yes! Just worry and fear!

It's not that Ding Yu is afraid of what will happen to him? Nothing to do with that! For himself, Ding Yu is still quite confident!

What I am worried about and afraid of is the following security. How much can they leave in the end? This is a problem, a very serious problem! But I can't avoid such a thing!

It is true that such a thing has had countless times of experience, but this time is not the same!

I can even foresee, move finally, can still stand in front of their own people will not be so many in imagination!

Opponents will not let go of themselves, nor will they let go of security! That's for sure!

I'm sure that the security will not abandon them!

People's heart is long, even if it is a stone placed in the chest for such a long time, it has long been hot!

This is why Ding Yu is not so happy now!

But this is the most helpless choice! I don't have any way!

I am a man, not a god!

Shaking his head twice, Ding Yu wants to make himself calm as quickly as possible! Can't let the following people see their weakness, and they are their pillar. If they have other ideas, how can these people have no idea about this?

Looking at the sky outside, more and more dim up! Ding Yu suddenly stretched out his hand, as if feeling something!

"Do you feel that the humidity of the air is a little high? The big one is a little too much! "

"Sir, I have read the weather forecast. Although the humidity of the air is a little high, it will definitely rain!"

"Hard thing to say!" Ding Yu suddenly hummed, "do you want to make a bet, I think it will rain today?"

The security guard was stunned for a moment, then seemed to remember something, "Sir, I seem to understand what you mean, come here!" Now I can have such a dialogue with Ding Yu. Obviously, I also have a certain identity. "If the firecrackers go off in unison, the heat will be greatly increased, but the heat needed is a little bit bigger. I don't know if there is really a set meal for us?"

"It's hard to say, but it's hard to say if such a situation really happens!"

The most basic judgment is just, why in the movie, when the two sides are fighting fiercely, there will be rain. This is the reason. The humidity in the air is too high. If the two sides are in full swing and the temperature rises sharply, it will cause rain! I don't know if it will be like this today? Hard to say!

"Sir, if it rains, it will be very powerful for us! But it will also restrict us! " Then the painting style suddenly changed, "it's the same for our opponents. It seems that before this, we need to give them something special. Let's raise some bonfires in the evening."

"That's a good idea!"

Ding Yu smiles, obviously agreed to this, as to whether it will become a target? Do you still need to explain such things? Can't it be that without these bonfires, I would not be a target? How could it be?

If what they expected is good, they have now aimed at themselves, but the timing is not so appropriate, so now they dare not have any action! In this case, there is nothing to be hesitant about!

Qu he received the news at the first time. Although he didn't know why, he still went to the farm and brought some things with him!

Why go to the farm deliberately? Although the villa side is also quite prepared, but their own side is not what to say, but the outer hair bear has no such treatment!

Whether it's to close the relationship between each other or other reasons, Ding Yu's performance is very atmospheric!

From the farm side pulled a lot of things, but a considerable part is given to the outside of the bear!

This makes hall a little confused. What's the situation? Why suddenly there will be security out, along with Qu he also came out? Do you want to scout? According to the information obtained, it seems that this is not the case. But if it is not for reconnaissance, what does Ding Yu really want to do? Intentionally, I don't understand it!

However, hall soon knew the situation. Ding Yu didn't really want to explore anything!

I don't know where he came from. Hall looked at the pictures and didn't know where Ding Yu's interest came from. He even set up a bonfire! Security seems to be a bit busy! This situation makes hall not know what to say?

Or hall can't guess what Ding Yu wants to do?

Trick? Or is Ding Yu doing it on purpose? It's not clear what the reason is!Although according to the news, Ding Yu has not never done such a thing, but this time it is a little bit strange!

Since you can't guess clearly, don't make a wild guess, or pass on the news to link and let them know what Ding Yu is doing? Isn't that better?

When link and bill know the relevant information, they are also in a fog. They can't figure out what Ding Yu wants?

Is this intentional or unintentional? Or what did Ding Yu know?

If you know what? At this time, we shouldn't set up a bonfire. We can even see that there are sheep standing on one side. NIMA is going too far! Is it a deliberate provocation?

But the problem is that such provocation is too childish! Even some of them are not on the stage! It's so hard for people to understand! Link and bill looked at each other. What and what was this?

It's not normal, but I don't see any problems and flaws in it?

"Bill, what do you think Ding Yu wants? Set up a bonfire to roast the whole sheep? At this time? " All that link thinks about says, "or, what has he sensed? So welcome us? Is this intentional? "

There's something wrong with Bill's whole body! After thinking about it for a long time, even the coffee in the cup has been drunk! But coffee to the mouth, the basic taste can not taste out, there are too many sweet, bitter one!

I'm afraid only in this way can we keep our spirit active to the maximum extent!

"I don't know how to mention this matter. Anyway, it gives me personal feeling. If Ding Yu wants to welcome us, he doesn't need to take such a way to give me personal opinions. There should be some small problems, but I can't explain clearly. What's the problem?"

Ding Yu's old cloth bewilderment, let link and bill two people, fall into bewilderment among!

"How about Hall's preparations? Is there any news or news from other sources? "

Link asked abruptly!

"No news, no news, no news. The whole periphery has been blocked by us." Bill is still very concerned about this information!

"The people we put in the bear side have been basically mobilized by us, and their effect is still very obvious, but after this time, there is no 10 to 20 years of time, I am afraid it is difficult to recover!"

Bill also has some exclamations about this!

Want to achieve this step, it is not so easy to imagine, to know the human resources consumed! Material resources, as well as other resources, are simply innumerable. After so many years of painstaking efforts, I am afraid that only my own heart is the most clear!

But anyway? Just need to clear Ding Yu, even if it is to pay the price is worth it!

If you can't make it clear what kind of results and costs will be. But Bill is very clear that all the domestic intelligence departments will not spare them, because the cost is too painful!

Although these people are not as many as imagined, no matter which one is, they are in important positions. Because of Ding Yu's affair, everyone has been overturned. Even if they are big families and big businesses, they can't stand this kind of turmoil!

"Not so much! In about two hours, it will be almost dark. Moreover, Ding Yu's place is far away from the urban area. What we need to do now is to hope that there will be no other problems in the process! If there are other problems, we can only start the second plan! "

The so-called second plan, more cruel than the first plan! Bill also sighed gently. He knew how things happened, but he knew how to use it. It really needs to be discussed! It's not that you can be unscrupulous! No way! Their side of the scruples, in fact, is not small!

Although they are very powerful, but in fact what? For the equivalent thing or more taboo!

If you can, you really want to give Ding Yu a small mushroom, or give Ding Yu a green onion, directly solve all the problems, but is it feasible? What is impossible is also unrealistic!

If they dare to do this, then the result of waiting is that the bear will stand their scallions. Have you already done this? Why can't I? What's more, your hands are still in our back garden!

So to a certain extent! Hall seems to have used a lot of equipment, but it is basically conventional! It's not that you don't want to, but you can't! Or think about it! But I dare not!

Even for Ding Yu, despite the loud slogans outside, but in fact? Some rules still need to be observed, and no one can break through such a bottom line. If the bottom line is not allowed, then what should be done if the corresponding people use such means and methods to deal with them? This is not a single word of trouble can be solved!If Ding Yu wants to roast the whole sheep, let him roast the whole sheep, and if he wants to roast the whole cattle, it will be regarded as the last dinner! It doesn't seem like a big deal! But Ding Yu here is also really interesting, even to Shasha passed quite a message in the past!

I don't know whether it is intentional or unintentional!

Why take pictures? Is there any trick, I can't see it!

However, it was not Ding Yu's side, but Shasha's side, that started to happen first!

Someone did something to Sasha! And it's a very troublesome kind. Sasha and her party are trapped in the building and can't get up and down! The one who does it to Sasha is a complete madman! Not too many scruples! Very wanton!

This situation is really a little beyond Ding Yu's expectation. However, before Ding Yu has any response, all the lights around the villa are extinguished. When this happens, the security guards do not have too many accidents, and their reaction speed is beyond imagination. They put out the fire directly!

Since we can't get any signal, you can't think about it!

Ding Yu looks at Qu he and Yang Chen standing in front of him. He is a little happy. He can clearly see the tension between them!

However, the costumes and costumes on their bodies are very suitable for the occasion, especially for Yang Chen. If he goes out to make a movie, it is definitely a very good subject matter! As for Qu he? You can't see too many weapons and equipment on your body, but you have all kinds of hats and clothes!

It's not only close clothes, but also attached a layer outside. It's enough to be afraid of death!

Can not say good, can not say bad, can only say that Qu he is very concerned about their own protection!

"Sir, I seem to hear the sound of firecrackers outside?"

"Well! I hear you Ding Yu stood at the window, with a soft hat without eaves on top of his head, which was said to be a hat, but the filling inside was a little different, and so were Yang Chen and Qu he!

However, Ding Yu's dress and make-up are light and light. At most, there is a package on the back. I can't see that there are too many differences! Just as he was talking, he heard the shouting outside. Ding Yu picked up the package next to him for the first time!

"Go There is no any muddle in the water, now this time still does not go, is purely waiting for death!

The second kick has already flown over. If you don't hurry to run at this time, the waiting will never be too good! As for security, they are also the first time to choose to disperse, if they continue to stay in place, then waiting for them will be huge fireworks! It's certain. Whoever does it will do it like this!

However, in Ding Yu and they left no more than two minutes, the huge fireworks scattered around the villa, Ding Yu slightly hummed, fine can not smell, but obviously, this big fireworks, or let Ding Yu have so some anger!

What's more, the sound of firecrackers is endless!

But every time the firecrackers ring, there will be some fireworks in full bloom. Obviously, these guys around the periphery are already unscrupulous, and they don't pay attention to the meaning of their own personnel. I just launch indiscriminate attacks, as long as I can deal with Ding Yu! As for the others? I don't care at all!

When she couldn't get in touch with Ding Yu, she already knew the beginning of the matter! However, along with their own side, they have also been cut off communication, which is slightly exaggerated! These guys are good enough! Even the first to do it yourself, how? Do you think you're really fearless?

But Sasa felt that she could see the reaction of the great emperor at this time. Ding Yu suffered quite a lot of problems, which can be explained. But the problem is that she has encountered quite a lot of problems, and still in such a large public, she doesn't believe that the emperor has no idea at all?!

What's wrong with your family? Can you still think that you don't know?

I don't worry about my own problems. Those people outside want to rush in, but the people around me are not vegetarian. It's just because of other reasons, it's not good to let go of your own hands and feet!

Don't worry about your side, but are you worried about Ding Yu? I'm not sure that Ding Yu will have other problems and situations, and I haven't got any news! I am really worried about it!

When the emperor got the news, the whole person was angry! fly into a rage!

But he didn't shout. Although he had a little impulse, the emperor soon sat on his chair and knocked on the table with his hand, carefully thinking about the equivalent thing!

Although there are problems with Sasha, but from the understanding of the problem, the problem is not very big!

But because of the location of the accident, very different, so attracted the vast majority of eyes! But what's more, Ding Yu's side? Their eyes have narrowed together with the intelligence they have seen!

Now it's not sure. What other changes happened to Ding Yu?

But from this saturation point of view, Ding Yu's side of the pressure is some big, and too big!But where did the fireworks come from? This scale of fireworks, absolutely not ordinary people can get, there is all around all electronic objects, have been unable to use! What does that mean? The emperor's heart is still very clear!

Obviously, there's something wrong with your fence! If it's not the problem and condition of your own fence, it may be the current situation? This is a little intolerable!

You know, this is our own place, but now there are reptiles coming in!

If it's just some reptiles, it's not a big deal, but the problem is to move Ding Yu and Sasha in front of themselves with so many fireworks and firecrackers? You think you're a bully? Or do you think you're fooling? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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