"Link, I've already deployed quite a few people, but the time is too urgent! It can't be deployed at all! You need to think of something else! "

Bill is smoking, very impatient, because Ding Yu is already on the plane of the hairless bear! What's more, according to my own information, after entering the Maoxiong border, there will be two fighters escorting. This is not a joke!

What does the escort of two fighters mean? Bill knows better than anyone else!

It is impossible to beat Ding Yu down from the sky! What's more, it's the chassis of the bear. If it's above the ground, there's still some possibility. But in the air, don't even think about it!

Things on the ground can be covered up, but there is no way for you to cover things in the air!

What's more, you're really a fighter, aren't you? Their escort is a kind of courtesy, but from another point of view, it is for Ding Yu when bullets!

You have this ability, with you can start, this is two times! Don't mix it up!

"Anything else?" Old rink sat on the sofa and was not moved!

"What else?" Bill lit himself another cigarette. "And there's a little doubt about my actions! Hall and I both have quite a lot of action. The action is not big, but it is not small! It has attracted quite a lot of people's attention. Although this kind of attention is as far as possible, I can feel it! "

Link snorted and said, "bill, do you think this is good or bad?"

looked at Linke sitting there, Bill wrinkled up his brows. "It's hard to say," I can hardly tell what the force is, will there be Ding Yu's Eyeliner? All along, we have been very passive in this aspect, even cleaned many times, but the effect is not obvious at all! "

"Judging from the current situation, do you think Ding Yu has found out?" Link is very straightforward!

"No!" Bill said for sure! "I'm sure that if Ding Yu had feelings, he would not be so reckless at this time. Moreover, his staff would not be as reckless as before. I have basically mastered his present situation."

Link slightly nodded his head, and he had a grasp of the overall situation. Judging from the current situation, Ding Yu should not have known the news. If Ding Yu could know the news even in such a situation, he really did not know how to deal with it. He could only say that Ding Yu was a monster!

"It's not difficult to master Ding Yu's situation." Link for this time, is also very important, "but for us, the incident is a bit too sudden! But if you think about it carefully, it also conforms to Ding Yu's character! "

"What's more, he's bold in doing things, but it doesn't mean that he's really high minded and low handed. On the contrary, he's very cautious and careful. It seems a little contradictory, but in fact, it's very consistent with Ding Yu's personality setting!"

"Link, this may not be the best chance for us, even if we give up now!"

"I know, but missed this opportunity. Do we have another chance next time?"

In a simple sentence, Bill felt helpless. This time, they got the news earlier, so there was quite a time. But what about the next time? Will there be another chance like this next time? Opportunities are not always available!

Ding Yu's foundation is very thick now! If we let him continue to develop, who knows what will happen? So this time, even if they don't want to move, there is no way!

"If you miss this opportunity, it's really hard to say when the next one will be." Bill is not really upset! Just talk about the matter! "This is an opportunity, and it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but the problem is that Ding Yu came a little too soon! Let's be a little caught off guard! "

It's a real problem. It's also a very difficult problem!

What's more, there seems to be a lot of feeling about Bill's action now! It's just not to be alert!

"I don't have too many problems in mobilizing personnel now, but it is unrealistic or even impossible to use large-scale weapons!" Bill, open his hands! Very helpless appearance!

"Who do you think will be watching us?"

Bill didn't have any preparation for this question. If he had already reached the mouth, bill would have swallowed it back!

Besides Ding Yu, is there anyone else? But when you think about it carefully, it seems that there are really some, and there are quite a lot of them. You should know that there are not many hostile forces against Ding Yu, but there are definitely many!

So this thing is really worth exploring!

"Link, do you mean that someone has this feeling?" Bill hesitated for a moment before saying this, "but what kind of decision would they make if they knew it?""Ding Yu's power has grown too fast, and it has become a problem in everyone's heart! But Ding Yu is powerful, that is to say, it is here! Is this guy arrogant? He is very arrogant, even some despotic, but it seems not correct to say that he has made enemies everywhere, because he has a lot of friends

"No, it's OK to shoot Ding Yu, but if you do it to them, it's not as simple as trouble!"

Bill looked at link seriously. There was a warning! To Ding Yu, even if there are any problems and situations, you can save them, but you can't really save them! Over the White House? It's absolutely impossible to cover the bottom!

"I don't mean to fight them. If we do, it means that most of the consortia have already stood opposite to us. In this case, even if the country comes forward, we will become cross boundary mice, which is beyond doubt!"

Bill snuffed out his cigarette again. "You mean pull them in? It's impossible? What they can't do at all, although they and Ding Yu are hostile to each other, but take such measures, there will be no insurance between each other! I don't believe they will make such a choice either! "

"I didn't let them do it. I just need to let them do something. What do you think?"

Bill stood up and walked around the room. "If that's the case, we can talk about it, but how can we prevent the news from spreading! If you talk about it, it means that things are no longer confidential! Ding Yu's influence on our side can never be underestimated! "

"Just give me a hint! Let's go to the Maoxiong side to gather people. This is a common sense thing? "

Common sense? Bill stood his body and then nodded, "this is a reason and also a hint that Ding Yu went there. Are we indifferent? People who believe in understanding will naturally understand what this means! However, there are still some risks, and I still have a problem. The team on Ding Yu's side can't get in. However, there is not a big problem with the hairy bear! "

"I've thought about Ding Yu's question, and even tried it a lot, but it didn't have much effect. This guy is very cautious in this respect, and I don't know whether the intelligence department over there has played a considerable role."

This question? It's really hard to explain! It's common for us to send weasels to each other and even put weasels in each other's teams. Only those who have not been caught have never been caught clean!

With Ding Yu's consortium? Isn't holding his nose to recognize it?

This is the underlying rule, even Ding Yu has no way to resist! In the same way, did Ding Yu not succeed in this respect? Are you kidding? Do you really think that Ding Yu's intelligence all fell from the sky? It's impossible at all, but no one will bring such a thing to the surface!

However, there is one thing that is strange, that is, there is no weasel in Ding Yu's security team. So far, at least, he has not heard any news about this aspect, and I don't know whether it is hidden too deeply and has not been discovered? It's hard to say that no one can hide Ding Yu's vision!

In everyone's guess, more tend to the latter point!

Why do you have such a guess, and even deliberately explain this point, it is not to say that there is no reason at all!

If there are really weasels lurking around Ding Yu, what kind of crisis, what kind of intelligence and so on, these do not need, just need to lurk! If you really want to do it, it will kill you with one blow, and give Ding Yu no chance! Only in this way, is the most valuable!

But the question is, now it's time to give Ding Yu a fatal blow, weasel? Is it still not there? What's the reason for this? Is it necessary to explain and explain again?

To put it more bluntly, link and his people tried countless people and methods, but the effect was very little. Some of them mixed up with the consortia or even the farm, but Ding Yu's security team could not enter!

But if you give up because of this, no one will be reconciled! No one will agree!

One way is not good, so change another way!

As for now? Although there is no talent in this field, Ding Yu is in the Maoxiong side! We can't find out the details of Ding Yu, but can't we find out the details of the fur bear? Even in the reception team of Ding Yu, there are their weasels. All of Ding Yu's things will be in their attention, and there will be no omission!

"I'll have a try? In a few hours, Ding Yu's plane will land! We need to make preparations for some things in advance. Ding Yu will definitely meet the emperor there and stay for two days. In this case, Ding Yu and Shasha need to find a quiet place to meet! "

The relationship between Ding Yu and Shasha can be traced back to the beginning of Ding Yu's appearance. It can even be said that Ding Yu can have today's status. Shasha played a very important role, and sun Yingnan was recommended by Shasha!Under such circumstances, Ding Yu came to bear? Don't you want to be with Sasha?

Don't deny that Ding Yu may abide by his own principles, but there are exceptions to everything. Salsa is a weakness of Ding Yu. If you don't make good use of this opportunity, you are really sorry for yourself!

"Where are they going to date?"

"Two places? One is their original villa, and the other? It's the farm that was newly built. To be exact, it should be built by Maoxiong. But Ding Yu has never lived in it. But as far as I know, someone has already entered there! But it's a little later than our men! "

"Let hall prepare! Now that you have some action, don't waste it! We can't afford to waste it! "

When Ding Yu's plane landed, it was still sunny. There were not many people in the airport, and even quite a number of planes were hovering in the air. They all needed to make way for Ding Yu's two planes!

When Ding Yu got off the plane, several fighters went through the field! Ding Yu is very interested in this! I didn't expect the bear to play so much here. Obviously, they did it on purpose!

"Thank you, Mr. Minister."

"Mr. Ding, this is the president's special account, you are our good friend, the president is waiting for you!"

Ding Yu shakes hands with the visitors to meet! The atmosphere was very friendly! Then Ding Yu also got on the limousine which had been prepared for a long time. Obviously, Mao Xiong knew that Ding Yu was not a person who liked to show off!

It means that you can be polite, but there is no need to be big! It will even arouse the antipathy of Ding Yu!

However, in terms of security, we have reached a considerable contact with Mao Xiong at this time. Although we have made quite a report before we come here, we can't be careless after we come here!

All weapons and equipment have been checked, and there is no slack because Ding Yu is a guest! Because Ding Yu is a guest, he deliberately releases water. After all, he carries so many weapons and equipment. It's not a joke!

Ding Yu met with the emperor. They had a very good talk. They talked about the farm. However, Ding Yu could clearly feel that the emperor was very interested in expanding the scale of the farm!

Ding Yu is also very cooperative in this regard. One of the main purposes of his coming here is the same!

Although the plan may not be effective until a few years later, the two leaders have made a decision, and the rest will be easy to handle! Ding Yu is not an insatiable greedy person, and although the great emperor is strong, it does not mean that he does not understand what is gentle!

Even two people also have dinner together, Ding Yu is once again surprised the emperor! The things on the table are basically covered by Ding Yu! The great emperor doubted whether Ding Yu was intentional or not?

Compared with Ding Yu, he is like a vegetarian rabbit, eating too little! Fortunately, Ding Yu didn't have any pursuit for wine. After a small cup, he put down the wine cup in his hand. But even so, what Ding Yu did made the emperor very happy!

Because after talking with the emperor and having dinner again, Ding Yu returned to the place where he stayed a little late!

"Sir, Miss Sasha's side has been delayed because of something quite different."

Ding Yu slightly nodded a head, for this matter is not so concerned, at least did not give any reaction!

After returning to the room, Ding Yu took off his coat and called Shasha personally!

"I'm Ding Yu. In the evening, the emperor asked why you didn't come here?"

Sasha is also a little angry! "Something happened to me. It was already ready, but there were some temporary changes. I need to deal with it, but it will take more than two days." But what is involved, Shasha did not make any mention with Ding Yu in the phone!

"Don't be so anxious. Just take care of your business. Do you want me to go there?"

"No more!" For this, Shasha has a very clear understanding of Ding Yu's identity, she is still clear, in the Maoxiong side, security can be absolutely guaranteed, there will be no problems and conditions!

But what happens when you come to yourself? It's really hard to say! I don't dare to make this guarantee at all!

After two simple words, they put down the phone. When Ding Yu put down the phone, the expression on his face was not as happy as expected, and even slightly black!

What's the purpose of coming here? It's just to see Sasha. I had said something good before I got on the plane, but now it happened! For Ding Yu, it's normal to be a little unhappy!

Ding Yu is not saying that he has no temper at all! But whose body will this temper vent in? Hard to say!When putting down the phone, Ding Yu washed and rinsed again, and then sat on the chair, obviously thinking about something quite! Sasha didn't come. It was a bit too much of a coincidence! It's obvious that some aspects are behind the scenes! That's for sure!

What is the purpose of procrastination now? This purpose is too clear, that is, I want to delay myself here, because I came here in a hurry! It leads to a serious lack of preparation there!

So what they are doing now has only one meaning, that is, they want to do it by themselves. If they don't want to do it to themselves, they won't have any action on Sasha. Just let Sasha come over!

Now Ding Yu is considering whether to make a plane directly by himself to have a look at Sasha. After hesitating for a little time, Ding Yu still thinks it's over! It's not really afraid of anything, mainly because of my current relationship with the British side? A little bit embarrassed, not as pleasant as I imagined!

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