefully, to a certain extent, the director is really very evil, using monsters to describe him is so inappropriate, but it is not so excessive!

But just think about it in your heart! If you really speak out, what will happen? Nobody knows! Talking about the director in front of the director? Even if you want to find shoes to wear, you don't have to do this! Or really float, also need not be in front of Ding Yu's face! Embarrass yourself!

"Director, we just didn't think of it!"

"The process is too difficult, and you all have your own work. I don't object to it as a hobby. But if you really go deep into it, it's hard to wake up. Qu he, you should know something about it! If Yang Chen doesn't understand, you can explain it! "

Ding Yu picked up the Sutra in his hand again and looked at it carefully. Qu he didn't mean to explain it to Yang Chen immediately! He is also thinking, such a thing is absolutely not a word two words can explain clearly! I need to think about how to explain to Yang Chen!

After getting off the train, a line of vehicles directly drove to the platform, but there was not too much alarm, because the situation was different, not to mention Ding Yu did not want to disturb everyone! What if we make too much noise? Show your identity?

This kind of Pediatrics, there is no need!

Over at the airport? Everything is ready, security has received considerable news, even on the airport side there are quite a number of personnel stationed, after all, Ding Yu went to Lao maozi's side of the matter, is not trivial, but Ding Yu does not care about such things!

Once driving, there is no pause at all. It just stops under the plane! Two landlines are ready!

Yang Chen and Qu he both had some twitches at the corners of their mouths! But Ding Yu looked at the people waiting there, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly!

"Director Ding!" After seeing Ding Yu get off the bus, a middle-aged man stepped up quickly! However, Ding Yu's travel is not a strange thing to see!

The knapsack tactical vest, as well as the bag and briefcase in his hand, all the visitors have some doubts. Is Ding Yu going out to fight a big battle? Otherwise, how could he carry so many weapons and equipment with him?

However, after careful consideration, you will know that this is really Ding Yu's style!

Or Ding Yu is helpless to make this choice, which involves too many problems and situations! People with a little bit of power know what kind of situation and situation it is! There's no harm in being careful!

"How can you work? Everyone has a heart! "

"Director Ding, I dare not!" The people who came to talk to Ding Yu with a smile. There were quite a few people behind, but the number was not so many. But if you take one out and stamp on it, it may shock the province twice!

"There's no big deal, just go and see what's going on over there, and let's all get tired of it!"

Shake hands with others, and then get on the plane! The director can not shake hands with anyone else! You know, director Ding is not a true color!

You've been to the farm many times! But when did you see director Ding? It's not that Ding Yu pretends to be arrogant, but that director Ding has no interest in official career!

Today, it's rare for director Ding to be happy. He shook hands with everyone and even said a few words. That's OK! At least let everybody feel very satisfied! In front of Ding Yu, it's better not to compare too much!

"Sir, the plane is ready! You can take off at any time! "

Ding Yu fastened his seat belt, still holding a book in his hand. It was a little quiet and calm. The two planes took off one after another, until he saw the plane take off! The people down here are leaving!

"Sir A cup of coffee for Ding Yu seems to be a little incongruous. If you have a cup of tea at this time, it may be more artistic, but this is Ding Yu's personal preference!

Because of their different identities, Yang Chen and Qu he have a lot of space for activities. However, they don't mean to wear around. They are joking. Although they have such privileges, it doesn't mean that they really don't understand. Isn't it intentional to provoke the security when they do this at this time?

"Assistant Qu, I didn't quite understand that before."

Qu he, sitting opposite Yang Chen, looks at the sky outside. It is blue, but there is no cloud! It is to let their mood out of thin air a lot of good, such a scenery is rare to see!

"Yang Chen, you're not from martial arts training background, so you don't have a deep understanding of some of the problems and situations. Don't look at the so-called fake tricks. They don't have much effect. What about real martial arts practitioners? It is merciless to start with, and there is very little so-called leniency. Of course, there are exceptions at this level, sir! ""What do you mean?" Yang Chen is very puzzled to ask a way! "I've dealt with those security guards. I admit that I can't beat them. It's a fact, but I don't feel anything special about it."

"Two schools, one? It's homicide. What about the other? It's used for self-cultivation. The so-called killing skill is different from competitive sports. It's quite different from what you've learned. What you pursue is a kind of extreme, life and death! It is almost such a situation, in that case, the pursuit is the ultimate! But people who embark on this road, basically do not have too many good endings! Especially modern! Almost extinct

Yang Chen's eyes twitch. Naturally, he knew this truth. He thought about it and felt that there was something terrible about it!

"But it's not the most terrible thing. When are you holding the knife? It's the knife that controls you. No one can say it clearly. Calm or crazy? Anyway, as far as I know personally, not many people can calm down, many people have been crazy! Regardless of the enemy or the enemy, to a certain extent, they can not tell whether they are human beings

"What else?" Yang Chen exclaimed!

"It's natural. The so-called God is such a situation. It's as cold as a stone on the Ninth Heaven! They pursue the ultimate, but the problem is that this extreme road is too harsh! Harsh to the end, no one to go this way, because again by human relations, contrary to heaven! Of course, there is another reason, that is, this road can not go down! "

Qu he took back his eyes and continued to say, "so now many people are following the path of self-cultivation, which does not violate human relations and natural principles, and even does not do much harm to themselves. But how can we say that? Now people are not so pure, how can not bear hardships! So there are not many people who can get through this road! "

"Suffering? Assistant Qu, isn't that a little wrong? "

Qu he snorted coldly, "you must have a so-called misunderstanding about suffering. Suffering and being poor are two things! This is what the director told me! What about suffering? It refers to focusing on all your abilities, tapping your potential and giving up entertainment for some people! Give up social contact, give up your own consumption life, bear the ignorance and misunderstanding of you in this process, and control yourself, which is suffering! "

This words let Yang Chen ponder deeply for quite a long time! No more words!

Give up entertainment, give up social contact, give up their own consumption life! If it's your own, did you do it yourself? It seems that there is no such thing at all, and I still have to bear the so-called misunderstanding! How can you survive!

However, with the input of sunlight, shining on Yang Chen's face, Yang Chen suddenly flashed a glimmer of enlightenment!

"Assistant Qu, do you think the director has been asking himself for a long time?"

Qu he did not immediately answer, but looked at Yang Chen, "no wonder Mr. Chen said, you are still a bit lucky, this is really something that no one else can envy!"

"The director can do it, but the director knows what relaxation means. He never slackens himself when he should do it, and never force himself when he shouldn't. at this point, I can't be strict with myself. I can't reach that level. You don't have the need to force yourself to go into the abyss !”

Yang Chen took a deep breath! "It's inhuman

"What you want to strive for is to understand what the director said about monsters. The so-called" learn from me, live like me and die like me ". This statement is still very clear. It is also the result of years of experience and experience. Of course, you can understand this sentence in reverse. It makes sense in any way, but the question is whether you can summarize yourself from it!"

"No matter how I understand it, it's hard for me to come out of this road!"

Yang Chen said truthfully, "so I still think what the director said is very clear and clear. If that happens, I will really become a monster. I still think I should forget it? I think it's good for me to be a person! "

"Man! If you can't cut off seven passions and six desires, you are not a human being! Although it's a little early to tell you about this, I think it's necessary to mention it to you. It's like Sir, he has never done this before! Sometimes it's too much, but it's absolutely not out of line! "

"Assistant Qu, isn't this a bit critical of director Ding?"

"You think too bad, even think a little too much. All these things are known to you. The question we are discussing now is what kind of road you are going to take in the future. Don't let the road run out! You should know my origin. In fact, I was on the opposite side of my husband at the beginning, but I was just right about things, not people! I never underestimate you, even if you are the same. I never feel that I will always be higher than you. You can't do it now. It's just that you don't have much experience. After you have considerable experience, I can't do it! "

"Assistant Qu, you're a little self belittling!" Yang Chen talked to me!"It's really not. Although you are a professional, you are not stupid in reading! Reading is the fastest way, and it's a fairly fair way. It's also a sunny road. But many people throw away their books and put the cart before the horse after they go on the road! "

"Assistant Qu, is this all taught to you by your husband?"

"Sir, it will be mentioned, but that? Mr. Zhang should have mentioned you quite well, but the way to mention it with you and with me is different! Our situation is different from each other, so the way of teaching is also different, and the way we learn is also different! At this point, I admire you very much

"There is also a point, the truth is correct does not mean that it will be able to pass, but the line must be reasonable!"

This words let Yang Chen also have some confusion, although the words are slightly vulgar, but said let himself do not know how to refute! When Yang Chen fell into meditation, Qu he went to see Ding Yu!


Under the sign of Ding Yu, Qu he sits on the sofa!

"Yang Chen! If the intelligence department doesn't fill in the ingredients for him, it won't be like this! " When talking about this, Ding Yu felt that his teeth were itching again! "Jingnao, I don't know what they think! What's the matter? Do they think I will throw Yang Chen into the fire pit? "

"Sir, we and they are also very concerned about Yang Chen. The so-called care is chaotic!"

Extra words, Qu he does not want to say, is not suitable to say!

But Ding Yu listened to Qu he's words and snorted, "you can talk, OK! Yang Chen's affairs let him slowly to wake up! But don't let him know this time! I don't know what it will be like! He! The fixation is not as good as you at this point, so it's better to perform in a real way! If you know too much, it's easy to show off! "

"Don't blame me, sir When he said this, Qu he took a deliberate look at Ding Yu, and then said, "Yang Chen's current state is very ordinary. If something happens to him under the current situation, it will have a great impact on him, and he may be unable to recover."

Ding Yu rubbed the tip of his nose with his hand! It's just a habitual action, without any other meaning, "I know what you said! Let's not say how things will develop. It's an opportunity for Yang Chen and the same for you. I hope you can cherish this opportunity. It's hard won! "

"Yes, sir, I see!"

However, when Qu he talks, he can't help being stunned when he sees the scenery outside the window, because a fighter plane appears not far away, and even deliberately shakes the wings of the fighter plane twice! Obviously, this is a welcome to Ding Yu!

Ding Yu also got a hint from the captain. Ding Yu said hello to the pilot! Although the space, but between each other is still very tacit understanding! The driver also made a welcome gesture with Ding Yu!

"What are they, sir?" Qu he is a little sluggish. He has never experienced such a situation, or even heard of it! It's really eye opening!

"There are two ways of saying escort, one is courtesy, the other is? It's respect. It's a bit exaggerated to respect this, so what we do now! At most, even if it is a kind of courtesy, the consortium has a very good cooperation with this side, providing a lot of jobs, but also solving a lot of problems. Of course, we have also made a lot of profits, which are mutual! "

"That's too much of an exaggeration." Qu he still can't reflect it!

"Cooperation is mutual. Do you do business? Reputation is very important, even more important than interests! If you don't have credibility, you won't have partners who are willing to cooperate. Moreover, I always don't agree with the so-called "one family dominates, one family dominates"? Will let oneself fall into blindness and arrogance among, and have no competitor, also can let oneself slack down! It seems to dominate everything, but in fact? There are so many disadvantages! "

Qu he was a little confused about this, but he didn't immediately ask questions. Such questions need to be considered by himself. It's not that the director will explain everything to himself, so he will chew the bread! What's the difference between feeding it into your mouth? You should learn to eat bread alone!

Yang Chen's side is a bit numb, but look at the security not far away, they are very stable, they are not like themselves at all, and even their buttocks have left their seats. To be exact, Yang Chen has never had such treatment and experience!

So today to see everything, a little bit excited, even a little bit of impulse!

But this impulse to come fast, go is also relatively fast! Even now, Yang Chen is a little depressed!

The two airplanes outside did not give themselves this courtesy, but gave the director this courtesy. They just touched the light!

However, Yang Chen soon calmed down his mind. Can the director do this? That's because he's the director! He did such a result, of course, he will not dream of the future when he also do this level!It's unrealistic at all, but I can't delay the director and humiliate the director!

It's not more than an hour or two to get to the border of Maoxiong, but it takes a day to get to the capital! But the outside plane never left! At most, I changed two planes to continue the escort! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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