Link got the news, though it was two hours later!

But looking at the collected news, link breathed a sigh of relief! Ding Yu did not have too many movements, this is in his own expectation, but also in his own expectation!

Ding Yu is such a good guy! To know that the news between each other is totally unequal! His reaction? The president gave Mao bear a lot of face, but also responsible for the consortium! Even be responsible for yourself!

Can take care of so much! What else do you want to ask for? What else can I ask for? Not to mention all aspects, but also similar!

However, he still can't judge how much Ding Yu doubts! Because he can never get close to Ding Yu! So the news in this area is very blocked!

Why? Now he has quite a feeling. Ding Yu is suspicious! Although this is a feeling! But link thinks he should believe it!

It is obvious that the previous exploration of Shasha was a failure. If there was no so-called obstruction to Sasha and let her come to the bear side, then Ding Yu would never have such doubts!

Due to their own side of the judgment there are considerable problems, looking forward to be able to block Sasha, to their side to fight for considerable time! So the follow-up series of actions, even if it is to cover up again good, also appeared quite a problem!

Ding Yu has a keen sense of smell. If he can't smell anything like this, it's strange! But isn't this guy a bit too sensitive for smell?!

So now it's time to do something else! At least we should confuse Ding Yu, or the hairy bear!

Don't think to be able to really hide Ding Yu in the past, but need to cover up some things!

To put it more bluntly, it is to send Ding Yu some other dishes in the past. Although Ding Yu's stomach is relatively large, he can't eat it endlessly! Right? There are many kinds of small dishes. If Ding Yu tries two mouthfuls of each, his taste will be disordered, and it will occupy a considerable appetite out of thin air! After all, Ding Yu's appetite is not bottomless!

Such a thing, do not need to plan anything, is to find the so-called ghost for death, give to Ding Yu's mouth inside good!

Even if it can't be sent to Ding Yu's mouth, there are not too many problems in the mouth of Mao bear! Will Ding Yu know about this? Is it possible for the bear to block the news? Not at all! Even they will be very active! Because they want to have a good relationship with Ding Yu!

What's more, there are a lot of people from Maoxiong's side who send some to Ding Yu's mouth. There is no problem. Anyway, these guys are cannon fodder, aren't they? They don't need to carry anything or expect them to get something from Ding Yu. It's just normal spying!

Before that, link said hello to bill and hall. Such a thing can't be decided by himself. He can give this order, but we need to consider the balance between them!

After communication, bill and hall had no different opinions and ideas. They even agreed with link's decision. It's no big deal to give Ding Yu some pieces of meat, and these meat is not the kind with stuffing!

Isn't there such a saying in fishing?

If you don't attract enough attention, how can you catch the giant Ding Yu? What's more, Ding Yu went to the hairy bear, how could everyone not react at all? Right? There must be a reaction, and also need to have a considerable response, this is the normal situation! If there is nothing, it makes people feel strange and uncomfortable!

When Ding Yu got to know the news, he was dining in the villa. When he heard that the Intelligence Department of Maoxiong came to visit, Ding Yu even felt a little surprised. What's the situation? Maoxiong's intelligence department comes to the door!

It must be something quite happened, but it will never be on your side!

Why? Does this need to be asked? If someone on your side has made any mistakes, you can't get the people from the intelligence management department. They will ask other departments to discuss with them. But now the intelligence management department of Mao Xiong has done something! Obviously, there's a visitor coming!

But Ding Yu didn't mean to show up. Instead, he told Qu he and Yang Chen. Qu he? How much do you know about some of them, and Yang Chen? It was originally a member of the intelligence and management department. Maybe the identity is a little unequal, but there is absolutely no problem in the nature!

Yang Chen has a little bit of excitement, did not expect to come here, can also encounter such things! It's not to say that you can do it now! It's not because of this!

I'm curious about what kind of things it is. I even let the emotional management department of Maoxiong come to our door!

However, Qu he bit his back teeth slightly. When he came to Maoxiong's side, he was extremely cautious and careful. Unlike Yang Chen, a silly boy, this guy is really a silly boy sleeping on a cool Kang, relying on his firepower!However, Qu he didn't want to correct Yang Chen's meaning, just look at his reaction! Although the previous is very excited, but come fast, go also fast, now have to calm down!

I have experienced many years in the world, and with the guidance of my husband, I have made progress today. But what about Yang Chen? He came from the class. At most, he has good qualifications, but he doesn't have much experience. If he is calm like a mountain now, he will feel that this guy is not a normal person!

It can only be said that he is still relatively on the road, there is a considerable lack, but who did not come this way?

I met with the people from Maoxiong side. The visitors of Maoxiong are not aggressive. Are you kidding? They can't know who Ding Yu is? Even if you haven't seen it before, is it hard not to have Ding Yu's intelligence?

Even Maoxiong's intelligence department has never given up on Ding Yu's intelligence collection! Are you against Ding Yu? There is no relationship, this is the routine of the intelligence department! Be prepared. Haven't you heard of such a thing?

What's more, Ding Yu's security team, there are many people who come out from their side! It is true that there is no contact, but there is such a friendship, after all, it is better to see you, isn't it?

Who was caught this time? It's a little interesting, such means and methods have been noticed by Maoxiong from a very early time! I didn't expect that the protection here was so tight that these guys didn't mean to give up!

Although we didn't catch big fish, even these guys are a bunch of cannon fodder, but it's a little better than nothing, right? In the end, I hope to give Ding Yu a little good impression! This can deepen the relationship between each other, anyway, from the current situation, there is no hostility between each other!

People from Maoxiong's side look at Qu he and Yang Chen, and they are also making judgments in their hearts!

The identity of the two people has been mastered! Are not particularly good to want with the role!

Why? Qu he was recruited by Ding Yu. Originally, he was just doing chores in the society! As for Yang Chen? It is not small, but there is no experience and experience! To a certain extent, it's just Xiaobai!

However, from the contact point of view, Qu he is very sedate, and Yang Chen is not as active and frivolous as he imagined. He just watched behind and said nothing! It looks like a wooden man. If it's not for the eyes that can't be controlled, this guy is really like an old hand!

It's not consistent with the information we have learned! What happened?

But now it's not really the time to worry about these situations. If we pass the information to Qu he, we can see that Qu he is still the main one!

Directly to Mr. Ding? Are you kidding? Let Mr. Ding decide everything? So what do you want these people down there? What's more, if Mr. Ding handles everything by himself, is he a robot? Or is he a God? He can't be tired!

After the notification, leave the contact information, the Intelligence Department of Maoxiong left! There is no sense in staying here. If you have any new situation, I will definitely inform you again. As for this time, I will remind you!

After all, Ding Yu's identity is different, isn't it? If such a thing is not reported, what other situation will appear in the future, no one can bear the responsibility! No one is a fool. We all know how to do such a thing!

As for the gunpowder? Now we haven't sent it to see if Mr. Ding will be interested. If he is interested, there will be no problem in sending it. However, judging from the current situation, Mr. Ding seems to have no interest!

"Sir, they've caught a few to spy on! There are no weapons, but in terms of equipment, it can be said that there are many tricks! Only unexpected, nothing can not be done! After I read it, I feel a little inconceivable. How could it be possible? "

Ding Yu, sitting on the chair, smiles! For this matter, I am not so valued!

"It seems that there are a lot of people coming! Does that mean? "

"A lot of things have been found, and even quite a few have been laid for some time! It should be before you arrive, sir, that you have already started to lay the groundwork! They are a little too bold to pry at Mr

Ding Yu picked his eyebrows, but he didn't really take this as a thing!

My heart has already had the quite judgment, this matter is really not worth oneself to go angry, simply can't commit!

But those guys are good at their calculations! Even some of them didn't think of it. They just piled up the cannon fodder to cover up their real purpose! It's a wonderful move!

Put it on anyone's body, you can't have too much doubt about it! How to doubt? This is the usual thing, OK? In the small county town that mu 3 fen above, that is your Ding Yu's territory, we dare not, also can't how? But here? It's not your territory!Originally is not what friend, now even if is plainly tells you, you can how? If you don't accept it, would you like to have a try?

For this point, Ding Yu also sincerely admire, this cover is very good!

Whether they are reacting or not, they are all in their plans! A good one!

As for those cannon fodder, a little poor, for Ding Yu, it is chicken ribs, tasteless to eat, but a pity to abandon! For Maoxiong, the value is not as big as you imagined, and for the forces behind the cannon fodder, you have been treated as cannon fodder! Will you still reach out? It's impossible!

"Sir, what are we going to do about this time?"

"How to deal with it?" Ding Yu snorted, "they just want to know what I am here, and what else? They can't get any oil and water out of their bodies. Under such circumstances, it is of no significance and value to start with them! "

"That's true, sir!" Qu he couldn't help biting his own back teeth!

"More normal things, but also a very simple thing, don't think too complicated!"

"Director, I feel that something is not right." After listening for a long time, Yang Chen finally didn't hold back, "what do you mean by making such a few bags of wine and rice?"? Is it possible that they did it on purpose? Is this method too low-level? Not even cannon fodder? "

"So what do you want?" Ding Yu snorted! Obviously, he is not very satisfied with Yang Chen's performance, but Qu he may have heard something, but he has no intention to warn him. Now, Mr. Yang Chen is teaching him how to get involved in his own affairs? I think I can do it! More powerful than Sir?

Maybe he felt that he was so eager. Yang Chen quickly explained, "director, I don't think this is a problem of bad people, but it's too weird! It even makes people feel a little ridiculous! "

Oh? "Tell me?"

"Director, I think so!" Yang Chen quickly organized his own words, "it's a big thing for you to come here. I believe all aspects have already known the news, not to mention we are still on the ground of Mao bear! Under such circumstances, there are still people swaggering around, afraid they don't know what they do. What's this

"So how do you understand this from your point of view? What's more, if it's you, how do you think about it in an all-round way? Remember what I said and the premise. From your point of view, how do you understand it? If you stand in the overall perspective, how do you understand it, and then answer after thinking about it! "

For the director's words, Yang Chen's eyes can't stop turning, he is to put forward his own opinions!

But I never thought that such a situation was waiting for me! I was really a little confused for a moment!

Think about a little time! Yang Chen coughed slightly!

"Director, from my personal point of view, these guys are here to die, but I don't think it's such a simple warning! If you want to die, you should not choose this time! That's obvious! "

Yang Chen's performance is very positive!


"From the overall point of view, I feel a little confused. Who is the black hand behind? This kind of behavior is a little too childish! If I were him, I would never do this, let us have a considerable defense before the war, and then no matter what action, it is not so strange! "

Yeah! Ding Yu nodded and raised his head to Qu he!

"All right! I got it! That's it for the moment? "

Yang Chen was almost pulled out of the room by Qu he. When he came out, the whole person didn't know what happened?

"Assistant Qu, the director won't be angry?"

Qu he did not have a good breath of hum, "because you said two words, the director will be angry, you think of the director is too bad?! You can see it clearly. You think the director will not understand it! " Now Qu he, I don't know what to say! I thought Yang Chen had been steady down. Now, it's just the appearance!

Previously, the influence of the emotional management department on Yang Chen's indoctrination was still some! Even the consequences of this are very serious!

Under the circumstances at that time, it should be the best time to give Yang Chen the best education. However, the Ministry of information and governance intervened in a horizontal way, leading to the director's loss of this opportunity. Now? Why didn't the director intervene?

It's not that Yang Chen was ignored! This is not the reason! Now the situation is more dangerous! On the surface, gentle and gentle, not too much movement, but hidden in the bottom, is already rough!

Now, it is too late to educate Yang Chen. We can only let him stay on the boat as much as possible. If he can stay honest and honest! May pass this time of the waves, if he really if the rise, will have what kind of results, Qu he really dare not imagine!In a word, these are all Yang Chen's personal choices. There is no one else to force him. If he can realize the problems, it's better. If he can't realize the problems, even the immortals can't save him!

From the current situation, Yang Chen's performance can not be good, but also can not say bad! It's a little smart, but it's not smart! Or lack of considerable experience, sir has hinted so obvious! He didn't wake up to it. What's more, it's a good thing that he didn't tell him something about it before!

At least he can't carry this bureau! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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