"Link, hall and I have no time and energy to do these things. The idea you put forward is quite possible to operate, but you can only operate it yourself! And besides Bill and I, no one else is fit to sit in such a position

Bill has a very clear understanding of the contrast! Knowing things is not as simple as you can imagine!

If this thing is not handled well, it will alarm Ding Yu. What is the situation of disturbing Ding Yu? Such a problem is really hard to explain! There is no sense of shirking responsibility!

"Time is too short for us! It should be the best way I can think of in terms of the current situation, but the consequences will also be very serious! "

What are the serious consequences? Because link does this, even if something goes wrong, it won't let him do anything!

But the relationship network of Mao bear will be completely destroyed, which is certain!

And this action against Ding Yu will definitely make it difficult for them, and even the countries behind them, to walk on the side of the hairy bear in the future. This is for sure! No matter what they did to Ding Yu!

Don't I bear face? You've all come to my house to make trouble! Moreover, I am a very distinguished guest. Under such circumstances, I have to give you the so-called face. Why do you rely on it?

Just because you're the world's number one? It's like who's not the world leader! When I was the boss, you were as honest as quail! Will be behind the so-called little action!

Now I'm not the world leader! But I still have the confidence to challenge. If I don't believe it, try it!

Although bill is optimistic about this action, it doesn't mean that he has no estimate of the future situation! Not only has, but also has the quite clear understanding! Even bill is so afraid to imagine!

If there are any problems and conditions in this operation, what should be done then?

There won't be too much loss on my side. At most, I will throw out some scapegoats, but what will the cost be?

"I'll deal with this matter, but you and hall can have a look at the things over there!" Link quickly made a decision. There are two reasons why he told bill about this. Is the other one? I can't be distracted now. I need bill and hall to control some things!

"Yes! What's the opinion over there? " Link suddenly asked!

"Although their consortia are competitors of Ding Yu, they still have a hostile relationship! But obviously, they just feel something, we give a considerable reason, Ding Yu has gone to the bear, can't be as nothing happened! Isn't it? "

"So they backed off?"

"They kept silent. Judging from the situation, they should show some concern, but they will never participate in it. However, this is only under the premise of our success. If we fail, I believe they will sell us to Ding Yu, which is their consistent style!"

Such a thing is not difficult to understand! It's just normal operation. If they do it, they will do it, even more thoroughly!

Link nodded, knowing that it is impossible to hide all the people from such a large-scale transfer, but there is no problem in hiding most of them! I have this confidence!

What's more, this matter is aimed at Ding Yu. Some consortia even know it! Will also deliberately turn a blind eye!

"Let me get in touch with the people over there. The farm has a considerable scale of development, which is a good thing for the bear. In that case, let's have a happy ending!"

Ding Yu here in the villa to stay good, but suddenly received a call from the emperor! This is to let Ding Yu have some unexpected feeling! Because two people have already met! Even had dinner! Under such circumstances, the emperor once again sent out an invitation to himself. This situation is slightly special!

It's even a little unconventional. Why? Two people have already discussed quite a thing, before Shasha did not rush to come, two people already did not have too many meeting necessity! Is it true that the emperor has nothing to do? How could it be?

It is because of this that Ding Yu feels so strange!

At the same time, Ding Yu's heart is also quite suspicious? Can you convince the emperor there? Or what kind of agreement have they reached? It's not that there is no possibility of this! Although the possibility is not as high as imagined, it is definitely possible!

After all, everyone is an animal of interest!

However, on second thought, Ding Yu felt that his idea was a little extreme. Why did he say so?

To know that the great emperor is not a good role to want to work with. It is absolutely not an easy thing to reach a so-called agreement with him. What's more, his own consortia are developing very well here. Even if he wants to swallow the wolf and drive away the tiger, he doesn't need to do so!I didn't do any messy things, and the cooperation between them was very good. Under such circumstances, rash action on myself, the joint effect and the international influence caused by it would never be what the emperor would like to see!

After eliminating the great emperor, the fog has already dissipated, but Ding Yu still has some doubts! This time I came here is definitely not to discuss business cooperation. After all, these things are basically handled by Sasha. Now I suddenly find myself. It's interesting! This method is very good!

Ding Yu showed a little interest in this, not to mention the emperor's personal invitation, he still needs to give this face! After all, I do business in other people's land, don't you? But this does not mean that Ding Yu needs to be small!

It's not that if the emperor has an intention, he needs to rush back immediately, and he doesn't need to be so anxious!

Ding Yu called Shasha the first time! After all, she is in charge. Although she is the leader of the consortium, she needs to listen to Sasha's opinions and ideas on this point! Then make the so-called decision!

If I said I would go back the first time! Will certainly let own opponent have quite suspicion, this is certain!

Don't take those guys for idiots. Never! Instead, treat them as fierce opponents!

You should know that you have guessed. Under such circumstances, you need to be careful. If you don't have this kind of vigilance, what kind of situation will it be now? It's really hard to imagine!

If you run rampant, you are not empty of them, and you can even press them to fight. But if you play with the means, you really don't know who is more powerful. On this issue, Ding Yu never underestimated others!

When Shasha received the call from Ding Yu, there were still some strange things. She thought Ding Yu was in a hurry!

"It will take me a little time to finish my work! It won't make you wait too long! "

"That's not the case!" Ding Yu also felt Sasha's eagerness and comforted him! "I've come to the villa! Yesterday, I met with the great emperor, but he called me again today to let me have some curiosity. He should contact you about this matter! How did you call me! "

Sasha is also a Leng, then is to think of what, "you wait, I seem to have a bit of this impression!"

Soon Shasha called to her secretary and read some documents before telling Ding Yu!

"The president of Maoxiong called me earlier. My business is not finished, so it will take two days to talk about some development issues. The farm and the bear have reached a very good cooperation. On this basis, they hope that we can further deepen the cooperation."

Ding Yu knocked the armrest of the sofa with his hand and thought about things for a long time!

"As we all know, you are the director of Europe, and you are the right person to look for things here! How did you find it on my head? I had a meal with him yesterday! Chatting is good, but did not think that I have come here today, he suddenly called me, feeling a little too abrupt! "

"You don't want to talk to him?" Sasha seems to feel some of the problems!

"It's mainly because I don't know that well. You know, I'm not responsible for specific affairs. I don't know so much about it. Under such circumstances, talk to me about it? Do you think I'm a bully, or are you so good? "

When talking about this, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, even laughing out loud! A little proud!

I don't think it's better for me to pursue the interests, but I don't think it's good for me to pursue the interests! What's more, your relationship with the great emperor is extraordinary! "

"I see! I'll go and have a look! Don't worry too much! " At the end, Ding Yu suddenly added a sentence!

However, when Sasha put down the phone, the expression on her face was still the same, but her heart couldn't help cluttering for a moment. Out of the understanding of Ding Yu, his last words were absolutely in the middle of the story! This is the tacit understanding of two people!

What does it mean not to be in a hurry? It's worth thinking about it!

What happened to Ding Yu? I haven't heard about this!

After explaining the situation with the following people, although Sasha is in the approval of the document, but her head is extremely fast!

Ding Yu suddenly went to the fur bear side, even let himself have no preparation, this thing is too abrupt! Too much surprise! But at this time, there are problems and conditions on my side, so that I can't go to Ding Yu in time!

Previously, I just felt that I had some eagerness, but I didn't think about it well! Now I want to come, things seem to be so wrong! What's more, although the bear contacted Ding Yu, it seems reasonable, but it has a kind of raw and astringent feeling after careful consideration!After thinking about it, Shasha didn't do any other actions, because Ding Yu didn't give any other hints to herself, which showed that quite a lot of things were still under control. At least now, she didn't need to get involved in it!

If we say that we can do something about it, we can only scare the snake! It's interesting. It's really interesting!

There's a little light in Sasha's eyes! How long has it been, no one dares to do this!

Obviously, Ding Yu's eagerness to go to Maoxiong this time is also affected by this! Even if I was delayed in the UK, I was affected by this incident! What about the emperor? Should be affected by the following personnel!

Why did the emperor do this? It was obviously used by some people!

Sitting in his position, it is basically impossible to be bribed! But he will not be bribed, which does not mean that the people below him will not be bribed. This is two times!

If the person under the emperor's hand is bribed, the joke is really so big! Who are the jokers? Sasha basically knew it! Why? Do you need to ask why? Can do with Ding Yu have hatred! It can even infiltrate the bear into a sieve, not as many as you think!

No wonder Ding Yu is so careful and cautious! Even if you give yourself a hint that is not a hint, there are quite a few reasons! It can ensure that the line is absolutely safe, but it can't guarantee that other aspects are also safe, right? And Sasha also has some doubts!

What do you suspect? Why on your side, this time things happened so suddenly? Is there any other change in this?

For example, do you have quite a few weasels on your side? It's not that there is no such possibility, and the more you think about it, the more likely it is! Otherwise, some things can't be explained at all!

If it is an external force, it will not be so meticulous!

There must be weasels in the consortium. I know about it. There are quite a lot of investigations on this matter, whether it's the consortium or our own side. But now it means that weasels have moved to their side!

Ha ha, how much time I have not started! It seems that everyone has forgotten! He is also called the queen! If you don't help them to recall, they don't know how good they are!

Although the eyes are very sharp, but Sasa did not have any expression and movement!

I will cooperate with Ding Yu now! Now it's not time for him to play, and if he has a big move now, it is bound to affect Ding Yu. His side is the most important! And I have so many worries. This time, it's obviously for Ding Yu. Is Ding Yu ready?

It has to be said that Ding Yu's action is still very confusing!

If Ding Yu doesn't do anything, he just leaves! It's bound to arouse strong suspicion from lelink! Do you really regard Ding Yu as a fool? Right? What's more, if Ding Yu is a fool? So what are you? The clown on the stage?

People who regard Ding Yu as a fool become a fool in the end!

And so many years of fighting with Ding Yu, although Ding Yu also suffered losses, but this is just a gold stick on their face! What happened, everyone's heart is still very clear! Ding Yu's prestige is definitely made, not boasted!

Anyone who belittles Ding Yu is at the end? It's all on the table! It is such a result to be carried up, then emptied, and then carried down, so we must consider it clearly when we do something quite right now!

Judging from the current situation, the plan has been smoothly implemented, but it still needs to be handled carefully. Any change during the period may cause a strong rebound and even lead to the destruction of the whole plan!

This kind of accident is absolutely not allowed. It's not easy for the plan to come to this stage. If the plan is wrong, it will be wrong! If Ding Yu is really on guard, let Ding Yu have breathing space, then the result of waiting will not be too good! That's for sure!

After all, I'm not ready for this! So everything is in the March, now it depends on who is ready!

Ding Yu quickly got in touch with the hairy bear. He couldn't go back today! Because there are still quite a few things to deal with. I will try to have a talk tomorrow! And if Sasha doesn't come by tomorrow? Sasha will come the day after tomorrow! I don't know much about the situation here. I need time to deal with it!

It's a formulaic recovery. There is no dissatisfaction on the side of Maoxiong. If Ding Yu comes to the scene immediately after receiving the news, it will make Maoxiong look down on it.

Ding Yu does quite well, which shows that Ding Yu attaches great importance to this matter, at least from the perspective of attitude! When the emperor knew the news, he was more happy!His personal relationship with Dingyu is very good. On this matter, Dingyu didn't sweep her face, even gave her a considerable response. Judging from the situation, he did so, some of them were too hasty, even some were too latticed, but Dingyu did not refute his face!

To know, Dingyu is not without money, he even refused! How can I be? And such things will not affect the relationship between the two people too, but Dingyu did not do so, to give two people friendship, but also add a lot of weight!

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