Ding Yu is still very interested in the gifts received! Especially the two shotguns, and even played with them personally!

In the past, absolutely rare! Ding Yu is seldom interested in these external things!

The news also spread quickly. After all, it is different from Ding Yu's villa. The hotel belongs to Mao Xiong's house, which is crowded and complicated. It is inevitable that the news will leak out a little bit!

Link was slightly distracted when he knew the news! I didn't expect that Ding Yu would be very interested in two shotguns. But when I thought about it, let alone, this gift was really in line with Ding Yu's appetite!

Because Ding Yu used to be a martial artist. He always liked to dance with guns. Now he's got two shotguns back, and it's of great significance and value. Naturally, he's very happy! In the past, I didn't pay attention to this small detail. It's really a big mistake!

At the beginning, I knew he liked walnut string. Now, those things are just for his self-cultivation!

However, what makes link feel more happy is that Ding Yu met with the emperor, and even reached a certain consensus between them. These internal information is hard won, and the cost is not cheap, but it is definitely worth it!

Under such circumstances, Ding Yu will definitely be delayed, and it is not a day or two!

Because one day or two days can't solve so many things. Even now Shasha has come, it doesn't have any effect. What's more, Ding Yu can't leave Shasha here alone!

In this way, they give themselves too much time, so that they can better deployment!

If you don't die, how can you do it! This time, we can say that we have accumulated many years of family wealth to take out!

It's already evening for Sasha to arrive! Ding Yu looks at Shasha, not shaking hands, but gives a hug, and Shasha has been hanging on Ding Yu's body! For them, this is a common thing, but for Qu he and Yang Chen, it is a little bit embarrassing, because they have not experienced too much!

Now it's not to see or not to look at it. What's more, it's also a western view for them. They have never seen Mr. Zhang like this before! Once in a blue moon!

"It feels a little too clear!"

Sasa's eyebrows stood up and pretended to be angry! But then I couldn't stop the smile between my eyebrows! Holding Ding Yu's neck is just a mouthful. It's a little cruel. There are teeth marks!

"You don't like it?"

Ding Yu smiles, and Sasha is holding Ding Yu's arm. They go upstairs together. Obviously, what is left is their time alone! What the others should do! At this time, there is no need for other people to disturb!

"Can I help you?" When Sasha was washing, Ding Yu said something playfully! It's a little flirtatious!

Some big fire Sasha snorted coldly, "give you two guts!"

But even so, the two people also frolic for a long time! This is the end of the change!

Sasha's dress and dress up is also a new look, but it is not as solemn as the previous meeting, a bit of home flavor!

"Ouch, I should feel honored to make soup with my own hands?" Blinking her eyes, Sasha also said to Ding Yu in a funny tone! Don't mention Ding Yu's general time, rarely cook, this time should be more interested!

"Give me a chance, have a taste?" Ding Yu reached out and opened the chair! Look serious!

After Shasha sat down, Ding Yu sat down next to her! On the two of them, candlelight dinner, the atmosphere is a little bit ambiguous, but the sentiment is relatively high! Shasha is particularly emotional at this time. Basically, she doesn't have much rationality. In front of other people, she will never be like this, but in front of Ding Yu, she doesn't have any resistance!

"It's not bad. It seems that the old man is very dedicated."

"Don't be weird!" Ding Yu glared, but then sat down and got a kick!

It's absolutely asking for trouble to argue with Sasha at this time! Ding Yu is helpless! The contest between two people's words is not much, but the fight between fists and feet has never stopped! You come and I go! awfully!

"Brought two new people here? Are you so confident and sure? "

After eating, someone comes to clean up, but it doesn't need Ding Yu and Sasha to do it personally. Ding Yu stands by the window with Sasha, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window and chatting!

There is no need to worry about whether someone will take the way of sniping. The glass is completely bulletproof! Put a cold gun in this place, what kind of results will there be, even a fool knows!

Even when they had to, link and they wouldn't do it! There is no possibility of success. If you don't say it, there will be other problems! Give oneself to find such uneasiness, still forget! Unless there's something wrong with the head!Sasha glanced at the man behind the table through the reflection of the glass! There is a little bit of displeasure! But it didn't mention too much! Some things can't be mentioned now! But they're almost done with it!

"Qu he and Yang Chen are still a little young, especially Yang Chen. In some aspects, they are still too young and need to be well trained. As for Qu he? Mind is enough, not over time is not long, so for all aspects of understanding is not so deep, need a long insight! But he is Wang An's man already

"In this way, Yang Chen has considerable potential!"

"Yes! I heard you were delayed there! Is there anything wrong? " Ding Yu asked abruptly! "I feel that after coming here, some things are too coincidental!"

When I said this, the previous waiters had already left! So Ding Yu and Shasha do not need to have too many scruples! But Ding Yu took a glance with the light of his eyes!

Sasha did not look back, but seemed to have got the signal from Ding Yu! Anger on your face! In this room, there are people who dare to take the world's public opinion. What's the matter? Do you think you're a bully, or?

"I think it's very strange! Some of it was too sudden! From the information we have learned, we have some relations with the consortium, but they are not very big. Some of them want to hold me back! Give me a personal feeling. Don't you want me to come here? Stop my meeting with you

Ding Yu, holding her chest in both hands, nodded her head slightly! For Shasha's cooperation, Ding Yu is very satisfied!

"I have a rough observation. There is nothing wrong with the farm here, but the emperor is a little anxious. I don't know whether it is intentional or unintentional. I always feel that there is something wrong with this! But I couldn't find any clue for a moment. I didn't pay much attention to the situation here! "

"When shayerov met with me at the airport, he mentioned quite a few things. On the whole, everything was relatively stable. When he was in charge of this area, he didn't hear anything about him, so everything was a little bit weird." Sasha knows this, but does this talk? On the purpose of bias!

Pointed to the sofa beside, two people respectively seated, face to face! But then Sasha put her feet on Ding Yu's thigh! A look of unbridled, the whole person is also a little bit lazy and meaningless!

Ding Yu slapped, but did not use any force, as long as Sasha likes it!

"First of all, is this for consortia?" Ding Yu said thoughtfully! "What do you think?"

"It's not like it's aimed at consortia. There's no fluctuation in the market. I told hotter earlier! Dashan and other people have contacted each other, and they have no reaction. If it is aimed at the consortium, it is impossible that there is no movement at all! I've contacted people from other consortia, and I don't have any response, unless they're all connected, but there's no such possibility! It can be concealed from one family or several families, but it doesn't exist to hide from everyone! "

Although the attitude is lazy, but the speech is clear, without any hesitation!

"Not for consortia!" When Ding Yu spoke, he gave Sasha a a look of appreciation. Obviously, he was particularly satisfied with her cooperation, "what about the fur bear? The development of Maoxiong is very good. The relationship between the consortium and Maoxiong and the emperor is very friendly. Is it because they are close to each other that they are jealous of each other? "

"There is a possibility, but the possibility is not particularly great!"

Sasha thought for a while, and then she answered Ding Yu! Obviously, Sasha, after considerable consideration, did not blurt it out!

"What we do is not an exclusive business. We have a big family, and then the others have no food to eat! We have united quite a lot of departments and industries, we are thriving, only we are united together! This cake will be bigger and bigger. If we do exclusive business, the cake will be smaller and smaller! Then there will be real problems! "

"Let's put the question on the bear side first!" Ding Yu didn't mean to go on and on, "if it wasn't for the hairy bear, then what's the possibility left? You or me? "

Sasha's calf couldn't help twitching. "If it wasn't for the fur bear, then the remaining target would be you or me! Tell me about me first. Put the target on me? It feels strange! Although I have made considerable progress in Europe in the past two years, it seems that many people have offended me, but they are all within the reasonable range! "

"There is no so-called deep hatred between each other, and everyone is just equal competition. What's more, if the goal is placed on me and no problem is solved, I'm just a member of the consortium. Moreover, if I do this, I doubt whether their heads are broken! Even if you want to do it, you don't need to do it like this! "

"Yes! It doesn't make sense at all! "

Ding Yu murmured to himself, "if the target is not you, then the target may be me!"Sasha nodded her head slightly. "Quite possible, but not too obvious?" In the face of Ding Yu's doubt, Shasha said her own judgment! This is intentional guidance, even in the heart is quite proud! Ding Yu and himself are acting on purpose!

"Obvious?" Ding Yu could not immediately make this judgment, "judging from another angle, if it is against me, what is the purpose of blocking you earlier? This doesn't make sense! Afraid I don't know, deliberately alert me? I'm so popular already? "

"It's hard to judge that!"

"If they put the target on me, what was the purpose for you? The explanation is not clear! " Ding Yu deliberately mentioned this key point, "are they not afraid to be found, this is a little too obvious! What's more, our opponents, who have never been so compassionate? "

"So what about your personal opinion?"

"My personal inclination? Our opponent may be fishing in troubled waters. Yesterday, when I was at the villa, someone approached me and was caught by the Intelligence Department of Maoxiong! It's just a bunch of cannon fodder. If there is no one to spy, I feel a little strange, but with such a person? I feel even more weird! "

"Is it a child's play? I think there are two directions. One is that there are quite a few things happening on the side of the hairy bear, which may have nothing to do with shayerov, but it definitely has something to do with the bear. Is there another one? It's for you! If it's the latter, I think you should be prepared! "

This is the end of the discussion between the two!

And because link got the real-time signal, he listened to everything!

It can be said that the negotiation between Ding Yu and Sasha surprised link in a cold sweat, along with bill and hall, the same is true! We all know that Ding Yu is powerful, but through a few limited things, Ding Yu can connect quite a lot of things together! This is really terrible!

Although we all recognize some of their own problems and conditions, they did not expect that their plans are full of loopholes in Ding Yu's eyes. This is still in their quiet action. If there is really any blatant action, Ding Yu may have known the context of it!

"Take out the launch terminal as soon as possible and destroy it!" Link ordered, "no matter what way I use, no matter how much money I spend, I will do it without disturbing Ding Ding Yu."

Bill and hall both know why link made such an order. If Ding Yu knew that someone was spying at such a time point and took such a way, there would be other conjectures! That's for sure!

So now, no matter what kind of price we pay, we need to take out the monitoring equipment, although we can also turn off the equipment outside! But if you don't take it, there are always some who are not at ease! What's more, do you really work for those people under Ding Yu's hands?

They are all experts, but due to the arrival of Sasha, there is a little slack!

But link can guarantee that at the next moment, security will make up for this loophole! So continue to take out everything now! There's no way these security guards can detect it! No one can bear the consequences, because such a small measure may lead to the failure of the whole plan!

Everyone has seen Ding Yu's power! In terms of a few unrelated things, we can analyze the whole context of the whole thing. Fortunately, we took a risk and learned about the conversation between him and Sasha!

If you don't know about this conversation, maybe you are still in the dark now!

While talking, the hotel is to send a bunch of flowers to Sasha, as well as some special gifts!

Time is so short, so the hotel is not particularly well prepared. What's more, the dinner party was not held in the hotel. The hotel apologized most sincerely! I hope that when I have time, Ms. Sasha can show you!

Security check carefully, did not find any problems!

Sasha looked at the presents on the table. She was not interested in other things, but she was very interested in shawls!

"Yes To oneself Secretary indicated some, the next thing secretary comes to deal with good! Don't worry about it yourself! But Ding Yu looks at Shasha. For this, he doesn't know so much about it, but the things that can make Sasha interested are not as many as you can imagine!

When the hotel manager and the waiter left, they did not leave empty handed. They took some things with them, and even some small gifts. Maybe the gifts were not as valuable as they thought, but they were definitely a display of bearing!

Sasha snorted her little nose at Ding Yu! It's obvious that what she just did was intentional! Someone has taken the things away! Although the means are not worth mentioning, we have to say that it is still time to come!Ding Yu nodded, and then she took Sasha to the bathroom and let her soak for quite a while! Immediately personally to her to handle, this matter other people can not do, also is not good!

But in the process, Sasha some not very honest, the whole person slightly wanton and publicity! It is obvious that she is on purpose, but for this point, Ding Yu did not put too much in mind! As long as she is happy!

However, Shasha did not insist on too long, and had already slept in the past, but Ding Yu could not give up halfway. She could only work hard by herself! Fortunately, my kung fu is pretty good!

But after finishing, still need to wash her carefully, all of the things are run by Ding Yu alone, and there is no meaning to borrow a hand! But even so, the next morning, Ding Yu still got up on time, without any nostalgia!

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