"Sir, we just sit here all the time?"

Ding Yu waved his hand, slightly bored! Let Qu he calm down a little! Don't be so eager!

The previous couple has left! How to leave Ding Yu does not have any attention meaning, is to see two people a little embarrassed just, want to come to their results will not be too good! Lost calm, is such an end, the inevitable result!

"Hello, Mr. Ding."

Looking at the visitors, Qu he and Yang Chen stood up for the first time and made way for their table. After the waiter cleaned up, they moved the chair! Ding Yu is not too proud!

While the waiter was cleaning up the table, he shook hands with the visitor! This simple action didn't make Sergey ecstatic, but it was also full of curiosity. Why? Because Ding Yu's action makes him feel very surprised!

It's totally different from the data!

In the materials, he is a very arrogant, even a bit domineering person, but came here, Ding Yu did not have any flying performance, do anything is very commendable! In particular, his handshake with himself is not a formulaic one. Instead, he gives himself a lot of good feeling out of thin air!

"Sit down, please." Ding Yu took the lead in making an invitation gesture, "so to speak, I have added a lot of trouble to you all!"

"Mr. Ding is so flattered! Thank you, Mr. Ding! " Sergei didn't get carried away because of Ding Yu's compliment. He didn't know how high the warning line was. The analysis on the data may be wrong, but there should be no problem with the records on the data!

Seeing the records on the materials, combined with the meeting with Ding Yu, I always feel that there is a big contradiction between the two! All give themselves a very unreal feeling, sitting opposite Ding Yu, slightly illusory!

Ding Yu sipped his lips. "I came to have a meal, which seemed to attract everyone's attention! It may be that I haven't been out for a long time! So people think of me as a western view! "

A little bit of self mockery! But Sergei would never understand that!

Ding Yu's identity is extraordinary, and the Emperor himself explained it down!

Sergei was summoned by the great emperor yesterday and told him a lot of things. Can't he see the problem clearly? But I didn't think that something happened today. His face was a little swollen. If Sergei found the man, it might be better. But the problem is that Ding Yu was the first person to find out!

Fortunately, they also brought some monitoring equipment, and did not carry other weapons and equipment. Otherwise, Sergey felt that he could see the sun tomorrow, which was probably the two things!

Thank you, Mr. Ding Ding Yu found quite a lot of things, but he didn't embarrass the bear. What's more, Ding Yu taught us a very important lesson!

"Other discoveries?" Looking at Sergei's appearance, Ding Yu asked thoughtfully!

"Mr. Ding, we have found some things, and also found some context!"

"They're all coming for me?"

Sergei heavily nodded his head, some things can be hidden, but there is no need to hide some things! Tell Ding Yu that there is no harm, he has asked for instructions! This is not my own decision!

"Yes! However, the specific situation has not been fully ascertained! " Looking at Ding Yu, Sergei then said, "Mr. Ding hasn't come out for a long time! Everyone is puzzled that you are here, sir! "

Listening to Sergei's explanation, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, but the smile was fleeting!

It's good to know something quite well. There's no need to disclose anything!

"I understand!" Ding Yu sighed, "ah! Just come and meet Sasha! It's not a big deal. It seems that fame is not a good thing! There are countless people watching every move

"Mr. Ding, you are so self belittling! I think it's the scurf kids who dare not look directly, so they can only use some unorthodox things! " Anyway, in this case, it's like you don't need money to jump out of Sergey's mouth!

Ding Yu didn't get any answer, but Sergei's arrival has already given him a good answer. However, Ding Yu will not mention this matter to Sergei. He doesn't know what kind of person he is!

It's enough to know something by yourself! There's no need to make a fuss, everyone knows!

If we all know, there are some that are not easy to deal with!

"I see! It's a real nuisance to all of you! "

Sergei quickly stood up, Ding Yu also stood up, two people shake hands with each other, Sergei back two steps, and then turned to leave, both said that the bearers were rude, but this also needs to be watched!

At least in today's time and occasion, Sergey's performance is very good! To Ding Yu left a very good impression! His performance can not be said to be amazing, but at least there are no mistakes!To Ding Yu sent a considerable message, also did not lose the measure! It's great!

"Sir!" Qu he has already checked out, then he and Yang Chen together with Dingyu side position!

"How about Sasha? It's all morning! "

"Madam Sasha's problem is not very big, sir, but the work is very cumbersome!"

Ding Yu immediately understood the meaning of it. Quite a thing she had said hello to Sasha last night. She can't take off herself now. After all, the great is still watching it!

The Emperor himself knows not much about this matter, or he doesn't know at all. But why is the action made by some people below a little bit big, as for the movement? It's not so big now, but it should be fast!

"We came out and threw Sasha over there? It's a little too much! "

Dingyu, a little ironic, is it who is mocking? This is not known!

Yang Chen, who wants to speak, is depressed by the crane. When should he speak and when not to speak, is such a problem unclear? Yang Chen quite aggrieved to see a song crane!

"What's the matter?" What does Dingyu seem to see? Asked a word at random!

"Director, is it a bit inappropriate for us to hang out like this? Would you like to bring Mrs. Sasha some small presents? "

Well! Good advice! Ding Yu happily ordered his head. "Don't say it, it's a really good idea! But need to carefully choose, this is really not able to borrow people! I need to come by myself! "

And then, I come out and I can't go back empty handed, can you? You always need to bring some gifts to the old people and children in the family? There may not be a lack of these things in the home, but the ones sent here can not be compared with those brought back by themselves!

So the next process is a little simpler!

Many people behind Ding Yu feel very smacking about Ding Yu's spending. There is a real mine in the family!

Never ask about the price of the thing you buy? It is only appropriate or appropriate, but from the things Dingyu buys, we also know what the significance of Ding Yu buying these things is? Garage Kit! Toys, etc., obviously for children!

Ding Yu family children and apprentices are also more, and Ding Yu has always liked children! So it's no surprise to buy so many things!

Think carefully, as if Dingyu came out every time, it was like this! On this point, he is really a good father! Good master, at least others will not show so delicate!

Other people buy things, rarely personally end, handed over to the following people will be done! Who has that time?

At more than four, Dingyu finally returned to the hotel! As for the purchased items, some of them were placed in the hotel, because it was for Sasha, and the other part was sent to the airport by security? Direct installation! Anyway, the plane is big enough. Don't say that! Even if it is several times more things, there is no problem!

She came back a little late, but saw the things in the room, her eyebrows jumped twice, and looked at Dingyu sitting on the sofa. After seeing Ding Yu nodding, she was relieved!

"When did I come back, I was a little tired today!"

Looked up and down a bit, Dingyu smiled head, things a little bit, is true, but to say tired, a bit of fake! But Dingyu will not tear down the small trick of Sasha. It is not necessary, is it? Why do you have to find yourself this so-called uncomfortable? Right?

It is hard to piss up Sasha, and I am happy!

"It's been a while since I came back! Dinner is ready! I wonder if my wife would like to? "

Sasha snorted her little nose and didn't give Ding any response, but the performance above the action has explained everything! I changed my clothes again. The business was a suit of clothes. But when I got back to my residence, I didn't need to keep my own cold face hole!

"Will you be together tomorrow?"

Sasha fumbled for the glass inside her hand, and thought for a long time, and then she shook her head at Dingyu! In fact, Sasha is thinking repeatedly in her heart. Would you like to make this decision?

I know quite a thing, but I really don't worry about it. It's deceptive, let alone know the danger of this event! It's not that simple as you think!

Ding Yu has experienced quite a lot of wind and rain, but it doesn't mean that he is God! If I don't know, it will be! But now I know, nothing to do, Sasha feel that she can not forgive herself! But I have to make this decision again! Because of this opportunity, for Dingyu, also is a good opportunity in a lifetime!

Absolutely can not miss such an opportunity, the heaven grants not, must be responsible for it!

Sasha took a deep breath! I am holding my emotions under pressure!"There are a lot of things on my side! It may be two days apart, but what's my opinion? "

When she said this, Sasha's attitude was a little funny! Ding Yu hums and laughs! "I see! When you come, I think I will give you a big surprise! Do you want to give you some information to prepare you psychologically? "

"No more!"

Next words, Sasha did not mean to say! But it's very obvious!

Ding Yu went to the villa this time, what he suffered must be the storm. This is an undoubted thing!

Quite a lot of people will not die, and the means and methods adopted will be unprecedented! On this issue, you don't even have to think about it! Sasha can foresee the tragedy, but she can't stop it. She even needs to pretend that nothing happened!

Yesterday, the hotel had already felt the problem, all some words, can only be held in their own heart, this kind of pain not many people can really experience!

"Pay more attention, I think the emperor's side? It shouldn't be too much! "

In this, Ding Yu is also a reminder! It seems to be about business, but is it? That is to tell Sasha that she is suffering from quite a lot of problems and conditions, so she is really relaxed and incomparable!

The so-called not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if Ding Yu can't take it down by then, who knows whether these guys will find Shasha's head? It's hard to say. After all, the hotel is full of holes!

So Ding Yu said this sentence, to a certain extent, is to tell Sasha, if there is anything, call the great emperor, after all, it is on the people's territory! Some things? Can't go too far!

"I see!" Shasha some reluctant, but Ding Yu said, Shasha still need to listen to!

In the morning, when she left, she had nothing to do!

Link and bill have been planning something all night. It's already such a moment! Do you have to worry about others? The only thing you can't be sure about? I'm afraid it's where Ding Yu will go?

I tried it out by some means, but I didn't dare to go deep. I'm kidding. Although there are many members in the hotel where Ding Yu and Sasha stay, their security is absolutely not vegetarian, OK? Their means are beyond imagination!

Anyone who underestimates them will never come to a good end! That's for sure! Because it has been verified too many times!

For this, link and bill can be said to be particularly disappointed, but not to despair!

After all, this thing is also expected, because the interval is not too long! Ding Yu is sure to make quite a decision! And this decision? It's also a complete end to Ding Yu!

When it was more than nine o'clock, link and bill finally got the news. Ding Yu didn't live in the villa built by Mao bear, but went to the villa near the farm!

The two people who got the news looked at each other! For a moment, both of them were silent!

Now wait for their decision! If you say you don't make this decision, then there is still a chance to regret, but if you make this decision, there is no room for regret!

"We have no choice! If you succeed, everyone will be happy. If you fail, I will take the responsibility alone

There was no long silence in the atmosphere. The longer the time, the greater the pressure. For this, link had a very clear understanding, and did not wait for bill to have any reaction. Link made the decision at the first time!

"I see!" Bill had a twitch in the corner of his mouth, but he bit his back teeth and looked at link. "I told hall that he was sitting over there doing quite a job, and he should be waiting for our decision now!"

Even before he left the office, bill sent a message to hall. In the past, hall, who had been walking back and forth in the room, hesitated for a moment when he heard the phone ring, and then he grasped the receiver!

My heart is also a little nervous, I want to hear the good news!

And the result was not unexpected. Link and Bill did not disappoint themselves. They have made this decision. Next, we need to see their performance. Will they let them down?

Absolutely not. This time, it's not just for yourself!

After lowering the microphone, hall took a deep breath and called for two people to come in!

Looking at the big man standing in front of him, hall didn't speak, just nodded at them!

"Let's go! But in the evening, there is no need for any exposure and leakage, and Ding Yu can not be alerted. At the same time, don't disturb the bear. We need to achieve results in the shortest time! "Silence for some time, "some problems, I do not want to state, because this is destined to be no result!"

"Yes Two people said with one voice! The attitude is unusually firm!

"You are carefully selected, and I don't want to have such a result, but this is not our territory, so I can't give you any guarantee. Your purpose is only one. This is the purpose of this mission. You can do it at all costs for this task."

Why does hall say that? Even said so frankly!

Because this is the truth, their mission this time ten dead no life, there is no choice! Even if they solved Ding Yu, there would be no room for survival! Do you really think of the bear's home as your own back garden?

How could it be? Even if they want to, the bear will never let them go!

Moving Ding Yu, he has already slapped the bear's face heavily, and even left a deep palm print. If these people were to escape again! The other side of the bear's face was slapped again!

Beat back and forth repeatedly, don't say it's a hairy bear! Neither side can bear it!

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