In this case, we can't settle down now. It's too hasty and irresponsible.

However, there is no so-called no regret, but once the word is down, and then to transfer, is a trouble can explain clearly! There are too many things involved in this! The transfer of personnel and weaponry, the readjustment of plans, etc., all need to be rearranged, but do you have that time? Will Ding Yu give you such time? Will the bear give you such a chance?

If it is said that this is in their own land, that is not to say, but the problem is that this is not in their own land ah!

Link and Bill's consideration is not unreasonable!

If Ding Yu has made a decision, will Shasha change Ding Yu's decision? Not likely! In the same way, if Sasha went to discuss with Ding Yu, would Ding Yu object? It seems not!

The question is, who will be the first to speak? On this issue, is it to test Ding Yu? Or try Sasa, relatively speaking, the results may be better! Try Ding Yu's words, then with the exposure of their own, there is no difference!

But trying to test Shasha is just a little easier than Ding Yu! Two rights harm each other, take the lesser!

But she is Ding Yu's leader in Europe. Her ability is not ordinary. What's more, she is very alert. If she feels some problems and mistakes, she may not react too much, but she will definitely put Ding Yu's safety first. This is an undoubted thing!

Then all the arrangements on my side will be useless! Because everyone's goal is Ding Yu, not Sasha! There is absolutely no mistake in this!

So the discussion came and went, and now link and bill still can't make the final decision!

However, the two people will not be so depressed because of this. This is just the darkness before dawn, and they have not experienced it in the past. At least they have seen the dawn, and they are not still groping in the dark, have no clue, have hope, and have the goal of struggle!

"Director, how can I feel a little uncomfortable?"

Yang Chen looked around from time to time, but no matter how he looked, he didn't find anything. Where he saw his eyes, he was safe, but Yang Chen couldn't figure out what the situation was! I feel a little bit wrong, but I don't know what's wrong! Looking for a long time, there is no discovery!

For Yang Chen's question, Ding Yu didn't immediately give an answer, but looked at Qu he sitting beside Yang Chen!

"Qu he, what's your feeling like?"

Qu he frowned a little. He didn't understand the same thing, but he asked about it! I also think about a little time, this just said in a low voice!

"Sir, it feels like someone is staring at us. It seems that there are more than a group of people! I can feel and find some people, but the personal feeling of these people is a little different. Some people look at us with peaceful eyes. Their eyes are on us, but their attention is not on us. But what about some eyes? It's quite bad, that is to say, the eyes are not on our bodies, but the attention is very focused, staring at us, but I just have this feeling. It's difficult to find it out! "

After that, he laughed!

Ha ha! Ding Yu said with a smile, "yes, you are not professional, but if you can say such words, you have considerable potential. At this point, Yang Chen does not have the skill of you, but this is not the difference in ability, because Yang Chen is too inexperienced! And you! Those who wander around in the lake and lake will soon become a veteran

"Sir, if you do that, I'm a little frightened."

But I don't know whether it is intentional or intentional! In any case, there is no intention of seizing the host and the guest!

"Yang Chen, you can feel that there is something wrong. This is a kind of talent! But this kind of talent needs to be cultivated well. Don't squander it at will. It's not enough to have talent, and it's still far from enough. With a good foundation and a good foundation, plus your talent, everything in front of you will be nowhere to hide! "

"Director, you are not praising me, are you?"

Yang Chen also has some big heart! However, he also knew that he was mocking himself when he said this. How could the director praise himself at this time? Not reprimand oneself, already is quite take care of oneself!

If you don't know how to scold yourself in other occasions!

Qu he's heart has so many want to laugh, but there is no change on the face! I understand a thing, but have revealed, is another thing!

"Hum!" Ding Yu snorted and expressed his dissatisfaction. "If you look at the people around you, you will find that when they look at us, there are basically four situations. One is curiosity. We sit here and say something presumptuous. Even if our eyes are slightly sharper, we can see that there are many people around us!"Yang Chen can't help nodding! Don't really say, since entering here, many people have looked at their own side, and even they can find that they are whispering something. As for what they say, they can't hear clearly, even if they can hear clearly! I don't understand. The words are wrong!

"What about the second? I want to explore. This kind of exploration can be said to be an extension of curiosity. I am very concerned about our clothes and clothes, as well as our actions. I have made a certain analysis. This kind of vision may be appreciation, research, speculation and so on! However, those who can do this will abide by themselves and will not behave too wantonly

There is also such a saying, although Yang Chen and Qu he both have their own ways, but this kind of thinking is what they have never encountered before!

"The last two are just like what Qu he just said! What about the third? It is to protect us. Their eyes seem to be focused on us, but you can find that they control the whole situation more often than not. They don't want everything around us to affect us. If there is an emergency, they will react in the first place! Don't want any mistakes! "

"This kind of people is very easy to identify, because their eyes will change with the changes of things and people around them. Anything close to us will attract their attention. Even a mosquito can't escape the network they have constructed!"

As for the fourth Ding Yu's mouth slightly cocked up, slightly disdainful look!

"Their eyes rarely stay on our bodies. Even if they stay, they sweep past us. It seems like a passer-by! They care little about us, but their attention is always on us. They may not be behind us, or in front of us, or on our left and right! "

"Director, is there any way to distinguish them?"

"It's not that there is no way out, but some difficulties. If the distance is a little closer, it's better. Because it's easier to distinguish, because if you put your attention on other people's bodies, you will inevitably be distracted by other things. Not everyone can do one mind and two purposes. You can observe it carefully."

"Do you want to have a try?"

Listening to the director's words, Yang Chen was stunned at first, then the whole person immediately got up, even his waist was straight up!

"I sat in a pair at eight o'clock! You can distinguish it carefully! If they were smarter, they would leave now, but as far as we know, even if they want to leave, it will be a very troublesome thing! "

Yang Chen and Qu he's eyes swept in the past, Qu he can be a little bit obscure, but Yang Chen looked at the past so directly, without any hidden, too direct!

"Sir, I don't feel any difference. They're like a couple!" While talking, Yang Chen still couldn't live to look at, for fear that others do not know the same!

"It's definitely not a couple. If it's a couple, they can't be so polite, and they're not lovers. They won't be so crude, nor are they suitors and pursuers. If it's such a relationship, their performance is too stiff!"

May feel Yang Chen's wanton and direct, Ding Yu gently tapped the tea cup with a small spoon!

Give Yang Chen a wake-up call, "you look at them like this. After looking at them for a period of time, you will find that they are very unnatural, that is, those who try to make themselves normal, but the more normal they want to behave, the more abnormal they are! Good observation, such opportunities are not many! "

It's just an open book exam! Knowing the result, for Yang Chen and Qu he, two half baked monks, although there are some difficulties, they can still see some differences!

While the people on the side of Mao bear are very frightened, but at the same time, they don't mean to move them immediately. Instead, they sit there and stare at them. Why don't you make good use of this opportunity?

If Ding Yu didn't mention it, we really didn't find it. Now we have found it! Really find out quite different places, the so-called mountain stone can attack jade, learn from it, it seems that there is no harm!

However, the couple sitting there are on pins and needles at this time, because quite a lot of eyes are directed at them. Now they are moving or not, not moving!

If they move, it means they are seen through! Then it is not a matter of fleeing! It's for nothing to be a bear, isn't it? But if it doesn't move, it's a turtle in a jar. No matter move or not move, so everything seems to have been out of their control!

The problem is that they don't understand what happened? Why did it all of a sudden? Isn't everything good before? Did someone sell them both? Or are there other unknowns in this? Two people's heads can be said to be a ball of paste!"Director, their performance is a little different!"

Ding Yu didn't mean to look back!

"Yang Chen, if it was you, what kind of choice do you think is most important at this time? Or how do you think you should get out of this situation? Say something? "

"Ah?" Yang Chen blinked his eyes, some do not know why! I have never thought about the problem like this!

"I need to think about it." Ding Yu had a rare feeling, "no one can guarantee that you will encounter such a problem in the future! Sometimes we need to start from reality. The things mentioned in the book are condensed together, and specific problems need to be analyzed concretely! "

For Yang Chen, Ding Yu is also trying to instill, there is no way, who let him be a little white? Why don't you mention this to Qu he? Because he's so experienced! For such a thing, his first thought is how to get rid of it, instead of sitting here and watching the so-called western scenery!

This is the difference between Yang Chen and Qu he!

"Qu he, if it was you, what kind of choice would you make now! Tell me about your method? "

"Sir, I will try my best to adopt regular channels through normal ways, such as calling the police. If I can solve problems through regular channels and methods, I still don't think about other ways and methods!" Qu he said with great interest, "but what's the situation now? Through regular channels to solve, the possibility is not so big, but this also depends on whether they are smart! If they are smarter, they should not carry other messy things with them. By virtue of the so-called inference, they can't play any role. They need to be reasonable in everything they do! "

Ding Yu points the crane with his hand! It's a nod of approval!

"Yang Chen, did you see that this is the slickness of the old doggerel. It's not that Qu he has no other ways. He even thinks of countless ways in his heart, but relatively speaking, this way is the most safe! Can reduce their own loss to the minimum extent, at the same time, the maximum degree of their own will not be exposed! You can protect yourself

"Sir, have they not been exposed?"

"Exposure? I just said doubt. The question is how do you prove it? What do they carry with them? Or did you do something harmful? Not at all! They are just flustered! Am I nervous? Not yet? "

Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head, "to be specific, they are nervous! Some do not know what to do, if it is like Qu he such a veteran? You will think that nothing has happened. What you need most at this time is to calm down and calm yourself down. Don't follow other people's ideas. If you walk on the road that others belong to, do you know where there are pits? "

"Director, you mean, try to control the rhythm!"

"It's too early for you to control the rhythm! Now the situation is to keep calm and don't take the road of others. If you can't master the most basic things, then what's the meaning of other things? "

Take a look at the Qu he beside him and curl his mouth slightly to Yang Chen!

"What do you think Qu he is thinking now?"

"Director, I don't know that well!"

"It's none of your business. It's all over now! It's enough to understand the process! As for the rest, we have nothing to do with us, and we can't worry about it! "

Ding Yu said a word without salt and salt, but Yang Chen's face was red and his ears were red. He even felt that he was a little too shameful! Calm, calm, the director stressed how many times, but he has not been aware of it!

It's Qu Hequ assistant, not only calm down, but also think more about it!

If the director is not here, what will he do? Is it a riot, and then go straight to two people, take them down, and then walk away with two people in high spirits and happy mood to show their ability. In the future, who dares to underestimate himself? His heart absolutely has such an idea!

What's more, it's still a foreign country. Do you do it yourself? Will certainly get many aspects of praise, young and promising, capable, responsible! But I never thought of anything else!

You know, this is the territory of Mao bear. If you do this, where will you put the bear? They may praise themselves on the surface, but behind them? I'm afraid I hate myself to the bone!

Think about such things will feel creepy! To do so, not only will not promote the feelings between each other, but will make the relationship between each other worsen!

Think about the practice of Qu he Qu's assistant. After knowing quite a few things, he was silent! If you don't express any opinions and opinions, how to do it here is your own business. It has nothing to do with me! I don't even think about it! You just have to be happy!From this we can see the difference between each other!

But it is also because of the different ways, the result is also the opposite!

If you follow the way of assistant Qu, Mao Xiong may not appreciate Qu he face-to-face, and Qu he will never admit anything, but what about the back? The bear may be extremely grateful, because Qu he's way of doing it keeps the bear's face!

If one is positive and one is negative, the result will be so different! Isn't it worth thinking about the problems and situations? Why the director chose such an opportunity is not to say that there is no reason at all! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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