I am interested in other things, but I will never be so interested.

But interest in medicine? Link is really bigger!

But that's it! Compared with Ding Yu himself, the damage he has caused is really a little big. Under such circumstances, he has no other choice, the so-called capture alive? Is it possible? Let's forget it!

Don't think it's a show! There is no such possibility at all! It won't exist!

And Ding Yu is such a proud person, will he allow himself to have such a situation? No way!

What's more, he valued honor more than his life!

So it's impossible to have the situation you imagined!

But Sasa's change, is really let oneself have such an amazing feeling! In just one night, such earth shaking changes can take place on Sasha's body, which is really in front of her.

This led to some conjectures about Ding Yu's appearance in recent years.

Such as their old vegetable skin, a hair began to gray, do not say, even on the face of the age spots began to show! Skin has inevitably undergone considerable changes, as for physical skills, that's not to mention! But what about Ding Yu? Think carefully, it seems that the whole person has no change! As for the body? Does this need to be said?

In all aspects, there is no comparability!

Maybe there are some changes in his clothes, which are deeply influenced by the British style. But this is just because he studied there. It has nothing to do with his appearance. I didn't notice this before!

Now think of it, Ding Yu has such a hand, this is not to say that his brain hole is open, but feel that there are so some incredible! Is it Ding Yu's personal fault? Or is it something else?

Quite a thing has been explained, now this time, I can take advantage of my leisure, investigation, as a mood adjustment! So link arranged it quickly!

"Find out about their women. What I want is whether there are other changes in their looks when they are not with Ding Yu, and when they are with Ding Yu. Especially when they are together, carefully compare them to see if there are other aspects of the situation?"

The following people do not know why, but the first time to start the investigation!

This kind of thing is not as difficult as imagined, and it is not a secret matter. Even within half an hour, the relevant data and image contrast data were placed in front of link!

Link looked at the face change on the screen. He never cared about this before! I don't think there is any problem in this aspect. As long as it's Ding Yu, it's OK! But today, link suddenly found that he seems to have neglected quite a problem!

And this problem, will deepen, and even change their own understanding of Ding Yu!

When everything is presented on the screen in front of you, the contrast is particularly strong!

First of all, Ding Yu's face is like a day in the past. Basically, he can't see any change. At most, he will leave a beard. But it seems to be a bit of a joke, not a very deliberate one! But even if it is, it can't change quite a problem, his face basically has no change!

It's incredible. How could it be? Is he human, too? How can there be no change at all?

Lin Ke has reason to suspect that there must be some problems in it. If there is no problem, how could Ding Yu not see too many changes on his face for so many years? It's not that Ding Yu is wearing a mask. It's impossible!

If Ding Yu is wearing a mask, how does his beard grow? So there is no such problem at all! What's more, if there is a problem in this area, then you can't get any information about it!

So things are too strange! Strange to let themselves do not know how to deal with!

There is also Ding Yu's wife, several pictures can clearly see the problems and conditions, there are not too many changes in appearance! Of course, sometimes she may make up to cover her dark circles, or some blemishes!

But this time, after encountering Ding Yu, the earth shaking changes happened immediately, just like the Shasha meeting Ding Yu yesterday! This is a bit of a heresy! If it is from the perspective of common sense, the explanation is not clear at all!

Is Ding Yu a God? In a flash of time, link suddenly came up with such an idea?

But immediately can't help shaking his head, joking a little bit big, not in line with the actual situation! For such a slightly unexplained problem, I fell into a magic barrier!But if Ding Yu is not a God, how can he do this? Is the drug used? Or what special means and methods have been adopted?

When he heard the knock on the door, link didn't care. Instead, bill came in from the outside and looked at the big screen in front of him. He couldn't help but froze. What's the situation? What's link doing?

How could he have such leisure at this time?

Know how long you haven't had a rest! Even if you want to adjust yourself, you can't take such a way! I'm really a little bit angry not to hit a place to feel!

Link looked at the angry bill and shook his head at him. He poured two cups of coffee. It was a little bitter, but the taste was very fragrant. He didn't know how much coffee he had drunk in the past few days. Anyway, his spirit was pretty good!

"Link, can I ask, what are you doing?"

I heard that Bill's tone was not so good. Link sat down again and ordered twice! And then two facial images of Sasha came out! "This is from last night and this is from this morning. Can you see the problem? I am very puzzled about this, so I found a considerable change?! Now we're comparing the others! "

Yeah? Bill blinked his eyes and looked at the image on the screen. The people on the screen were so familiar! After all, Sasha is Ding Yu's leader in Europe and an important pillar around Ding Yu. How could such a person forget it?

But Bill could hear that link had something in it!

After looking at it for a while, bill also let out a cry! "No! Is this a person? Are you sure? " After saying this, Bill shook his head. "There's something wrong with what I'm saying!"

Why is there something wrong with Bill's saying this? Because there is no problem with the monitoring in the hotel, and there is more than one monitoring in the hotel. If there are problems and mistakes in this, the whole plan is full of loopholes!

So it can't be a replacement! But if it's not a replacement! So that's the question?

"Link, are you sure Sasha didn't do anything else, like make-up, or something else? However, her mental state is very good, and quite a change has taken place. Is this because of meeting Ding Yu? "

"I've thought about it, but before Shasha met those people, Mao Xiong deliberately sent quite a number of receptionists to take charge of it. I've got the most detailed information. Sasha almost doesn't make up much!"

"It's impossible?"

Bill's fingers were pointing at the screen, and there was a slight shiver!

"If you look at this picture last night, you can even see the freckles on your face, but what about today? The face is like an egg that has just been peeled out, if there is cosmetics to cover it up! I believe that, but you have nothing to say. I absolutely don't believe it. This is contrary to the fact

Link can not deny a nod, "you take a look at Ding Yu, I've sorted out his appearance changes over the years. If you look carefully, you can certainly find many different places!"

The image of Ding Yu on the screen appears as promised! Every period of time, even the interval between each sheet will not exceed a week! The visual effect is very obvious and prominent!

"How could that be possible?" Bill's expression, a look of horror, turned to look at link, even do not know what to say!

"Yes! How could this be possible? " Link is also puzzled about this, "but if you want to say that Ding Yu is a robot or has a mask on his face, I don't believe it. Although you and I have not contacted Ding Yu, quite a number of people have contacted him! And it's close contact! "

"So what you said is not true at all, but what kind of problems are there?" Before he had finished speaking, Bill suddenly stopped and said, "no, link, what opinions and thoughts do you want to express?"

Looking at link suspiciously, "do you think there is still a chance to turn back at this time?! It's not that we can't go back. At least, we haven't started quite a lot of things. If we don't do anything, there's no problem. But we just watch Ding Yu grow bigger and stronger? "

"Not this one?" Link couldn't help laughing. "Just take it as a pre meal preparation! Our nerves are collapsing a little too nervous. Now everything is going according to the plan. Let's have some fun in other aspects. "

Bill is very suspicious of this, but he is also staring at Ding Yu and other people on the screen!

After watching for a long time, he shook his head slightly, "if you don't mention this matter, I'm afraid everyone has not noticed this problem. It seems that Ding Yu has solved the problems of the old Peyton family!"

"The problem that has plagued their whole family. Since ancient times, the research on this aspect of the whole family has expended more manpower, material and financial resources than any other force. Even if these materials are erected to rebuild an empire, I don't think it is difficult, but this problem has been solved by Ding Yu!""I know everything, but old Peyton's family is very strict about this aspect of information. Is the relationship between their family and Ding Yu? It's a little subtle. I'm a private friend with Ding Yu. That's all. As for other aspects? On the whole, it is relatively peaceful! "

There are some contradictions in this statement, which are different from the facts, but they are almost the same!

There must be other connections between old Peyton's family and Ding Yu, but it doesn't mean that their whole family has fallen to Ding Yu. It's really not like this! It can only be said that it is the choice of smart people! Know what to do at what time!

"Link, do you think it has anything to do with this?"

"There should be no relationship, even if there is a relationship, the relationship will not be very big!" He immediately shook his head, "and Ding Yu has never launched in a large scale. Obviously, there should be considerable disadvantages in it. But what are the disadvantages? I don't know! This is hard to verify! It's too close to Ding Yu

After thinking about it, link went on to say, "but there is a problem. Although Ding Yu's grandfather has passed away! But his grandfather and grandmother live is more moist, this matter you should know! All three of them are taken care of by Ding Yu! Never borrow people! From this, it can be seen that it is normal! "

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything. Since we have chosen such an opportunity, we can't have any hesitation!"

Lin Ke's face changed. "I heard that Ding Yu is more carefree now? Under such circumstances, Ding Yu will not stay too long! At most, it will be one night. Judging from the current situation, which place, the original villa, or the new summer resort will Ding Yu choose

Speaking of this, Bill's interest is also greatly increased, "from my personal analysis of Ding Yu's situation, he is most likely to choose the original villa, because he is a relatively nostalgic person, and he does not deny that he has a considerable spirit of adventure, but this kind of adventure, for him, is more like a helpless choice!"

"If he chooses the original villa, it will be very difficult for us!"

Link's face was a little embarrassed, because the original villa was arranged with quite a lot of cannon fodder, which led to the emotional management department of Maoxiong's side paying close attention to it. In such a case, it must have taken quite a lot of trouble to make a new deployment, and it may even take the lead in fighting with the Intelligence Department of Maoxiong!

If you don't fight with them, you won't be able to break through the periphery. After all, Ding Yu's hands are not as many as you imagine!

If anxious together, will the bear sit and watch something happen? Let's not say whether Ding Yu is their distinguished guest. Maoxiong can't let other people slap in the face!

This is a disadvantage of no heavy weapons, but the time is too short! After all, this is the territory of Maoxiong. For light things, you can hide one or two, but heavy weapons don't mean you can cover them up if you want! What do you think of a hairy bear?

Do you really think they are big and thick, with a paste in their heads? Don't be naive!

"Sasha's being held up is just a temporary thing! This time will never be too long! What's more, Ding Yu and the emperor have already talked about it. Even if Ding Yu leaves now, the great emperor will not mention anything. Our staff can't continue to push this matter, which will arouse the alarm of the great emperor! "

Link slightly snorted, some disdain!

"Don't you think it's too late to think about it now? That is to say, he still has a little effect, but the effect is not as big as imagined! No matter what happens to the situation, a detailed and cruel investigation will certainly be carried out by the bear afterwards. This is certain! "

That emperor is not a good man, especially when such a thing happened!

Even if you don't give Ding Yu a so-called account, you also need to give an account to the Emperor himself!

Although it is said that things have not yet happened, but the corresponding results can be expected now! Nothing is too hard!

For link, these guys are just a little more advanced cannon fodder! What's more, they are just cannon fodder. How much is the value of cannon fodder?

Now that they've been used, it's over! Then find another cannon fodder!

At this point, there is only the difference between more and less, big and small, that's all!

There is no denying that in this process, there will be quite a number of people will be associated, but for Ding Yu, all the costs are worth it. After so many years of time and so much investment, there must be considerable results!

"Link, if Ding Yu goes to the previous villa, we need to make considerable adjustments, and it is very difficult for us to be able to fight for a considerable amount of time! But we have to hurry up! It's hard to say when Ding Yu will leave. There are some things that Ding Yu has already grasped. I don't think he will give up! ""The problem is that it's too early to put all your eggs in one basket now, in terms of time!"

Link couldn't help sighing! "We are too eager to bet now. We just analyze some problems from Ding Yu's point of view, but what about Shasha? Do we really need no attention? "

In the face of link's question, Bill didn't know how to answer it for a moment!

Will Ding Yu not consider Sasa's idea? Ding Yu is very nostalgic. This is true, but what about Sasha? She is very fashionable!

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