"Sir, I feel that Yang Chen's situation is a little dangerous! On the surface, you can live calmly without too many problems, but in your heart? Still not able to calm down, some small impulse, some small excitement

Qu he is worried about this because Yang Chen wants to jump a little bit, but the problem is that he doesn't even stand on his heel, so he wants to jump. What will happen next? Nobody knows!

The situation is so dangerous that you have to jump. If you are lighter, you will run into a dizzy head. If you are heavier, you may lose your life! I know quite a lot of things, and I feel that the water is really too mixed! I can't see the situation in front of me! Therefore, every step is extremely cautious and careful!

I'm afraid that after a wrong step, I'll be doomed!

How about Yang Chen? Dare to say anything! I want to try everything!

I feel like I'm made of steel and iron. I'm not afraid of it, right?

Although you want to cultivate you, you should also have the so-called self-knowledge! It can't be too reckless!

How can you jump as high as you can? Can you still jump out of this boat? That's a little bit of a mystery! Maybe Yang Chen didn't have such a mind, but his behavior and action will make people wrong!

"It is not easy to correct Yang Chen's affairs too much. Previously, the intelligence and governance department had a considerable influence on his indoctrination, but what should we do now? When things come to an end and adjust again, it's totally harmful to him, but fortunately, he is not a man who is jealous of virtue and ability! At most, it's the first time I've encountered such a thing. I'm a little excited! "

Ding Yu has quite a judgment on this!

"Director, do you want me to give him a warning! At least it's more modest! "

Ding Yu laughed, "you! I'm very good at being a man After thinking for a while, Ding Yu nodded, "it's not impossible to warn him, but it's not good, too much! Take a good grasp of the scale is OK! Some things, too much, too much to eliminate his enthusiasm, this is not good! "

"Yes, director, I know what to do!"

Obviously, Mr. Chen didn't mean to give up Yang Chen, but now there is no way. At the same time, he doesn't want to mention Yang Chen. It's a bit of a laissez faire for him to develop. But the danger is too great! Qu he is not so optimistic about this, here is not very optimistic about Yang Chen! Some things are inconvenient for you, but you are more convenient!

After finding out his husband's attitude, Qu he went to find Yang Chen!

"Assistant Qu, you haven't had a rest yet?"

Qu he nodded his head and sat down on the sofa not far from Yang Chen! Although now Yang Chen can be happy and angry, but the experience is still too little! I haven't been beaten by the society, so I still have some illusions about some problems, that is, sir! If it had been for someone else, it would have been kicked away!

"Yang Chen, the director didn't care so much about your affairs. I'm two years older than you. I'll say a little more!"

Yang Chen couldn't help but be stunned, "assistant Qu, you say it!"

"The director doesn't care about what you say, because he doesn't need to be in the director's position. The things he thinks about are totally different from the things you think about. The so-called angle of standing is different, and the level of consideration is also quite different! What you can think about, but not the director? Or, you are more powerful than the director! "

After listening to Qu he's words, Yang Chen was shocked!

"What's more? The problem you are considering is too one-sided! What about me? There is nothing to do when you are idle, so if you say two more sentences, you will listen to it as a joke! It doesn't mean anything else

"No, assistant Qu!" Yang Chen quickly stood up, "am I a little too floating?"

"There are so many floating, but fortunately there is still a rope. I hope you can take care of yourself and think about it well!"

Give a certain warning is OK! As for the rest, whether Yang Chen can calm down his mind or not depends on his own! I can't help you any more! Some things can be done by themselves, but are there some things? I still don't want to get involved!

What's more, this time for the sake of Yang Chen, there are already so many fringes! I don't know how you will look at this matter. It's hard to be sure! What on earth is Mister thinking? I don't know!

This time's event is a test for Yang Chen. For myself, it is not a test? Only two people's directions are quite different!

Don't repent of Yang Chen, but it's his own floating up, that's really more than the gain! I don't want to be like this!

The next morning, after Ding Yu got up in the morning, he deliberately went out for a walk. It was also an activity of his own body. It was not too different! As for whether the outside world will get the news, it is not so important as imagined. At least Ding Yu didn't see it in his eyes!"Sir, the helicopter is ready!"

Before dinner, the security and Ding Yu mentioned that it is not convenient to take a bus at this time, but the helicopter does not have this aspect of concern! As for security, it is needless to mention!

Ding Yu dares to make such an arrangement now. He must have security considerations in this respect! Otherwise, do you think Ding Yu is really not afraid of death? How could it be!

Lin Ke is suspicious of Ding Yu's lack of any reaction!

His so-called suspicion is not what Ding Yu knows, but what kind of reaction and response Ding Yu has made. He has not received any news and wind up to now. This is the most terrifying thing!

I am under the bait, this thing is true, but the effect is how big, I dare not to do any guarantee, even I dare not have too many responses, why? Does this need to be said? Ding Yu is too clever and too evil at the same time! Absolutely not ordinary people!

Link is very suspicious. If he says that he has any action, Ding Yu may find some clues through these unrelated things!

What's more, Ding Yu has already contacted the emperor! Now quite the initiative has been nestled in their own hands, two people meet again, it means that Ding Yu is absolutely impossible to get away in a short time, even if it is Sasha! It's the same thing! In this way, we will strive for a considerable amount of time on our side!

With time, we can strive for more arrangements. What about these arrangements? The more weights there are, the faster Ding Yu will die. This is certain!

Of course, China also knows quite a lot of news. Although the speed of the news is not so fast, it is still transmitted through the information management department of Maoxiong! But there are not too many ideas about this in China!

On the one hand, this matter is not so big. On the other hand, Yang Chen's affair has made the emotion management department feel very difficult to do, and even has some guilty feelings. Ding Yu does not say that he has no preparation at all, and even Ding Yu is quite prepared, but the emotion management department can't bear his own mood! So it's a mess!

Ding Yu has already become evil. Under such circumstances, will he interfere in some things? How to let Ding Yu think?

So what about this thing? Call Ding Yu and ask about it! Whether Ding Yu answers this call or not, the intelligence department needs to indicate a certain attitude! This is the most basic!

But Ding Yu didn't answer the call, but gave it to Qu he casually!

After receiving the phone call, Qu he said a few words, then hung up the phone. Mr. Qu gave the phone to himself, and his attitude has been revealed! I don't need to be too polite, of course, this is not on behalf of myself, but on behalf of Mr!

"Shall we join, sir?"

"Well!" The helicopter is still very big, duo Qu he and Yang Chen are not many! Just take them to see the so-called world with them!

"Sir, the intelligence department said that if we need anything, we can call at any time. They will help us a lot." Seeing that he was in a good mood, Qu he explained in a low voice!

After all, such things can not be directly on the surface! Although there are no outsiders here, it does not mean that they can be careless and unscrupulous! This is also the style of doing things all the time, can be low-key, can be wanton, but absolutely not too publicity!

Sir, that's not the style! Why should I be obnoxious?

"I see! Let Yang Chen make a call when you have time! Anyway, this aspect is his old line, and he is familiar with it! We don't have to be involved in it

Qu he is a little unclear, so now is definitely not the best time to ask! So it's better to think that nothing has happened. As for Yang Chen next to him? He's a little dull now!

Last night, assistant Qu ordered himself. Although he didn't have too many words, it doesn't mean that Yang Chen really doesn't understand anything. Anyway, Yang Chen is so confused that he can't understand what the director wants to do or what assistant Qu means!

Even on his own side, Yang Chen is a little confused! What did you do wrong? Or to say what kind of problems he had, the more he thought about this aspect, the more confused Yang Chen felt!

Ding Yu takes a look at Yang Chen, and there is no other action. Now Yang Chen has such a situation, which shows that previous efforts are not in vain. If you do not give him a little pressure, he will never conflict with this valve!

On this point, he and Guo Li have obvious differences, Guo Li is definitely a kind of nerve, Taishan collapsed in front of his eyes and did not change color, because he did not care, whether it is physical or psychological!

But Yang Chen couldn't do it! He is now whether physical or psychological, are not ready for this work!So the way two people take is quite different! It doesn't matter who is right or wrong! On this issue, we need to adjust it slowly! Yang Chen's psychological quality will definitely have a huge improvement, of course, if the adjustment is not good, Yang Chen? It's basically the same as a disabled person!

No one can say such a thing! Ding Yu did not give the information management department what to do as a guarantee! What's more, you are the first to do something, it's you who have problems. If you still put the matter to my head, don't blame me for being rude!

There is also the previous time, is really no time to break with you these, but does not mean that I Dingyu really put this matter to the past! In the heart of the small book has given you a note!

As for when it will be read out in the future, it depends on my happiness!

If I'm in a good mood, maybe this thing has not happened. If I'm in a bad mood, ha ha, I'll let you know tomorrow, what will happen to offend me. It's so direct!

"Sir, the people on the Maoxiong side want to know, will we arrive on time?"

"I think so! Maybe a little earlier! " Ding Yu said disapprovingly, "what? What happened to the great emperor? Or what's wrong with them? "

"No, they want to do some preparatory work!" Security quickly explained that, "because there may be a considerable number of personnel coming, need to coordinate deployment! What's more, Ms. Sasha's plane has been reported. If there's nothing wrong, we can take off today, but we didn't tell you the specific time of departure! "

"What's the matter? Want to give me a surprise! Isn't it? "

Other people didn't recognize the meaning of this word, but Qu he heard it. It was obvious that there was something in the director's speech. Unfortunately, there was no outsider on the scene, and the news could not be transmitted. If the message was delivered, it would be really interesting! But think about it, if there are outsiders, I'm afraid the director will not say so!

When link knew the news, he didn't have much joy or disappointment. The bait had already been thrown down! Will have the effect, will have what kind of effect, now everything is uncertain!

Let's see what kind of negotiation results there will be between the emperor and Ding Yu, and then talk about it!

This is a very important part of my plan! If this step works! Then at least I will fight for three or four days for myself. This is the shortest! With these three or four days, the success of the whole project will be greatly improved! I need to wait for the result now!

Just calm down! Because anxiety can't solve any problem!

What's more, Sasha will arrive before tonight, but she should not be able to catch up with the emperor. In this case, many things can be controlled! Now we need to see what the new round of negotiation between Ding Yu and the great emperor looks like! There should be no problem!

Ding Yu came more quickly. After all, the plane and the car are not at the same speed. Although it is a helicopter, Ding Yu did not have any pause after he arrived. He soon met the emperor! The meeting time of the two people is not particularly long. Ding Yu may not have too many things, but the emperor's affairs are a little bit more!

Two people also roughly above the thing given down, Ding Yu is not asking any reason, but the emperor is a bit not very good! Why? Things are a little too sudden! Ding Yu's plan must have been upset by himself! And involved in all aspects, will certainly have a considerable impact on Ding Yu's consortia!

Ding Yu did not refute the emperor's face, even very supportive. What else do you want? Ding Yu's consortia did not come out of thin air. The farm has made a lot of profits. This is true. However, it seems that Mao Xiong has not suffered losses, and even the benefits are great!

Under such circumstances, such behavior of their own, slightly over the grid! This is also the reason why he deliberately wanted to meet Ding Yu before the negotiation. The negotiation between the two people was more pleasant. Although no agreement was reached, the two people sitting together could explain quite a problem!

The next thing doesn't need two people to show up. However, due to the fact that this time it's not very authentic, the Emperor gave Ding Yu a considerable gift, which didn't explain what it meant, but it was enough to explain the problem!

Back to the hotel, looking at the gift, Ding Yu is quite interested!

"Isn't this a little rough, sir?"

Qu he is a little difficult to understand. There are other gifts, some historical relics, and even colored eggs and dolls. These are not mentioned. But what do you mean by sending two shotguns here? Deliberately provocative?

"Ethnic characteristics, ordinary people really rarely enjoy such treatment! Don't look down upon it. If it's of practical value, it's not high, but if it's a collection value, it's really unusual, especially the inscriptions and signatures on it! "Ah? "That's not what I mean, sir!"

"I understand, but do as the Romans do! This thing! It still has considerable value, just like the collection at home! There are also collections in foreign countries, but they are not the same type as those in China. What about our inheritance? Music, chess, calligraphy and painting are culture! What about their inheritance? Knife, spear, sword and halberd is a kind of spirit! What I said may be a little more general, which means that for them, such things represent inheritance! "

"Hard to understand!" Qu he is very straightforward!

I am really difficult to understand, send such a gift, the omen is not so good!

But think carefully, Mao Xiong seems to be such a style, rude and fierce! What you tell him about the so-called humanities is really not acceptable! If I am angry for this, I really don't deserve it!

From another point of view, their own knowledge is not broad enough!

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