Back to the villa side again, Ding Yu's interest has risen a lot, which makes people a little confused!

Why does Ding Yu appear obvious mood change when he comes to such a place!

This is the case in my hometown, and it's the same when I come to the place where the bear is! Really do not understand, Ding Yu's head inside, after all is thinking of something?

A new dress for himself, Ding Yu stood in the corridor outside the villa! Look up at the mountains not far away! Obviously, Ding Yu is thinking about something at this time!

"Sir, you will not..."

Ding Yu shook his head, "no, just have a look! I don't know when Sasha will get angry when I don't have that time. If I go up the mountain at this time, it's definitely not a test for Sasha. She'll eat me. So I'd better not give myself this trouble. What do you say? "

Qu he doesn't quite understand the meaning of Ding Yu's words. What he worries about is when people from outside will come? Because at this time, we have fallen into a lonely place! I want to say that I am not nervous at all, this is a fake!

Yang Chen seems to feel something, that is, something is wrong with Qu he Qu assistant! But I haven't found out what's wrong. Looking back on it carefully, assistant Qu seems to be a little different from here. The dialogue between him and the director seems to be hiding a lot of things!

But what is involved in it, I don't know, but Qu he is a little too nervous!

"Is there anything wrong, chief?"

After taking a look at Yang Chen, Ding Yu looked up and down, and then looked into the distance. It seemed that there was no meaning to take care of Yang Chen. This made Yang Chen feel very depressed. He did not understand. Why did the director have such an attitude after asking a question?

Ding Yu's side is a little carefree, but the security guard started the inspection as soon as possible. The inside and outside inspection didn't leave out any dead ends. This kind of inspection seems to be repetitive and even a waste of time and energy, but the security guards are meticulous!

It's nothing strange. In the past, they were like this. Now it's routine, and the scope of this inspection is also gradually expanding. Until a certain warning line is reached, the inspection is considered as preliminary completion. However, the subsequent installation of equipment highlights the quality of these security!

What is the purpose of their staying with Ding Yu? It is to ensure Ding Yu's absolute safety!

After all, this is the territory of the Maoxiong family, not its own. If it is in its own territory, the protection may be more careful. In their opinion, any means can not be too much! No way out of line!

As long as you protect your husband, under the condition of ensuring his absolute safety, the rest of the things are nothing!

Yang Chen because want to learn, so soon with these security mixed together!

Qu he looks at Yang Chen who leaves, and doesn't know what to say. At this time, he has such a mind! It's heartless!

But there is no harm in this way. If the outside world can see it, what they are considering is not that Mr. Chen has any precautions, but that everything on the director's side is very normal. If not, will Yang Chen look like this? He was so relaxed and at ease!

"Sir, I feel that Yang Chen is very natural!"

"Yes! It's natural. It's not artificial at all Ding Yu's mouth floating out a little bit of a smile, but his eyes are still placed in the distance, not focused on Yang Chen's body, now he needs to consider more things! For the time being, I don't have so many thoughts on Yang Chen's body!

Squint your eyes and take a deep breath!

"Do you feel it? The smell in the air is very special, even some strange!"

Qu he could not help but play his nose, but half a day, nothing smelled, but his face was a little red, inhaled a little more air, forgot to adjust his breathing for a moment!

"Are you kidding me, sir?"

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu shook his head. "Now it's time to learn more from Yang Chen. He really doesn't care. It's not that he doesn't have any doubts about you, but there seems to be something wrong with his direction of suspicion. Do you think?"

"It's a bit hard to say, and it's not very easy to say!"

Qu he is not complacent. This is the result of years of social experience. It can also be said that he has been beaten by the society for so many years!

Don't get carried away at any time, otherwise your fate will be even more miserable than you imagined!

"Your heart rate is a little fast, you can't adjust your mood very well, it's not good!"

"I'm really worried, sir!" Qu he said with a wry smile that he had been at this time. He felt as calm as a mountain. He couldn't learn this! Oneself can control to now such degree, already exceeded oneself to anticipate!In my imagination, although I'm not pissed off now, I'm absolutely nervous!

After all, this is completely different from what happened to me in the past. Even I can't imagine what will happen next!

As for Sir? Maybe I've seen too much, but I've only lost my knowledge. When I put out my thumb, I feel a little bit more! This is my most real idea now!

"Want to come, Yang Chen will talk to you!"

Now, Mr. crane, I can't change my face! Under such circumstances, I don't know what to say to Yang Chen! "

"I'll have lunch soon! I don't know if there will be such a chance tomorrow? No one knows? "

Ding Yu looked up at the sky. It was quite good. There were not too many clouds. It was a fine day!

Now Qu he, a little sad, is now this time! The director is still in the mood to joke. Is that really good? But no matter it's still bad, things need to be faced by ourselves!

When eating, Ding Yu simply ate something and left!

Because Ding Yu doesn't always eat so much at noon. Although the time zone has changed a lot, it's a matter of personal habits. It doesn't mean that you can change it if you want to change it! Can't make such a decision!

Yang Chen looked at the surrounding security, they are not different from the usual time, but they observe Qu Hequ assistant himself!

He is definitely different from the usual time. Even a blind man can see that, right? The food did not eat at all, how much did not say, even when eating, also some absent-minded! The fork is almost in the nose!

Is it because of the director? Not really!

In the past few days, the performance of Qu Hequ assistant can't be said to be perfect, but at least it's much better than yourself. He's not a good one at all. But what about Qu assistant? It's on the road!

Compared with two people, it is not a level at all, so it is definitely not the reason for this aspect!

But if not for this reason? What would that be? Yang Chen felt a little confused!

"Assistant Qu, do you have time?" After the meal, the security guards scattered around. They did their own duties. There was no difference between them. But Yang Chen found Qu he at the first time!

Qu he, who is a bit uneasy to sit on, looks at Yang Chen not far away and smiles bitterly!

"Yang Chen, do you think I have any problems?"

"I don't know, but since you've been here, I feel that something is wrong! I don't know what happened to you, but I can see from the director's attitude! "

Thinking about the director's manner carefully, Yang Chen couldn't help shaking his head. "I don't think there's anything there, but it's because of this that I don't understand. I'm a little confused." At this time, Yang Chen said!

"You doubt me?" Qu he couldn't help being stunned. He seemed to feel something!

"It can't be said to be doubting, but I feel puzzled!" Yang Chen didn't avoid anything. He said it directly, "and I've sent a message to the security guard. I know that if I'm alone, I can't give you assistant Qu, but I have to take precautions in this respect."

As he spoke, he heard a burst of footsteps. When he came to the door of the room, he was stunned and laughed at Qu he, but that was to say, he put two boxes in front of Qu he and whistled!

No words, but the meaning is obvious, the rookie is not finished yet?

Qu he shook his head at the security guard. "He saw something, but fortunately there was no impulse."

Standing up straight and looking at Yang Chen solemnly, Yang Chen was very nervous. He didn't know what was going on. Now Yang Chen wanted to find something to rely on. His legs began to tremble uncontrollably! I seem to fall into something terrible!

"What do you want?" Yang Chen pressed his own voice, and the expression on his face was somewhat ferocious!

The security guard hummed, "Qu he, he is yours. You are in charge of him! If something goes wrong with him, I don't mind! " When he said this, a murderous air came out of the security eyebrows! "I think I've made it clear! No one can be a drag on your husband, and no one can threaten your safety! I don't care how old he is? In front of me, everything is dust

"Yes, I will take care of it!"

"What you say, you are responsible for what you say!"

The security guard turns to leave, while Yang Chen is leaning against the wall. When the security guard says these words, he stares at himself. Yang Chen doesn't even dare to stretch his little finger, because it gives him a terrible feeling. If he moves any part of his body, the security guard standing on his side will tear himself up!After waiting for the footstep to disappear, Yang Chen took a deep breath, and then he pulled the tie inside his neck and pulled it back and forth for several times. He did not even dare to give out the atmosphere just now! What kind of situation do you think it is?

"Give you two minutes to calm down!"

Then Qu he put the two boxes on the table. The desk was very big, but when both boxes were opened, Yang Chen jumped three feet high!

Qu he is very scared. What's the situation? Usually, Yang Chen is not so excited?

"What are you doing?" Qu he said a word of complaint! I'm so surprised to see this. I really don't know what to say. It's just light weapons. It's not a bad guy!

And these things for themselves and Yang Chen two people, to a certain extent, with the firecrackers there is not much difference! Maybe Yang Chen is a little bit better than himself. After all, he has received systematic training. He is! It's just for nothing!

Really think it's a movie? It's like Superman? How could it be!

With these guys, you may not be as good as the recruits who have been training for three months. This is where the gap lies!

Of course, if it is to use fists and kicks, three or five for themselves, is nothing to say, even more people, they do not have too many problems, this is really not a word two words can say clearly!

"These guys are basically used to protect the two of us, so as not to be a burden to others!"

Looking at Yang Chen has calmed down, Qu he said solemnly!

"Don't blame me for not telling you, calm down! Sober up, do not panic their own mood, otherwise what will happen? I really dare not make any guarantee. Anyway, sir's security will never spare you! "

Ah? "You're not targeting the director?"

When he said this, Qu he felt that his three corpse gods could not help but jump out. He even couldn't help it. He wanted to take the weapon in the box and gave it to Yang Chen!

What do you think? Does he think he and the security guard are going to take action against him? This idiot! The head is full of flour and water, mixed together, become paste!

According to their temples, try to make themselves not to appear in such a situation as blood clot!

But as soon as he saw Yang Chen's appearance, Qu he felt that he couldn't help it!

"I don't care whether you are really confused or pretending, but what I say now is very important. You must remember it clearly! It's about your family and life. It can't be too much fun! " The corner of his mouth slightly twitched for a moment, Qu he continued to say, "and there is Mr. there, don't worry about it, you don't make trouble for your husband, we are already burning high incense!"

"I won't!" But when he said this, Yang Chen's tone was not as loud as before!

"After I've finished, you need to go to see sir, but do I have any personal opinion? You'd better find it after a rest, maybe better! " He raised his shoulder, "but who knows? It's up to you, and it has nothing to do with other people! "

"What's the matter, chug?" Yang Chen's eyes stand up, momentum is good, but people in the industry know that he is a shelf goods, now the gap is too big!

"I don't know how to talk about you! Say you're slow? It seems to be scolding you, but before you come out from home, you should have such a feeling. Otherwise, why send you to training? Do you really think it's up to you, sir? Or do you think you're amazing? "

Yang Chen was a little dumbfounded. After connecting all the relevant things together, he suddenly found out that the director had already started to do some preparatory work before he left the domestic farm! But I have never understood it!

"Troy, why didn't I know? There's more! " Hesitating for a moment, Yang Chen bit his back teeth, "is it just me that I don't know?"

"You have thought about it yourself! Why ask? " Qu he shook his head, "for this time, the gold director has come back in person! I also assessed me, but obviously, my performance is not enough to satisfy the gold supervisor. I also learned some problems and situations through daily observation. The source of information is not much more than you? That's one of the reasons you don't know? "

"There are other reasons?" Yang Chen is a little silly! The original problem is more than that!

"Yes! There are other reasons, and the more important one is that the things you are instilled are too early for you! Mr. A has other arrangements for you, but their arrangement seriously disrupts Mr. Zhang's plan and makes him unable to get a very good temper! "

Yang Chen understood thoroughly what he had missed at the beginning!"You can't calm down. If you know some of the problems and conditions too early, you will not be able to maintain the current state. It is bound to show that you will be caught. For the whole plan, the exposure of this link will destroy the whole plan! That's why! "

"I see!"

"As for why I'm telling you now, it's very simple. It's already afternoon! In the evening, we are going to face a very difficult situation, in which case, you need to feel some of the pressure! Can't make you confused! Save it, and you'll lose your life

Yang Chen suddenly looked up at Qu he, "are these things prepared for me?"

"Well, there is me! The two of us are a burden to some extent! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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