Sasha didn't get up very late, but she was full of spirit. She felt that her muscles and bones seemed to open at once! There is no sense of fatigue in the journey, and there is no spiritual pressure!

She had a good rest last night and had no dream. Once she slept until dawn, she was almost unconscious in the whole process. But why was it? Sasha still had quite a feeling. When she washed and washed in the morning, she could still feel a little medicine smell, which was not so pungent, but had an extra smell of medicine!

She didn't use any other cosmetics, but after taking a bath, Sasha found that her dark circles had disappeared, and even some black spots on her cheek had disappeared. The whole person was like an egg just peeled out!

Even Sasha couldn't feel herself. She screamed at her own throat!

Scared of the Secretary ran in, thought what happened! After watching for a long time, her expression was astonished. She never thought it would be like this. Mrs. Sasha was like a changed person! Of course, I can be sure that she is still her, but the whole person glows with youth from inside to outside, and I want to touch it after seeing it!

"When did you come in, angel?" After Sasha wakes up, she looks at the Secretary standing beside her. Her eyes show puzzled application. I didn't agree. When did you come in? What do you want?

The Secretary standing at the back, looking at Sasha in her nightgown, thinks about it, and transfers the monitoring out! It is obviously inappropriate to make other explanations at this time! Sasha looked at herself in the mirror again! A knowing smile!

"It's just a little magic trick. It's nothing to make a fuss about."

What a fuss! I'm used to it!

She seems to have forgotten! Who is the one who just screamed!

Angelil some smack tongue, is a small magic, she also wants to do a magic for herself, and she can be sure that, as a woman, no one can resist such magic, this is not so simple as the ugly duckling changing into a white swan! If a woman can be willful once in her life, her hope is absolutely this!

With the help of Ariel, Sasha changed her clothes. In the process, enril accidentally touched Sasha's skin twice, and the whole person was rippling! Is really unable to control oneself!

Sasha is laughing in her heart. Of course, she knows how to deal with it. Apart from Ding Yu, she really didn't hear that other people have such means. Moreover, such means have no harm to human body, and even have considerable benefits. The effect is too obvious!

With such a hand, I don't know how many people will throw themselves into arms, but how can Ding Yu! It has never been mentioned in this respect, except for a few people in the family, including a few children, there is no one else!

At this point, we can say that we are lucky or lucky! No matter what, Ding Yu is one of his own! As for others, don't even think about it! It's impossible. Of course, the main reason is that Ding Yu has no interest in it! This is the key!

If Ding Yu is really a person to attract bees and butterflies, what is the situation? But he is not such a person at all. He had considerable doubts in the past, but after a long time of contact, he found out Ding Yu! Sometimes it's like a saint! The sage here refers to the sage of the East!

Don't mention Western sages! When I mentioned it, I felt that I was blushing and ugly! Too much chaos! Ethics is not clear, let who see is abnormal speechless!

At this point, Ding Yu's performance can not be said to be unique, but also very similar!

Anyone like Ding Yu's identity started when he was a child! Even in their 70s and 80s, they are still full of wine and wine. Because of the environment, if they are better, they may still be restrained. At least they know how to cover up! What's the difference? If not a strong family background, can do the so-called confidentiality, to ensure that the world after watching, the horizon is wide open!

Qu he and Yang Chen looked out of Shasha's eyes! Soon they also felt something was wrong. In terms of the situation, there was no problem with Sasha's dress, but they didn't know why? People just can't help it!

Ding Yu looks at Sha Sha and shakes her head helplessly! I can think of it, but other people don't have this insight! No experience!

"I didn't have more rest. There may be a lot of things today!"

Sasha came to hold Ding Yu's arm, and did not regard herself as an outsider at all!

Of course, if you do this, you will have the smell of swearing sovereignty in it!

"Qu he and Yang Chen, you met last night! They are still young, and when they have time, they can give some advice. " Then he looked at Qu he and Yang Chen and said, "Sasha, you must have heard about it. How about in China? I can say a few words, but outside, I'm really powerless"Hello, Ms. Sasha." Two people said with one voice!

"Just call your wife!" Sha Sha suddenly said something very strange. When she came, she was quite prepared. After all, Qu he and Yang Chen followed Ding Yu's side. Their relationship with Ding Yu was clear to everyone who knew it. She didn't mean to hide anything! No need!

"Mrs. Sasha!"

It's absolutely inappropriate to address your wife directly. After all, there is a serious lady in the family. If you call your wife directly, what will happen to the one in the family? You know, Mrs. Kim is recognized by everyone in the family!

When hearing this address, Sasha also deliberately picked her eyebrows at Ding Yu! Ding Yu doesn't have any words. It's good that some things are not publicized! If you really say it, who knows what will happen?

"Just now, someone from Maoxiong's side came to give a note, and there are also people in China coming forward! I want to talk with you jointly. I didn't make specific decisions about the development of the consortium. After all, I don't know so much about this aspect. You should work harder! "

Sasha nodded. "It's nothing hard? what about you? Are you lazy again

There is no outsider, so Sasha's words are naturally wanton. Fortunately, Sasha is in a good mood, so for all the people below, there are still smiling faces. If you are not in a good mood, make sure you know that the so-called queen is absolutely not a white cry!

"I haven't made a specific decision yet. Let's look at the situation. Maybe in two days, we need to meet the emperor. You can talk about it slowly! There is no need to be so anxious! "

The so-called slow talk means not to be too eager. After all, something quite has not been revealed yet. It is too eager to be easily seen by the people behind. The so-called virtual reality can be exposed now after a considerable amount of time has been prepared?

Ding Yu didn't take it for granted that he could catch all the forces behind him. It was impossible!

Even if they know that they are not good to themselves, and even use some means, it is basically impossible and unrealistic to bury them all in the pit!

When I was young, I had a lot of impulses. I was fighting and fighting, but now? Although he seems to be relatively young, but today so many years of baptism, for some things, has a comprehensive consideration, for a considerable thing, also has another understanding!

Can't say a higher level, but at least it's quite different!

If the forces behind dig a hole for themselves, then they also dig a hole for them. How many people can be trapped in this pit? This question? No one knows, but can imagine out, absolutely not too few!

What's more, this is in the fur bear's territory. Is there something? It's more convenient! What's more, this is what happened? When you realize it, you'd better treat yourself as if you don't know anything. After all, you need to give the emperor a certain face. In other people's land, if you are too arrogant, there is no good end. This is certain!

What's more, Ding Yu is ready to use his strength to fight. Although he said that he was the best target, the target was the target. If it was really a rain of arrows, how much could he carry over? So forget it? With the most ready-made protection, why not?

Ding Yu didn't mean to stay in the hotel. Would it be safe to stay here? You're kidding!

As can be seen from the incident last night, this hotel is no different from the leaky spoon. As for how the Intelligence Department of Maoxiong is managed, this problem has nothing to do with Ding Yu and can't worry about it! Other people's affairs, their own outsider's hand and foot, not like words!

But Ding Yu can't leave at this time. After all, there are quite a few things in Shasha's side. If you leave, it will be a bit too much! So Ding Yu also took Qu he and Yang Chen out for a stroll together!

There's no goal, just a random stroll!

Mao Xiong gave Ding Yu a lot of standard and courtesy. After all, this is what the emperor told him in person!

Ding Yu will never be involved in the specific negotiation, this is certain! He and Ding Yu will not personally end up, they only need to be responsible for a considerable direction on it! But Ding Yu can't just stay in the hotel, can he?

Go out and have a look at the scenery and enjoy it! Although Ding Yu is a revisit of his hometown, he has a different taste!

What's more, Ding Yu's identity is extraordinary. If something happens to Ding Yu here, it will not be easy to explain in one sentence or two words. With the whole international community, we will have a different look at Mao bear. This is certain! After all, Ding Yu's identity is extraordinary, OK?

Qu he and Yang Chen have never seen such a Western scenery. If they are placed in a normal place, they will not be able to enter here, but today they are covered with Ding Yu! Appreciate some rare treasures that are rarely seen at ordinary times!However, for Qu he and Yang Chen, their appreciation ability is slightly average. If they are housekeepers, they can definitely say one or two of them. As for Ding Yu? Most of the time, I listen to it, and occasionally stop to enjoy it, but I don't make any comments!

This is also quite in line with Ding Yu's character. What should be said and what should not be said is never too much!

What do you think suits your taste and taste? Take a look at it more. If you don't feel up to your taste, you'll sweep it away!

After all, there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people. Each person has his own unique vision and requires everyone to be the same! This is against the development of mankind!

"Director, I feel a little confused! Their paintings are in public! Isn't it? "

Ding Yu looked at the oil paintings around him, as if he thought of something, but also laughed!

"As far as I know, there are two reasons. Of course, this is just my own opinion. On the one hand? Aesthetic concepts are different. What about the east? What I like is gentle and implicit, but what about the west? Bold and unrestrained! also? The reason why there are so many paintings in the west is that they want to break through the shackles of feudalism and theology, which symbolizes their determination to break through the old forces. That's why there are so many paintings with so many themes! "

Qu he and Yang Chen didn't know that before, so Ding Yu explained it now! But two people still can't talk about what to like, from the style up to feel there are so some out of place! This cultural difference is really a little big!

Anyway, Qu he and Yang Chen really can't appreciate these things. They can't say whether they are good or not! There is nothing wrong with the magnificence, but there is no concealment at all. I don't know what the mountains and hills are. It's too direct. It doesn't appeal to the Chinese people!

However, Ding Yu has a different understanding of these works of art. It is not as important as you imagine whether you like or not to sing what songs you like or not! Can't you appreciate it?

It's just like the two hunting guns that the great emperor gave himself. From the perspective of Oriental Art, even sending two firecrackers is much better than this. But standing in the western world, this is a noble gift!

Near noon, Ding Yu made a phone call to Shasha and asked if she would like to have lunch together, but she was politely refused! It's obvious that she's busy with things, and she can't spare this time at all!

But he recommended a restaurant for Ding Yu! A traditional Bear Restaurant!

Ding Yu is glad to go there, looking at the interior decoration, extremely luxurious! No wonder Sasha's recommendation is really extraordinary! Just this momentum, as well as the connotation, is unforgettable!

When Qu he and Yang Chen walked in, they didn't know which leg they should take first! It's a bit subdued by the momentum here!

"Assistant Qu, I feel a little afraid to breathe!"

"Don't look at me, I haven't been there better than you are!"

Both of them spoke in a low voice. At the same time, they all looked at Ding Yu and the director. They were carefree and free. They were not affected by the external environment. For him, it was like walking into the garden. They sighed about the scenery. That's all! It doesn't mean to be moved by foreign objects!

This is enough for two people to learn!

After knowing Ding Yu's news, link did not move for it, because Ding Yu's reaction is still very normal, he has no action now, is the best! If there is an action, it will make you a little confused!

However, judging from the current situation, Ding Yu will not sit here for too long!

Last night when Sasha just came, she was immediately entangled with work! Even if Ding Yu is ruthless and merciless, she will never turn a blind eye to Shasha, but similarly, it is impossible to let Shasha entangle Ding Yu!

Leave a day or two days, I'm afraid this is the limit!

However, Ding Yu will never go back to China immediately. Link is very sure that, out of his understanding of Ding Yu, he will not do such a thing at this time, because it is definitely a kind of harm to Shasha!

But there are also some problems in this, so some of them do not understand!

That is, last night, when Sasha just moved in, I read quite a lot of influence information, but after I saw Sasha today, I was slightly lost in my mind! Is this change a little too big!

If it's not for the whole process monitoring, I wonder if it's a replacement? Or someone pretended to be Sasha! But after considerable verification, it was found that she did not admit her mistake, that is, Sasha!

But why today compared with yesterday, it seems like a sudden change in another person!

Yesterday, although not called heavy make-up, but also not good to go there, but today? Light makeup light wipe, give people the feeling, but it is so lovely, is it because of two different costumes caused by the result? Absolutely not!There must be some problems, but this is not to say that you can find out if you want to!

But one thing, link is very clear, Ding Yu this guy is a medical master, let's say so! He has his own unique understanding of medicine, western medicine will not say! But the ancient oriental medicine, absolutely has quite a research, the old Peyton family things, I still know one or two!

Is this the reason? It's really not good! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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