"Director, you haven't had a rest yet?"

Yang Chen slightly puzzled, looking at Ding Yu sitting on the chair, he asked curiously! Because the director is a little quiet! Although he is usually the same, but this is not the domestic ah!

He and Qu he lived in the suite with the security because of their identity! Although it is a suite, but also a single room, in this point, the hotel is equipped with a very complete!

Think about it, it will never be an ordinary hotel to receive people like Ding Yu!

"No, I had a little wine tonight. The emperor had a little preference for it!"

Speaking of it, Ding Yu and the emperor can be said to be half a dozen. Why do you say so? Ding Yu ate more, but he didn't drink much wine. On the contrary, the emperor drank a lot of wine, but he didn't eat too much!

So it looks like two people have a draw!

"Director, do you want me to prepare something for you?"

"No! Why don't you go and have a rest? I'll take care of my business! "

There are some things that are not suitable for Yang Chen and Qu he. Just give them enough experience. There is no need to make their spirit too nervous. There is no need for them! I want to see what changes will happen next!

When Sasa's business is in place, and the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that this is a good way. Even in the past, taking appropriate measures against Sasha is simply a wrong move! Even a complete failure!

May cause to Ding Yu alert at the same time, but also expose themselves!

Why didn't you think about it earlier? Link hated himself so much that he couldn't help slapping himself! Time is too short, let their own thinking problems! Fortunately, there is still time to go!

"Bill, I have a new idea!"

"Link, what do you want?" Bill had a little smoke in his nose. He had been sleeping for less than six hours since he knew that Ding Yu was going to go to the bear. Basically, he didn't have much rest. After such a long time of thinking and operation, he was very angry!

For anyone, this time is not too easy!

"I think there's something wrong with our thinking?"

"What do you mean?" Bill could not help but hit a smart, "you mean, Ding Yu there has been prepared!"

Looking at Bill, link shook his head. Bill was under too much pressure! In fact, they are not good to go there!

"It's not about this. I mean, it's not the best choice to simply make trouble for Shasha. Previously, we had a deviation in our thinking. What do you think of creating some trouble for Ding Yu?"

"Are you kidding? Contact Ding Yu at this time? It's not as simple as playing with fire. We'll expose it! "

"Wrong understanding! I don't mean to go to Ding Yu for trouble at this time. To find trouble with him is to increase the risk of exposing us. I mean, what if we find something for Ding Yu to do? "

Hiss? Bill was stunned for a moment. Then he took out a cigarette for himself and smoked it quietly. He didn't mean to speak!

"Do you mean that Ding Yu's farm has considerable potential and even has a very good relationship with the great emperor! Under such circumstances, can we deepen our cooperation with each other? Does that mean? "

It has to be said that people standing in this position have several brushes!

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