After making a considerable explanation, Qu he looks a little embarrassed at the equipment in the two boxes!

Because these things are not so much useful to themselves, the clothes on your body can already be! But in order to deal with the considerable problem, so still need to take out, do certain protection!

But you can't stack all the things on your body. How inconvenient?

"You can try anything that works, but it's in this room! I can't take everything out for the time being. After all, it's quite a long time before the evening! "

There was a pause for a moment, "and I said that just now! You need to see you, sir, but I think you'd better have a rest. You don't have time to rest in the evening. Now is the best time to keep up your energy! This is just my personal opinion and idea. Just watch it

"Brother Qu, I'm a little confused now!" Yang Chen's face is very difficult!

Finally, a little smile appeared on Qu he's face!

"You! I really have a lot of talent. Sir, I have mentioned this matter in front of you. I'm still a little unconvinced, but you can say such a thing. In front of me, I admire you very much! "

Looking at Yang Chen a little anxious, Qu he waved his hand!

"I can do this because I have experienced too many things, big and small. From the current point of view, it may be some small and complicated things, which is not worth mentioning. But I am very grateful for the original experience, which has made me have an abnormal understanding. I ask Yang Chen, if there is a chance in the future, don't think about doing big things, It's the best thing to start with small things and start from the lowest position! "

"I can understand it, but it is not so comprehensive!"

"Say so! You don't lack the opportunity, because you come here, is already the biggest opportunity, what you lack now is the opportunity to verify yourself, this is the most important! How to exercise oneself, start is a major event? Can you do it? At that time, you will not only touch the head and blood so simple, and even forever sink! I can't turn over for a lifetime

"You don't believe it?"

"It's not that you don't believe it, it's just that it's a bit incredible!" Yang Chen couldn't stop shaking his head!

Oneself is not what fool, quite thing oneself still can analyze! There are a lot of people around the director, whether in echelon or in other aspects. However, except for the echelon, the development of other people is a little slow, and I don't know why!

But now after Qu he mentioned it, I suddenly found that I understood some of the problems and conditions! The longer you stay with the director, you may develop a situation of high vision and low hand!

Because quite a thing to the director's hand, the director of the effortless to solve!

That's easy, that's easy, and it's easy to be affected!

But the problem is to wait for their own hands on these things, only to find that things are completely different from the imagination! The difference between heaven and earth, but at that time thinking of regret, is already regret, no time to change!

Qu he said it very clearly, and Yang Chen also considered it very clearly!

The reason why he awakened himself is out of considerable consideration. There are fundamental differences in the direction after the two people. Even if he doesn't say it, he should, but Qu he said, this is the grace of knowing his situation!

What is the reason for this? Yang Chen knew about this, but he didn't care so much about it!

"I'm going to take a break, chuggo. Thank you!"

"Don't thank me, thank you, sir!" Qu he took a deep breath, "don't think I'm so wonderful. I seem to be very calm now, but in fact, my back has already been wet by sweat! Nervous one, but fortunately you are one of them now! I have company, too

"Troy, isn't that a little bad?"

"Not good? Ha ha, two people share a thing, after all, is to reduce a lot of pressure! "

Yang Chen went back to his room and lay on the bed, closed his eyes and thought for a long time. Although he tried to rest for a while, the problem was that he couldn't sleep at all. Under such pressure, even if he was a pig, he couldn't! After all, I am a pig to be slaughtered now!

Keep calm. It's easy to say such a thing, but it's hard to do it!

Almost an hour later, Yang Chen, who got up again, washed and changed his clothes again! Just go to see Ding Yu!

"Do you have time, sir?"

Looking at Yang Chen standing at the door, Ding Yu nodded his head. When Yang Chen walked in, Ding Yu pointed to the sofa opposite him, sat down and said, what kind of thing is standing now?It's OK to give Yang Chen a lot of pressure, but we can't get him down! This is not the most appropriate way of education!

"Sit down!"

"Thank you, director!"

When sitting down, Yang Chen paid attention to the director's behavior and action, slightly lazy sitting on the sofa, the whole person looked so lazy, but after watching, I felt very at ease. Now I can maintain such a calm, which really makes people feel extremely admired!

Don't say you are in the director's position! Even if it is now such a position, they can make their legs do not tremble, it is beyond imagination! Want to be like the director! Next life!

"All right?" Ding Yu said in a leisurely manner. When he finished speaking, he had leisure to put the tea cup in the dish!

"Assistant Qu mentioned quite a few things to me. It's my own problem! So many problems and situations have been put in front of me. I didn't have any warning. I was really knocked out of my head! "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "it's very good to be able to recognize the problem now! Encounter such a thing, itself will give you considerable pressure, don't be knocked down by this pressure The words are soft, without any harsh words!

"Yes, chief!" Yang Chen still felt a little nervous! "Director, can I ask you something?"

"Do you want to ask what will happen tonight?"

Yang Chen nodded, "I have made some conjectures, but I dare not think down!"

"Nothing strange! There's nothing unexpected. There has been no movement for so many years. To be exact, there has been no movement in the past two years! They have been very quiet, but to say they give up completely! Such a thing? ha-ha! Even a fool will not believe it

"Sir, under such circumstances, it's not a bit..."

"Will they come?"

In a word, it's about the key issues! If Ding Yu is not here, will they come? Not at all! And if Ding Yu went to other places, would they dare to do so? What's more, this is the bear's home!

It's a great opportunity because of all the reasons!

"Sir, I still feel a little too dangerous! I don't know what kind of preparation is going on outside, but if I'm the enemy, then I'll do my best and never miss this opportunity! "

"What do you think the bear will do?"

"It's hard to say that I've thought about this. They may go all out and do whatever they can, of course? They may also look on and say what kind of things it will be! " Yang Chen said this, obviously after considerable thinking!

"Then let's make a bet! See what the result will be

He took a cigarette for himself and motioned with Yang Chen. Ding Yu took care of himself and didn't let Yang Chen help him!

"There's a saying that it's better to rely on yourself than on anyone! There is nothing wrong with this! If we can solve a considerable problem by ourselves, then everything is not a problem. If we want to rely on others to solve the problem, then what is the final result? Maybe they will be swallowed by others, even bones and dregs will not be left behind! "

After sighing slightly, Ding Yu snorted!

"You still can't calm down. With Qu he, he! Kung Fu is good, but the situation we are facing tonight can not be solved by boxing. There is no extra manpower for you, so you are responsible for protecting his safety, or, you two should cooperate with each other! "

"Director, I will do it well!"

"It's not a question of whether we can do it well or not, but whether we can survive or not."

Ding Yu snorted at Yang Chen with disdain, "you need to realize the seriousness of this problem. If you are on the battlefield, who are you and Qu he going to survive in the end? I think Qu he is more likely. You are still a lot worse. But luck is hard to say. I don't have so many people to take care of you!"

"Yes, director, I understand it!"

"Look at your spirit is not good, have a good rest, what is the situation tonight is still unknown, perhaps safe, maybe firecrackers, no one knows!"

Having said that, Ding Yu stood up and walked outside. Looking at the sky outside, Ding Yu turned around a few times without much security!

Because Ding Yu always does not like this, plus the security people are not really there is nothing to do, they still have a lot of things, not as idle as imagined!

Mr. Zhang doesn't need to act. That's because the more natural he is now, the more he can make everyone feel at ease. At the same time, he can prevent other changes from happening to his opponents in the dark!Not to mention, in order to target Ding Yu, link has used all the means that can be used here!

No matter it's flying in the sky, swimming in the sea, or running on the land, there is no one left behind!

All round monitoring of Ding Yu, but even so, it is not to say that link is really unscrupulous. Even if it is aimed at his own territory, he can not be too arrogant! What's more, the place you are aiming at is still the territory of Maoxiong!

Is it really easy to be a bear?

I don't know what will happen to the bear's temper? However, the two rights should be the lesser!

Now at this moment, we need to target at Ding Yu, as long as we solve him! Then the remaining problems are not problems, and the remaining troubles are not troubles! What about the emperor?

It's not to say that the bear has no feelings at all! How can it be? They really have a lot of feelings, but it is very strange that no one has sent the news to the emperor. At least so far, the emperor has not received any news, and they do not know whether it is intentional or unintentional!

If it is intentional, the problems in this are really good to discuss!

If not on purpose, the joke is a little bit too big!

To do anything, you need to have a certain degree. You can't act recklessly. If you exceed the limit, it means that things will be out of control. No one can accept this, especially the emperor!

In our house, we smashed our guests! The problem is that people at home are still helping outsiders. This is really not as simple as slapping faces! However, from the current situation, everything is a little dull!

For link, the more now this time, the more need to be cautious and careful, he used countless means!

But link also knows that even if it is to solve Ding Yu, he will not have any good end, this is certain!

Even if you don't want to give an account to the outside world, you have to give it to the outside world!

And the best way to explain to the outside world is myself, bill and hall, and even a lot of people and considerable power!

Whether it's a formal sentence or something else, it's not so important. It's an exchange. After all, he moved Ding Yu, and still take such a way, absolutely can not become the other beginning!

Move Ding Yu, is to open Pandora's magic box, not to mention in the fur bear's territory! What's the matter? When I went to the back garden, I thought my garden was not big enough, right?

Do you want someone else to try it out?

Now even if someone knows this situation, they will hold it down. Anyway, we don't know the specific situation. As for the general ledger later? This question? It's another thing!

Anyway, it's your own business. If you can't do it, you'd better throw all of them out, or even a few more substitutes for the dead, and you can put things right directly! Yuding, what's wrong with you?

What if Ding Yu didn't have an accident? This question? We'll see!

Now we don't have too many ideas and ideas about this!

Why? No one knows what kind of measures Ding Yu will take when the time comes. Let Ding Yu grow bigger step by step now. Everyone is also looking at it and anxious in his heart, but there is no particularly good way. Now Linke and his brave step forward, what's the matter? Must we get rid of their enthusiasm?

Anyway? Support link and them first! See how much he can do, and then talk about other things! What's more, it is not allowed to keep any files or put any news on the paper. These things may become the handle!

After a few rounds, Ding Yu went back to the villa again, which showed that there were some stops!

However, the external personnel transfer, at this time, it seems that there are some dense, and there are quite a number of vehicles, which are all coming at this time! Look at this meaning, it's true that we will never stop until we reach our goal!

Ding Yu took a look at the time of his watch, and the expression on his face was thoughtful!

If you know that you have got quite a lot of news, you don't believe that there will be no news from Mao bear. This is impossible! But up to now, no message has been delivered, which is a bit of a problem! And it's a big problem!

"Sir, we have a little more personnel in the periphery. Although there are quite a number of beards guarding our periphery, judging from the current situation, they may be broken through at the beginning of the first wave of shock!"

Ding Yu is holding his chin, thinking carefully, "if we insist, how long can we persist?"

"Sir, there are not too many problems in our defense for one hour, but if it is more than one hour, we don't know what will happen. This is still under the condition that the other party has not taken out heavy weapons. If the direct one is the storm, we can't insist at all!""There will be quite heavy weapons, but not too many, but I'm afraid our small place is really hard to resist!"

Ding Yu hummed with a smile, "we don't need to give us two small mushrooms, give us two onions, we can't stand it!"

"Sir, we are quite prepared, but Sir, if you stay here, we will not have scruples!"

"There will be a lot of preparation, we can act according to the plan! I will not be a burden to you

The security officer nodded, "Sir, our personnel in the periphery can ensure that we can get through a certain route, but it's difficult to agree on things on Mao Xiong's side. We all feel that we don't have much confidence in our hearts."

"These guys! It's really not good to say that we have a lot of staff, but how can we say that? Compared with the hairy bear, it is really not much! After all, this is their territory! "

Ding Yu expressed some concern about this, but he was so worried and afraid! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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