"Sir, I have a little doubt here!"

Quhe, sitting beside Ding Yu's hand, didn't know if it was a flash of inspiration, or thought of something. He said it all of a sudden!

"Let's hear it!" Ding Yu is an attitude towards Yang Chen and another attitude to Qu he. Now they really can't compare with each other. Comparatively speaking, Ding Yu likes Qu he more! Yang Chen is not fully enlightened, so a comparison between two people, there is a gap, this can not blame Ding Yu!

The palm and back of the hand are not fake, but the feeling of pain is completely different! There's quite a difference!

After getting Ding Yu's consent, Qu he said aloud! "Sir, I don't mean to boast, but we are some people with some status! There are so many people around, but there is still such a situation, I feel very confused! What do you want to do with staring at us under such circumstances? "

Speaking of this, Yang Chen is also suddenly awakened, and even the whole person is almost to stand up!

Such a big move, let has been responsible for the protection of Ding Yu and his party, is also very surprised, what is the situation? Don't see what happened to them! Why is Yang Chen so big? A little emotional! I don't know if it's out of control! It doesn't look like much!

Ding Yu takes a look at Yang Chen. His actions make others feel inappropriate. He doesn't know that the nerve has been touched. He presses him in vain, and he is careless!

Just now I said, calm down, calm down. Is the result good? Just finished, he immediately put it behind him! What is good for you? But he can't ignore it. After all, he is with him!

After seeing Ding Yu's actions, Yang Chen also realized his mistakes. Now he is like a pupil who made mistakes. He even dare not look into Ding Yu's eyes. Such a mistake is really too low! People don't know what to say!

Even if it's just a beginner, you shouldn't make such a mistake, but you just do it! It's really hard to imagine that when I was at that time, I was thinking about something in my head?

What's more, on this occasion, I'm a disgrace to the director! What's more, it's a kind of shame!

Ding Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at Yang Chen, "Yang Chen, you are sensitive. I said that! You have considerable potential, but don't waste it! "

"Yes, director, I will pay attention to it!" When he said this, Yang Chen clenched his fist!

The director takes the initiative to learn everything for himself, and even takes the initiative to learn everything for himself! Even a lot of basic things, are left behind, their own a bit too floating!

"Qu he, you continue to say!"

After stabbing Yang Chen, Ding Yu did not continue to go deep. Yang Chen is not a veteran. He has a lot of blood. It is inappropriate to beat his enthusiasm too much! It's not appropriate!

So treat him step by step, the effect is obvious, this is waiting for time to slowly verify!

"Yes, sir!" Qu he continued, "from here, there have been such things in the villa. Today, there are such things. It always feels like someone is peeping at something? But it also makes people wonder if it is too blatant, again and again? "

After hesitating for a moment, the expression on Qu he's face was a little pinched. "Sir, I say a bold word. I feel that these guys are like toads jumping on the instep of their feet, not biting, but responding to people!"

For Qu he's satire, Ding Yu's smile is slightly contemptuous!

It's not for Qu he or Yang Chen. Ding Yu hasn't been so careful!

"You mean they did it on purpose?"

Qu he responded with a nod, "anyway, I have such a feeling, but after all, I've just arrived, and I don't know so much about some things, but they give me a feeling of itchy teeth, standing in front of you in a roundabout way, even spitting in front of your face. It's disgusting, but if I do it, it's so Some are not worth it! That's how I feel now, anyway

Ding Yu took a sip of the tea cup. Comparatively speaking, Ding Yu didn't particularly like the tea here!

The taste is too special. It is different from the domestic tea. There are too many things in it!

When putting down the teacup, Ding Yucai lowered his voice and said!

"Speaking of it, there are really some strange. In the past, we often had friction, whether it is on the surface or in the dark, sometimes the friction will be slightly fierce, but now the sudden change makes me a little confused, and even makes people very strange!""Weird?" Yang Chen asked subconsciously!

"Yes! Weird Ding Yu nodded his head, "they didn't use this way in the original time. Sometimes this is exclusive to me!" When he said this, Ding Yu pointed to himself!

This action made Qu he and Yang Chen open their eyes. They didn't even know when their mouth opened. Fortunately, Qu he responded quickly. He held his chin with his hand. Mr. Qu is really smart. It can be said that such a thing is known to the outside world, which affects his reputation!

"Sir?" Qu he pressed his heart's eagerness, so some exclaimed!

"I've done this before, and I've done it many times. It's not something that can't be seen. Now that I've done it, I need to admit it!"

In this regard, Ding Yu is very open and aboveboard, such a thing is not done twice, no big deal! If you say that you are tired of fame and never disclose such things, what's the matter? Can your reputation get better?

Are you kidding? Now his reputation in many people's eyes, has been a kind of stink!

So it's better to be a little bit self-conscious, so the life will be more natural and unrestrained!

"I don't know what kind of people are hiding behind this? But in this way? It's interesting and even worth pondering. What's more, even if you know their ways and methods, what can you do? "

In the face of this question, not only Qu he and Yang Chen are sluggish, but also they have been protecting Ding Yu's hairy bears!

Why? Because the method mentioned by Ding Yu is really disgusting!

Fight? It doesn't have any effect, on the contrary, it intensifies the contradiction between each other, because people don't do it, but they don't fight? If you don't have them, you'd be sitting in the opposite position! And spit at you!

Mao bear's side of the relevant personnel, are also subconsciously turned his mouth!

However, when hall knew the news, the corners of his mouth twitched, and immediately passed the news to link and bill. Don't ask why they are so far apart, they can still know what Ding Yu said!

Now such technology is very developed! Ding Yu and they are outside! There is no other protection, so want to collect Ding Yu's voice, is a very simple thing, effortless!

When link and bill knew about it, they sat together again!

"Link, I always think there is something in Ding Yu's words. What's your opinion?"

Bill has been overworked in the past two days. His spirit has gone down a lot. His face looks pale and his eyes are deeply sunken! And link is not as good as that! Want to rest, but can't rest at all!

This is not now nest on the sofa, even their own arms are not willing to lift, previously sleeping for an hour, this is the two days of few rest time, there is no way to do things, time is too hasty, under such circumstances, only use their own rest!

Yeah! Link poured himself a cup of coffee. Although he said that the taste of coffee was very good, he had been drinking coffee as water. No one could stand it! But in order to fight their own spirit, can only be so to do!

Even link has some doubts. If he goes on like this, he will have an aversion to coffee. It's hard to say! Anyway, now I have begun to have a little bit of hate!

Bill looked at the mentally depressed link, which was definitely different from his imagination!

"I'm fine!" Link waved his hand. "I just woke up and my head hurt a little. I've been using my brain too much these two days! Therefore, there are some other problems in the spirit. First of all, please tell me about it! "

"What is Ding Yu's intention? He would not have known that if he said such things on such occasions, we would not receive news, but he still said so! Obviously he did it on purpose

Link knead his temple, can have a quarter of an hour, his slightly better! Someone sent a towel over, wiped his face, and threw the towel into the plate!

Then a slight hum! "This son of a bitch is on purpose. He is a little uncertain about who is standing behind this. But after doing this, he will find out quite a result, and even we will be exposed!"

"Are we exposed?" Bill, who was still holding his chest in both hands, immediately let go of his arms and put his hands on the table under his buttocks. He just sat on the table with a little carefree just now, but if he didn't use his arms to support him, he might fall down because of fright!

I didn't expect that link would say such a thing. I'm really worried!

"I didn't get enough information?" In this regard, bill was very puzzled, "if Ding Yu knows our news, it is not a good thing, because he knows us, he can investigate more information! That's for sure! I will never doubt that! "Why don't you doubt that Ding Yu's decoration for so many years is a decoration? For a long time, Ding Yu has always been able to get quite internal information. Why? There must be a reason! Bill doesn't dare to make any promises about this!

We should know that they have arranged and planned for such a long time, is not it to prevent such things?

"Bill, do you think Ding Yu now knows our business?"

Link asked abruptly, and Bill didn't know why! what do you mean? He doubted himself!

But then Bill denied his doubts! Thinking about this problem of link!

"No!" Bill was sure to shake his head. "If Ding Yu knew the news, he would never take such a way. He would have a better operation. I never mean to underestimate Ding Yu. I have never encountered such a fierce opponent. We have a considerable dispute between each other, but from the sense of view, I still admire him very much."

Link also can't help laughing, but this voice is a little too bad to hear! Being able to let bill say such words shows how much harm Ding Yu has caused. On the other hand, it also shows that Ding Yu is really very powerful?!

Even in his own heart, for Ding Yu is also abnormal admiration!

Put it on other people's bodies, can they do this? What's your dream? Think of something beautiful!

But it is also because of this, so it is more necessary to eradicate Ding Yu, leaving him is a disaster, but this does not hinder people's appreciation of Ding Yu, but appreciating you is one thing, killing you is another! Not so contradictory!

"Ding Yu should not know about it now, but he should be very cautious now, which is true!"

In this regard, link is helpless, his previous time took a wrong step, moved Sasha, caused Ding Yu quite alert! That's why Ding Yu's scene today starts with the simplest place!

It's true that I was caught off guard. Now the problem is how to deal with what happened!

As if you don't know anything? Or is it a so-called cross air fight with Ding Yu?

As what do not know, should not be! Even if Ding Yu is using the method of exclusion, he will find them quickly, so hiding is of no effect. Although he said that he and Ding Yu had already been antagonistic to each other, but now he has to stand up, it seems that some of them are too fast!

But it's not that there are no benefits. It's really not like this!

If you stand up now, it will have considerable benefits. At least to a certain extent, it can paralyze Ding Yu. That's what I did! I am deliberately disgusting you, with this to cover up their original purpose, this thing is still OK!

But if you want to be able to think like this, you need to think about how to control this matter. You can't act rashly. This is extremely inappropriate!

To act rashly, can only deepen Ding Yu's suspicion, but also let his side of the plan by considerable impact, this is certain! Now is careful to act, after all, this person is Ding Yu, is not what kind of bag of wine generation!

A careless loss, such things have not happened, in Ding Yu's body such a thing, there is no strange!

"Bill, if it were you, how would you think about it?"

"Link, I can't keep up with Ding Yu's rhythm now. This guy is flying in the sky. What he thinks out is not on the same level at all!" In this regard, Bill did not have any chance, very happy to say the situation and the truth!

If we just let it go, Bill felt that Ding Yu would abuse himself with blood and even be abused out of the sky! It's not exaggeration, even ordinary things!

"Ding Yu wants to identify a considerable number of people through this incident. In this case, we will give him something normal. We can't just see the move. That would be too passive and would make Ding Yu suspicious."

"Link, what do you mean?"

"Since Ding Yu wants a so-called result, we can give him a result!"

Bill thought about the meaning carefully, then looked at link and said tentatively, "you mean that we can't follow Ding Yu's steps. If so, we will eventually fall into Ding Yu's trap. Anyway, those guys are cannon fodder. Even if they are thrown to Ding Yu or even Mao bear, they will not have any heartache. What's more, they will do this, Ding Yu's hidden purpose will not arouse our suspicion. "

"Yes! That's what I think

Link is very sure to say, a trace of perseverance flashed on his face!

"If Ding Yu doesn't know anything about it, it won't work. Ding Yu will never give up! But what kind of result is needed to give Ding Yu? This is not the thing that Ding Yu has the final say. What we need to do now is to delay as much as possible. If Ding Yu decides to do it tonight, we should do as fast as possible.For this, Bill did not ask the reason, because his heart is very clear!

The longer the delay, the more unfavorable it will be for you!

Because Ding Yu has already begun to suspect in some aspects! Even if given certain results to Ding Yu, can we really dispel his doubts? impossible!

Now the reason why we want to do this is to confuse Ding Yu's ideas. When we really do it, even if Ding Yu has quite a guess, what can he do? It's all done! All things have been very clear, Ding Yu at that time even know! Can he fly? Can he go from heaven to earth?

"I see!"

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